Great voyages, some uncharted seas.

A luxuriously decorated three-masted sailing ship is speeding forward under the escort of the two giant warships of the Navy Headquarters on the left and right.

At the top of the cruise ship, a flag with an ornate golden shield in the center is fluttering in the wind.

At a glance, you can see that this ship is not a pirate ship, let alone a merchant ship.

I saw that on the bow deck of a luxury cruise ship, a teenage kid in gorgeous costumes was riding excitedly on a sturdy man who was shirtless and crawling on his knees.

The sturdy man's back was draped with a thick and gorgeous blanket, and the little boy sat on the blanket, holding the rope that extended from the man's neck with one hand, and waving the whip in his hand with the other, and clinging his legs to the sides of the man, shouting loudly in front of him.

Like a valiant knight on horseback.





Every time the child's hand waved, the man under him couldn't help but tremble.

But the trembling was not very noticeable, so the child did not feel anything.

After a while, the man's back, bare places, and buttocks were covered with blood-red marks, and some places were still oozing with blood beads.

In fact, these scars are small injuries to the man's entire body.

On the man's back and chest, there are more giant long wounds in the shape of centipedes that have stammered.

Although his body was full of scars, there was no pain in the man's eyes.

It's as if his body wasn't his.

Although his body would tremble slightly under the whip of the child, his pupils were as calm as a deep well, gray, numb, and without emotional fluctuations.



The man's feet and hands were chained, and the heavy chains rubbed against the deck, making a sound like flowing water.

Although it is gentle, it is particularly harsh in the ears of those who have a heart.

It's just that the people on the bow of the ship can't hear it at this time.

"Your Highness, this mount is okay!"

Next to the man, stood a thin man in a black butler's suit.

The man bent his waist, raised his head, and flattered the little boy on the man's back: "This mount, but the king specially left it for you, it is said that this guy used to be a guard officer of a small town!" Saying

that, the butler stretched out his right foot, kicked the man, lowered his head, looked at the explosive muscles on the man's body, and a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

He didn't like strong men, and felt that those who grew muscles were savages.


The little boy became interested, he stopped the whip he was waving, and turned his head to look at the butler, "Butler, tell me quickly, since this guy is a guard officer, then there should be more slaves in their village, why is it alone."

Hearing this, the man's body paused slightly, and in his pupils that were like stagnant water, a trace of ripples rippled, stirring up a glimmer of light, but when he thought of something, that ripple quickly calmed down, and the light disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

The butler lowered his head, stared at the man, and kicked the man again.

"This guy's village actually hides wanted criminals, and when the king found out, he reduced all the people in the village to slaves, except for this guy, of course everyone else was sold!"

After speaking, the housekeeper raised his head, looked at the child, and sneered: "Your Highness, you said that this guy is funny enough, but he still wants to resist, and after being caught, he was taught a hard lesson by the king for a long time, so he is honest." "


The little boy's interest came and went quickly, he was only interested in slaves, and when he heard that there were no other slaves, he suddenly lost interest.

He turned his head and continued to swing his whip.



The housekeeper looked at the child's back, then looked down at the man, and a trace of an inexplicable smile flashed in his eyes.

Of course, all slaves were sold!

There are some things that His Royal Highness is still too young to talk about without the permission of the king, and he doesn't dare to talk to His Highness about women's affairs privately.


Below deck, in a luxurious room, a group of people in gorgeous clothes are standing behind a middle-aged man wearing a crown on his head.

They were all staring at the big turntable in front of them with excitement on their faces.

"I guess it's the head this time."

A fat man withdrew his gaze, turned his head to stare at the back of the man wearing the crown, and said loudly: "With the quasi-head of His Majesty the King, this knife will definitely hit." "

Hahaha!! You also need to say that the king's throwing skills are the best in the country! The

crowd immediately responded loudly.

I saw that their King Majesty was staring at the front with a frenzied face, raising the knife in his hand and throwing it forward with all his might.


The throwing knife moves forward quickly.


Without hesitation, he thrust into the arm of a masked man in front of him who was tied to a large turntable.


"Hahaha... Didn't shoot! The

king circled his head, and listened to the cries of the masked man, as if he had heard the most beautiful voice in the world, and his eyes flashed with sickly pleasure, and his face flushed.

"Bring a knife."

The maid kneeling next to him hurriedly knelt forward and raised the tray in her hand.

The tray was filled with knives.

"Haha!! It must have been the turntable that moved just now that the king didn't shoot, and this time he must have hit. "


Everyone nodded hurriedly.

The king reached out and picked up a knife, but threw it away.



The joy in the king's eyes grew even greater at the sound of the cry.

"Kill me."

The man on the turntable could no longer endure this extreme torture, leaned forward and struggled frantically.

"Kill me, I beg you to kill me."


The king and his ministers looked at the man on the turntable, their eyes mad and their faces flushed.

"Where is this, it's still far away!"


the king stretched out his hand, continued to take the knife, and continued to shoot.

In a few moments the man's body was full of knives, and his screams became quieter and quieter, until at last he could no longer scream, shrugged his head, and fell limply on the turntable.


Another knife into the man's thigh.

This time there was no shouting, and the madness in everyone's eyes receded.


The king put down his sword, turned around, and walked through the passage behind him that had been cleared by the crowd, toward the door.

"Let's go, next show."

The guards who waited on both sides of the turntable stood indifferent from beginning to end, until the king put down his sword, and then they quickly untied the man from the turntable, and then lifted him up like a dead dog, and walked out of the room quickly.

Obviously, they have long been familiar with such a scene.

The movements are professional and skilled.

After the escort walked out of the room, the maid in the room hurriedly picked up the basin of water on the side, knelt on the ground, and skillfully cleaned up the blood stains on the ground.

After a while, the luxurious room returned to its original appearance, as if nothing as inhumane had ever happened here.

But the strong smell of blood that kept coming from the room could tell that everything just now was not an illusion.

And this room is just one of the rooms of this ship.

Out of the room, there is a brightly lit aisle, and in the aisle, there are more rooms.

And each room represents a show.

I saw the king lead the ministers out of the room just now, hesitate for a moment in the aisle, and then, without hesitation, push open a door and walk in.

The room was pitch black, like a gate to hell.

And the king and the ministers are obviously not heroes who have come to crusade against the demon king.

The door closes.

After a while, another scream came from inside, but this time it was no longer a man's voice, but a woman's voice.


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