The hurricane formed by the shock wave, this blow, is two days and two nights.

In the past two days, the sound of blades clashing on the island, and the shock waves, have not stopped.

When the sun rises on the third day, and the heavens and the earth are golden.

The hurricanes and sounds that kept hitting the island just stopped.


On the edge of the island, on a boulder.

Ah Hua yawned, and they watched as long as the two of them fought.

At first, they were excited, but as time went on, they lost interest.

If it weren't for the constant sound of knives colliding.

And the hurricane formed by the shock wave was blowing all the time, blowing the Liberty constantly shaking, and they had long since returned to the Liberty and gone to sleep.

For the past two days, they have been cooking on a makeshift stove set up on the shore.

"Ah Hua, let's go prepare some food!"

Guina retracted her gaze, her eyes were bloodshot, among them, she was the most serious, and only she could really see the strength and state of the two sides.

I have to say, "The world's No. 1 swordsman really lives up to his reputation!" "

From her point of view, Kuta was at a disadvantage from the beginning, and although she had to fight Mihawk back and forth, but... Most of the time, Kutai is in a particularly dangerous situation.

Of course, with her understanding of Kuta, as long as Kuta is unwilling, even if Mihawk is twice as strong, she will not want to hurt him.

So although she was surprised by Mihawk's strength, she was not too worried about it at all.

She turned her head to look at Ah Hua and said, "They must be very hungry after fighting for so long, you go and prepare more food."

As he spoke, he looked at Tao and Luo, "You two should go and help too!"


Ah Hua and the three of them turned their heads to look at Guina, and hurriedly replied loudly.

Then he turned around, jumped aboard the Liberty, and headed for the kitchen.

With the truce between the two men in the middle of the island, the hurricane and the waves gradually subsided.

Although the Liberty was still shaking at this time, it was already able to stand on it.

So cooking can still be done.

"Khalkal Khalkale!!"

Indigo smiled, withdrew his gaze from the center of the island, turned to look at Guina, and said with a smile, "Cooking?" I'm going to help too! The captain has a monster-like physique, and after two days of fighting, he must need a lot of food to be fed. "


Guina nodded, looked at Indigo, and smiled, "Thank you for your hard work." "


Indigo waved his hand, turned and jumped onto the boat.




Walked into the kitchen.

In the middle of the island, the ground was originally covered with piles of rubble, and not a single stone could be found at this time.

The flat ground is full of large and small potholes and countless cracks.

Some of the fissures penetrate deep into the islands and connect to the ocean, through which the sea water is constantly surging outward.

It is believed that it will not be long before a peculiar central lake will form here.

The trees that were originally standing upright around were all circular and curved outwards at this time, and even if the two stopped fighting at this time, these trees would always be fixed in a curved shape.

At the edge of a crack, Sota bent over and stabbed himself on the ground in front of him, his hands resting on the hilt of his slashed sword, panting incessantly.

"It's too tiring to fight this guy."

Kuta raised his head and stared at Mihawk with pleasure in his eyes.

But it's worth it to be tired, and he deserves to be the world's No. 1 swordsman, which has benefited him a lot.

Some of his slightly blunt swordsmanship has been greatly improved.

This kind of battle, which requires a high degree of concentration at all times and deals with the slashing that comes at any time, makes him fight so happily for the first time since he went to sea.

Fighting Mihawk is much cooler than fighting with the Golden Lion and the Yellow Ape.

The golden lion is old, although he can fight with him for a short time and suppress him by tearing off the rudder from behind, but with his improvement and the decline of the golden lion's physical strength, it will not give him pleasure in the subsequent battle.

That guy from the yellow ape is not a pure swordsman, although he can also fight with him in swordsmanship, but most of the time he uses his fruit ability to wrestle with him, so there is no pleasure in fighting.

Mihawk is different, this guy is a pure swordsman, all enemies are fierce collisions of knives, this kind of pure swordsmanship collision is like the collision of two hot-blooded boxers, which makes people's blood boil and full of pleasure.

It's just a bit of a drain, though.

Mihawk's swordsmanship is indeed a big cut above him.

This is something that can't be helped, this guy's talent is already the top in the world, and his age is at the peak, if he doesn't have the monster-like physique given by the spatial physique, it is impossible to fight this guy for so long.

There have been many times when this guy's knife actually slashed at him.

If it weren't for the fact that he had always been defended by the passive space layer on the surface of his body, I am afraid that he would have been injured a long time ago.

After resting for a while, Kuta gradually straightened out his breath and stopped gasping like this.

He straightened his waist, used his right hand vigorously, pulled out the slash, and with a twist of his wrist, he danced a knife flower.


Put the knife into the sheath.

Then tear off the wine gourd with his left hand, bend his thumb, hook his fingernails around the mouth of the gourd, and flick it upward.

Boom ——!

The stopper opened, and the aroma of wine overflowed.

He lifted the gourd and tilted his head, his throat squirming.

Goo Go


" Kongtai exhaled a breath of wine, the corners of his mouth cracked, and he roared loudly: "Happy! "


Then he looked down at Mihawk and laughed, "You guy is really strong!" It's really cool to learn from you. "

Would you like a bite?"

As he spoke, Kuta plugged the wine gourd and threw it at Mihawk.

Mihawk stared at Sota, the corners of his mouth turned up, and a smile appeared.

This battle not only made Sora happy, but why shouldn't he!

Although Kuta's swordsmanship is a little inferior to him, it can be said that he is about the same as him in terms of reaction speed, sword swing speed, and strength.

At a young age, he has such strength.


What about the future?

It's worth the wait.

In fact, he has always hoped that there can be someone who has the strength to take his position as the number one in the world.

He doesn't care too much about this position.

He cares about being able to have opponents.

In the days when there is no opponent, it is too boring and lonely.


Mihawk took the wine gourd thrown by Kongtai, flicked the wine stopper, and learned from Kongtai's appearance, and did not dislike whether there was saliva left on the gourd's mouth when Kongtai drank just now.

Raise your head and take a few sips.

Then he put down the wine gourd, a blush flashed on his face, stared at Kongtai, and laughed loudly.


It was the first time in many years that he had laughed so happily.

It was also the first time in so many years that he was so happy.

Kuta is another opponent on the sword path after he has eliminated Shanks, and of course, he is also a confidant.

From now on, they will be friends.

Can you not feel happy when you make a good friend, can you not feel happy?

He tossed the gourd back to Kuta, then stepped aside, picked up the burgundy coat on the ground, shook off the dust from it, and draped it over his body.

Then he took off the hat hanging on the branch and put it on his head, returning to the appearance of the world's number one swordsman.

Kuta watched as Mihawk approached, slung the wine gourd around his waist, and reached out to hook his shoulder.

Turning around, facing the rising sun, he headed for the Liberty on the edge of the island.

Under the illumination of the morning light, the shadows behind them stretched the elder elder, like two sharp swords.

Complement each other.

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