"In this way, the third one is much more suitable than the first two."

To be fair, Shaoyang himself is not a hardworking person.

It's like playing a game, if you can lie comfortably and win, who wants to go to C.

[Hint, the fourth day disaster subsystem has been activated, please select the manifestation mode by the host.]

After Shaoyang made his decision, another multiple-choice question appeared on the virtual screen in front of him, and the subsystem of the selection system manifested the mode, there were mobile phones, tablets, laptops, desktop computers, and most excessively, there was also an option similar to the little genius phone watch.

"It seems that this subsystem is not very advanced."

Shaoyang complained, and finally clicked the tablet casually.

At the next moment when he confirmed his choice, a fully transparent tablet of 9 inches appeared in Shaoyang's hand.

A huge fourth disaster logo on it is very conspicuous.

For these, Shaoyang did not have much interest, and after clicking in, lines of small print appeared on the screen.

[The fourth day disaster subsystem has been officially activated. 【

Wanjie network link waiting to be opened.】 【

The initial quota limit for the number of players is 0/5.】 】

【Reputation points are required to increase the number of places, each place is worth 1000 reputation points, the current quota is capped at 100, and the maximum number of places can be unlocked by increasing the reputation level.】 【

Current player enrollment range, Aqua Blue Star.】 【

Current Reputation Level: Level 1 [0/10000]】【Current Reputation

Value Balance: 0.】 【

Reputation value acquisition is not limited, and the host can operate through the subsystem.】 Seeing

this, Shaoyang breathed a sigh of relief.

At least the initial five places can be given to yourself, which is already very good.

If it is five high plays, it will help him very much.

Moreover, if these five players are recruited and have a high reputation, it will help Shaoyang a lot to obtain reputation points.

Therefore, these initial five places must be carefully selected.

Prestige Shaoyang needs, but high play, Shaoyang also needs.

After thinking for a long time, Shaoyang walked into the castle and began to operate on the tablet.

Aqua Blue Star.

Zhou Shuyi yawned and came to the front of the computer, ready to start today's live broadcast, she is the anchor of the game area of Dousha, there are many fans, but because of the current quality of the Aqua Blue Star game, the number of her live broadcast room is declining every day, if there is no way to stabilize, she will be pushed out of the ranks of first-line anchors.

After working hard for so many years, she didn't want to go on like this.

But very helpless, the anchor in the game area relies on the game to eat, those games that are one knife nine nine nine, the explosion rate is not as good as the dog, she herself is about to vomit, not to mention the water friends who have been supporting.

I briefly adjusted the lens and started today's live broadcast.

Although her popularity is no longer as popular as it was then, at the beginning of her live broadcast, thousands of fans still clicked in.

At this moment, the barrage brushed up.

(Sister Zhou, are you still playing Zongheng Legend today?)

(No, that game really doesn't think it's funny, I'm about to vomit.)

(Otherwise, Sister Zhou can change careers.)

(That is, this look, as long as you don't open your mouth, the top anchor in the face value area is absolutely stable.)

(Upstairs you take bamboo shoots.) )

(............ Looking

at these barrages, Zhou Shuyi was angry and funny, but still started today's live broadcast according to his own style.

"I, Zhou Shuyi, don't eat by face, okay, I won't play Zongheng today, I heard that more than a dozen new games have recently been added to Station S, I'll take you to Kangkang."

Zhou Shuyi said, operating the mouse to click the S station icon, but at this moment, a pop-up window popped out of nowhere, and it happened to be hit by Zhou Shuyi.

The computer screen in front of Zhou Shuyi suddenly went dark.

"Groove, what the hell!"

Zhou Shuyi was overwhelmed.

Now this advertiser is so arrogant that he ran directly after the mouse arrow ??

"Lying groove, how to exit ah, refresh can't be brushed, it won't be a virus."

The wrongdoers in the live broadcast room all jumped out at this moment.

(Hahaha, laugh can't live brother Moe.)

(I don't know which immortal sanctioned Sister Zhou, and she did a beautiful job.)

(It is estimated that the game cannot be played today, how about Sister Zhou dancing live today, agree to deduct 1.) )

(1111。 )


(The dumb bride just started broadcasting today and met Waterloo, and she couldn't laugh!)

(Eh, everyone don't talk, this screen is on!) )

(............ Seeing

this barrage, the melon-eating masses stopped buttoning their words and looked at the screen, and Zhou Shuyi also saw the screen light up.

As the screen gradually lights up, a picture comparable to a landscape photo appears in the center of the screen.

This is the game promotion CG prepared by Shaoyang Jean Subsystem.

His primary goal is prestige.

The picture that appears on the computer screen is the surface of the East China Sea, seagulls flying freely, everything is so natural.

Blue sky and white clouds, blue sea, although this is also on the water blue star, but because of the problem of pollution, it is simply incomparable with the pirate world.

Zhou Shuyi and the melon-eating masses in the live broadcast room inexplicably felt a happy mood, however, the next picture changed.

A pirate ship was moored outside a small island, and the pirates on the pirate ship rushed to the island with knives and guns, burning, killing and looting, the scene that was extremely real, and the blood and stump all over the ground, made Zhou Shuyi and others feel a pang of nausea.

It's completely different from watching anime.

In order to attract people, Shaoyang put out the most realistic picture, and there is no mosaic.

The picture on the computer screen did not have any tendency to stop, and the pictures of the naval headquarters Marin Fandor, the Red Earth Continent, the Holy Land of Mary Joa, Fishman Island, Chambordi Islands and other places appeared on the screen one by one.

While making the melon-eating masses in the live broadcast room yearning, they are also wondering.

(Could this be a big production from which special effects company?)

(No, I haven't heard of a new film released recently.)

(Could it be made secretly and then amaze everyone?)

(Poof, if that's really what you say, then why do you advertise it in the form of advertising pop-ups?)

(That is, I think there is a script.)

(Even if there is a script, Sister Zhou's popularity is not comparable to those big anchors, don't talk about the funding problem, can produce such a great movie, the funding is a problem?)

(Just those few pictures, it is estimated that 100 million is gone.) )

(............ Zhou

Shuyi looked at the barrage in her live broadcast room, and she had a feeling of crying and laughing, she didn't know what it was, let alone what script it was.

However, Zhou Shuyi had a feeling.

She felt that what was playing on this screen was a certain game promotion CG, but after thinking about the current situation of the game industry, Zhou Shuyi shook her head and felt that it was impossible.

But soon, she Liu Bei slapped herself in the face.

Because on that screen, subtitles have popped up.

[Cross-era first virtual reality game reincarnation OL closed beta officially launched, congratulations on obtaining the closed beta qualification, please fill in the relevant information within half an hour to confirm participation in the closed test, please note that the opportunity must not be lost, lost will not come again. ] 】

【Closed beta start countdown: 23:59:59】After

the subtitles came out, Zhou Shuyi's computer returned to normal, and the mouse pointer also reappeared on the screen, looking at the cross in the upper right corner, Zhou Shuyi did not click over for the first time.

Because she was already stunned.

The first virtual reality game, closed beta, filling in information, etc. beat wildly in her mind, and the barrage in the live broadcast room also stagnated for a long time.

Generally speaking, no matter where these words are placed, anyone who reads them will think that it is a new type of fraud.

However, thinking about the pictures that just appeared, the battle between the navy and the pirates, and the scene of the pirates' wanton slaughter, are all so real.

After a long time, Zhou Shuyi came back to his senses.

She subconsciously glanced at the live broadcast room.

The popularity of the live broadcast room rose to 4 million in just ten minutes, if a year ago, such data was normal, but now, such data, enough to shock Zhou Shuyi.

And all this was brought about by a ten-minute game promotion CG, which made Zhou Shuyi make a bold decision.

Whether it's a scam or not, she's going to try it.

It may be her only chance to turn over.

After cutting the live broadcast room into a private mode, Zhou Shuyi began to fill in the relevant information, name, ID number, residential address, mobile phone number, etc.

While filling in these, Zhou Shuyi was also prepared that the other party was a fraud and called the police at any time.

After submitting the information, she continued the live broadcast just now.

"Brother Meng, this game is closed beta, I will help you see it first, if it is all true, then we don't have to stab nine nine nine all day in the future, if it is a fraud, brother Meng remember to help me call the police............"

Zhou Shuyi knows live broadcast very well, her words, whether it is old fans or passers-by, were fiercely harvested by her wave of good feelings, the gift brush in the live broadcast room flew up, at this moment, she felt that her choice was correct.

Meanwhile, Pirate World.

Shaoyang, who was lying on the throne in the castle, received the news of the subsystem for the first time.

[Hint, the information of Doushi anchor Zhou Shuyi has been entered.] 【Hint

, the first round of invitations has been completed, the number of people accepted for invitation, one. Looking

at the message on the tablet, Shaoyang jumped up directly.

He sent five invitations out, directly to five random game anchors on five platforms, but only one person accepted the invitation for Mao?

What Shaoyang didn't know was that if Zhou Shuyi didn't just point it, it was estimated that he would have ignored it directly.

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