Pirate Kingship

Chapter 160: Regent, the true supreme art

It was not until Byron saw the record written automatically in the logbook that he realized that the most unspeakable accident had not really happened.

After all, he was the bottom owner of the [Golden Code], and his name was written on the title page.

A thick golden anchor chain was connecting him and the code.

The three elements of rule: territory, citizens, and laws deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Only when the three are combined can a complete [Iron Law of Kingship] be formed.

Although the Earldom of Greenville is Catherine's territory, the territory is only one of the carriers of the law and does not change the ownership of this golden law.

In addition to the extremely high compatibility with the [Golden Law], Catherine only occupies one of them.

It is absolutely impossible to squeeze him into the position of queen.


A queen who dares to ask him to be the queen/king husband and suppress him with [heartache] will probably be more miserable than the cuckolded and miserable Montezuma II.

"Name: Catherine Greenville

Age: 19

Title: Flower of the North (Legend 17); Mithril Dragon (Legend 11)

Profession: Second-level [Mithril Knight]

Special status: Regent of the Golden Empire, rank temporarily upgraded by one level."

Others don't understand what "regency" means, but Byron knows it very well.

This is exactly the same as the political structure of Hastings in the past.

At that time, Byron's uncle [Mad King] Henry VI often had mental problems, and his younger brother Prince Thorenberg and Queen Margaret took over the ruling during his illness.

Among them, Prince Thorenberg was honored as the regent of the kingdom, and there was a more resounding name, called "Regent"!

Therefore, the [Storm Signet Ring], which symbolizes the inheritance and royal power of Lancaster, was held by Prince Thorenberg, not Henry VI.

And it was handed over to Byron on the night of defeat (Chapter 2).

"Indeed, although I have not lost my ability to govern.

But just like this time when I was away for more than half a month, it was impossible for me to stay in the three-point land of the Taiman Islands.

The regent is the regent, anyway, the fat water should not flow into the fields of outsiders.

The Taiman Islands as the foundation cannot be lost.

After that, I will only retain the most basic personnel appointment and dismissal power, and transfer the king's ruling power to Catherine completely.

It is just right for her to mobilize the power of the people and add a third-level female Tyrannosaurus who swears to guard her treasure to the death in addition to the impregnable "Dragon's Nest."

Byron secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he was not allowed to become the queen, everything would be fine.

However, Catherine in front of him was obviously not used to her skyrocketing power.


The rank upgrade granted by the [Golden Law] came too suddenly.

Catherine was not prepared, and her high heels accidentally stepped on a big hole in the wooden floor of the room.

Even a pair of valuable crystal shoes were crushed by her on the spot.

Fortunately, the [Mithril Hand] reacted in time, allowing the silver chain on her ankle to deform and protect her in time, thus avoiding the tragedy of her sole being pierced by the wooden board.

She tried to walk forward, and although she did not collapse the floor again.

But she also needed to control herself to avoid accidentally rushing out like a cannonball.

This external blessing from the Golden Law was obviously not as handy as the [Wild Hunt Knight] summoned by Byron.

After trying several times, she destroyed a lot of furniture, which made Catherine very distressed.

In the end, she could only stand there and dared not walk around anymore.

"Byron, come and help me."

Hearing Catherine's pitiful request for help, Byron not only did not step forward, but immediately took two steps back like the wind, and moved further away from her.

Anyone who has worked in cargo loading and unloading knows that throwing cargo can be handled, but if you encounter heavy cargo, especially iron parts, you must never help it once it falls.

It is normal for the lucky ones to lose a leg, and the unlucky ones to lose their lives.

Although Catherine is not a dangerous commodity, the current lethality of this "rich lady" is no less than that of a heavy artillery.

"Sister, you will have to go through this process sooner or later anyway, so take this opportunity to try to control it.

Calm down and feel my breathing."

To improve control, nothing is more effective than flow.

It's a pity that Catherine does not have the life experience of [Blood Red Whiskey] Alfred, who has been through many battles, nor does she have Byron's determination to risk his life to understand flow.

In addition to being rich, talented in mathematics, and practicing swordsmanship diligently, it is not an exaggeration to say that she lives a life of luxury.

Even if she has already touched this realm.

But it is not so easy to let her really step into the flow in the extreme state of selflessness between life and death.

So, Byron imitated [Breathing of All Things], using his own breathing as a medium to match Catherine's frequency and slowly guide her (Chapter 150).


The white breath between Byron's mouth and nose instantly grabbed the airflow in the room, and then adjusted his breathing frequency, pulling Catherine to complete the resonance between one breath and another.

As time went by, Catherine, who had already touched this state several times, gradually had wisps of white air between her mouth and nose.

It was just that it was still very scattered for the time being, and the intensity was far from being comparable to Byron.

Once the latter retreated, she would immediately fall out of this state.

There was no way, even if this careful and delicate work made Byron sweat profusely soon, he could only continue to persevere.

I don’t know how long it took, but Byron was about to give up temporarily and try again next time.


Suddenly, there was a clear metallic collision sound in my ears.

The [Strange Object Bracelet·Silver Moon] on Catherine's arm and all the mithril jewelry on her body suddenly shone with silver light.

But she finally succeeded in entering an independent flow state, restraining her own surge in power, as well as the Mithril Knight's advanced ability at the third level.

The gold and silver colors in his eyes flashed, and he shouted:

"Mythril Knight, summon!"


Three tall knights shining with silver light crashed to the floor in an explosion of silver light, filling the entire room.

They are two meters tall, and are covered with exquisite silver armor. To be precise, the armor is their true form, and there is no flesh and blood inside.

Each holds a silver gun and has a pair of metal wings on his back.

This is not a decoration. It can be used for short-distance high-speed flight, or it can be combined into a heavy tower shield during ground combat, with extremely high defensive power.

Just out of the girl's bad taste, the outlines of these silver knights' visors all resemble Byron's.

It is the signature ability of the gold element sequence Mithril Knight at the third level - [Mithril Guard].

The core skill of the second level [Mithril Hand] can turn mithril into various weapons such as swords, guns, swords and halberds, armor and battle axes.

At the third level, as long as you have enough wealth, you can summon multiple levels of mithril golems with a wave of your hand. They move like the wind and are powerful.

They can even be divided into different arms to cooperate with each other to fight. Even artillery can't do anything with them.

It’s no joke that one fortune can destroy everything.

I can only say that she is worthy of Catherine who dares to be called "Mithril Dragon".

The mithril accumulated in her hand is not only enough to summon three mithril knights, but it also does not affect the generation of armor and weapons on her own body.

This is not over yet. After receiving the message from the Golden Law, Catherine already understood the authority she had.

He turned to Byron and smiled brightly:

"The power of this golden law is much richer than the iron law of royal power that our family used to have.

Quickly, release [Royal Hound] Vincent’s undead attendant for me to use. "

Needless to say, Byron knew immediately what she was going to do.

He casually released Vincent, who had been imprisoned for more than half a month by Catherine because he left the island.

This former lord was supposed to be Catherine's guardian knight, but because he coveted her beauty and wealth, Byron killed him on the spot (Chapter 104).

After becoming an undead attendant, although he no longer has independent self-awareness, he still retains his original memories and his appearance is lifelike.

Catherine stretched out her left hand wearing a golden seal ring and gently moved it in the air, and the golden law that had disappeared responded accordingly.

"Law: The souls of the dead return.

Set responsibilities: General Manager of Internal Affairs, open corresponding permissions. "

As she launched her customized law, she exercised one of the three core powers of the Golden Law - the power to communicate with the dead.

The golden law instantly extended an anchor chain, suddenly penetrating Vincent's eyebrows.

It also makes this undead more real.

The regent continued to issue orders:

“Connect to the lighthouse and call upon the [Silver Law] and the knowledge and information stored in the sea of ​​human collective subconscious.

Statistics on today's financial revenue and expenditure, personnel increase and decrease, and logistics throughput in the Taiman Islands. Presented in chart form. "

Vincent's face was as rigid and indifferent as a machine, he bowed and obeyed the order:

"As commanded."

Golden light flow rapidly exchanged between him and the French Open.

During his lifetime, he was a second-level [Disciplinary Knight] in the Tribunal sequence, and he was very familiar with communicating with the law.

Soon, rows of numbers, graphics, and images gradually combined into countless charts, which appeared in front of Catherine and Byron.

"Is it really possible?"

Seeing this scene, Byron couldn't help but immediately stepped forward and stood side by side with Catherine.

I saw the population, development level, and resources of each of the three islands in the Taiman Islands.

The construction progress of various buildings, material income and expenditure, warehouse reserves, and personnel structure were all presented to them intuitively.

It was as if Catherine was performing her [Supreme Art], and everything on the 264 square kilometers of land began to be digitalized, formulaic, and statistical.

With these two people here, they could have a panoramic view of the entire count and consul affairs.

Even the island of Tayman Brac, occupied by the Castilians, was the same.

The basic principles of management are: quantifiable; executable; evaluable.

Byron knew very well that just with this thing, their territory management capabilities were far ahead of other territories by an era.

“If it were in the Old World, playing with the soul and delving into the body were both strictly prohibited and even punished by the church.

It is not the ruler's power to communicate with the dead souls.

Now we imitate the ship spirit of the ghost ship and give the legal network a soul core with sufficient fit. The control efficiency is obviously very different.

The effectiveness of the iron laws of royal power in the old continent is completely incomparable to ours.

My sister is so powerful! "

Hearing this, Catherine became even more energetic. Not only her eyes turned into gold and silver, but even her long golden hair shone.

"Byron, do you still remember the sword theory you once talked about when we were practicing sword fighting?

The three realms of swordsmanship are: swordsman's sword, noble's sword, and king's sword.

Just after breaking through the flow and learning about the power of the Golden Law, I suddenly figured out the path that the [Supreme Art] would take next. ”

The voice suddenly rose, and countless golden numbers around her danced, faintly turning into sword shapes above her head:

“Use gold as the sword tip, silver as the sword blade, credit as the sword spine, finance as the sword handle, finance as the sword sheath, and products as the counterweight ball.

Rely on market rules to govern, use power, law and force to implement, "investment" is slashing, "consumption" is stabbing, and "export" is cutting.

This kind of sword, stabbing forward, no one can stop it, holding it high, nothing is above it, pressing the sword down, it is invincible.

The flowing gold and silver in the territory are numbers, and they are sword moves.

Compared with the swift sword swordsmanship that the Kingdom of Castile used mathematical formulas to perform, which can only be used to kill people, this is the real "Supreme Art", which can kill countries! ”

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