Pirate Kingship

Chapter 161 What belongs to Caesar belongs to me, and what belongs to the gods belongs to me

Hearing this, even the well-informed Byron was sincerely amazed at Catherine's keenness in numbers and economics, and couldn't help but applaud softly:

"Great, great.

Sister, you are really a genius, even I can't help but look at you with new eyes.

No need to doubt, I am very sure that once you practice this sword art to the peak, even destroying a country will be easy."

Although it sounds simple, it is essentially the theory of "economic colonization".

Compared to the primitive colonization method of the Castilians who killed and set fire everywhere and fought for territory, it is already an evolutionary version 2.0 or even 3.0.

The benefits are greater and the troubles are smaller.

Even if you harvest others again and again, there will be countless people who bring their own dry food to sing praises for you, praising you for bringing civilization to the barbaric world, hehe.

Catherine put away those [Mithril Guards] and the Mithril Armor on her body, and flashed to a chaise longue.

Even though her dress was torn in many places and her white feet were bare, she exuded a powerful aura like a queen from the inside out.

This made the blonde girl even more beautiful and dazzling.

With a wink, Byron subconsciously leaned over to help her massage her legs.

Byron felt that even if he heard his sister shout "Call me Your Majesty the Queen" the next moment, there would be absolutely no sense of disobedience.

"Of course."

The Regent accepted Byron's compliments and raised his delicate chin like white jade:

"It's just that the strength of our Taiman Islands is too weak for the time being, and it is not realistic to kill a country with this kind of swordsmanship.

It is completely possible to make arrangements in advance.

As for what we can do with this digital statistics function at present

New task: Use the Golden Law to lock every pirate with a balance in the account in the territory and collect all kinds of information on them."

Just when Byron couldn't help but prick up his ears, ready to listen to what she was going to say.

But the girl turned her head to look at the royal hound Vincent, who was already a veritable "tool man", and ordered him:

"Then, you will deliver the goods accurately to me and send salesmen to their doorsteps to bombard them in an all-round way.

Consumerism is on the way.

Are you sure you don't want one of the same headscarf as the captain? Without an entry-level pirate eye mask, how can you get into the same circle with the old sea dogs?

A limited edition Fisher sword, engraved with your name, even if you die one day and your face is completely changed, your companions will know who you are

Let those pirates quickly spend the last copper Fuer, and then all go back to the sea to make money!"

Byron's body tilted, almost sprained his waist, but his face was a look that should be like this.

"The first thing to do is to kill the familiar with big data, right?

Very good, this is very Catherine!"

[Royal Hound] Vincent bowed and obeyed the order.

This undead servant was blessed by the Golden Law. Except for not being able to eat, drink, defecate or urinate, he looked like a serious living person.

He could walk freely in the sun, and Byron no longer needed to take time to pretend to be him to confuse the York family.

Byron's consciousness spread far away with Vincent and the law network.

He found that it was not just Vincent, the dead soul who symbolized the authority of "Earth" who was unified by the Golden Law.

There were also gods who symbolized the authority of "Heaven", more precisely, Crystal Skull No. 3 and the corn god Yum Kax who lived in it.

At this moment, the crystal skull hidden in the basement was also penetrated by an anchor chain, becoming an organic part of the entire law ruling system.

It resonated with the [Golden Law], acting as a powerful law node, replacing the original position of the God of Tyranny.

The coverage of the ability [Land of Plenty] seemed to have expanded a lot at once.

Byron's eyes lit up immediately.

"I almost forgot about this treasure.

The thirteen crystal skulls and the Taya pantheon inside are all relics of the civilization of the indigenous Taino people.

The ability of the third skull is: agriculture.

If I collect all the remaining crystal skulls, the power of the natural spirits will cover agriculture, rain, weather, medicine, and all aspects.

Then what we manage is no longer just the humanized human kingdom, but the entire natural world."

The thirteen crystal skulls symbolize thirteen kinds of knowledge related to the survival of the Taya people, and the thirteen natural spirits (gods) personified in the Taya pantheon.

The sky god Itsumna, the rain god Chayak, the corn god Yum Kax, the sun god Kniche Ava, the feathered serpent god Kukulkan

These gods and the natural spirits worshipped by various tribes together cover all aspects of this land.

If we conquer them, it is equivalent to integrating the natural world of the Bantaan Islands where all things have spirits!

From this point of view, although the [Golden Law] is still very weak, it is far inferior to the royal iron law and silver law of the old continent.

But it has the triple management power of God, the world and the underworld, and is more like a complete version of the law than the former who only has the authority of the world.

The latter, which is obviously more powerful, is more like a castrated version whose power has been taken away by the church.

The first two owners of the Golden Code died one after another before they had time to experience its magic.

There is no third person in the world who can understand the difference better than Byron and Catherine.

"With the Golden Code of the Azik people, and in the future, we can gather the thirteen crystal skulls of the Taya people and become the heirs of the two great civilizations from the source of the supernatural.

Master their most essential supernatural power.

Rule the world and the heaven and earth, wave your hand and all beings bow down, and wave your hand again and the wind and clouds gather, truly competing with the [Silver Law].

The Gospel of Creation says: Give to Caesar what is Caesar, and give to God what is God.

But if it continues like this, one day, I am afraid I will have to say to both of them: Take it all!

Not only the orthodoxy of the Azik and Taya civilizations is in Taiman, but even the independent orthodoxy of mankind will be in Taiman."


This ambition only flashed in Byron's mind, and he suppressed it again.

Except for himself, he must not let anyone else know, otherwise, whether it is the conservatives or the reformists in the church, I am afraid they will come and chop him down first.

Of course, Byron was not prepared to use the [Golden Code] as the foundation of his own law like Cortes did.

"The three powers of heaven, earth and man are universal in the world, but the pre-position of 10% of the indigenous population alone is not a long-term solution.

Colonialism is not a specialty of the Age of Exploration.

History has told us countless times that once the problems of the main ethnic group are not handled properly, the colony will sooner or later collapse.

This thing can only be a temporary substitute.

When I am promoted to the [King] in the future, I must use my own [Iron Law of Kingship] to digest this holy relic to completely eliminate the trouble."

Next, the two began to sort out the spoils in the snakeskin bag, as well as the most precious batch of gold artifacts that Byron had taken from the Azik Empire.


Catherine gradually opened her mouth.

If this batch of gold artifacts is not counted for its historical value, if they are all melted into gold ingots, the value has reached 1.4 million pounds!

A horse cannot grow fat without night grass, and a man cannot become rich without external wealth.

The ticket that Byron took the risk to go to the Azik King City to rob is more than twice what the entire privateer fleet robbed.

And there is no "Curse of the Living Dead" that takes lives on it.

Catherine was so excited that she hugged his head and kissed him all over.

"With these as capital, as long as we are strong enough in the future, we can open banking business to other islands.

Officially start sucking blood."

The most valuable of the other spoils is the [First Overseas Development Order in the Age of Discovery].

It is just right to be used in conjunction with the [Golden Code].

The law currently only covers the three islands of the Taiman Islands and the adjacent territorial waters. Once it exceeds the scope of the king's territory, it will be useless.

The Development Order just cooperates with the Golden Code, one stabilizes the rule, and the other expands the territory.

Byron believes that although the Golden Empire can only exist under the table now.

But relying on their perfect combination, sooner or later there will be a chance for Catherine to use the [Supreme Art] to stab the enemy with the supreme sword that hurts the enemy to the bone!

"Next, the other positions of the [King's Right Hand] will be allocated."

Byron was about to number everyone on the island and set different restrictions or open different permissions for them.

Suddenly, he noticed that an eagle with a wingspan of more than five meters, like a mythical monster, flew over from outside the island and touched his own legal network.

It circled in the sky for a week, but because of the "border maze", it could not get close to the island.

Then, Geronimo's voice came from the Nautilus on his waist:

"Mr. Byron, I brought the crystal skull of Quetzalcoatl No. 8 as you ordered, but why can't I see you?"

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