These fruits are really useless to Shaoyang.

And for Doflamingo it was different.

Doflamingo originally wanted to use the childlike fruit of sugar to achieve his goal.

But that's not just a burden for granulated sugar.

There are also certain risks to be taken.

And the drowsy fruit is different.

Those who have physical contact with him will immediately fall asleep and be controlled by the able.

And this drowsiness ability can only be actively lifted, or the ability is killed, otherwise, the person touched will not wake up from the slumber.

The ability is buggy, but again, the limitation is great.

If it is a future four-emperor-level powerhouse who eats this devil fruit, then this fruit will be very good.

If the user's ability is very weak and can only deal with ordinary people, then his ability can only be effective against ordinary people.

Doflamingo isn't worried about that, though.

The last thing the Don Quixote family lacks is the strong.

However, he didn't have much hope, as long as he wasn't a fool, he could see that among the three demon fruits, except for the sleepy fruit, the remaining two were the lowest animal fruits.

This animal lineage, within the Don Quixote family, is estimated to be only used to reward those cannon fodder, or to be auctioned at a low price.

Doflamingo looked at the sleepy fruit, and after a long time, he spoke.

"Fuf, King Qin, this Devil Fruit you..."

"Yes, but I have one request."

Without waiting for Doflamingo to finish speaking, Shaoyang took the lead in speaking.

"What requirements?"

"Find me a devil fruit."

Shaoyang's right hand tapped the armrest, and a strangely shaped devil fruit with a golden pattern appeared in front of Doflamingo.

However, this is just a phantom composed of Shaoyang's elements.

"Golden Fruit, Superman."

Torrebol was knowledgeable and recognized the fruit at a glance.

This golden fruit was supposed to be auctioned by Doflamingo later, and then became a golden emperor, Gilder Tezzolo, although gold could not be produced out of thin air.

However, the ability of this golden fruit to control gold is what Shaoyang needs, but Shaoyang knows where the Golden Country of Empty Island is.

It is not without reason to ask for golden fruits.

Gold is hard currency.

No matter what the world is.

Gold, all very practical.

As long as the golden fruit is eaten by their own people, then after opening other worlds, Shaoyang and they don't have to worry about funds.

"The golden fruit is not impossible."

Doflamingo nodded slightly, then reached out and took the three devil fruits and threw them to Torrepol.

"Fu Fu, King Qin, then..."

Before Doflamingo's words were finished, a figure quickly rushed up from below the ark.

It was one of Don Quixote's combatants.

"Dellinger, what's wrong."

Torrebol asked.

After changing his breath, Delinger said to Doflamingo.

"Young Lord, the people from the World Government and the Navy are here."

As a half-fishman, Delinger not only has excellent combat ability, but also has strong danger warning ability.

As the World Government's clipper approached, he sensed it.

After determining that the other party was coming at them, Delinger ignored anything else, and after alerting the rest of the Don Quixote family, he came to the Ark to report.

Doflamingo looked at Derlinger, then turned to look at Shaoyang.

His original idea was that he had already come together with Shaoyang, then the world government and navy would definitely throw rats, so he directly abandoned the action against them.

But Doflamingo didn't expect that.

The world government and navy not only did not throw rats, but drove the ship in the right light.

Is this preparing for a showdown ??

Or is the top combat power of the Navy and the World Government gathered here?

It shouldn't be.

Doflamingo's expression changed.

But Shaoyang didn't care at all, even if the peak combat power of the navy and the world government gathered, with fifty percent of the world power, it was not without the power of a war.

Even if you can't crush 100%, you can still be invincible.

Speaking of which, we have to talk about the world authority.

The will of the world is a divine destiny.

Shaoyang's use of the system, reaping the power of the world, and invoking the power of the world are not without restrictions.

For example, Wang Luffy, Ace and this group of people.

Zhou Shuyi and them can kill them if they do it.

But Shaoyang does it, then it is not necessarily.

Because the will of the world has already prescribed a line, if other problems arise, such as the appearance of Zhou Shuyi, there is no problem.

And when the integration of world powers reaches a certain level.

Shaoyang can erase the will of the world, or even tamper with the will of the world.

For example, resurrect One Piece Roger.

This guy alone influenced the whole world with one word.

If you want to resurrect him, you can only wait for the world authority to fuse to about 90, and Shaoyang at that time can already modify the world will.

And this integration, the further back the more difficult it is.

Shaoyang has only one way to go, that is, the fourth day disaster subsystem.

The name of the fourth natural disaster is not called in vain.

Except for Zhou Shuyi at the beginning, who was cultivated by Shaoyang as an elite, the rest were in a free-range state.

Those people, Shaoyang will take out a little reward except for the beginning of the novice training graduation, and the rest are ignored, if

you want to go to sea,

then make up the contribution value.

Exchange the Daqin warship and go to sea.

And if you want to go to sea, you can't just have the Great Qin warship, food, weapons, charts, eternal pointers, everything.

Therefore, without tens of thousands of contributions, there is no way to go to sea.

After going to sea, players can hunt pirates, sea beasts, get a lot of good things, and take them back to exchange for contribution value.

Moreover, those life players, which one is not rich.

Let's get back to business.

Doflamingo's concern is not unreasonable.

But after seeing Shaoyang's stable expression, he inexplicably felt at ease.

The clippers are fast.

Chief CP and Vice Admiral Tsuru stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the Don Quixote family ship on the shore and the ark slowly descending in the sky.

Everyone on board was on high alert.

And Doflamingo, with his own men, returned to the big ship.

Zhou Shuyi and eight others stood behind Shaoyang.

The temperament of the eight people is completely different from before, and it is estimated that it is the credit of the overlord's domineering.

Shaoyang, on the other hand, controlled the descent of the ark while observing the people on the fast ship in front of him.

Most of the people Shaoyang don't know.

But Gion, and the old man in front of her, Shaoyang had a rough guess in his heart.

Navy, Wise, Vice Admiral Tsuru.

Why didn't this person give advice in his headquarters and ran out to fight the world government?

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