Three lines of fruits, one for each lineage.

After Shaoyang said their names, he stopped talking.

As for how to distribute it, he already had a guess in his mind.

The animal line phantom beast species is most likely Chen Yang's, after all, it is the first place, the natural dark fruit will be given to Zhou Ze, and the slippery fruit will be left to the only female player Liu Yaxi.

Originally, when Shaoyang randomly came to the slippery fruit, he thought of changing it directly, but unexpectedly, coincidentally, there was a female player in the top three.

No woman can refuse the temptation of slippery fruit.

You can make yourself beautiful, and you can make yourself stronger, where to find this good thing.

As for that mace aunt, let's pull it down.

The final distribution result is also just as Shaoyang thought.

After getting the Devil Fruit, the three returned to their positions.

"Warriors who choose uniforms, you have many choices, we in the Great Qin Kingdom currently have several places for you to choose, the first blacksmith shop, the second tailor shop, the third weapons factory, the fourth main kitchen, the fifth city hall, after you arrive at your new job, you will get the items you need..."

Shaoyang's words said a lot.

The players were also very interested and listened very seriously.

Finally, after Shaoyang said a few inspiring words, he turned and left.

"Daxian, what are you going to do?"

After disbanding, a player approached Daisen.

"Go learn swordsmanship."

Daxian eyes shone brightly, and said without thinking.

"I am the man who wants to become a great sword hao."

"So let's go together?"


Most of the players chose to learn swordsmanship, and there were even a few who went to learn domineering, and the dozen souls collected by Shaoyang also became his puppet instructors and went to the martial arts field to take office.

Everything is calm again.

In the West Sea, however, it is not so calm.

Under the leadership of Wang Qichong, they first stayed around the Hunger Island for two days, and finally squatted down to the people sent by the families of those noble children.

After some torture, the location of these noble families was obtained.

Gion knew that Wang Qi was going to do something to them.

But she didn't expect that Wang Qichong was actually going to slaughter those nobles.

However, for the sake of the overall situation, she did not open her mouth to dissuade, on the ark, she was an outsider, incompatible with Zhou Shuyi, and often stood alone by the fence of the ark, looking into the distance.

And Zhou Shuyi and others were also a little unbearable and wanted to contact each other.

But very helpless, the two sides can not talk together.

Because what Zhou Shuyi and they will do next is likely to directly cause a bad impact, and may be directly rewarded.

What she wanted to do was to arrest Zhou Shuyi and eight people after the order of the headquarters came down.

But remembering the picture seen at Hunger Island.

Gion really didn't want to arrest these eight people.

However, she still understands the truth of the military order.

Because Wang Qichong and Zhou Shuyi did not have enough physical strength, the ark could only advance on the sea, and night soon fell, and the eight people divided into four groups and began to keep vigil.

"Sister Gion, do you want to eat some together."

Zhou Shuyi and Ye Zhiqiu came to Gion and asked.

Gion was a little surprised, and subconsciously wanted to refuse.

But when she saw Zhou Shuyi's gaze without the slightest difference, she still agreed.

Zhou Shuyi, Ye Zhiqiu and Gion sat at the table on the deck, chatting while roasting meat.

Gion finally didn't hold back and asked anyway.

"Are you going to clean up those nobles next?"

Zhou Shuyi and Ye Zhiqiu glanced at each other and nodded.

"That's right, we have a saying over there that if you cut the grass without removing the roots, the spring breeze blows and grows, and if we don't get rid of those people together, the people on the hungry island will have no chance to live again."

Before they left, they left the food and ships brought by the noble children to the survivors on the hungry island.

Some of them had been out to sea, but for various reasons they could not leave Hunger Island.

If they go to sea, they have no food, no water, and they will surely die in two days, and it is better to survive on the island.

"If you kill all those nobles, you will definitely anger some people in the headquarters."

Gion shook his head helplessly.

"At that time, I am afraid, we will be the enemy."

"At least not now."

Zhou Shuyi waved his hand grandly.

Gion taught them swordsmanship during this time, saw and heard the domineering color, armed the color domineering, so that they made great progress, even if they were really enemies in the future, Zhou Shuyi and they would not really do anything to Gion.

Because they have already found out.

The NPCs in this world are all unique.

Everyone is like a real person, and when they die, they really die.

"There are not so many rules and regulations in the Great Qin Kingdom, and if the navy really wants to surround us, there is no way."

Zhou Shuyi looked at Gion.

"Just knew it would be like this."

Gion sighed, she had already thought of such a result.

But so what.

Zhou Shuyi's speed of progress is simply terrifying.

If there are many people like Zhou Shuyi and them in the Great Qin Kingdom, then what can the navy do?

What's the use of killing these eight people.

In the end, it can only be a full-scale war, so that those pirates get cheap.

"Didn't my sister already report the news to the Navy headquarters, how they decided, it has nothing to do with you, we were still good friends before the official war."

Gion had some surprises.

She looked at Zhou Shuyi and was speechless for a long time.

"You're right, but I think too much."

Gion smiled bitterly.

Even Vice Admiral Karp can't beat that King Qin, even if the navy kills Zhou Shuyi and them, then who can beat King Qin.

In the end, the worst is the result of losing both.

At that time, as long as the King of Qin unites with any of the sea thieves and attacks Malin Fandor together, the navy will definitely lose.

King Qin has strength, the sea thief has manpower, and when the two are matched, who in the world can stop it.

"Sister, can you tell us about the sea?"

Ye Zhiqiu looked up at Gion and asked with a curious face.

Gion was stunned, but did not refuse, and began to tell some things she knew.

Edward the Whitebeard. Newgate, Aunt Charlotte. Lingling, Kaido the Hundred Beasts, the Golden Lion of the Flying Pirate, and the dead One Piece Roger.

Every sea thief has a legendary life.

Gion did not go into detail.

But it also made Zhou Shuyi and Ye Zhiqiu increase their knowledge.

"It turns out that there are so many wonderful things happening in this world."

Zhou Shuyi sighed.

Gion nodded.

"Actually, there's nothing unusual."

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