If dying a few more times could train their sense of battle, then Shaoyang really wouldn't mind wasting a few devil fruits.

Devil Fruit he can get from the subsystem at any time.

He can also get some of Tang Dao, and if Zhou Shuyi and the others are destroyed, Shaoyang is not a fool.

Naturally, he wanted to recycle those weapons.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be unjust to use it on the enemy?

As for the Devil Fruit, if the player dies, it will be automatically recovered by the system and then half of the original price of reputation will be returned.

"The Kingdom of Daqin, it seems that I have never heard of this name."

Karp beeped softly.

But his voice was originally small, and what he said was still heard by Zhou Shuyi and others.

Gion was a little embarrassed.

She just wants to leave this place of right and wrong quickly, and if she continues to stay, she may be killed by Lieutenant General Karp.

Saying this in front of people, doesn't it make it clear that the Great Qin Kingdom is a small country of Fanbang, and it has no reputation at all, and I have never heard of it.

It's all the same thing.

However, Shaoyang did not have any reaction.

After he drank all the tea in the teacup, he spoke.

"Both of them are vice admirals of the Navy headquarters, I think there will be no less ordinary things, and we must also go to the West Sea as soon as possible, so we will not delay the time of the two."

"Eh, this is leaving?"

Karp looked at Shaoyang.

"I don't have the habit of being watched day and night by a group of people, and if I didn't want to make trouble, those little mice wouldn't be alive now."

A cold gleam flashed in Shaoyang's eyes.

Karp, who was sitting across from him, felt an extremely strong sense of oppression, although this sense of oppression did not work on him, but it was enough to make him frightened.

Watching a video and experiencing it for yourself are two completely different feelings.

In the video, he judged that Shaoyang's overlord color was stronger than Roger's, whitebeard.

Now I know that Shaoyang's overlord color is probably already in front of the world.

"What's your name?"

Karp looked at Shaoyang and asked, "Shaoyang

, the founding king of the Great Qin Kingdom, they call me Your Majesty, not my countrymen,

you can call me the King of Qin."

"King Qin."

Karp's face showed a little appreciation.

"When the old man was as young as you, he had just entered the Naval Academy, and now the young man is really getting more and more terrifying."

Saying that, his eyes rolled around, his gaze fell on Gion beside him, and after thinking carefully, Karp spoke.

"King Qin, the old man has never seen you before, is it your first time to come to the Great Voyage??"


Shaoyang nodded.

At this time, Zhou Shuyi, who was standing on the other side of the deck, did not relax.

What is the navy, the scavenger of the world government, can also be regarded as a lackey of the Draco, Shaoyang's attitude towards the Draco, determines that he will definitely go to the opposite side of the navy.

In their live broadcast room, there are many water friends who watch the excitement, and they keep prodding them to go up and fight with Karp and Gion.

Anyway, it's just a big deal to die once.

"The first time you came to the Great Voyage, the old man would have to say, if there is no eternal pointer or experienced navigator in this Great Voyage, I am afraid that you will get lost..." Shaoyang

just wanted to say that he didn't bother, but found that Karp's eyes were wrong.

"Is Vice Admiral Karp ready to give us an eternal pointer?"

"Hahaha, King Qin, do you know that the old man never uses that thing, and it is enough to have my adjutant."

Kapuhaha laughed.

"Moreover, even if the old man has an eternal pointer on him, it is also from the East China Sea, do you want to go to the East China Sea with me?"

"You don't have to."

Shaoyang waved his hand.

"Lieutenant General Karp may as well say it bluntly."

"This time, Lieutenant General Tsuru of our headquarters sent Xiao Gion to come with me, firstly to prevent accidents, and secondly to contact the forces behind King Qin."

Karp is straight forward and has a very likable personality.

And Shaoyang looked at Karp and slowly spoke.

"Are you going to let her stay on the ark and go with us to the West Sea?"

Hearing this, Karp slapped his thigh.

"It's convenient to talk to you smart people, that's right, that's what I mean, I don't know what King Qin wants."

Shaoyang squinted his eyes and looked at Karp for a while.

Turned to look at Gion.

Gion is confused at this moment.

She also didn't hear anything about the forces behind contacting Shaoyang, what this Lieutenant General Karp said.

Seeing Gion's expression, Shaoyang was sure that it was not a pit.

And Gion, as a great sword lord, I think it is also of some use.

"Doesn't Lieutenant General Karp need to ask what this Miss Gion means?"

"Hahaha, soldiers have a duty to obey orders, Gion, do you have any opinions, or rather, need to talk to Xiao Tsuru on the phone?"

Hearing Karp say this, Gion could only admit the planting.


"Okay, that's it, but..."

Karp glanced at Shaoyang.

"King Qin is so young, but he has an overlord color level that the old man has never seen before, the old man's hand is really itchy, I wonder if King Qin can have a fight with the old man?"

His meaning is obvious.

It is necessary to test Shaoyang's true strength.

Shaoyang did not refuse.

"Since you want to talk, then Lieutenant General Karp will come with me."

Shaoyang beckoned, and the scepter flew into Shaoyang's hand.

This scepter was exchanged by Shaoyang at the beginning, not only can it improve the temperament of the holder, it is also a weapon in itself, and its quality exceeds that of the supreme fast knife.

Walk to the Ark fence.

Shaoyang opened his mouth and said to Zhou Shuyi and the others.

"Vice Admiral Karp is the world's top powerhouse, his physical skills are very strong, the Navy Six you are learning now is corrected by him, I hope you don't lose your mind and gain something."

After speaking, Shaoyang floated to the sea, and at a distance of several hundred meters from the ark, Shaoyang waved his scepter.

For a while, the originally calm and peaceful sea suddenly changed.

From Shaoyang's feet, endless ice shrouded in all directions, but it did not affect those ships in the port.

Karp and Gion watched this scene and were shocked in their hearts.

Isn't this Kuzan's freezing ability, why, he also has this.

Gion reacted quickly, and as soon as it began to freeze, it turned on the miniature video phone worm.

The ice surface gradually expanded, and Karp couldn't wait, jumping up directly from the ark, and jumped hundreds of meters away under the dull gaze of Zhou Shuyi and others, smashing the solid ice surface and cracking it in all directions.

But Karp himself was nothing at all.

"Is this a master of physical arts...,"

PDD pondered in his heart.

The live broadcast room is even more lively.

( ́_>'Cool, the first time I saw King Qin make a move.)

(This old man doesn't look simple.) )

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