"Where there is light, there will be darkness, and in the same way, it is suitable wherever it is."

Gion sighed.

Who in the navy does not know that those nobles are arrogant and violent, but there is no way, in order to eliminate those pirates who do evil, the navy must rely on the military expenses paid by the nobles every year.

Compared with the cruel thirst of pirates, the various behaviors of the nobles are not considered to be extremely evil.

The world's strongest man Whitebeard, Edward. Newgate.

Once used the ability of the Shock Fruit to shatter an entire island during the battle, directly causing Chia seeds to be an unknown number of innocent civilians.

And because of this, he earned the title of a man with the ability to destroy the world.

Zhou Shuyi and the three chatted for a long time.

From Gion, they learned a lot about the sea.

However, Zhou Shuyi and Ye Zhiqiu still felt very disgusted by the Navy's behavior of allowing the nobles to do evil for the sake of military expenses.

Little by little, time passed, and soon, dawned.

Wang Qichong and PDD went online, replacing Zhou Shuyi and Ye Zhiqiu.

Zhou Shuyi, Ye Zhiqiu, and Gion returned to the room to rest.

After dawn, the speed of the ark's advance was significantly accelerated, and with Wang Qichong continuously providing energy, the ark never stopped, heading straight to the original target.

And after three hours of driving.

Gion also finally received a call from Lieutenant General Tsuru.

"Gion, we have already seen the intelligence you sent back to the headquarters."

Lieutenant General Tsuru said unhurriedly.

"Sister Tsuru, then arrest

..." "Gion, I have already had preliminary discussions with Sengoku and Qinghe, as long as they don't do too much, we can treat this matter as ignorant."

Lieutenant General Tsuru's voice was very gentle.

But in the mildness, with a bit of seriousness.

When Gion heard this, he was slightly relieved.

She was really worried about going against Zhou Shuyi and them.

"One more thing, did you see those nobles with your own eyes, playing tricks to kill commoners?"

"I saw it with my own eyes, Lieutenant General Tsuru."

Gion's voice was raised a few points.

The phone worm anthropomorphized with a pensive expression.

"It seems that the appearance of this Great Qin Kingdom will cause the world government a headache for a while."

Lieutenant General Tsuru said slowly.

If you want to say which one of the nobles has done the most evil, it must be Mary Joa's Draco.

This world is very wonderful, and it is difficult to guarantee that one day the Great Qin Kingdom will discover the behavior of the Draco and directly attack the Draco.

But even if it is known, the world government can only pray silently.

The full record of the battle between Shaoyang and Karp has been delivered to the hands of the CP chief, and after watching the video, all the CP chiefs have quieted down.

How about Karp's strength, naturally there is no need to say more.

If Karp's strength is not strong, he repeatedly disobeyed orders, even refused to be promoted to general, openly said that Draco was scum, and most importantly, Karp's full name was Monch. D. Karp is one of the D-race that the Draco fears the most.

Either of the above is enough to give the world government a reason to kill him, but helplessly, Karp's strength is too strong, and Sengoku is his brother, Zefa is his classmate, Lieutenant General Tsuru is his friend, and Green Pheasant is his student.

Most of the reason why Karp acted without taboos was because he was too strong, but

now, suddenly there was news that a young man who might be stronger than Karp appeared on the sea,

and most likely an enemy of their world government.

This gives them peace of mind.

But going to war directly will definitely not work.

Not to mention whether there is a certainty of winning, everything about the other side, they do not understand, what to fight?

And if Shaoyang summons more elemental wyverns and directly drags down the masters of the naval headquarters and the world government, then they will definitely lose.

When I think of this, the people of the world government feel very headache.

In the end, it can only be reported to the five old stars.

After listening to the CP chief say that a new group of forces attacked the nobles of the West Sea, the five old stars were suddenly unhappy.

"What did the Navy people do, don't they want military money anymore?"

The curly-haired old man immediately expressed his opinion.

The old man of the swordsman glanced at him and said slowly to the CP chief.

"The Navy has its own things to do, your CP department has been established for so long, is it possible that even such a small matter cannot be solved, everything must be done by the Navy, then what is the use of your CP department."

Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the CP chief when the old man swordsman said this, but he did not dare to refute for fear of being hacked to death by the old man of the swordsman.

After the five old stars spoke separately, the CP chief continued to report on the situation of the Great Qin Kingdom.

And the video of the battle between Karp and Shaoyang was played.

See the end.

The five old stars all frowned.

"When did such a kingdom arise on the sea."

The five old stars at the head asked.

Everyone shook their heads to indicate that they were not clear.

They were also the first to start discussing how to deal with it.

Fighting, can only be regarded as the next strategy, no one knows what kind of strength the Great Qin Kingdom has, if there is a strong person of the strength of the second Shaoyang, they will only bring disaster to themselves if they rush to fight.

Don't fight, according to the behavior of the Draco, if it is bumped into by the people of the Great Qin Kingdom, there will inevitably be problems.

The five old stars of the Mediterranean Sea glanced at the CP chief and said to the other four.

"Didn't the navy already arrange for Peach Rabbit to go to those people's ships, first understand the situation, collect intelligence, temporarily restrain the Draco, and wait until the truth is clear, and then we will make plans."

Mediterranean said, and the other four old men did not have any opinions, and directly agreed.

"Then do it."

In the current situation, there really is no better solution than this.

After receiving the order from the five old stars, the CP chief walked out of Mary Joa with his chest covered, and just for a moment, he really thought that he would die.

After all, the five old stars are strictly speaking, they also belong to the category of Draco, but they have a higher status than Draco.

Even if the five old stars hacked him to death today, there would be nothing wrong.

Rather, the five old stars will find someone more suitable to be the CP chief.

In this world, to be a dog for people, not only to help the owner to bite, but also to always worry about when the owner does not need himself....

After returning to the CP department, the CP chief immediately issued the instructions of the five old stars, and a large number of CP intelligence officers gathered, ready to go to the West Sea to start carrying out the order.

And after thinking about it again, the CP chief picked up the phone worm.

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