
"Captain Kalekhale!!!Captain, who provoked you to be angry, we felt it from afar.

"Indigo and the others had just returned, and before they could ask Guina, the figure of Kuta appeared silently.

"It's nothing, it's just a bunch of arrogant people looking for death.

Kuta smiled at Indigo and said, then turned his head to look at Jinping, who was looking at him a little nervously, "Jinping, then we'll go, I know that we are not welcome on Fish-Man Island, don't worry, I will only kill the person who stole my ship, and the others will be fine."


Jinping breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't see the specific battle, but from that loud roar, he knew that Hody Jones and the others shouldn't be happy.

As for the ordinary fish-man, it's not that he doesn't trust Kuta.

A person of Kuta's level has great power in his every move, and he believes that since Kuta promised him not to attack ordinary fishmen, he will definitely not.

But the aftermath of the battle was beyond human control.

Fortunately, apart from the roar, there was no sound coming out.

And Kuta appeared so quickly, letting him know that the battle should be over soon.

For the life and death of Hody Jones and others, to be honest, although he cares a little about it, but he doesn't care much, he cares about it from beginning to end is just an ordinary fishman on Fishman Street.

"Well, I believe you," Jinping looked up at Sota, "as for Hody Jones, they—

" "Dead."

Kuta directly interrupted Jinpei's words, and then frowned slightly, "What? What do you want to do?"


Jinping hurriedly waved his hand.

Apparently Sora seems to have misunderstood him.

"I'm just asking, as for Hoddy Jones, they're also to blame, and if they're dead, they're dead

!" "Hmm!" Sota nodded, "That's good." Then

he withdrew his gaze, looked at the water in front of him, took a step forward, took out the space ball sealed with the Liberty from his trouser pocket, and swung it forward.

I saw that the space ball, in the surprised eyes of Jinping and Ace, quickly grew larger, and your Freedom also grew larger.

Eventually, it turned into a big laugh, and the space ball burst and landed on the water, splashing and waves.


Jinping and Ace looked at the Liberty that appeared, their faces full of surprise.

"What is this?"

If they were not mistaken, they seemed to see that this thing had been found by Kuta in his

trouser pocket! A medium-sized 40-meter-long sailboat could fit into an ordinary trouser pocket?

Ignoring Jinhei and Ace's surprised gazes, Sota beckoned his friends to get on the boat.

Since you have decided to leave, leave immediately.

He's not much of a dragger, either.

After all, being born on an island full of malice will always make people feel uncomfortable.

Although it was as beautiful as Sky Island, it didn't have the relaxed atmosphere of Sky Island, and he didn't want to stay long.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Sora lowered his head and glanced at Jinping and Ace who were standing on the shore again, there was nothing to say, strictly speaking, they were not even friends.

Although he is releasing his kindness all the way, others don't seem to appreciate it.

After all, he was a powerful pirate with a bounty on the fifth in the world at this time, and if he went to the New World, not to mention 100 percent, there was a more than ninety percent chance that he would clash with the Four Emperors of the New World.

Originally, he thought that the new world would be divided by the Four Emperors, and the navy would only occupy a small area of sea, but he, the newcomer, still defeated the newcomer of Karp, and plunged into the new world like this, and no one knew what would happen in this sea area where the surface tended to be calm.

It's no wonder that Jinping and Ace would be wary of him.

After all, they were both members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And the Whitebeard Pirates are the Four Emperors of the New World.

Shaking his head, Kuta withdrew his gaze and looked up at the top of his head.

The door to get out was closed, but the two lobsters guarding the door were nowhere to be seen, and it is unknown whether they were killed by Hody Jones or imprisoned, and he was not found in the new fish-man pirates' station anyway.

If you can't get out of the main gate, you can only fly out.

It's all the same anyway.

After figuring it out, Sota put his right foot on the deck a little.

The ——!

space was like a drum, making a sound that only he could hear.

Then, an invisible layer of transparent space instantly enveloped the Liberty.

The Liberty, on the other hand, was under the control of Sota, its head upwards, gradually tilting, and floating.

"Are you leaving?"

the partners stood by the boat, looking at the fantastic Fish-Man Island, with no reluctance in their eyes, and they were very calm.

When they arrived, they were full of longing for Fish-Man Island, after all, everything here is a legendary thing.

But when they came, they weren't much happy.

Although the scenery here is amazing and nostalgic, they are not welcomed by the people of this island.

They didn't feel any warmth other than the warmth they got from the owners on the high street.

It's as if the island doesn't welcome humans by nature, doesn't welcome them.

So even if they go shopping, for them, they are actually full of depression.

This feeling of being surrounded by oppression, they have never felt on the island of humans, even if they are pirates in the eyes of others.

Others will be afraid of them, but they will not have deep malice.

But this place is different, this malice seems to have penetrated deep into the island, making them more and more uncomfortable the more they walk.

Naturally, there is no nostalgia for this place.

In fact, this malice is not mainly aimed at them, but against the human race.

The harm done to Fish-Man Island by humans has made the people here have malicious intentions towards all humans.

It's actually easy to get rid of this malice.

The first is to completely end the slavery system, so that the people of Fish-Man Island are no longer afraid to go to sea.

The second is left to time.

After all, the hatred between races, that's a few words, or it can be solved in a short time!"

Ace and Jinping looked up at the Liberty in surprise, and then their eyes lit up red.

"This is what you call a strange space!"

Jinhei looked at the Liberty, as if he saw a transparent ball wrapped around the Liberty, like a large bubble.

"Hmm!" Ace nodded, and asked suspiciously, "I don't know what the silver-haired guy is capable of, according to his partner, that guy can do anything in this space, and Old Man Karp fell into disadvantage after he used this strange space." "

That's amazing!" Jinping's

eyes were full of amazement.


Kongtai controlled the space realm, turned into a flat circle, and then under his control, like a sharp sword, the Liberty quickly rose into the air and stabbed towards the shield in the sky.

Without any pause, the Liberty was like one bubble piercing another, and nothing extra happened except for a ripple.

Kuta knew that even if the shield in the sky was punctured, it would be repaired instantly, even the outermost shield was punctured.

So there are no scruples.

After a while, the Liberty disappeared straight into Fish-Man Island, rushed into the dark deep sea, and disappeared from the sight of Jinping and Ace.

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