Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 175


Luo Lin was taken aback.

'Whew, wheeze,' is just then.

Far horizon.

A golden light, a lightning bolt, one after another, burst through the air like a teleport.

In a blink of an eye, he arrived over the ruins of the auction house.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here! The general Huang Yuan and the electric shock boy Ainilu are here!...

Chapter 221 General Huang Yuan is stunned!Supernovas are stupid!2/7

'Swish swish' A dazzling golden light across the sky, galloping straight in the direction of the Chambord Islands.

After the golden light,'chichi' followed another light with the same speed.

That is blue-violet electric light.

Golden light and blue-violet electric light, one after the other, cut through the sky.

The speed is beyond imagination.

Just a blink of an eye.

The two rays of light that were still far in the sky have already swept over the islands of Chambord.

Finally came to the ruins of the auction house of No.1 Mangrove.

The dazzling golden light gradually converged.

It revealed the slender figure in a yellow and white striped suit.

That is Admiral Huang Yuan.

the other side.

The blue-violet light also stopped beating.

The true body of Anilu, who condenses the thunder fruit ability, stands in the air.

"That is.……"

Looking at the two figures that suddenly appeared in the sky.

Trafal Garro, who was in the open space outside the auction room, stared in horror.


Not far away, the magician Hawkins struggled to get up from the ground.

He had underestimated the power of that storm before.

Even with the shelter of the scarecrow, he was still blown out by the domineering storm with the scarecrow and the ground.

Fortunately,... there is no risk of life.

"It's the general Huang Yuan and that...Xianlei bastard!"

The magician Hawkins looked up at the sky.

The calm complexion gradually raised waves.

"Navy Headquarters General Huang Yuan, come so fast!!!"

Trafalgarro murmured in shock.

Tianlong died.

Of course the general of the navy headquarters will return.

It's just that Trafalgarro did not expect that he would come so fast! Didn't expect the second half of this big show to start so soon! Admiral of the Navy and Pluto Raleigh.

Plus that... the monster among monsters stronger than Pluto Raleigh.

In the next 100-year-old drama that is rare to see, where will it go, thinking that I may be about to witness history.

The shock and horror on Trafalgarro's face were gradually replaced by excitement and excitement...

"Oh oh oh, this is really serious! What happened here before!"

In the sky.

The real body of General Huang Yuan is manifested.

His eyes fell on the messy ruins of the auction house, and Huang Yuan's eyelids couldn't help but suddenly jump.

next moment.

General Huang Yuan's body froze.

A smile of excitement and joy appeared on his face.

Because he saw the only auctioneer who was still intact.

'Shu' golden light shines.

Under the gaze of Trafalgarro and Hawking.

The master split the yellow ape's body into countless light particles, which flashed towards the direction of the auction stage.

the other side.

Seeing Rolin's Aini Road on the auction stage, excitement and enthusiasm appeared on the gloomy face.

'Chi Chi' electric light flickered.

Louie Nilu and Flash Polusalino arrived at the auction stage at the same time in no particular order.

General Huang Yuan glanced at Aini Road on the other side in surprise.

This thunder kid is really annoying.

But now that there is a teacher, there is no need for me to make another move.

Xiao Lei, if you still want to be fierce, ha ha...The general Huang Yuan thought, unconsciously a wretched smile on his face.

Yet the next second.

Ling's general, Huang Yuan, was shocked.

Aini Road on the other side gave General Huang Yuan a provocative look.

Then, under the gaze of the general Huang Yuan, he knelt down on one knee in Luo Lin's direction.

"Shen Luolin, his subordinates are incompetent and failed to complete the task given by the gods. Please be punished."

Ainilu spoke with a pious face.


Watching this unexpected scene.

The Admiral-Huang Yuan-Polusalino, completely dumbfounded! What's the situation? This boy called Mr. Luo Lin... the one that the boy Shen Xianglei said in the past few days... omnipotent 'God' turned out to be...teacher!!! It turns out that there is really a god!!! I have always been god, I thought this kid was showing me! The general Huang Yuan was completely stunned.

Dare to love that he has been busy these days for nothing.

I thought this thunder boy was a time bomb, and staying in the shampoo was a threat to the little girls.

That's why he deliberately took a lot of effort to lead it to Akara Island.

I never thought that the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, and the family did not recognize the family! He played Ainilu for three days and turned out to be the teacher's servant! The reason why he was on the islands of Chambord was Luo Lin specially Left to perform the mission of the little girls' bodyguards.

What I have helped these days is...unsatisfactory!... Trafalgarro and Hawkins in the distance are also stunned by shock.

Although it is far apart.

They couldn't hear the conversation over there for sure.

However, Ainilu's movements and General Huang Yuan's attitude were deeply caught in their eyes.

"That... the sound of thunder bastard, the strong and monster-like natural thunder fruit ability, turned out to be... that man's subordinate!"

"Where is that man sacred! He is already a monster among monsters, and now there is a monster under his natural element! Why have I never heard of it before!"

The magician Hawkins murmured in shock, only that his brain was shaking.

Even continuous deep breaths can't calm the shock in his heart.

"Hey hey hey, Hawkins bastard, compared to this... don't you think that... the attitude of the general yellow ape is a big problem"

Trafalgarro cried out.

The excitement and excitement that had just risen on his face were frozen and stiff.

The emotion named Shock once again occupied his whole body with strong and domineering.

Ling's whole body was struck by lightning, completely standing still and motionless.

"What's the problem..."

Hawkins responded subconsciously.

Before he finished speaking, he was equally stunned.

has a problem.

Of course there is a big problem! That... Is it true that the Navy Headquarters Huang Yuan is a fake? Hawkins and Trafalgarro coincided with this idea in their hearts.

It stands to reason.

The general Huang Yuan, who came for the death of the Tianlongren, should be immediately.

Fight with the two monsters that directly or indirectly caused the death of the dragon people.

However, now this is what it is. Why would the hostile general Huang Yuan be so harmoniously mixed among the group of people, it looks like a group of people! Why they didn't even mean to start a war with you... Fight! And why did the general Huang Yuan treat that...young monster as respectful as a student to his teacher'Ah, sure enough, that...the general is a fake! Haha! Trafalgaro and the magician Hawkins Qiqi With a smirk.

Because of the unscientific scene they saw before them, they were all stupid...

Chapter 222 Teacher Luo Lin?Lei Li was stunned![3/7 seeking subscription]

The No. 1 mangrove in Chambord Land, ruins of the auction house.

Watching him kneel down in front of Luo Lin, he called Luo Lin the god Anilu.

General Huang Yuan suddenly widened his eyes, with a dazed expression on his face.

Until this moment.

Only then did General Huang Yuan finally know that the...the omnipotent god at the intersection of Aini turned out to be his teacher! What a damn thing this is, it's amazing.

It's really a flood of water rushing into the Dragon King Temple! Thanks to this time, the little girls did not have any irreparable events.

Otherwise...think of this.

General Huang Yuan was shocked.

Until a good moment.

The General Huang Yuan finally recovered from this'Oolong Incident'.

General Huang Yuan just moved.

It was discovered that the three auras were locked on his body.

That's Raleigh, Xia Qi, and Alice, a girl with a cap. 3.

"Oh oh oh, today is really strange. Isn't this the former deputy captain of the Roger Pirates, the Hades, Raleigh, hasn't seen him for 20 years? It's as terrible as always!"

The general Huang Yuan noticed the existence of Lei Li and subconsciously pursed his mouth.

He spoke slowly in an extremely awkward tone.

With a big wave of his hand, Lei Li guarded Xia Qi and his disciple Alice behind him with great momentum.

Confronted with the general Huang Yuan without flinching.

Of course, my own women and disciples must protect themselves.

At this point, Raleigh would never give in.

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