Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 529

Tit for tat, but there is no bloody battle like before.

Because at this moment, before their eyes, a miracle is happening.

Even if he came to the deep sea unsuspectingly, Luo Lin's footsteps still did not lag behind.

Still not in a hurry, he walked towards Murloc Street step by step.

Eventually, in the eyes of the fish people, either shocked, excited, or horrified, they left Ark Noah and returned to the original place.

'Boom Rumble', another'big earthquake' occurred on the bottom of the sea.

"That person...what the hell is going on with that person"

Toss, the cadre of the New Murloc Pirate Group, screamed in surprise.

"He's a murloc, no, no, no, how could there be a strong man of this level hiding on the murloc island."

The Sharkman cadre Jeo is no longer calm.

"Then we are not mistaken, he is really human!"

Icarus screamed in surprise.

"But... if it's really a human... how could it be... it's a 10,000-meter deep ocean! How can ordinary humans move in the deep ocean unsuspectingly! This is unreasonable!!!"

"Yes, yeah, how can human beings move freely in the deep sea?"

"Deep Ocean is our home court!!!"

The people of the new murloc pirate group were shocked and yelled in horror.

In fact, it's not just the new Murloc Pirates of Hordy Jones.

Regarding... the series of miracles that happened to Luo Lin, everyone in Neptune's Sea King Army was also shocked to the point where it could not be added.

"Unbelievable! Father, what is going on?"

"Mr. Luo Lin...Mr. Luo Lin is too powerful! It's just...foul! Red rollover!"

The second prince dragon star and the third prince rollover star screamed in shock.

"Is this the miraculous person the queen said?"

The Prince Shark murmured.

"Unexpectedly once again broke the iron rule of the devil fruit, the legendary hero, how powerful this is!!!"

Qiwu Hai Jinping, who had witnessed the whole process of the big event with his own eyes, was once again shocked by the miracle before him, and his face was full of incredible.

"This is Luo Lin! Otohime, have you seen our hero from Murloc Island... is back!!!"


Chapter 664: Shocking New Murloc Pirates!!!Subscribe

10,000 meters deep sea fisherman street.

The sea floor shook sharply.

The undercurrent of horror is raging.

The impact ripples visible to the naked eye scattered, making the entire Murloc Street wobbly. It was a terrifying phenomenon caused by the return of the giant Ark Noah.

for a long time.

The shock brought by Noah calmed down.

The deep sea battlefield is still dead.

Whether it is Neptune's Sea King Army, or the new Murloc Pirates led by Hodie Jones.

Everyone in the room looked at the vague figure in front of Noah unblinkingly, and the emotion called shock occupied their whole body.

"My father, my brothers and adults"

An anxious young girl's voice came from the dim deep sea, breaking the deadly atmosphere of the scene.

"White Star"

Neptune's eyes narrowed.

"Baixing, why are you here?"

The three princes including Shark were also taken aback.

After a while, he slapped his head again and reacted.

Now that Luo Lin has appeared here, it shouldn't be surprising that Bai Xing also came here.

"Gaga, isn't that the mermaid princess! The bones of the delicate skin and tender princess must also have a different taste."

Dharma, the leader of the new murloc pirate group, kept his saliva, and in the blink of an eye he dived into the solid seabed ground, walking under the ground like a gopher.

Looking at the constantly approaching underground passage under the sea, Mecarlo the Shark twisted uncomfortably, instinctively aware that the crisis was approaching.

"Don't be afraid, little shark."

Yamato spoke calmly and confidently, and withdrew the wolf-fanged stick pinned to his waist.

The dark seabed ground cracked.

A terrifying frog with an open iron mouth, like a cannonball, bites towards the white star on Mecarlo's back.

The scarlet eyes were full of madness and cruelty.

"White Star"

Neptune, Prince Shark and others screamed anxiously.

"Mr. Frog, please don't..."

Seeing the menacing Bodhidharma, Bai Xing cowered and closed his eyes, tears flickering in the corners of his eyes.

"Gaga, you're done, Mermaid..."

However, in the ``Frog'' Murloc Dharma who thought he was successful, suddenly a big hand came out and pinched his neck firmly.

As a result, Bodhidharma the Frog's figure culled forward suddenly solidified.

"Damn it, who are you, drive me."

Bodhidharma struggled violently.

However, the sudden big hand, like the strongest iron tongs in the world, did not move.

"Hey, Mr. Luo Lin, just leave it to me."

Yamato who swung his mace could not help complaining.

"Hahaha, sorry sorry."

Luo Lin smiled casually.

"Damn, you dare to treat this uncle like this and see if I don't break your hand."

Dharma the murloc roared, lowered his head abruptly, opened his sharp teeth, and bit his hand like a vise.

'Hey...' Bodhidharma was proud of his teeth that could bite anything, and at this moment he finally met his opponent.

The hardness of that hand was beyond the limit of his imagination, causing his teeth to bite for a while, almost breaking apart.

On the other hand, Luo Lin's right hand was not damaged at all.

This unexpected situation calmed the crazy Bodhidharma under the effect of the murderous drug.

"Damn, who are you?"

Dharma screamed.

"Only with you... the frogs who sit on the well and watch the sky also wish to be able to sit on an equal footing with the strong on the sea"

Luo Lin sneered.

"You...you are..."

Bodhidharma suddenly widened his eyes, and finally remembered the identity of this man who made him unconsciously frightened.

However, before he screamed, Luo Lin's strength increased slightly.

Only a crisp sound was heard, Dharma the Frog's eyes were loose, and his neck was completely broken.

It smashed into the ruins of Murloc Street like a rag, and aroused a dull splash of water.

"who are you"

Hodie Jones yelled nervously.

"King Neptune, Shark Star, Princess White Star has Mr. Luo Lin there, don't worry too much."

Zhenping comforted.


"I know"

Neptune, Shark Star and others all nodded.

He turned his gaze to the new murloc pirate group that was already in chaos not far away.

"Hodie Jones, what happened eight years ago, let's end it today."

Neptune said coldly.

"Ghahahahaha, Neptune, do you really think you are determined to win? With that...inexplicable human, this deep ocean is my place."

Hodie Jones, who was on the verge of collapse, let out a crazy laugh.

"Roar, isn't it"

Just as Hodie Jones's voice fell, a faint sarcasm suddenly exploded from his ears.

at the same time.

Everyone in the new murloc pirate group only felt that their eyes flickered and the sea was rippling.

Next second.

The fuzzy figure that was hundreds of meters away has already appeared in front of them.

"This man is..."

"How is it possible, why does this man appear here..."

"You are... that monster human!!!"

Hoodi Jones' pupils shrank suddenly, and the image of the person he saw in front of him coincided with the portrait in the newspaper news.

At this moment, after recognizing Luo Lin's identity, the entire new murloc pirate group trembled because of fear...

Chapter 665 Smash the darkness of Murloc Island!!!Subscribe

There are only a few lights in the 10,000-meter deep sea.

Render this deep ocean into a hazy dull color.

In an instant, the light and shadow changed, and the sea surged.

Everyone in the new murloc pirate group only felt their eyes sway.

Next second.

A few hundred meters away, the vague figure of the cadre who killed them casually had already arrived in front of them.

It was clearly seen by their eyes.

There is no doubt that the tall man who appeared in front of them was indeed a real human being.

A miraculous human being able to move freely in the water like their murlocs.

With further observation.

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