Pirate Kingship

Chapter 307 The Crawling Iron Coffin Princess

The Black Coffin, which has its own ship spirit and can be regarded as a large undead creature, immediately counterattacked the octopus warship.

Woo woo woo.

The biting cold wind descended on the battlefield, making the nearby piranhas feel a little uncomfortable, and subconsciously distanced themselves from them.

The distorted human face immediately flew out of the pale green whale oil lantern.

At the same time, countless screaming undead souls swarmed out of every wooden board, every cable, and every wine barrel on the ship and drilled into the body of the ship spirit.

It suddenly expanded rapidly like an inflatable, and in just a few breaths it turned into a female evil spirit with a body length of 15 meters, wearing a tattered blood-stained white dress, a crown of thorns on her head, and crawling on the ground.

This is the guardian spirit cultivated by the Coffin Carrier - the crawling iron coffin princess!

Her joints seemed to have been completely broken and smashed by someone when she was alive, and she crawled rapidly on the deck in an extremely twisted way.

The dense and slender limbs like centipedes can easily penetrate the Black Coffin and the steel-hard octopus tentacles.

Sizzle! Sizzle!

The piercing sound like nails scratching glass is endless.

Even the sharp claws occasionally take pieces of meat from the octopus battleship.

Fortunately, it is the blood and flesh of the octopus. If human blood flows into the sea, the piranhas will probably riot on the spot and jump into the octagonal cage to join in the fun.

At the same time, a bunch of white skeleton sailors in the cabin of the ghost ship also rushed to the Golden Deer like a tide.

Some built the planks between the two ships, some used the hook, and some pulled a rope from the mast.

"Deathwing, shotgun, fire!"

140 elite marines of Deathwing, who had already worn [Azik's Cursed Gold Coins] in advance, lined up neatly on the deck.

Seeing those skeleton sailors boarding, they immediately raised their "deck cleaning machines" and opened fire under the command of the honest man Eight Fingers.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The dense hot marbles turned into a continuous metal storm, like an iron hammer bursting with sparks, which instantly stopped the tide of skeletons.

Especially the front row, all the dry bones were torn to pieces by the metal storm, and the broken bones flew in the air, and many fell directly into the sea of ​​​​source.

The waves rolled up and disappeared completely.

And this was the only shot that Deathwing had the opportunity to fire, and the next moment he was in close combat with those skeleton sailors.


The bayonet was useless against the skeletons, so he immediately switched to the excellent Fisher Slash Sword produced by the Riptide Fortress Arsenal. The bright knife light turned into a dam and blocked the torrent of skeletons.

But these living dead could stop the skeletons, but they couldn't stop the fourth-level hero.


[Gladiator] Smith took a running start on the ghost ship, then suddenly jumped up and slammed into the rear deck where Byron was like a cannonball.

Under the control of the storm elves, all the carron cannons on the ship within the firing angle range fired when he flew into the air.

But it was blocked by a magical shield in the hands of the gladiator, and it seemed that even the kinetic energy of the projectile was absorbed, and it fell to the ground dejectedly.

The guards around Byron wanted to step forward to resist, but they were knocked away on the spot, and most of their bones were "crackling".

If Byron hadn't been quick-eyed and quick-handed, calling for the wind to roll these men back, they would have all fallen into the sea.

Even with the protection of the cursed gold coins, they would have died.

"Tanya and I will attack, and the others will assist."

Byron, Violet, Jacqueline, Beretanya, [Eagle Eye] James, the five third-level soldiers, rushed towards Gladiator Smith together.

According to the fighting style and weapons used, gladiators are usually divided into three branches: Momilo gladiators, Thracian gladiators and net gladiators.

Smith is obviously a Momilo gladiator, holding a square shield in his left hand and a heavy guillotine in his right hand.

His whole body is covered with blood and flames, turning into visible air waves, and there are countless phantoms of beasts, sea monsters and extraordinary people behind him.

Every time a gladiator defeats an opponent, he can forcibly seize the second layer of the "emotional body" in the opponent's soul, making himself stronger and more violent.

The more consecutive victories, the stronger the strength.

Byron drank a cup of [Blood Brew·Matador] prepared with the third-level transmuted blood, greatly improving his own strength, and then attacked from both sides with Beretania, the storm knight.

The latter held a half sword with both hands in [Roof Rising Style], wrapped in wind and rain with the help of "Water Brewing" from top to bottom, launching a powerful and heavy old man slash.

Byron, with the tip of his sword facing backwards and the blade close to his right leg, performed the [True Iron Gate Starting Style], from bottom to top, and swung out a lightning-fast wheel slash.

One from top to bottom, the other from bottom to top, drawing two bright fans with a faint blue aura, like the tail feathers of a peacock.

The two swords went straight to the opponent's head.

This is the combined attack secret sword technique that belongs only to the Storm Knights - Peacock Feather!

The Storm Sword Technique, which focuses on time, is fast enough, and the reaction of the fourth-level hero gladiator is also not slow.

The [Beast Intuition] that has been almost raised to the limit, the body reacted in advance the moment the two Storm Knights thought.

He was the first to strike and the first to arrive, raising the square shield to the top of his head.

Clang! Sparks flew everywhere, violently resisting the old man's slash.

The beheading knife was raised, and the strong blade close to the guard forcibly blocked Byron's wheel slash.

Byron's skin flushed, and he pressed down with both hands on the sword. While Smith was pressing back subconsciously due to reflex, the blade turned like a lever.

With a move of "stealth crossing", Bai Shuang turned into a swimming fish, lightly bypassed the opponent's beheading knife, and suddenly stabbed!

Fortunately, the neck that could rotate 180 degrees was flexible enough, and it suddenly tilted to one side like a collapse at the critical moment.

However, the sword wind attached to Bai Shuang still cut half of his face, and his flesh and blood rolled up, which was extremely terrifying.

"Damn bug!"

Perhaps he didn't expect Byron's swordsmanship to be so high, Smith was instantly furious.

The red flames on his body exploded like a bomb, knocking Byron and Beretania away.

Behind him, Violet held two guns [black and white keys] and issued "Sonata of Sorrow" and Jacqueline's "Shadow Snake Breath·Ten Thousand Arrows" synchronously and seamlessly connected.

And the red flames also wrapped those beast phantoms, and rolled back at the first time, covering him layer by layer.

After a full hundred layers, a [Hundred Beasts Armor] with animal heads and claws was formed.

He blocked the attacks of the two girls by force.

At this time, [Hawkeye] James, who had shielded his presence and never attracted the attention of the gladiator, quietly sneaked behind him.

This time, James did not use the hidden blade or the battle axe, but gave full play to his subjective initiative with the assassin's motto of "nothing can be permanent, and means are not shackled."

He used the ability of [Fantasy Treasure House] to materialize a harpoon cannon of the level of a rare item!

Driven by gunpowder, it is usually only equipped on whaling ships and is known as the "whale killer."

The prototype of the rare item is called: Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cyclotron Cannon, which can be called a supreme offensive weapon!

Aim at the gladiator's buttocks and pull the trigger at close range.


In the huge burst of fire, a conical gun head carrying a spiral airflow rotates at high speed, splitting the wind and rain and hitting the armor behind his buttocks fiercely.

The gladiator took off immediately.

Smith did not forget to backhand a knife, almost ripped James's belly in half.

But the gladiator was still fine.

Although many of the beast heads on his body were blown to pieces and his armor was pierced through seventy or eighty layers, he was immediately replenished with the stock of the ghost ship Black Coffin.

I don't know if those ghosts are really his prey, or just "customers" who took this ghost ship and accidentally used themselves as the fare.

The same is true for the [Crawling Iron Coffin Princess] who is fighting against the octopus tentacles. No matter how much she loses, there are constantly ghosts replenishing her body as a ship spirit.

Under the premise that there is no overwhelming and powerful attack that can kill them in one blow, even if they are slowly consumed, they can be killed.

Seeing that the five of them couldn't break the opponent's defense after a series of moves, Byron's face turned grim:

"We must get rid of the Black Coffin, the reserve of dead souls, and the crawling Iron Coffin Princess.

Otherwise, this battle will never end."

But the most powerful [Guaranteed Gun Gungnir] can only hit once, and there are three strong enemies on the opposite side: Smith, the Black Coffin (Guardian Spirit), and the May Wind.

No matter which one to hit, it will only be a wedding dress for others.

Just when Byron was hesitant, with the help of [Weather Intuition], he suddenly saw a flash of white lightning from the material world in a small crack in the world nearby.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

In his heart, he seemed to hear a female voice saying: "The magnificent power of heaven, lead it with a sword."

Immediately shouted to Violet:

"I have a way, Miss, give me a roll of copper wire! The longer the better!"

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