Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 528

Then more and more people saw the figure under the huge ark Noah.

Compared to the huge Noah, Luo Lin's body of more than three meters is also inconspicuous.

But it is such a huge difference in body size that makes it more contrasting.

"That person, is he a'god'"

"This is no longer something that humans can do. I support Noah with one hand. I would rather believe that that is the god, the god of salvation on our fisherman island."

All the fish people who noticed this scene cheered like a mountain and a tsunami.

At this moment, everything on the fisherman island is boiling...

The six hundred and second chapters stand upright like a god!!!Subscribe

Noah, the Ark about the size of half a Murloc Island, fell from the sky.

The'sky' of Murloc Island collapsed.

The shadow of death haunted everyone on the island instantly.

Despair is spreading.

But at this moment.

In the dark abyss called despair, a light suddenly appeared.

It illuminates people in the dark, this light is called hope.

The sky on Murloc Island has collapsed now.

One person stood up.

One-handed-the sky!!! The sky-the ground!!! Rushen-Linchen!!! "Um...oh"

"Um...oh oh oh oh"

At this moment, looking at the heroic figure that propped up the sky, the entire Murloc Island was boiling...

"Hero! He is really a hero!"

"That human held the sky, he is the hero of our fisherman island!"

"Long live the hero Luo Lin!"

"Master Luo Lin, thank you very much!!!"


Around the fisherman island, people's cheers came one after another, one after another.

"So amazing, really amazing, Lord Luo Lin."

Bai Xing held his small hand and whispered with excitement.

"This level is of course, that is Mr. Luo Lin!"

Yamato smiled slightly...

At this moment, outside the fisherman island.

Jinping, Neptune and other Sea Kings, the new Murloc Pirates led by Hordy Jones, and Van Da Deken IX, the initiator on Noah's deck, watched Noah gradually fall down with emotion.

Everyone in King Neptune's army looked at Noah with canthus eyes, and rushed back crazy.

The wives, children and relatives on that island that is about to be crushed, they don't want to be separated forever.

"Hahahahaha, kids, are you ready! The capture of Murloc Island is today, and from now on, it's the turn of these...easy people in that...dark place."

Hodie Jones said with a laugh.

"See you in Mianjin, what about this masterpiece, no matter who it is, don't want to escape. The destruction of Murloc Island is today."

On Noah's deck, Van Daeken shouted excitedly.

'Boom' was at this moment, and the crashing sound of a giant collision resounded across this seabed.

The shock wave caused the sea to turn a layer of white waves.

After everything was calm, the people outside the island were shocked to find that Noah had stopped miraculously and did not fall anymore.

From their angles, they couldn't see Luo Lin who was reaching the bow at this time.

"What happened, Noah stopped, Noah stopped!!!"

After a brief period of consternation, the people of the Sea King Army let out a loud cheering.

The three princes of Neptune and Shark are also full of excitement.

"Now on Murloc Island, there is nothing wrong with this, there is only that man."

Haixia said flatly.

"Luo Lin, thank you, thank you very much!"

Neptune closed his eyes, tears streaming down his face long ago, and wept with joy for the surviving Murloc Island.

"Mr. Luo Lin, you are also the hero of our fisherman island!!!"

After King Neptune, the three brothers of Shark, Emperor, and Sunstar, Jinping, left and right: the ministers and all the sea kings all bowed in the direction of Noah's bow.

Although they can't see it, they know it.

In that place, the figure of a hero held up the sky.

"Hey hey, Neptune, Jinping, who are you bowing to and answering me what is going on?"

At this time, everyone in the new murloc pirate group led by Hodie Jones on Murloc Street, 10,000 in their hearts, opened their eyes.

Looking at Noah who stopped suddenly, he was puzzled.

Someone supported Noah, how could it be possible to do something like that, but Noah! Even if they eat a thousand pills, they will never have such a powerful force.

"Hey hey hey, see Mianjin, what the hell is going on now, even if I remove the ability, Noah should fall."

Van Daeken on Noah's deck shrieked.

Just as his voice fell, Ark Noah shook, and then moved again.

"Captain Deacon, the ship is moving again."

The bald sea monster Mianjin yelled when he saw it.

"Oh, it's fine if it moved again. It seems that there was a slight malfunction just now, but it doesn't matter, everything is as usual."

Van Daeken looked up to the sky and laughed.

"No, right, Captain Deacon, look at it, the ship is moving, but it... it seems to be rising!!!"

The bald sea monster showed a ghostly expression.

Van Daeken: ""

How could this be possible!!! It's just that no matter how much Van Daeken didn't believe it, it couldn't change the fact that Luo Lin was walking with Ark Noah at this moment.

The bubble film that was nearly burst that had been oppressed by Ark Noah gradually recovered.

In the end, even the chains on Noah left the Murloc Island one by one.

It wasn't until this moment that Hordy Jones' new murloc pirate group finally saw the figure walking with Noah on its back, like a god.

"Humans are humans again, just a human being, how could it be possible to have such a great power, it is impossible!!!"


The 663rd chapter is shocked!Miraculous existence!Subscribe

"Humans are humans again, but they are just a mere human. How could there be such a powerful force... How could it happen!"

Hodie Jones yelled almost collapsed.

Seeing Luo Lin's god-like posture, his spirit was greatly stimulated beyond the limit.

He snatched a bag of poison that he was holding next to him, and recklessly poured it into his mouth.

"Captain Hoody, don't eat anymore, it will really die."

A murloc pirate yelled anxiously.

"Get in the way, get out."

Hordy throws a random punch.

Like a watermelon bursting, Hordy's fist pierced through the head of the murloc and pirate like a tofu.


Hodie screamed like a beast on his back, and his body swelled again and again.

After a long time, Hodie grinned open, feeling the power surging in his body, and his confidence skyrocketed.

"Hahahahaha, I am invincible now."

Hodie Jones yelled arrogantly.

While the evil medicine strengthened his body, it also strengthened his arrogance by the way, making him selectively forget the extraordinary power that Luo Lin was carrying Noah on his back at the moment.

In the sky, Luo Lin held the Ark Noah with one hand, ascending the sky step by step.

The pace is steady.

There was not a single bit of wavering.

at last.

The bow of Ark Noah was completely sent out of Murloc Island by Rollin for coating.

At the same time, Luo Lin kept walking.

Step forward.

Unsuspectingly enter the deep sea of ​​10,000 meters.

"See you in Mianjin, let's go!"

On Noah's deck of the Ark, King Van Daeken IX's eyes widened in horror, and there was a panic for no reason.

Although I don't know what happened, I can't see the frightening feat of Luo Lin directly under Ark Noah.

But the abnormal unfolding right now, that...the sense of oppression in the dark, pressed him almost out of breath.

"Since you are here, where do you want to go!"

Just as Van Daeken retreated and was about to escape, a vague voice suddenly blasted from his ears, making Van Daeken IX's expression change instantly.

Don't wait for the slightest movement from him.

next moment.

The incomparable horror of'Boom' fell.

That is Luo Lin's territory.

The territory of the overlord.

Under the pressure of Luo Lin's territory, Vanda Deiken IX collapsed on the deck without any resistance.

I can’t move a finger and a muscle all over my body. "Who is who?"

Van Daeken's eyes burst out, as if to pop his eye sockets.

The double pressure from the body and soul made his brain tremble, and his body was close to the edge of collapse, but he always maintained a clever balance.

This is naturally the result of Luo Lin's deliberate control.

For... this Lolicon perverted murloc bastard who has coveted his disciple for eight years, of course, he can't be sent on the road simply.

The dimly lit Deep Sea Murloc Street.

King Neptune's Sea King's army and Hoody Jones' new murloc pirate group faced each other hundreds of meters away.

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