Shaoyang did not find the top combat power of the navy.

For example, Karp, Sengoku, and Akinu are not here.

On the CP chief's side, CP9 is also very recognizable.

Shaoyang briefly analyzed and guessed the identities of everyone.

After all, these five people wearing military uniforms and Vice Admiral Tsuru are the same as Gion, so they should also be at the level of vice admirals.

And the vice admiral, excluding a few who did not appear, there are only a few, ghost spider, fire mountain, mole, Dauberman....


ark slowly descended to the surface of the sea, retracted the levitation wings on both sides, and descended to produce a powerful force, making the sea water surge.

The CP chief had already ordered the helmsman to stop the ship.

And Doflamingo's big ship has never moved.

Coupled with the ark that had just landed, it directly gave people the feeling of a meeting between the three armies.

Behind Doflamingo, Torepol, Diamanti and other cadres led people ready for battle.

Next to Shaoyang, Monet clenched his fists a little nervously, while behind Shaoyang, Wang Qi Chong stood in a row of eight people, looking imposing.

Behind the CP chief and Vice Admiral Tsuru, there were vice admirals and CP9 agents, as well as several CP0 masters temporarily dispatched.

"Hehe, the first time we met, I didn't bring any gifts, King Qin don't care."

Chief CP laughed awkwardly a few times and spoke first.

"Don't worry, besides, didn't you bring a gift."

Shaoyang looked at Chief CP and said in an unhurried tone.

When everyone didn't understand what Shaoyang meant.

Shaoyang's next words made the scene suddenly a little out of control.

"For my Great Qin Kingdom, the head of your high-ranking official of the world government is a great gift."

The CP chief felt a chill in his neck.

He had simulated the scene of his first encounter with Shaoyang countless times in his heart, but he never thought that the other party could say the most arrogant words in the most ordinary tone.

In this world, even the revolutionary army that opposes the world government does not dare to speak so loudly.

Because the world government, despite its many mistakes.

But the strength is real.

The commander of the three armed forces is Steel Bone Kong, the five old stars, the marshal of the navy and so on.

"Hehe, it seems that King Qin Qin has some misunderstanding about our world government."

The CP chief smiled on the surface.

But I was panicked.

Who knows if Shaoyang will do it directly again in the next second.

Shaoyang, on the other hand, raised the scepter in his hand and nodded on the deck.

The originally empty deck "grows" a strangely shaped chair as if it came to life.

Shaoyang sat up directly and looked at the CP chief and continued.

"There is no misunderstanding in this world, the so-called misunderstanding is just an excuse that the weak find for themselves in order to avoid war.

This matter was originally provoked by your world government, and now you still have the courage to come to me, in the eyes of me and others, the behavior of Er and others is equivalent to provocation, it stands to reason that I should crush you to ashes.

Shaoyang looked at the CP chief and said the words word by word.

He didn't mention that the group had come for Doflamingo.

And after hearing Shaoyang's words, the CP chief sweated cold on his forehead and was speechless.

"The old man thinks that King Qin won't do that, right?"

The CP chief was nervously speechless.

And Lieutenant General Crane, who stood beside him, was as stable as Mount Tai.

Her voice was very soft, but in Shaoyang's perception, there was a trace of majesty hidden in this soft and kind voice.

After all, with the Warring States, Karp is a classmate.

Lieutenant General Tsuru's own strength is not bad.

It's just that I'm older, and I don't play so well.

"How could Lieutenant General Tsuru think so."

Shaoyang leaned forward and looked at this naval wisdom tank.

"It's intuition."

Lieutenant General Tsuru took two steps to the side on crutches.

"Does King Qin trust intuition?"

"I only believe in myself."

Shaoyang stared at Lieutenant General He.

"However, what Lieutenant General Tsuru said is indeed true, you are not waiting for me, so I have no reason to kill him.

But I went to war on behalf of the Great Qin Kingdom and the World Government, the Navy, Vice Admiral He should know, who needs me to discuss with a few of you?

Lieutenant General He looked at Shaoyang and sighed slightly.

"What about Dommingo, he provoked the Great Qin Kingdom to go to war with the World Government, is the King of Qin not allowed to deal with him?"

The CP chief felt that he could still be rescued.

But Shaoyang didn't pay attention to him.

About this, Doflamingo himself will go and say.

Sure enough, on the other side of the boat, Doflamingo rubbed his hair and laughed loudly.

"Fufur haha, if I remember well, you are the CP chief, what number 01, what stupid and ridiculous."

Doflamingo stared at the CP chief.

"I really want to sow discord between the world government and the Great Qin Kingdom, this is true, but what I said is the truth.

There is no direct conflict between me and King Qin, the only minor problem has been solved perfectly, I am sorry to disappoint you. "

Hear Doflamingo's words.

The CP chief then noticed Monet next to Shaoyang with a nervous face.

Monet was on the ark and seemed a little out of place.

First, because it was the first time I was exposed to this kind of occasion, I was a little nervous.

Second, I was also a little afraid.

"Could it be, isn't this King Qin without shortcomings, but we haven't found it before?"

The CP chief gave Lieutenant General Tsuru next to him a look.

But Lieutenant General Tsuru was unimpressed.

She can understand the meaning of the look of the CP chief, but on this occasion, what the CP chief's look means, it is self-evident.

Anyway, Tsuru would never approve of the idea that was forming in the head of the CP.

In the end, the CP chief of the head iron still failed to complete the goal this time, and after a period of confrontation, Doflamingo left unharmed.

And the CP commander and the vice admirals could only watch as the ark slowly rose into the air and flew towards the windless belt.

Everyone here knows.

After this time, it was no longer realistic to want to block Doflamingo, and although Shaoyang did not make a move, his attitude was very clear.

The CP chief now has only one thought in his mind.

Iron Fist Karp, the eternal god.

In front of Shaoyang, even though everything in Shaoyang behaved normally, it still made him feel great pressure.

And Karp, when facing Shaoyang, not only performed as usual, but also was able to fight with the other party, and before, the CP chief did not think that this was anything remarkable.

Now that I think about it, the clown is himself.

So, with the order of the CP chief, the clipper did not go back, and went straight to the East China Sea, Windmill Village.

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