Above the waters of the East China Sea.

A small fishing boat was moving slowly in one direction.

In this Age of Discovery, there were countless ships on the sea, among which pirate ships, naval warships, merchant ships, fishing ships were the most, and some special ships, such as slave hunters, also had many more.

And this moving fishing boat is very special.

It neither pulled up its sails and moved forward by the wind, nor did it use other power to move the fishing boat forward.

The entire fishing boat completely disobeyed common sense and flew slowly in mid-air more than ten meters above the surface of the sea.

On the fishing boat, a young man in casual clothes was flipping through a map and looking around.

The young man's name was Shaoyang, and his destination was an island standing in the windless zone, which was systematically judged to be the most suitable for Shaoyang to develop.

"System, don't you have the eternal pointer there, this broken map can't be understood at all."

Shaoyang has not studied navigational knowledge, even in his previous life, he can only roughly distinguish the type of warship, as for the chart, then it is really hehe.

[Please continue with the host, if the driving direction is wrong, the system will prompt you.]

Shaoyang listened to the voice in his head and was immediately stunned.

Two days ago, he crossed into this world.

Bound to a system called Ten Thousand Realms Harvest, cutting leeks, like other lucky ones, Shaoyang got a newbie package.

From the newbie package, Shaoyang got three rewards.

First, 1% custom world authority.

Second, an adjustable base prototype.

As for the third reward, the system will keep it for the time being, and then adapt and distribute it after the base is set.

The authority of this world, explained by the system, is similar to the authority of the Heavenly Dao, even if it is only one percent, but it is quite bullish.

The reason why Shaoyang can let the fishing boat take off is the credit of the authority of this world, which has changed the rules of the entire fishing boat from the foundation, and it is a bit of a shadow of words.

And the system said that as long as the world authority is harvested through various channels, such as hegemony, improving prestige, etc., then Shaoyang is the master of this world.

If nothing else, as long as the world's authority controls the progress of 50%, then it can really be done according to the word, saying that whoever is cool will be cool, but it will also be interfered by the will of the world.

If the world authority is controlled by 100%, then in this world, he Shaoyang is the supreme master.

The most important thing to do now is to find a suitable island, create a suitable base, unlock the third reward, and then start the happy development and reap the power of the world.

Shaoyang put down the chart and sat back in his chair.


After sitting down, Shaoyang spit out two words, and after these two words were spoken, the fishing boat under his feet began to accelerate visibly, and in the end, the air pressure generated by the rapid advance of the fishing boat directly caused waves to appear on the sea.

Although the speed was raised, Shaoyang on the fishing boat did not feel the slightest discomfort, and after glancing at the endless East China Sea, he closed his eyes and began to take a nap.

I don't know how long has passed, but the system's prompt tone finally reached his mind.

[Detected that the host is approaching the designated island, the specific location, directly 8 nautical miles ahead, please prepare the host for landing.] The

system's prompt tone made Shaoyang wake up from his nap.

At this time, the sun was about to set, and Shaoyang had also entered the windless zone.

The windless belt is full of dangers, and except for naval warships with sea floor stones, there are basically not many ships that can safely travel in the windless belt.

As for Shaoyang's fishing boat, he is flying, can the sea king class still jump up and bite him, even if it can really jump, Shaoyang can use that one percent of the world authority to forcibly give the sea king class an evacuation order.

As for letting the sea king species be killed on the spot or used by Shaoyang, it is at least possible if the harvesting progress of the world authority reaches between ten and twenty percent.

Slowing down the fishing boat a bit, more than half an hour passed, and Shaoyang finally arrived at the island that the system said was ownerless.

From his point of view, the island was so big that he couldn't see the edge at a glance, and most importantly, the island had never been set foot on it, and the secrecy was strong.

After landing, Shaoyang controlled the fishing boat and threw it into the sea one nautical mile away from him, as soon as the fishing boat landed, a sea king rushed out of the sea with a big mouth, swallowed the small fishing boat, and took the used fishing boat to feed the fish, which was environmentally friendly and trouble-saving.

[Detected that the host has landed, do you start setting up the base?]


Shaoyang shook his head.

He hadn't yet learned about the island, and he wasn't sure what type of base he needed, but after seeing the three words of the system's adjustability, he had a bold idea.

The prototype of the base rewarded by the system can be changed according to Shaoyang's needs, and he can be changed to a modern military base or a gate station.

It all depends on what Shaoyang needs.

But whether it is a modern military base or a Xiuxian Gate station, it can't be eaten in this pirate-infested world.

Because of the prototype of this base, no matter how it is modified, it can only make a whole shell, if Shaoyang makes this a modern military base, then there are only some necessary buildings, such as command centers and dormitories, weapons, soldiers are gone.

After circling around the landing site, Shaoyang began to think about how to arrange the base.

"System, is there any suitable plan to recommend?"

Shaoyang asked to the system in his mind.

After a moment of silence, the system spoke.

[The host can modify the construction base by itself, and after the base is successfully built, the system will generate the optimal plan for the host.] Hearing

the system's answer, although Shaoyang was puzzled, he didn't ask more, after all, he couldn't always rely on the system to solve the problem.

This Ten Thousand Realms Harvesting System, apart from helping to go to the harvest fusion of the World Authority, basically does not help much.

Therefore, you still have to rely on yourself for everything.

Thinking like this, Shaoyang opened the operation interface of the system and began to make changes to the prototype of the base.

Modern military bases or Xiuxian Sect stations or something, Shaoyang directly ignored, in this pirate world, the architectural style difference is too big is not a good thing.

And Shaoyang is not willing to waste a base prototype like this, so the most suitable thing now is to build a new kingdom on this island.

The kingdom covers an area and Shaoyang is directly filled, but it only occupies less than one-fifth of the island, and the location of the kingdom is placed in the center of the island.

As for some earthen mountains in the middle of the original island, they were directly destroyed.

With Shaoyang's operation, the island under his feet began to shake violently, and the base generation was opened synchronously.

First the central castle, then the warehouses, town halls, city walls, etc. were generated one by one, and when you look at this newly emerged kingdom from above, the first thought is emptiness.

The whole kingdom is very large, but the buildings are very small, except for the castle and town hall and warehouses in the center, there are no other buildings.

However, it is not a big problem.

As long as Shaoyang continues to harvest the power of the world through the system, it will be easy to create some buildings.

And when he stepped into the kingdom, the system in his head spoke.

[After detecting that the base generation is complete, ask the host to open the third reward.] ]

[System prompt. [

If the host wants to reap the power of the world by fighting for hegemony and increasing its prestige, it is recommended that the host recruit enough subordinates, in this world, power is everything.] "

Recruit enough subordinates!?"

Shaoyang mussels froze.

You know, he's windless here.

If he doesn't go out, where to recruit people??

In addition to the navy, only some guys with strong strength and perversion sail here, is it possible to let yourself dig the naval corner or fool those strong people? ?

"System, you..." Just

as Shaoyang was about to spit out the fragrance, the voice of the system sounded again.

[The host can complete the purpose of solicitation through the third reward.]

Shaoyang's words were just halfway through his words, and his gaze fell on the virtual panel in front of him.

On the virtual panel, a gift box with a question mark jumped out.

Shaoyang reached out and clicked.

The gift box opened, and the virtual panel was suddenly divided into three pieces.

[Ask the host to choose among the following three rewards.] [

Reward one, resource explosion subsystem.] [

Reward two, Kingdom Cultivation Subsystem.] [

Reward three, fourth day disaster subsystem.] All

three types of rewards are distributed in the form of a subsystem.

And these three, no matter which one, can solve Shaoyang's current dilemma.

Resource explosion this, simply put, its role is to replace the army or the strong with resources, there is no other role, in the early stage Shaoyang still has to collect resources, pass.

Kingdom cultivation, this is a bit interesting.

It relies on the prosperity of the kingdom to distribute rewards, and the organizations, teams, and strong people in the ten thousand worlds can be distributed as rewards, and it can also fundamentally enhance Shaoyang's own strength.

However, if you want to develop in the early stage, especially in this windless zone, you can only improve little by little with less yang.

As for the third.

The fourth natural disaster.

This Shaoyang is very familiar, the fourth natural disaster is a hot word on the Internet, referring to the player, because the player's operation is full of uncertainty, which will have a great impact on the game situation, so it has been called the fourth natural disaster.

Although the players are full of uncertainty, they are a good group of tool people, whether they are farming players or combat players, they are all needed by Shaoyang.

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