And over the past countless years, there have been countless pirate ships, merchant ships, and even naval warships buried in this sea area, so of course there are many ghost ships floating here.

No, it didn't take long for them to come across another wrecked pirate ship.

However, this ship, unlike the previous one, although this ship is broken, there are not many traces of time on it.

From the dust on the ship, it is clear that the ship must have been abandoned only in recent months.

On the boat, everyone was still in the galley of the ship, and saw the pot that burned through, the black charcoal in the pot, and the rotten ingredients in the refrigerator not long after the power was cut off.

From the crooked chairs in the galley, it was clear that the place was supposed to be preparing for dinner, but it was urgently summoned to the deck by something that suddenly happened, and then there was no fighting, and the people of the ship disappeared.

Why did there be no fighting?

Because there were no signs of a fight on the ship, there were traces on the side of the ship, but not much, and the degree of decay of the scars was not caused by the abandonment of the ship, but by a long time ago.

Walked around the whole ship and found nothing useful except for some treasure and Berry.

The whole ship, as if suddenly all of them were under control by something, left here in a hurry, without anything.

And the things that attacked them were obviously not here to find treasure, so why is that?

The crowd got off the ship and boarded the Liberty.

Then it continued its voyage.

Gradually, the fog around me became thicker and thicker, and at last I couldn't even see the road ahead.

Fortunately, although this sea area is in the Great Route, the weather and the Great Voyage are not the same except for the dense fog.

"Sota, there seems to be something in the water ahead. At

the bow of the boat, Arlo pointed with his right hand ahead and turned his head to look at Kuta.

"Just pick it up and see if it's okay.

Kuta picked up the juice on the coffee table, opened his mouth and bit the straw, and took a sip.


Arlo turned his head, picked up his usual fishing rod from the shelf next to him, and threw it forward, throwing it precisely in front of the thing on the sea in front of him, then turned the pulley and retracted the line.

The "——!"

is a wooden barrel.

Ah Hua and Ah Tao surrounded the wooden barrel that Ah Luo had fished, "Alas!

Ah Hua tore off the flag on the barrel and unfolded it, "It looks like a treasure." "


When everyone heard this, they immediately came to their senses.

"Treasure?" Sota

looked at the barrel, put down the fruit cup, and touched his chin with his right hand, making a thoughtful gesture.

At that moment, a flash of red light interrupted his thoughts.

I saw that the wooden barrel surrounded by everyone was opened by them at some point.

The moment the barrel opened, it rapidly expanded, and then a fiery red cannonball burst out of it.

The cannonball, dragging its red tail, rushed into the sky.

With a bang, it exploded like fireworks.

The loud sound and bright red light are very dazzling in this dark sea.

"What!" Arlo

kicked down the barrel, raised his head, looked at the fireworks in the sky, and said dissatisfiedly, "It turned out to be fireworks!


Ah Hua threw away the small flag in his hand and nodded his head with a disappointed expression.

"It looks like a flare!"

"Flare?" everyone

stopped, then turned to look at Robin as he spoke.

Robin looked up at the dazzling red light in the sky, even in the thick fog, and said in a serious tone: "I'm afraid that someone specially threw the bait into the sea, just waiting for others to pick up the signal flare, so that the person who threw the bait can quickly locate and find the person who released the signal."


Tao smoked a cigarette, retracted his gaze, and smiled faintly, "I thought it was something! Isn't it just positioning! Just let them come, I want to see who is playing with us?"

Obviously, he didn't take the bait thrower seriously at all.


the guys didn't take it seriously.

Seeing that everyone was not the slightest nervous, Robin didn't say anything, glanced ahead, then withdrew his gaze, turned back to sit on the recliner, and went to read.

Also, with the strength of their group, how could they be afraid of this man-made trap!

Looking at the fireworks that were still blooming with red light, Kong Tai lowered his hand, and his eyes showed enlightenment.

"It's been this thing!" It's been

so long, so long that he's forgotten that there's still this thing.

This thing is nothing else, it is used by Moria to locate the pirates who have entered the Devil's Triangle.

"The fireworks are off, and the ghost should be soon!" Thinking

of this, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

He's looking for this guy!

zombies, ghosts, giants...


Actually, Moria's guy is quite interesting.

That guy's talent is definitely not weak, otherwise he wouldn't have competed with Kaido when he was young, although he lost, but it was not an existence that ordinary pirates could provoke.

The only thing that puzzles him is why this guy can't

be domineering? If this thing can be domineering, it is absolutely impossible for him to be the bottom existence in the Seven Martial Seas.

Could it really be that Kaido was broken by his heart, so he lost his domineering.

It's also impossible!

Seeing and hearing the domineering spirit can still say that it disappears after losing the heart, but the armed color domineering is the energy of the body, as long as the body is still strong, it is impossible to say that it will disappear without the heart.

The only explanation is that this guy doesn't cultivate domineering at all.

It's really blind to such a huge body.

No wonder he was abused by Kaido.


"Hey~ There are fish on the bait. "

In the depths of the fog there was a huge sailing ship as large as an island.

Let's call it an

island, after all, it's also called Ghost Island, isn't it?

There are many castles on the island.

However, these castles do not know whether they have been in this fog for a long time, or if they are really too old, making the castles look as if they came from ancient times, full of the breath of time.

Of course, in this dim fog, the combination of the island and the castle also makes this place look particularly eerie.

In the middle of the island, on the second floor of an ancient castle, in a hut.

It's different from the walls outside, it's full of all kinds of cute things, even the walls are pink.

At first glance, it is a girl's room.

And that's where the sound comes from.

I saw that in the room, on a round bed, sat a little girl wearing a white shirt and a red gown.

The little girl has pink hair tied up in two ponytails on both sides, a crown on top of her head, and a circle of black eyeshadow around her big eyes.

At first glance, you know that she is a little princess who is like a princess, but her personality is a little naughty.

The girl seemed to sense something, and was rolling on the bed excitedly, with a big laugh from her mouth that was somewhere between cute and weird.

When the laughter stopped, she lay down on the bed and said to a strange doll full of patches standing beside her, "Go and tell Lord Moria that I have found another prey and tell him to sail over." "

Yes, Mistress Perona. The

doll respectfully saluted the girl and turned to go out the door.

"What's going to be interesting this time!" looked

out the window, and the girl's face showed an innocent and somewhat weird smile.


Ignoring gravity and the surrounding walls, the ghost pierced through and flew in the direction of a dazzling red light in the distance.

While flying, she showed the same smile as the girl.

All this makes this castle, and this island, full of weirdness that can only be found in horror movies.

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