
When Ducao heard Mercy Wind's words, his hair suddenly stood up.

Just now these two people made a big fuss about the beautiful capital, they all saw it in their eyes.

Now it's coming towards the Dragon Kingdom.

For what?

Aren't you ready to make a big fuss in the Dragon Kingdom?

"Where have they been?"

Ducao asked, and after a moment of manipulation on the keyboard, Mercy said.

"Currently flying at extreme speed over the Pacific Ocean, it is expected to arrive at the high seas of the Dragon Kingdom in ten minutes."

Ducao looked at the two-dimensional diagram that appeared on the screen, and the two small red dots on it were Shaoyang and Im.

On this small two-dimensional map, the speed of the two small red dots is visible to the naked eye.

From this, you can see how fast these two people are flying.

"Did the ones that appeared in the back detect them?"

Ducao asked, turning to a technician on the other side.

He was talking about the soldiers of the Undead Legion.

"Through analysis, these suddenly appeared humanoid creatures, composed entirely of special energy, and their attack power was above and below the generation of super soldiers, but it seemed that they could physically destroy."

The technician opens a lot.


After Shaoyang's strengthened undead legion soldiers, except for the ninja regiment's Shadow Eater Regiment, the remaining attack power is stronger than stronger.

But this is only the first generation of super soldiers by definition.

However, this amount is terrifying.

There are hundreds of these in the picture alone, and who knows if there will be more.

"Let Rose and Ajay get on the helicopter, and when they get to the place, go over and make contact."

Ducao originally wanted Du Rose to go straight through.

But if it is directly defined as an enemy by the other party, it is really Barbie Q.

And the other side.

Shaoyang and Yimu stepped on a white cloud under their feet, and they were flying quickly in the direction of the Dragon Kingdom.

This is what Im came up with.

And to be able to fly so fast, it was Shaoyang who used the power of the wind to add a buff to this cloud.

"Did you eat any special fruit?"

Shaoyang turned his head to look at Yim next to him.

Yim nodded slightly, did not hide anything, and spoke.

"Hundreds of years ago, I found a devil fruit in a cave, this fruit is a natural line, but it is not a natural line."

"What do you mean?"

Shaoyang is a little confused, in addition to the dark fruit, there are other natural fruits with false names?

"I'm not sure if it's a devil fruit, after eating it, it's not disgusted by the sea, and it won't be restrained by the sea lou stone.

I can use all the forces of nature, wind, rain, thunder and clouds, even natural disasters, earthquakes, tsunamis.

But only one thing, I can't elementalize.

Shaoyang was stunned.

What kind of fruit is this, is it true that it is a natural fruit that cannot be achieved?

"I'm also curious, why do you have so many abilities, and those soldiers have also appeared in Mary Joa, what is this?"

"Nine Undead Legions."

Yi Mu was so sincere, and Shaoyang naturally had no reason to hide it.

For him, he can return to the pirate world at any time through the power of the system.

In the pirate world, pressed, he went to kill all three Luffy brothers, hard steel world will, become a king and defeat, if he becomes invincible, if he fails, it is just a change of world and a new start.

"The Nine Undead Legions only obey my orders, I am here, they are there,"

Shaoyang said, then turned his head and smiled at Im.

"But I'm wondering, how did you get hurt in the first place, just that group of people, it is estimated that it will not hurt you, you won't be the last time you crossed and forgot your brain in the capital of flowers."

Listen to Shaoyang's merciless mockery.

Im (▼▼▼#) really wanted to beat this guy to death on the spot.

"I thought it was some earth-shaking plan, but I didn't expect it, just this (¬_¬)."

Between "talking and laughing", the two flew across the Pacific Ocean and came to the high seas of the Dragon Kingdom, Shaoyang looked around, pointed in one direction and said to Yimu.

"Fly over there."

The place Shaoyang refers to is Tianhe City.

If he remembers well, there is an angel investment over there, and if the plot is about to begin, Tianhe City is definitely the most lively.

Collecting world data will not be easy.

The speed of the two was fast and the flight altitude was high enough, so they did not attract anyone's attention.

Eventually, the two appeared on a street.

The clothes they wore were 99.99 percent on this street.

The remaining 0.01 percent is the blind old man who is pulling the second spring and reflecting the moon on the street.

Although Yim did not wear her big black robe.

But he was still wrapped very tightly.

It's big summer, and ordinary people like her have already rolled their eyes, but Im has the ability to freeze and can't feel any heat.

Coupled with the two capes of black and white behind them, it looks like a mental hospital team building.

Shaoyang held the scepter in his hand, and after looking around, he saw a café that looked quite tall.

With Im and passed.

Under the surprised gaze of the waiter, Shaoyang and the two sat at a table by the window and ordered two cups of coffee.

Pirate World has such a thing as coffee.

Therefore, Shaoyang is not worried that Yim will not drink.

"You brought me here just for coffee?"

"Of course not, the purpose here is to wait for someone."

Yim was stunned, and she looked at Shaoyang.

"Do you know anyone in this world?"

Shaoyang shook his head and spoke.

"You'll find out later."

He didn't explain much, they swaggered over, and someone would definitely come to contact.

Otherwise, if Shaoyang and Yimu are allowed to move around within the Dragon Kingdom, then they are afraid that something will go wrong at any time.

Holding the coffee, Shaoyang looked out the window at the passers-by who looked at the two of them from time to time, but he didn't feel embarrassed.

Clothes, just comfortable.

His body is condensed with world energy in the pirate world, warm in winter and cool in summer, and his defense is very strong.

In this world, he could not condense a new one.

So, it's just about it.

As for Im, he covered it tightly, and he didn't know who to guard against.


The door of the coffee shop opened, and a man in a suit and sunglasses walked in, followed by a girl in casual clothes with burgundy hair.

After the two looked around, they locked Shaoyang and Yimu.

Im lowered his head and drank coffee.

During this time, the waiter added it to her three times very dedicatedly, and Shaoyang was worried that if she drank it like this, her brain would be broken.

It is said that coffee is refreshing.

Drink like Im, wouldn't you have to sleep?

A-jie and Rose carefully came to the table and spoke.

"Hello two, can you talk to us?"

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