(Get popcorn ready, record the screen, I have a hunch that the next battle will be very exciting.)

(Rough, if this were recorded and edited, wouldn't it be more interesting than some international blockbuster?)

(Brother good idea.)

(I'm just dry editing, leave it to me.) )


On the ice, Shaoyang and Karp stood left and right.

However, for a long time, neither of them made a move.

They are all waiting for each other to make a move.

At this time

, the comparison was a patience, and in the end, Karp was the first to lose patience,

and he held his shoulder and looked at Shaoyang with a grin.

"I didn't expect that King Qin still knows how to respect the old and love the young, so the old man is not polite."

Shaoyang stretched out his right hand flat and made a gesture of invitation.

Karp pulled off the cloak of justice behind him and threw it aside.

His hands were clenched into fists, and the dark armed color instantly covered both hands.


Karp took the lead in using the shaving, leaving a deep pit on the ice surface, and the whole person rushed towards Shaoyang at a teleportation speed.

When he rushed to Shaoyang, Karp quickly raised his fist and swung it towards Shaoyang.

Shaoyang could feel that Karp's blow didn't use much strength.

It is estimated that it is a temptation,

or I don't want such an excellent junior as Shaoyang to fall here.

For Karp's kindness, Shaoyang had to understand it from his heart.

When the opponent's fist was about to hit him, Shaoyang raised his right hand lightly, and Liuying covered his entire arm domineeringly, blocking towards Kapu's fist.

As soon as Karp's fist and Shaoyang's palm came into contact, Zhou Shuyi and the others heard a roar, as well as the sound of a hurricane sweeping across the earth.

And the hurricane center.

Karp looked at the dark blue flowing cherry blossom covered in Shaoyang's hand, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"This is Ryuzakura."

"As you can see."

"Hahaha, that old man is going to go all out now, and King Qin doesn't want his subordinates to show mercy."

Shaoyang nodded slightly.


As soon as the words fell, Karp directly threw out a flying finger gun and struck towards Shaoyang's chest.

Shaoyang activated the surgical fruit and particle control, and transferred the particles in the air behind him and Karp, which achieved the effect of teleportation.

As for Luo, at most, he could exchange wood and stone, which simply insulted the fruits of this operation.

Coming behind Karp, Shaoyang's right leg was raised high and slashed down at the opponent's braincase.

This move, Shaoyang never thought that it would hurt Kapu.

And that's exactly what happened.

Karp dodged directly sideways and used moon steps to open the distance.

Karp's use of Yuebu and Zhou Shuyi, they use completely two concepts.

Zhou Shuyi used it like walking in the clouds, while Karp seemed to teleport in the air.

"This, this is the moon step, how can it be so fast."

PDD is a little shocked

, but now is not the time to be shocked,

learning more is the last word.

Shaoyang and Karp came and went on the ice, and from time to time they collided violently, making the entire ice surface almost collapse.

But the two still have room to spare.

I don't know if Karp was intentional or unintentional, every time he made a shot, he was very precise and slowed down a little, as if he was deliberately letting Zhou Shuyi and others see his movements.

However, the battle is changing rapidly, and it is not that he slows down a little, Zhou Shuyi and others can understand it.

To explain it in a blunt sentence, Zhou Shuyi and the others' six styles are also in the entry stage, and Kapu has already cultivated to the peak, such a gap, even if Kapu slows down, Zhou Shuyi and they can only watch a lively.

"Hahaha, you really can't underestimate the young man."

Karp laughed while shaking his fist.

He had a simple understanding of Shaoyang's strength.

But he didn't believe that this was Shaoyang's full strength.

He had not seen the means of freezing the sea and turning a tree into a table and chair.

"Boy, do you still want to hide your true strength?"

Karp's eyes flashed with excitement.

His fists were already steaming hot from several collisions.

Shaoyang, who was standing opposite him, looked at Kapu's expression as if he had taken a stimulant, and slowly spoke.

"Does Vice Admiral Karp think that I am still hiding my strength?"

"Hahaha, isn't it, the frozen sea has never seen a second person come out except for that kid from Kuzan."

Shaoyang put the scepter in his left hand in front of him and spoke.

"If that's the case, then Lieutenant General Karp should be careful."

Shaoyang had no intention of hiding his strength at the beginning, but he was just worried that he would hurt Kapu too much and kill him, but now he doesn't think so.

This old pervert, even if his world authority fuses sixty or seventy percent, he may not be able to destroy him.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the first echelon in the world.

Shaoyang closed his eyes and felt the existence of the surrounding particles, and Karp stood in place and looked at him, with some faint expectation in his heart.


At this moment, the ice surface trembled, and a dragon made of ice rushed out of the ice and hovered in the air, covering his body with a dark blue halo, which was the domineering aura exerted by Shaoyang.

The ice dragon hovered in mid-air.

Shaoyang disappeared directly from the place, and when he reappeared, he was already standing on top of the ice dragon.

"Lieutenant General Karp, be careful."

Shaoyang struck this scepter a few times on the top of the ice dragon's head, and the ice dragon rushed towards the Kapu below as if it had received some order.

This ice dragon was pinched by Shaoyang according to the form of a five-clawed golden dragon, it is a hundred meters long, and there is no problem with one house at a time.

Regardless of the lethality, this deterrent is absolutely sufficient.

Karp was covered in armed colors and slammed his fist towards the ice dragon.

The two collided, and smoke billowed out.

And just when Karp thought that even if his punch could not solve the ice dragon, he could shatter half of its head, the sky was covered with dark clouds.

In the next second, a rumbling thunder sounded throughout the capital of the seven waters.

This lightning and thunder is terrifying.

Civilians did not dare to go out, huddled in their homes and shivered.


Another dragon groan came, and the dark clouds completely dissipated, leaving only a five-clawed golden dragon composed entirely of thunder and lightning hovering in the air.

This thunder dragon did not fly down, and after it groaned a few times in mid-air, it opened its mouth and directly spit out a thunder at Karp who had just landed below.

At this time, Karp only wondered why

Shaoyang, who had eaten the fruits of the operation,

could use so many natural abilities.

Could there be other secrets in this world that I don't know?

Karp thought to himself, but his movements were not slow at all, no matter what kind of attack, he punched and did it.

Shaoyang's actions are not only these two elemental dragons.

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