Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 176

Just when Raleigh was about to show off his heroism in front of Xia Qi and Alice, and proactively declare war on the general Huang Yuan.

Next second.

The unexpected happened again.

Under the shocking and shocking gazes of Raleigh, Xia Qi, Alice, and the giant slave, etc.

Luo Lin suddenly raised his right hand, and with a slap, it landed on the back of the head of the general Huang Yuan.

With a slap, the most famous navy headquarters almost fell to the ground.

"speak nicely."

Luo Lin spoke, his tone a little harsher.

It's not all because of the lack of beating.

Through Ainilu's description and own mind-reading.

Luo Lin probably already understood the whole process.

In this Oolong incident, Huang Yuan was kind, but he did something wrong after all.

In addition, Luo Lin once promised Zefa on Qianfan Island to educate this disciple.

At this moment, the subordinates will naturally not show mercy.

"Ms. Luo Lin, you should be a little harder when you start."

The general elementizes the yellow ape.

This avoids the embarrassment of landing on the head.

The reappearance is already tens of meters away.

He covered the back of his head with one hand, and grinned hard to endure the pain deep in his bone marrow.

The power and penetrating power of Luo Lin's merciless armed force was almost in his mind, and tears were about to flow out of his painful eyes.


When I heard this name blurted out of the arrogant general Huang Yuan.

Octopus Little Eight, Sea Star Papago,

Kemi, Giant and others are stupid.

Ainilu, who was gloating, was shocked.

The peaked cap girl Alice was stunned, her eyes widened and her mouth was so big that she could stuff an entire egg.

Even Xia Qi and Lei Li were stunned at the moment.

The memories of the past in my mind surface one by one.

They remembered.

In the distant past.

About 40 years ago, Lieutenant General Luo Lin seemed to have a little ghost disciple on board.

His name is Polusalino.

Huang Yuan Polusalino!!! "Sister Xia Qi, Mr. Huang Yuan is our partner, so don’t worry about it."

Looking at Xia Qi who was stunned, the caring Robin immediately stepped forward to explain.

"Ah...oh, it's not...but...after so many years, it's really rare that Polusalino can recognize you as a teacher."

After a short while, Xia Qi finally got rid of her inner shock and reorganized her language.

"Who do you think I am, Polusalino, this kid, but I brought it up."

Luo Lin raised his chin, not without pride.

"What's the matter, my little Alice, even in a few decades, she will definitely recognize me as a teacher, right?"

Raleigh spoke unconvinced, and turned to look at the girl in the peaked cap.


The girl Alice, who seemed to be in a state of extreme shock, didn't even hear Raleigh's question clearly.First, she shook her head and then nodded her head, her position was very unstable.

Lei Li's face was suddenly black when he saw it.

Ever since I met Luo Lin, I, the smartest disciple ever, has become stupid.

"It doesn't count, little Alice is scared by you now."

Raleigh became angry.


Luo Lin couldn't help laughing.

Xia Qi, Robin and others also pursed their lips and chuckled.

The legendary hero, Hades King Leili, showed such an expression, which is not common at all.

"Teacher, since the little girls are okay, then I will leave first."

Tens of meters away.

The general, Huang Yuan, who sensed that Luo Lin might continue to beat him, was ready to drive away.

"Wait... Polusalino, you will go back here if you don't get any business done, the Warring States period can let you go"

Luo Lin stopped Huang Yuan.

"What business?"

The general Huang Yuan suddenly felt confused.


Luo Lin raised his eyebrows and his face was suddenly speechless.

"Mr. Huang Yuan, don't you know what happened here"

Weiwei said with a surprised look.

"Isn't it just that the teacher demolished a population auction house, trivial matter?"

General Huang Yuan waved his hand indifferently.

"Little girl, you are fine."

"Thank you Mr. Huang Yuan for your concern, Mr. Huang Yuan, goodbye!"

Nami thanked her and said goodbye to her, wanting to send him away.

"Then I will leave first."

General Huang Yuan asked tentatively.

At this moment, the sound of a telephone worm was heard in the pocket of General Huang Yuan's jacket.

General Huang Yuan took out a black eavesdropping phone bug from his left pocket, and Moses Moses spent a long time.

Only then found out that it was wrong.

He smiled awkwardly, and took out another small phone bug for special line contact.

"I said, old man, did you get the wrong phone bug again? You have said it many times. The black one... is for eavesdropping."

A thick male voice came from the other end of the phone worm.

"Ahem, Zhan Tao Wan, what's the matter?"

General Huang Yuan coughed and restored his previous voice and intonation.

"Father, I'm on the way to the No. 1 mangrove tree. I saw a golden light just now. It should be you, old man."

Zhan Momomaru asked.


Huang Yuan responded.

"That's good, the matter of stopping Lei Li, the king of the underworld, is left to you. That guy killed the world noble Tianlongren. Mr. Warring States gave the order to die. You must not let him run away."

"Have you heard, old man, before the Marshal of the Warring States period arrives, you must not let: Um...Pluto ran away!!!"

Zhan Taomaru said firmly.

Huang Yuan:...

Chapter 223 General Huang Yuan: I am too difficult [4/7]

"Remember, old man, absolutely must stop that... Pluto Raleigh!"

'Ga...Plus' phone worm hung up.

Ruins dozens of meters away.

The general Huang Yuan held the phone worm with one hand, and his body was motionless as if he had been caught in the hold method.

Fight peach pill! Fight peach pill! Tell me about you, when did you not get in touch with me! But wait for me to get ready to leave and call! Are you not the pit master, and Kuzan... General Huang Yuan’s face is a bit dark .

The expression is extremely resentful.

Earlier, after learning about the accident in Shampoo from the mouth of the green pheasant.

The first thing he worried about was the teachers Luo Lin left on the island...little girls.

That's why I arrived at the first time with busy schedule.

Who knows that the accident mentioned by the green pheasant refers to an accident with the world noble Tianlongren! The death of the Tianlongren has a wool relationship with him! I want him to come to this muddy water! There is no doubt.

Although Zhan Tao Maru was talking about the Celestial Man who had been killed by Hades King Raleigh.

But Huang Yuan, the general who knew Luo Lin's existence, didn't even need to think about it, he could know that it must be because of Luo Lin.


The general Huang Yuan sighed, with a wretched smile on his face, turned to look at everyone, and finally locked his gaze on Lei Li.

Anyway...Zhan Momomaru said that as long as you stop Lei Li.

That would be better.

As long as it is wrong with the teacher.

Anyone else will do.

General Huang Yuan thought.


Weiwei and Nami, who wanted to flick the general Huang Yuan away, smiled awkwardly.

He quickly hid behind Luo Lin.

"Agaga, can't you hide it?"

The peaked cap girl Alice heard the conversation between the former general Huang Yuan and Zhan Taomaru and couldn't help but shook her head.

"Don't be afraid, little Alice, there is a teacher."

Raleigh, who had a rare chance, waved his hand.

Full of heroic qualities.

"Yes, the teacher is the legendary King Leily, and Mr. Luo Lin, he turned out to be the teacher of that... General Huang Yuan, that... No matter how the general, he has to give Mr. Luo Lin a face."

Thinking of this, Alice, a girl in the peak cap, slapped her with excitement.

Raleigh: "..."

The black lines on an old face became denser.

What's wrong with this little girl apprentice in my own family? How can I get involved with that bastard? This is your teacher, Raleigh, where I played home.

I can only think about it in my heart.

I will never say it.

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