"Daxian, return to the team."

Number 1 is still the voice that has no emotion.

But Daxian widened his eyes as if he had heard Xian Le.

And he didn't move for a long time, so No. 1 was also a little impatient.

"If you don't want to return to the team, then run to the playground, five hundred laps."

"No, no, no, I'll go home."

As soon as Daxian heard the five hundred laps, he directly felt a chill in his spine, quickly ran back to the team, and seeing that everyone had arrived, No. 1 took the first two steps and began to speak.

"Newcomers, from the beginning to now, you have gone through half a month of hard training, and in this half month, everyone's training situation, whether it is hard work or laziness, I have recorded it."

Hearing this, several players in the queue blushed slightly.

Number 1 looked at the players below and took in everyone's expressions.

Then he continued to nod to the other two instructors behind him.

No. 2 and No. 3 took notice, lifted the large box behind them, walked off the high platform, and placed it in front of the players.

The box opened, and in the box on the left was a set of packaged military uniforms, the same as those worn by Wang Qichong and them.

In the box on the right is a dark blue overalls.

This was recently designed and manufactured by the tailor.

Exclusively for those who are in the life department.

Compared with military uniforms, this uniform is more calm, not as domineering as military uniforms, and as for the material, they are all similar.

No. 1 jumped down from the high platform and spoke.

"On my left is the uniform of our Daqin Kingdom army, wearing it and waiting is the warrior of my Daqin Kingdom, and on my right, is the uniform of the Daqin Kingdom, if you want to learn the craft, you can take two sets back, and then go to the place you want to go and report."

With that, No. 1 waved his hand.

"I announce that the basic training is officially over, and after you have chosen your clothes, you will change them and assemble in front of the city hall."

With that, the three turned around and left directly.

Leave a group of players standing on the playground.

"Is this the end of it??"

Daxian was a little surprised.

He originally thought that this training would continue for a while, but he did not expect it to end so soon.

Under the urging of the audience in the live broadcast room, Zhang Daxian received a set of military uniforms and ran to the dressing room to change into training uniforms.

After careful consideration, most of the players chose military uniforms, and only a dozen players chose uniforms.

More than half of these more than a dozen players are women.

They really don't like it very much.

Life players can still live well.

While the players were choosing clothes, Shaoyang had already settled baby5 in his castle for a temporary residence, and asked Bi Li, the butler who had just been redeemed, to take her to wander around the castle.

Shaoyang himself changed into another outfit.

Compared with the black gold dragon pattern suit, Shaoyang's clothes are more domineering.

After making sure that the players had chosen their clothes, Shaoyang came directly to the city hall, and the city hall supervisor Weiss and dozens of managers of the system came to report in front of him for the first time.

After reporting for duty, they took people in turn and went to each district to take up their posts.

In the Kingdom of Daqin, there is nothing else missing except for no one now, and after half an hour, the players all arrived at the city hall and divided into two queues according to military uniforms and uniforms.

"Weiss, come out with me with the box."

Shaoyang greeted Weis, stood up and walked outside.

When he walked out of the town hall and came to the top of the steps, the players suddenly stopped communicating.

They didn't know anything else, but Shaoyang was familiar.

A few days ago, the video of Shaoyang and Karp battle that was popular on the Internet, they had also seen it.

Knowing that this His Royal Highness King Qin is a strong man.

And it's the strong outrageous kind.

(Wow, King Qin changed his clothes and became more handsome.)

(His Royal Highness King Qin, I drop dreams.)

(Husband, how did you get into the game, almost home.)

(You idiots are starting again.)

(A powerful and high-status man like King Qin really doesn't know what kind of woman is worthy of him.)

(Anyway, it won't be these idiots in the live broadcast room.) )


Shaoyang took Weiss to the top of the steps and stopped.

Weiss on the side also put down the box he was carrying.

"Good afternoon, warriors."

Shaoyang said to the opening below.

The players did not speak, but their eyes were fixed on the box next to Shaoyang.

They knew that after Zhou Shuyi and the others completed their training, they were rewarded richly.

This made them look forward to what was in the box.

Will it be their reward.

"After half a month of training, you have successfully transformed, the next path, you have also chosen yourself, whether you choose to become a warrior or retreat to the background, I will not interfere, as long as you work hard enough, I will not fail you."

Shaoyang nodded to Weiss beside him.

Weiss came forward with a list and started the next step.

Each player gets a hundred base contribution points, and some players who can fight enough will increase their contribution value by one hundred to two hundred.

For some lazy players, the contribution value will shrink.

And the contribution value is the universal currency of Daqin.

Whether it is a devil fruit, a supreme fast sword, or a house, a warship, it can be exchanged by contribution value

, and as for the training of physical skills and swordsmanship,

there is also a fee.

Ten points of contribution value per day.

If there is no contribution value, mining, hunting, cutting trees, and gathering can be used.

Shaoyang ranked the top three according to the situation reported by No. 1.

"First place in basic training: Chen Yang."

"Second place in basic training: Zhou Ze."

"Third place in basic training: Liu Yaxi."

"These three warriors, come to the front and open this box."

Shaoyang beckoned, and the box that Weiss placed on the ground fell in front of the players.

The three people named were a little surprised.

But he still walked up.

Chen Yang and Zhou Ze looked at each other and lowered the chance of opening the box to Liu Yaxi, a female player in third place.

Liu Yaxi is a female special combat team member.

This time, it was also in response to the call and won a place in the game.

She knew that if she trained well enough in the game, she would become stronger in reality, so she trained hard enough to fight to third place.

Liu Yaxi opened the box, and the three strange-shaped devil fruits in the box directly attracted the attention of the three.

"Of these three devil fruits, the left one is the natural dark fruit, the right one is the superhuman slippery fruit, and the middle one is the animal phantom beast breed dog fruit unicorn form.

Specific information is introduced next to the Devil Fruit, you can take a look and then distribute it. "

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