
"You guys stole my ship, didn't

you?" "Come and provoke me, can you afford it?"

At that moment, a mocking voice came from the air, and clearly reached the ears of Hody Jones and Van der Dyken IX, pulling them out of the horror before them.

The two of them raised their heads and looked at the sky, and when they saw the moon-white, silver-haired figure suspended in the air, their pupils shrank at the same time.

They had thought that it was silver-haired, but due to their limited knowledge, they felt that it was impossible, but when they really saw this figure, a sentence popped up in their hearts at the same time.

"Kicked to the iron plate.

As if thinking of something, Hoddy Jones quickly withdrew his gaze and looked out of the ruins, when he saw countless fishmen who fell to the ground, his heart shrank suddenly, as if to stop beating, and the feeling of suffocation instantly spread throughout his body.

"Overlord color domineering. As

an ambitious fishman, although he has never really seen the world's top powerhouse make a move, he has heard of this kind of domineering that can make people dizzy.


Looking upwards, it gradually covered the entire Fish-Man Street, and in his perception and sight, there was not a single Fish-Man standing.

"Is this the world's pinnacle

powerhouse?" he knew that this kind of powerhouse was very strong, but he had never seen it.

Even if you know that there is a domineering existence of the overlord, because you have never seen it, of course you will not know that this thing will cover such a wide area.

You must know that there are more than 50,000 fishmen in Fishman Street.

In his original plan, no matter how powerful

the silver-haired was, he would be exhausted under the siege of 50,000 fish-men! When the time comes, he will stand up and kill the silver-haired gang, won't he become the hero of Fish-Man Island?

Who knows, if one of them is domineering, all the 50,000 fishmen in Fish-Man Street will faint.

"This is so special..."

"It's too powerful!" At

this moment, even with his crazy and tenacious heart, he couldn't help but fall to the bottom.

Although he is confident in his own strength, he is not confident enough to really compare with the world's top powerhouses.

If it was in the sea, he would still have confidence, but now he is on land.


The voice was familiar, he knew, it was Vanderdyken IX's.

Suppressing the panic in his heart, Hoddy Jones turned his head to look at the other side of the palm print, and sure enough, the figure floating in the air had stood beside Vanderdyken IX for some time.

Van der Dyken IX, however, did not know what he was doing to the silverhead

, being grabbed by an invisible force, constantly struggling in mid-air, and letting out one screamer after another.

And around his body, the space was like water waves, circle, circle, like a whirlpool, constantly shrinking and twisting, and the Van der Dyken IX inside also followed the space, twisting abnormally.

He could feel the fear that penetrated deep into his soul from Van der Dyken IX's twisted and hideous face.

"This man. Without

looking at Van der Dyken IX again, Hody Jones looked at Kongtai, and for the first time met Kongtai's pale blue, playful, indifferent eyes.

These eyes were beautiful, beautiful, but this moment in Hoddy Jones's eyes made him stop breathing.

He felt a great deal of pressure, as if he was not seeing his eyes, but the whole starry sky.

He knew very well that this matter would never be left uneasy, from the fact that Kuta killed his companion as soon as he made a move, to the terrible screams of Van der Dyken IX, it could be seen that Kuta would never let her go.

To be honest, he regretted it a little, why did he have a hot head to provoke this man with a reward of 2.5 billion.

However, it is too late to say anything.

And Sora's indifferent eyes, the pressure on him, did not crush him, but aroused the ferocity in his body.

He wasn't a good guy in the first place, he was a great white shark man with a ferocious nature.

Staring at the silver-haired imp across from him, Hody Jones pulled a box out of his trouser pocket, then opened it and held it up.

Then, without hesitation, he raised his head, opened his mouth wide, and poured all the red pills in the box into his mouth.

This is the murder drug E· S, a forbidden drug.

He stole it from the Dragon Palace a few years ago.

Eating one pill doubles the strength of the body, and two pills can double it, and so on.

He used to eliminate the pirates on Fish-Man Island, and it was enough to eat just one pill, and he didn't know how many pills were in the box, but now he ate them all.

Obviously, the appearance of Kutai made him smell death.

Life is gone, where can I take care of so much!


——! bang——! bang——!

as soon as the pills entered his stomach, Hody Jones felt as if time had slowed down around him, and he could clearly hear the sound of his heart beating.

Then a monstrous force, from his stomach, like a volcanic eruption, instantly permeated his entire body.

made his whole body swell violently, and it was a whole circle.

Then the intense pain gathered from all over his body, rushing straight into his brain, and he couldn't help but look up to the sky and roar, the sound was not at all like a human, but a devil.

And his eyes turned into white pupils on a red background, and the madness revealed from them made those who saw it tingle.

And his originally black hair, as if it had lost its life, quickly turned gray, and then directly turned into withered white.

Pale white than his skin.

It was as if it had lost its vitality in an instant and was coming to the end of its life.

But his body, at this moment, was full of power.

The exploding muscles, the heat wave that emanated, distorted the air around them.

Lowering his head, Hoddy Jones, who had completely transformed into another person, stared at Sota with his eyes, then squatted down with his legs, and then "bang".

The force transmitted from his legs caused the ground to crack and collapse in an instant.

And his body, like a cannonball, quickly rushed towards Kongtai.

"Die, little ghost. When he got to Sota, Hoddy Jones raised his fist, which was several times bigger, and struck it straight at Sota's head, which was now in front of him like a child.

With his fist, he felt that no one in this world could take it next.

At this moment, he felt that he was the strongest person in the world, and the infinite power that emerged from his body gave him the feeling that he could punch through Fish-Man Island.

This earth-destroying power made his whole person infinitely expanded, and the self-confidence in his heart also increased infinitely, and he felt that if it wasn't for the silver-haired little ghost standing in front of him at this moment, but the whitebeard with the title of the world's No. 1, he was not afraid.

"Murderous medicine. "

Hody Jones has seen everything he has done.

He didn't stop it.

Not necessarily.

No matter how much medicine this guy takes, he can't break through the innate limitations of his body, and he can't reach the level of a general.

And even if he reaches the level of a general, without a domineering increase, in front of him, it is just a sandbag.

Looking at the fist in front of him, which was fast in the eyes of others, but in his eyes it was like a turtle speed, Kuta stretched out his hand, and his index finger was covered with a layer of pink gas, and he gently moved forward.

Bang ——!

easily took the punch.

"Well, is that all you have?" The

madness on Hoddy Jones's face was like a slap in the face, and it was like a basin of ice water being poured on him in winter, and his face was full of disbelief as if he had seen a ghost.

"Impossible, impossible, impossible.

Staring at the handsome man with a little immature face in the approach, Hody Jones opened his mouth and roared loudly: "Ah~ What kind of monster are you, how can you be so strong."

Looking at Hody Jones, the corners of Kongtai's mouth turned upward, and a hint of mockery appeared on his face.

"Mole ants, do you think you can become a real strong man by taking drugs?"

Shaking his head, he didn't give Hody Jones a chance to resist.

The space realm emerged, enveloping Hody Jones in an instant.

Let this guy follow in the footsteps of Vanderdyken IX.

This guy has enough scenes, let's end his sinful life here! After

a while, the roar of pain disappeared, and only two lumps of blood-red flesh were stirred together, like noodles.

Well...... It's like two lumps...

Obviously, Sota didn't give them decency.

After coldly killing Van der Dyken IX's only men, Kuta vanished with the shrunken Freedom.

After killing Hody Jones and Vanderdyken IX, Kuta's mood was noticeably better.

Although no one knew that Hody Jones was the murderer of Otohime, he knew about it.

He doesn't want to be a hero to everyone, and he doesn't want everyone to be as grateful and respectful as Bass and Alabastan are.

It is enough for him to be his own man, his own hero.

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