Headquarters of the Navy, Marshal's Office.

Sengoku sat in a chair with a teacup and enjoyed a rare time of calm.

But just as he wanted to pick up his teacup and take a sip.

The phone worm placed on the side of the desk suddenly opened his eyes and cried.

Sengoku only feels that now one head is two big.

It's hard to give yourself a little vacation and enjoy afternoon tea, which bastard is so unsightly.

Holding back the emotion of wanting to run away, Sengoku picked up the phone worm.

Try to speak in a normal tone.

"This is the headquarters of the Navy, I am the Warring States, which one."

Although Sengoku tried his best to suppress his anger and make his voice sound normal, his voice still carried a little anger.

The CP chief on the other end of the phone also heard it.

For a while, I almost forgot the purpose of my call.

"Marshal of the Warring States, I am CP Department 01."

(I don't know how to write it, just number it.)


"Marshal of the Warring States, the five old stars have issued an order to let me and your navy fully cooperate in detecting all the information of the Great Qin Kingdom, and the five old stars named the navy to appoint a naval admiral to stay at the headquarters at any time until all the Draco people return to the Holy Land."

The eyes of the Warring States narrowed, it seemed that these five old stars were Wang Ba eating scales, and they were about to make enemies with the Great Qin Kingdom....

Otherwise, nothing will be said to fully cooperate with such words.

It is estimated that as long as the five old stars control all the information of the Great Qin Kingdom, they will directly entangle the three armies in order to avoid danger for the Draco, and start a full-scale war with the Great Qin Kingdom.

This is true and not what the Warring States want to see.

Before Sengoku became a navy, they were all civilians with Karp and Tsuru, and they also had a heart to fight for justice.

But this mind is deteriorating little by little.

The Navy does not know when it started.

It is no longer the representative of justice bent only on the elimination of evil.

Instead, it has become an umbrella for those who are arrogant and domineering.

Hanging up the phone worm, Sengoku pressed a button on the desk, and for a while, the telephone worms of all the officers above the admiral in the naval headquarters rang.

"Come and meet in the big conference room."

Sengoku said this into the air.

And his words, through unknown media, reached the hands of all officers.

The headquarters of the navy, Marin Fandor, now has a total of eighty-three vice admirals left, as well as two admirals, red dogs and green pheasants.

The red dog, who had just wiped out a group of pirates, had just returned to the headquarters of the Navy when he received a notice from the Warring States.

Without hesitation, he walked directly towards the large conference room.

Generally speaking, the use of large conference rooms is no small matter.

The green pheasant, on the other hand, pulled up the blindfold, and a pair of sleepy eyes wrinkled.

Since the emergence of the Great Qin Kingdom, the frequency of meetings has increased significantly, and the green pheasant really doesn't want to go over, but there is no way, this is the direct order of the marshal.

Large conference room.

The vice admirals who remained at the headquarters had all arrived.

Among them, several giants were particularly conspicuous.

With a flower pinned to his chest, Chi Inu walked in with a tense face, sat directly next to Dougman, and asked.

"Did anything happen at the Navy headquarters during the time I was away?"

Dogman shrugged.

"The Navy is nothing, but the waste of the CP organization has been looking for trouble, and it is estimated that this time it is also related to them."

Dougman despised this waste of time.

But for the Warring States, he still retains a minimum of respect.

At this moment, a hardcover middle-aged man with short purple hair walked in from outside, and most of the people present stood up directly, even the red dog.

"Zefa-sensei, you are here."

Zefa giggled a few times and waved his hand at everyone.

He is very comfortable now, and since his marriage, Zefa has retired from the position of admiral in order to take care of his family often.

And he is now the chief instructor of the Navy, most of the people present are his former students, and now Zefa is even more happy with his beloved son, and his life is directly fulfilled Yuki.

PS, there are changes here.

"You're welcome, I'm just here to make it fun."

Zefa casually found a chair and sat down, he naturally did not come to make a scene, and when he was at home, he received a special invitation from the Warring States to come to the large conference room to participate in the meeting.

This can also be regarded as respect for old comrades-in-arms.

Little by little, the green pheasant and the remaining lieutenant generals arrived, and the Sengoku finally walked in from outside with an image phone worm.

The video of Karp vs. Shaoyang has been seen by few people present.

Although at the moment the task of the Navy is to investigate.

But you have to be prepared.

Sengoku walked to the podium, picked up a speaker, and spoke.

"I'm sorry to let everyone rush over in a hurry, this time I called everyone over, maybe someone has already guessed, it's about the Great Qin Kingdom."

Sengoku pointed the video phone bug at the wall and began to play the video of the war.

"This video was recorded by Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit at the adventure, and many people have not seen the video, so it was played again.

While watching, I will tell you about the main things that have called you here today. After

repeating the matter and the order of the five old stars with a straight face, Sengoku spoke.

"For this powerful King of Qin and all the unknown Great Qin Kingdom, my original intention was not to provoke, but the truth of the military order is like a mountain, I don't need to say more.

In the next period of time, the green pheasant you stayed at the naval headquarters, as for the red dog, you worked a little harder, staring at those sea pirates in the second half of the great voyage, and the vice admirals cooperated with the two generals to complete this task. Listening

to Sengoku's words, Zefa raised his hand.

"Sengoku, you haven't said yet, what did you ask me to do."

The war Chinese, he was entangled for a long time, and he did not say it, but Lieutenant General Tsuru saw the embarrassment of the Warring States and spoke.

"Zefa, after discussing with the Warring States, the old body can only invite you out of the mountain in the end, and after determining the location of the Great Qin Kingdom, we want to ask you and your family to lurk into the Great Qin Kingdom."

Zefa's face suddenly changed.

If it was good to say that he was allowed to go, but bring his wife and children, how could he agree.

A wife and children are everything he has now.

He couldn't have let them accompany him on his adventures.

"Why did you decide so, Sengoku, Tsuru."

Zefa's tone changed a bit, and everyone present fell silent.

Most of them have a teacher-student relationship with Zefa, and they also know Zefa well.

Zefa himself can do anything for the Navy, but he will not risk his wife and children.

On the day that the golden lion attacked Marin Fandor before Roger's execution, everyone witnessed Zefa's feelings for his wife.

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