Chernos greeted Crystal Dao with a smile, and the warm smile on his face also made Crystal Knife seem to go back to more than ten years ago.

Out of that conscience in his heart and out of love for Chernos' talent, he taught Chernos all the combat skills he knew.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that that little slave could actually stand at the peak of this world and launch a general attack on the world government!

Chernos simply said hello to the crystal knife, and did not pay attention to the other party's complicated feelings.

He walked slowly towards the five old stars and asked the five old stars, "What about Im?" The

five old stars stood up with solemn faces, the five of them were the peak combat power of this world, almost all of them were figures of the same level as Whitebeard, but the sense of oppression given to them by Chernos was too strong.

It was so strong that just looking at them made them feel like they were about to suffocate.

This feeling has never been seen even in Im.

If they hadn't been controlled by Ouranos, the Heavenly King in Im's hands, they wouldn't have had the courage to face Chernos.

However, they now have to face the Chernos, let them face the painful punishment from the soul of Ouranos, they would rather choose to face the Chernos and die generously.

Perhaps, for them, dying at the hands of Chernos is also a relief!

The five tacitly put on a fighting posture and answered Chernos with actions.

Chernos looked at the appearance of the five people, and felt a little funny, the five old stars couldn't even deal with Im, but they wanted to stop him, and they really didn't know what to say.

Just as Chernos was about to make a move on the five old stars, Ouranos' voice sounded in Chernos' inner world.

"Human boy, these five people are just poor insects controlled by Im, but now that I have lost my soul power, the controller in Im's hand does not work!"

"Oh, that is, now Im has no way to control the five old stars, right?"

"Well, regarding all my power, Im has no way to borrow half a point anymore, and these people are not controlled by Im now!"

Chernoston showed a playful smile, the five old stars he did not plan to keep, although they couldn't help themselves, but they had already been labeled as Draco.

Originally, Chernos planned to directly erase them, but since Im had no way to control the five old stars, he might be able to use the five old stars to help him deal with Draco and Im.

"You guys... Controlled by Im, right? The

five old stars were quiet on the surface, but their hearts were still full of waves.

The matter of their control by Im, only Yim knows about it, and the others don't know anything, just thinking that they are Im's loyal dogs and loyal to Im.

But now that Chernos knows this, it also makes them wonder how this extremely secret news leaked out, or is it just Chernos' speculation?

The five old stars with the knife at the head said to Chernos: "Chernos, if you want to fight, don't think of using words to shake our loyalty to Lord Im, we will never betray Lord Im!" Hearing

the resolute words of the five old stars with the knife, Chernos laughed out loud.

"There is no eternal loyalty, if there is, it is just that the benefits are not enough, and now you are not willing to betray Im, and even want to sacrifice yourself to cover Im, it is simply because the benefits given by others cannot impress you!"

The five old stars with the knife snorted and said disdainfully to Chernos: "Hmph, don't try to look at us with the worldly set!"

"Is it? So what if I told you that I could help you lift the control of the Heavenly King Ouranos? The

eyes of the five old stars suddenly widened, and their eyes showed a look of disbelief, staring straight at Chernos.

The five old stars with the map birthmark on their heads hurriedly asked towards Chernos.


Before Chernos could answer, the five old stars with the knife shouted loudly: "Confused, what a powerful existence Ouranos is, it is not something that humans can defeat at all, even if Chernos is stronger than Lord Im, there is no way to defeat Ouranos." The

words of the five old stars with the knife also calmed down the other five old stars who were a little excited in their hearts.

Yes, Ouranos is a real existence that can destroy the world, even if the entire world is combined, it is impossible to deal with Ouranos.

What's more, it's just Chernos alone!

No matter how strong Chernos is, Chernos' soul is simply vulnerable in front of Ouranos.

When Im took them to see Ouranos, it also made them completely cut off the idea of wanting to resist and completely surrender to Im.

After hearing that the five old stars had actually seen Ouranos, the smile on Chernos' face became even bigger.

Because now Ouranos is on him!

"It's worthy of being the five old stars, it's really well-informed, and I actually saw Ouranos!"

Saying that, Chernos stretched out his hand, a soul power emerged in his hand, and slowly said: "Ouranos, or come out and let the five old stars see you again!" "

Ouranos, who was once extremely powerful, has now become extremely weak, and there is only a little bit of its huge body, and he originally did not want to come out to meet the five old stars who once respected it so much.

However, the soul power in the hands of Chernos made it salivate, and now it would take at least a year to absorb so much soul power in Chernos' hands on its own, which was simply an irresistible temptation for Ouranos, who was eager to restore his strength and take revenge on the God King of the Dragon Country.

It immediately rushed out of the inner world of Chernos and pounced on the mass of soul power.

Ouranos, who had drilled into the soul power, wandered happily in that group of soul power, quickly absorbing that group of soul power.

When the five old stars saw Ouranos rushing out, their eyes were so wide that they almost fell out.

They opened their mouths to look at Ouranos, although Ouranos' body size was different from the behemoth they had seen, they could still see that the one in front of them wandering in the power of the soul was exactly the Ouranos they had seen back then.

"This... Is this really Ouranos?

"What's going on?" I was able to feel a familiar feeling in this little dragon!

"That's right, there's nothing wrong with the breath on that little dragon, it's Ouranos !!"

"So, can Chernos really help us remove Im's control?"

The soul power was quickly absorbed by Ouranos, and it raised its head proudly and said to the five old stars: "The human beings who are sanctioned by me, when they see me who controls the sky and soul, do not kneel down and kowtow in gratitude?" "

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