The Devil's Triangle.

A huge sea area shrouded in dense fog with low visibility.

Legend has it that this sea is full of ghosts, ghost ships, talking skeletons, and a moving ghost island.

At this time, the Liberty stopped on the edge of this thick fog, looking ahead, and everyone's faces showed excitement, and this excitement washed away the hearts of those who were tired of killing pirates in the past few days.

"Sota, let's go inside! I smell the smell of adventure.

Ah Hua pushed the frame and turned his head to look at Kuta who was standing at the bow of the boat.

Obviously, he can't wait.

What interesting things were waiting for them this time?

Seeing that Sora hadn't replied for a long time, everyone turned their heads to look at him, and as they watched, the excitement on their faces disappeared, revealing a trace of doubt.

"What's wrong?"

Guina asked, walking over and reaching out to take Sota's drooping hand, looking at him in confusion.


Kuta came back to his senses, retracted his gaze, and the surprise in the depths of his eyes disappeared.

It was the third thing he had seen in this world that he couldn't explain.

Maybe no one in this world can feel it, including Guina and others, Luffy and others in the original book, none of them can feel it.

He doesn't know why, it may be because he is not a person in this world, or it may be because of his own spatial physique, which makes him particularly sensitive to space and the fluctuations of space.

The three monstrous black shadows in the dense fog in front of them may seem to others to be three projections, and they can't feel the slightest breath.

But in his eyes, it was as if he saw...

I saw three pairs of red eyes, staring at the world through the endless space.

He didn't know what it was, but he could tell from this guy's eyes that it must be something very evil.

However, it is isolated from the endless space by the world, and ordinary people can't feel it at all.

He could feel it, because of the void, the fluctuating space, and the malice that emanated from time to time that only he could sense.


Kuta glanced at the group, the corners of his mouth turned up, and a smile appeared on his face, then he turned his head to look ahead, raised his hand and shouted, "Let's go, start a new adventure, brothers." "

Yo roar~"

Ah Hua and the three of them shouted excitedly, turned around and went to drive the boat, Robin looked at Kong Tai's back, with a gentle smile on his face, and then looked at the thick fog in the distance, with anticipation in his eyes.

Indigo also opened his mouth, smiled exaggeratedly, and danced in a mime.

Guina, on the other hand, tightened Kuta's hand, didn't say anything, didn't ask, and looked at him tenderly.

Kuta also tightened his hands, even if it was a response to Guina, and he didn't say anything either.

When Guina can deal with these dangers, when he can protect Guina, he will definitely not hide it from her, but not now, saying it will only add to Guina's troubles.

The world is not simple.

Even if he is a time-traveler and knows the truth that many people in this world don't know, but he hasn't seen the finale, so there are many things like people in this world, he doesn't know.

So you have to explore and discover it yourself.

And isn't this the adventure they're looking for? Don't

look at the Liberty as if it was on the edge of the fog, but it wasn't close.

They sailed for almost an hour before they really disappeared into the sea and really entered the fog.

Strange to say, the sea outside is not to mention how violent it is, but even if the sky is clear, it will not be really calm.

But entering this sea shrouded in thick fog made them feel as if they had returned to the East China Sea, except that this dim environment was different, the waves here, the wind here, were exactly the same as the East China Sea.

No more rage, no more madness.

"Look, ghost ship!" said

Arlo, pointing excitedly in one direction and shouting loudly.

Everyone looked up, and saw that in the depths of the thick fog, there was a black shadow in the shape of a ship, slowly approaching them.

Before they approached, everyone vaguely felt a cold wind coming, making everyone involuntarily, and a touch of goosebump appeared on the surface of their bodies, and they shivered.

"There can't really be a ghost!" Ah

Hua said as he stared at the dark shadow in the distance, his voice both scared and excited.

"If there are ghosts, then we'll have to take a good look. His

eyes were lit up as he spoke.

This is typically, the more scared you are, the more excited you are.

However, he was disappointed, and as the distance narrowed, everyone realized that what was coming was only a ship that had long been broken and abandoned.

Only the countless scratches on the hull, and the broken flag on the top of the mast in the middle of the ship, still tell the glory of this pirate ship.

Kuta only glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze.

Because he didn't feel any breath on this ship, and he didn't feel any ghost shadow in his spirit.

Well, it's really just a hulk ship.

As early as the first stop of the Great Voyage, "Twin Gorges", he promised Rab that he would definitely find his companion, the colored skeleton "Brooke", one of the four yellows.

He knows that Brooke is in this sea area, but he doesn't know where this guy is?

In the original book, Luffy was able to meet Brooke because of the arrangement of the plot, and it may not be easy for him to meet.

However, if you are unlucky outside, it may be really difficult to find this guy, but as long as you find the terrifying three-masted galleon of Moriah, which is also known as the legendary "Ghost Island", you will definitely be able to find this guy.

Because this guy... If he remembers correctly, this guy's shadow should have been taken by Moria and then put into the body of the legendary swordsman of Wano Country, the swordsman Ryoma.

Because the shadow is lost, Brooke can't leave the sea, and after leaving, he will die if he meets the sun.

So he simply wouldn't have gone far from the Terror Trimas.

And with Guina's perception and hearing that is stronger than Anilu, plus electromagnetic waves, her sensing range is really round, and it is even farther than Anilu.

So if they only got to the Dreadsome Galleon, and Brooke wasn't particularly far away, they might be able to find him.

Even if you can't find it then, you can wait until you kill Moria and follow the shadow that appears on Ryoma's body to find him.

The two ships met, and nothing superfluous happened.

The Liberty moved on.

And the wrecked galleon, also behind them, disappeared into the fog again, waiting for the next ship to enter and meet it.

But that's all for later.

It could be days, years, decades, before it meets the next ship that comes in.

In fact, it is more likely that he will not meet another ship until he sinks into the deep sea.

The sea is so large that it spans most of the great shipping routes.

Ever since the fog shrouded the sea, no one has been able to truly explore the sea.

It has become a forbidden place for many ships.

Of course, powerful pirates are not afraid, but ordinary pirates, as well as merchant ships, will not go here.

They preferred to take a detour and take other routes to the Chambord Islands.

That's why they've seen so many pirates outside the fog!

After all, not everyone has the courage to challenge this unknown place, does it?

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