PS, publish the answer.

"Confirm what??"

Im didn't understand that she had come here for a purpose, to avenge her previous serious injuries.

"Check to see if this world is the one I imagined, and if so, it might be interesting."

Shaoyang controlled his gravity and fell downward, Yim was puzzled, but still followed.

When he was about to land on the ground, Shaoyang heard an exclamation.

"Superhero! Turning

around, the pedestrians on the street had all stopped moving, and their eyes were locked on themselves and Im.

And that exclamation came from a yellow-haired boy holding a book.

Shaoyang looked at the other party, and the white light flashed in his eyes.

The yellow-haired boy suddenly fell into sluggishness, and Shaoyang's eyes also had a lot of news.

"Is it a translation problem?"

Shaoyang frowned.

"Alliance of Haters, Blue Giant..."

He felt that the world was not what he imagined.

"And... That chrysanthemum that appeared in the sky.

Shaoyang raised his head and glanced at the sky, where there was indeed a wormhole similar to a chrysanthemum.

Yim came to Shaoyang's side and asked.

"What are you thinking."

Shaoyang heard Yimu's question and shook his head.

"Let's go."

"Where to?"

Im was stunned.

"Don't you want revenge?"

After Shaoyang finished speaking, he flew directly with Yimu and came to the city center location.

Whether it is the Avengers or the Haters, it is still necessary to let Shaoyang confirm it.


When Shaoyang had just arrived here, he condensed the power of a hurricane in his hand and threw it directly towards a building.

The power of the hurricane broke away and instantly expanded.

At the moment of hitting the building.

This force continued to expand, forming a tornado that connected heaven and earth, enveloping everything around it.

Whether it is people, trees, or buildings, under the ravages of tornadoes, they will be taken away in an instant, which is very domineering.

And after Shaoyang finished all this, he also stopped, wrapped his hands around his chest, and waited for the arrival of that hateful alliance.

As he wished.

Not long after, a small missile shot from one direction, and the target was Shaoyang.

Yim turned his head to see that the flying armor was flying towards this side, and remembering what happened before, Im was angry.

"You don't have to do this."

After Yim shouted at Shaoyang, he raised his hand and shot towards Iron Man, and Shaoyang was surprised not by this, but by the effect of Yimu's palm that sounded the thunder fruit.

The furious power of thunder quickly hit Iron Man, knocking him away and crashing into a tall building.

Shaoyang saw that a blue fat man was running in this direction, dragging a heavy truck in his hand.

It is estimated that it is a temporary weapon.

"It seems that this should be the world of the Super Divine Academy, the Hatred Alliance, a second-rate group destroyed by the demon group."

Shaoyang looked at the heavy truck thrown over by the blue giant, and directly exerted the power of the moon, and the heavy truck was stopped abruptly, and then squeezed into a ball, and smashed towards the blue fat man's head.

The scene was chaotic for a while.

At the same time, the Super Theological Academy World Dragon Kingdom.

"The beautiful country found a lot of energy feedback, and the Hatred Alliance seems to be fighting someone."

On the Giant Gorge.

Mercy Wind said to Ducao while operating the computer.

"What people?"

Mercy Wind operated the computer and released the scene footage.

The picture of Shaoyang and Yim violently beating the Hate Alliance was released.

"These two people are very strange, but the abilities used by this girl are recorded in our database."

Mercy Wind brought up a video material that had been kept for a long time.

That was the picture of Im crossing for the first time, being bombarded by missiles.

At that time, Im was missing several elemental powers.

But she's not elemental.

So, he fled with serious injuries.

"General, this may be someone who was attacked by the beautiful country ten years ago, bringing a boyfriend or friend to take revenge, we, do you care?"

Mercy Wind is very tangled.

Because if they manage it, there will be two more powerful enemies.

If it doesn't matter.

In the future, the Styx galaxy will invade, will this temporary strategic alliance be self-defeating.

Ducao is also troubled.

He is now only thinking about how to block the invasion of the Styx galaxy, the power of the galaxy, the power of killing gods, those have not been activated, it is difficult to block it.

"Call Rose over to see if you can contact these two people, pay attention, and contact again after the battle, so as not to be harmed by the pond fish."

Ducao said, his gaze continuing to look at the screen.

In the picture, the League of Haters has failed.

The blue giant, Iron Man and others fell to the ground, not knowing whether they were dead or alive.

Im clenched his fists, and it was such a refreshing feeling.

But what about the flying shell.

So, don't take it lightly.

At this time, the beautiful country army was also assembled and rushed over in turn.

Tanks on the bright side, infantry fighting vehicles, snipers and agents in the background, under the sight of Shaoyang and Im, there is nothing to hide.

"Strange, how can they not use that shell that will track."

Im was a little surprised.

She was ready to escape.

However, the other party actually does not use the kind of shells that can be tracked, what is the reason??

"There are their people here, so they don't have to."

"Is that so?"

Im was a little confused.

"Of course, but not next."

Shaoyang grabbed it out of thin air in his hand, and the scepter appeared in his hand, and with one end gently hitting the ground, hundreds of gray shadows spread around Shaoyang.

The sniper who was lying on his stomach in the sniper position only felt a chill behind him, and turned his head to see that the soldiers of the samurai regiment had cut out a piece, and the body of the sniper next to him was separated.

And not only the Samurai Regiment, the Night Bat Regiment, the Thorn Blade Regiment, the Ninja Regiment, the Shadow Eater Regiment and other nine major legions have soldiers haunted and killed the beautiful country army.

Let's be honest.

If it is the earth where you lived in a past life.

Shaoyang may not directly kill the ring, but in this world, it is not needed.

"Let's go."

Shaoyang said to Yim beside him.

"Going back??"

"No, take you around."

Shaoyang shook his head slightly

, go back,

how is it possible.

However, it will take a while for his own Ten Thousand Realms Harvesting System to obtain world information and register.

Shaoyang would not go back just like that, when the world was registered.

After all, the world given for nothing, who doesn't want it.

In the heat of the Great Qin Legion, Shaoyang and Yimu soared into the air and flew towards the east.

On the Giant Gorge.

Mercy Feng's eyes widened suddenly.

"General, these two people left the beautiful country, looking at the trajectory of their flight, the final target seems to be the ,,, Dragon Country!!"

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