Pirate Kingship

Chapter 308 The sea is full of familiar faces

Ever since the time when the [Flaming Rose] fought against the Red Beard's third-level ship [Vengeance], Violet followed Byron's instructions to take advantage of the situation, she habitually stopped questioning his various strange requests.

Without saying a word, she immediately patted the traveler's bag.

A pile of copper ingots fell on the deck with a clang.

The bag of this third-level master craftsman has all kinds of alchemical materials. Copper ingots are just one of the most basic materials, and the reserves are very sufficient.

Unlike uncorroded bronze, which is golden in color, pure copper is rose red, and a layer of copper rust on the surface will turn purple after oxidation in the air.

This is the most economical and practical excellent wire in the electrical age, and it has the potential to become the "world's first wire".

But the technology tree has not been clicked yet, and Violet and everyone else don't know what this thing can be used for.

Just unfold the circular alchemy array and activate [Alchemy] to manually pull all the copper ingots into standardized copper wires close to the thickness of your little finger.

"Speed ​​up, I'll hold him back."

After saying that, Byron raised his sword again and rushed towards the gladiator Smith wearing the beast armor.

With the storm wings on his body and the cloak fluttering, he moved as fast as thunder without touching the ground, leaving only traces of afterimages in the rain behind him.

Dang! Dang! Dang!

A bright white silver snake was seen moving around Smith, using the "heart flow" to find a gap to cut through the steel sword realm and cut off the beast souls on the beast armor one by one.

Under normal circumstances, among a person's hands, torso, feet, and footwork, the hands are the fastest and the footwork is the slowest.

But at this time, Byron's movement speed alone was faster than that of other swordsmen of the same level!

He was on the left and on the right, and he looked more like a ghost than the guy crawling all over the ground on the Black Coffin.

One person filled the firepower gap left by Violet.

The gladiator relied on his extraordinary [Beast Intuition] to block left and right, and could only hold on to the vital points, relying on the sharp armor to launch a counterattack occasionally.

But he believed that he would not be the first to collapse, and did not forget to provoke Byron:

"Give up, everything you do is just a dying struggle!

What do you think the kingdom pays for driving me, a fourth-level hero-level combat power?

The lives of all the natives on the islands in the circulation belt controlled by Castile have been paid to me as an advance payment.

You are not only fighting against me, but also the manpower and material resources of Castile, the maritime overlord!"

Byron ignored his words, his mind was highly concentrated, and his sword moves seemed to have some wonderful changes besides the most basic slashing, stabbing, and cutting.

Swordsmanship has been striding forward on the road of "flow", and now it has gradually touched a more mysterious realm.

That is the second level of flow [divine vision]!

Some people describe [Divine Vision] as gaining the senses of God, and even compare it to an angel descending into one's body, with every move being assisted by God.

At this level, it seems that one can really touch the subtle fur of the realm of God with a humble mortal body.

——The self-god is born in the deepest part of the soul.

To reach the second level of the soul, there is only one trick: "Empty your cup before you can fill it again, and be empty in order to seek perfection."

That is the extraordinary realm of getting moves and forgetting moves after abandoning all distractions and extreme concentration.

The wind, rain, and waves around him, which are things that [Storm Admiral] has control over, gradually breathe with Byron.

Even the storm wings behind him seem to have turned into two huge slashing swords, which are no longer composed of ordinary airflows, but Byron's sharp sword wind!

And it is a sword wind that has been activated like the Storm Spirit. The powerful wing attack seems to be controlled by a sword master, and is as good as Byron's own swordsmanship.

Even if he only touched a little of the divine vision, his sword moves were completely renewed from the inside out.

And Byron's gift [Weather Intuition] made his perception of celestial phenomena more acute than ever before. Wherever he looked, dense cracks in the world emerged one after another.

Just at this moment, the group of Deathwings at the bow had an accident in the fierce battle with the skeleton sailors.


A marine who had held the gold coin in his mouth early on was careless and had his jaw smashed by the opponent's hammer.

The gold coin flew out.

The original living dead body instantly recovered to human form, and the pain attacked the brain again, and the miserable howl from the broken mouth was extremely shrill.

What was even worse was that the broken jaw bones, teeth, flesh and blood flew far away from the battlefield and fell into the sea of ​​​​source with huge waves.

In a chaotic battlefield, even Byron could hardly take care of such a sudden accident.

The next moment, the already turbulent waves immediately began to boil, and in the blink of an eye, they turned from pitch black to a terrifying red.


Those piranhas that had never swam far away from the depths of dozens of meters underwater!

They spread out densely with the three warships as the center, and there was no end in sight.

I only felt that the sea was red, the waves were red, and even the dark sky was reflected in red by the faint extraordinary light on them.

After smelling the blood, these sightless piranhas immediately jumped out of the water like crazy and pounced in the direction of the human blood dripping.

The monsters that had jumped onto the deck by chance immediately used their hands and feet to bite the living things around them.

Then he was immediately killed by Eight Fingers, Gus and others, kicked back into the sea, and his body was immediately eaten up by his former companions.


Those underwater who couldn't squeeze to the front for a while couldn't help but drooling, and began to use their sharp teeth to gnaw on the planks of the three warships.

Relying on sufficient teak materials, the bottom of the ship automatically repaired, and the recovery speed was faster than the speed of their gnawing.

But as long as you think of thousands of hungry big mouths waiting for you at your feet, any living person can't help but feel weak in the legs.

Byron also realized that he couldn't wait any longer, and asked:

"How long is the copper wire?"

"Five hundred meters."

"Enough. The cumulonimbus cloud is only four hundred meters long. The others cover me."

The others joined forces to rush forward, and Byron suddenly went back, summoning [Guaranteed Gun Gungnir] with his left hand, and condensing an identical storm weapon with his right hand.

Tie a coil of pure copper wire to the tail of each gun.

Concentrate and hold your breath, and use all your strength to activate [Weather Intuition].

The Sea of ​​Element seems to be not much different from the material world.

But the biggest difference is probably that the Sea of ​​Element seems to be the concentration of all negative energy, and there is no amazing scene of thunder and lightning.

It is impossible to attract thunder, but Byron has another way.

Unlike most other storm knights, the place where he completed the third-level promotion was in the Sea of ​​Element.

After being promoted to [Storm Admiral], he gained a strong affinity for storms, and his [Weather Intuition] was greatly enhanced.

Not only can he sense the weather changes in the sea of ​​the material world, but he can also clearly sense the ups and downs of the Sea of ​​Element in front of him.

Add a little [Divine Vision], as long as he chases the abnormal stirring of the tide of Element, he can easily find those large and small world cracks.

Just like at this moment.

Byron felt the changes in the sky in a storm on the other side of a world crack, his eyes suddenly widened, and he threw the storm spear in his hand fiercely.


[War Shackles] prohibits any warring party from escaping, but does not prohibit inanimate objects from passing through.

A line of bright blue electric light, surrounded by countless storm elves, penetrated a tiny crack in the world and returned to the material world, and then shot straight up into the sky.

It went straight to the dark cumulonimbus cloud that was gestating the strongest electric charge in Byron's perception.

The pure copper wire tied to the end of the gun not only received the same blessing as [Son of the Storm], but also had zero gravity and was as light as nothing.

The storm elves also possessed it, providing additional temporary enchantments, greatly enhancing the conductivity. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a room-temperature superconductor at this time.

The must-hit gun at the other end of the copper wire was aimed at the ghost ship dozens of meters away on the opposite side.


With the knowledge reserve of the gladiator/coffin bearer Smith, he had no idea what Byron was going to do, but his keen spiritual premonition knew that this would definitely not be a good thing.

Just as he was about to raise the shield in his hand to launch a brutal collision, he was desperate to counterattack, not to interrupt Byron's action, but at least to cut off the strange copper wire.

At this time, Jacqueline finally launched the big move that she had been holding back for a long time. The shadow under her feet suddenly extended and instantly connected with the shadow of the gladiator.

She also raised her hand and made a face at him:

"Uncle, repeat after me, one, two, three, wooden man!"

Smith's body suddenly stiffened, and his right hand holding the guillotine was about to make the same face as the girl.

Others took the opportunity to bombard and knocked off more than a dozen layers of the beast armor.

"Shadow spell? Get out of here!"

The arrogance burst out again, and Jacqueline struggled suddenly, and blood suddenly overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

She struggled with all her strength again, and Jacqueline "wow" vomited another large mouthful of blood, and her whole barren body was shaking violently.

Using the third level to forcibly control the fourth level, one breath was already her limit.

But at this time, even if Smith regained his freedom, he would no longer have the opportunity to cut the copper wire.

"Now, Miss."

Hearing Byron's command, Violet poured out all the pure "pure water" in the Warrior's Cup.

With the natural water control ability of the Witch of Disaster, she covered the entire Golden Deer.


At the same time, Byron's [Gungnir], which was infused with the souls of the two third-level extraordinary people, the Newman brothers, exploded the air circle and broke through the air.

In just a moment, it pierced the chest of [Guardian Spirit·Crawling Iron Coffin Princess] and pierced the entire ghost ship under her feet, and the gun head emerged from the bottom of the ship.

A copper wire connecting Tianhai suddenly stretched straight.

Before the entangled Black Coffin and May Wind could react.


A blazing white lightning that was enough to illuminate this sea area turned into an angry dragon and came along the copper wire in an instant.

This is the spear of divine punishment thrown by Thor from the clouds!

The instantaneous power of lightning is extremely terrifying.

Even in a normal intensity thunderstorm, the voltage of lightning can reach 500 million volts when it is just discharged, and the average current is 200,000 amperes.

The lightning was carefully selected by Byron, and with the help of those storm elves, the cumulonimbus cloud was completely drained in one discharge.

There was really not a drop left.

This super-large discharge lasted for about ten seconds, and the power was naturally beyond imagination.

The guardian spirit that was still wailing suddenly flashed, and in the blink of an eye it was burned into a wisp of green smoke.

The ghost ship, which was full of holes and water, ushered in a positive energy cleansing.

There was a loud "crackling" sound, and all the undead reserves were instantly emptied by the electric snakes running around.


A large mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out from the back of Gladiator Smith's head.

The guardian spirit and the ghost ship that signed the soul contract were both shattered, and the coffin carrier Smith was naturally severely injured.

This is not over yet.

The lightning followed the tip of Gungnir's gun into the sea, a good conductor of electricity, and sent the comrades who had just fought side by side with them to the sky.

The octopus warship, which was already tightly entangled with the Black Coffin, was electrocuted to a crispy outside and tender inside, and the eight tentacles rolled naturally like grilled squid.

Soon, the tempting aroma of burnt air drifted far away.

And the half-human, half-fish piranhas gathered near the three ships did not escape the disaster, and all turned into a big pot of fish-man soup.

Due to the skin effect, the current tends to concentrate on the surface of the conductor when passing through it.

That is to say, high voltage electricity is basically concentrated near the water surface, but who made them all rush over just for a drop of blood?

People die for money and birds die for food.

Anyway, the sea is full of familiar faces now.

Only the [Golden Deer], which uses pure water as an insulator barrier, is safe and sound.

This extremely tragic scene suddenly hit the field of vision.

All the living people on the battlefield stopped their actions involuntarily, staring blankly at this "Thunder God's Coming to the World", and slowly widened their eyes.

Without exception, the straight electric light deep in their eyes that created the world has not dissipated for a long time.

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