Pirate Kingship

Chapter 322: Resurrection from the dead, mushroom colony

After Byron met with Catherine and Bruch and arranged the affairs of the International Port and the Royal Port respectively, he took the Golden Deer and returned to the Torrent Fortress on Yucatan Island with Xiaowo.

Ding Ding Dang Dang

"One, two, pull!"

"Send the cleaning rods and nails that just arrived from the iron factory to the No. 2 dry dock."

"Lift the wood over here and turn the crane over."


The dock, which is currently the largest in the entire Bantaan Islands, is bustling with people.

The white-skinned Silver Continent people and the bronze-skinned Taino natives come and go, cooperating tacitly, without seeing the deep barriers in other places.

Just because although they are of different races, they gradually have a common belief - the father of medicine.

This mysterious existence once saved the lives of most of their families and tribes.

They don't know what "vaccine" is, they just believe that it is a real miracle.

The third-level master craftsman Violet, in her capacity as the [Prime Minister] in the Golden Law, was responsible for coordinating and commanding:

"All materials and craftsmen will be given priority to Dock No. 1.

From now on, closed management will be implemented, and entry and exit are strictly prohibited.

Everyone must remember their own work instructions and must not ask about other people's work content at will. Once the taboo is violated, the consequences will be borne by themselves."

Byron had already taken the time to carve the third rune seal [Ripple] after [Profanity] and [Abyss] on the back of her right hand.

By the way, he received 20 Castilian [Craftsmen] handed over to them by Havana Governor Fox.

Under Violet's management, the large dry dock in the Port of Ripple was expanded one after another, and at this moment, there were six Tudor mixed sailing ships being built at the same time.

And since the personnel, wood, steel, and weapons were already fully prepared.

Byron decisively started the shipbuilding project of the "heavy cruiser" that was invincible in single combat in advance.

The heavy cruiser with extremely superior self-sustaining ability and long-distance raid using wolf pack tactics is the absolute main force of the privateer fleet in the future.

At a time when large battleships are difficult to cross the sea, this thing is the uncrowned king of the Bantaan Islands.

However, Byron returned to the Torrent Fortress not to inspect the progress of the warship construction.

But to find the "teacher" third-level great wizard [Insect Swarm] (Chapter 185) who has been stationed here since the beginning of the construction of the fortress.

"I saw the correct decryption direction of [Secret: The Shadow Behind the Red and White Rose War] from Edward IV's secret order.

The current research content of the Bloodthirsty Cult is very likely to be what the York family and the church want.

It's just right to take advantage of this opportunity to hold the blood sublimation ceremony to sneak into the holy land of the cult and use the [Navigation Log] to see the secrets hidden there with my own eyes."

In the Bloodthirsty Cult, a black wizard organization maintained by the master-disciple relationship.

If you want to reach the holy land of the cult that the "Giant Insect Book School" is willing to exterminate the "Bloody Mary School" to seize, you can only do it through [Insect Swarm], the only one online.

After greeting the other party, this cheap teacher also said that there is a secret realm with special rules similar to Treasure Island in the holy land, which can greatly improve the effect of the promotion ceremony.

Only deacons at the level of great wizards are eligible to apply.

There is no way, Byron can only come here to join [Insect Swarm] and then set off with him.

Passing through the busy copper and iron mining area where natives from various city-states come in and out to transport ore, he once again came to the Zhishen Mine Cave.

In order to prevent the miners from disturbing the intimate relationship between the Insect Swarm master and apprentice and Zhishen during their work, this place has long been isolated.

Even Byron himself, a disciple of the "Giant Insect Book School", had a psychological shadow after seeing [Thousand-legged] Diggory pouring aphrodisiacs into Zhishen, a scene that was not suitable for humans of all ages.

I will never step into this crystal cave.

"I just hope they can restrain their non-human quirks a little this time. Knowing that I am coming, they should stop playing any strange tricks with the Zhishen.

Otherwise, the restricted scenes are like mental pollution. Once you see them, you can never get rid of them."

Praying in his heart, Byron has activated [Storm Admiral].

A layer of azure storm aura appeared on his body, and the whole person was like a breeze blowing into the complex and winding mine.

Once again, he saw countless colorful and magnificent huge crystal pillars.

He encountered various insects and fungi along the way, and he tried his best to avoid them to prevent accidentally stepping on his "master's wife" and "master's wife".

Because [Zhishen] is essentially a natural spirit that has fallen into animality and turned into a grotesque.

It has no real entity.

Every leech, cockroach, flea, head louse, earthworm, mouse, mosquito, fly, and other dirty insects in the mine are part of it.

As long as you enter this high temperature and high humidity crystal mine, every insect you encounter may be the ears, eyes, hands, and feet of Zhishen.

Only you will not be attacked by it.

Byron followed the guidance of the glowing fungi on the ground and soon came to the edge of a very vast mushroom forest.

The mushroom forest is composed of many huge glowing mushrooms of strange shapes, and colorful mushrooms as tall as trees are everywhere.

There are also hundreds of other creatures living in the forest that are fed by it, and they together form a huge ecosystem called [Zhishen].

If you want to kill it, even those professional exterminators under Byron who shake egg yolks, chop earthworms vertically, and scald ant nests five times will inevitably have some fish slipping through the net.

Unless the underground magma erupts and exterminates all creatures in the entire crystal cave, even a single fungal spore is not spared, it will be possible to achieve it.

"Diggory, Ward, Julian, Emily. Where are you? Where is the insect swarm teacher?"

Byron landed lightly next to the mushroom forest and unexpectedly found that more than a dozen apprentices trained by the great wizard [insect swarm] were all gathered here.

Each of them was wearing a gray robe, wrapping themselves tightly, and the limbs that were occasionally exposed had the characteristics of various insects.

Obviously, these fellow disciples were practitioners of the forbidden knowledge "The Book of Giant Insects".

Byron greeted them one by one, but was very careful not to add "senior brother" or "senior sister" or any suffixes to distinguish gender after their names.

Every time he thought of the reason, Byron couldn't help shaking his head in his heart:

"The alternative of the Giant Insect Book School is top-down, systematic, and hopeless.

Even among all the black witchcraft cults that have ceased to be human, they are definitely the most bizarre.

When getting along with them, many things have exceeded the scope of normal human cognition.

For example, you can't just define the other person's gender casually based on subjective conjecture, and call them senior brother or senior sister."

Yes, the gender of the members of the Giant Insect Book School does not come from physiological conditions, but from self-definition.

Relying on the "Giant Insect Book" that coexists with various insects, they can replace their organs at will, change their gender, and even species.

And in the huge insect family, including slugs, and a large variety of parasitic groups such as roundworms, hookworms, filarial worms, and trichinella are all hermaphrodites.

Therefore, over the years, the Giant Insect Book School has long abandoned the old concept of physiological cognition and has formed dozens of genders and self-cognitions.

In addition to the normal female, male, hermaphrodite, and genderless, there are also unconventional gender, pan-gender, transgender, and cross-species.

If you casually define someone as a senior brother or a senior sister when you are not familiar with them, it is definitely a very offensive behavior.

Even though Byron is no stranger to these fellow apprentices who followed the [Insect Swarm] and temporarily settled in his own territory, it is still difficult to call each other accurately.

Even with the information reading function of the [Logbook], it is the same.

Guessing is not as fast as TA changing.

The most familiar [Thousand Legs] Diggory, who is also a "centipede man" who merged with the centipede, turned back and greeted Byron warmly after hearing the noise:

"Byron, you are here?

Oh, no, it should be the Baron of Stromgarde.

I have heard about your great achievements in the Zhishen Mine Cave. Congratulations on gathering all the prerequisites for [Ritual·Blood Feast Holy Grail] so quickly.

It's a pity that your promotion is not at the right time."

Hearing this, Byron's heart skipped a beat:

"Not at the right time? What happened? I can't be promoted normally? The teacher didn't tell me about this."

Seeing that he misunderstood, Diggory immediately waved his hands full of limbs like a centipede:

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant.

You can still follow The normal path to open the Blood Feast Holy Grail, but..."

After looking up and down at Byron's appearance that was completely inconsistent with his own aesthetics, he shook his head and said with regret as if he was talking and panting:

"I just feel a little sorry.

You accidentally took the route of the Bloody Mary faction, and you are walking so fast, and you are about to start the second ritual.

Once you take that step, you will completely miss the strongest [Ritual·Heart of the Swarm] of our Giant Insect Book faction.

Not only can you not get beautiful shells, tentacles, and limbs like us, but you also miss a milestone-like great change in our Giant Insect Book faction. "

"Heart of the Swarm? Great Change?"

Byron also has the corresponding knowledge of the "Giant Insect Book".

Naturally, he knew that the [Heart of the Swarm], which takes the route of symbiosis with insects, is the second blood sublimation ritual corresponding to the [Blood Feast Holy Grail].

The focus is completely different, but they will end up in the same way in the third ritual [Scarlet Holy Grail].

The former has the advantage of more direct improvement and stronger combat power in the middle and early stages.

The heart of the swarm, which is transformed into a certain kind of insect, does not need to practice swordsmanship or master "flow", and can be directly immune to most physical attacks in the world.

Obtain a series of insect witchcraft, can fight, run, and resist, even the organized army can hardly match.

Of course, the side effects are also difficult for Byron to accept.

Cognition will be forcibly distorted, and he will become a real "fellow traveler" with this group of fellow disciples with dozens of genders who love cockroaches, maggots, and other disgusting things.

Therefore, Byron did not feel sorry for his words at all, and shook his head desperately in his heart:

'Compared to maggot girls, cockroach girls, flea girls, and fly girls, I think squid girls or octopus girls are more lovely.

No, the latter is simply an angel!

You heretics who like insects, I have no interest in your curious hobbies.

However, what is change? ’

I asked out of curiosity:

"What do you mean by milestone change?"

Before Diggory, the "centipede man", could explain to Byron, the mushroom forest in front of them suddenly changed.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak"

The densely packed insects in the mushroom forest in front of him suddenly made a collective sound, and gradually gathered into a huge whole in the center of the mushroom forest.

A humanoid entity with a height of about five meters, which had already touched the top of the cave, barely had female characteristics.

The hair was red mycelium, and there were densely packed wriggling maggots in the eye sockets. The soft body was made up of who knows how many earthworms and worms.

There were countless mice drilling around in the swollen abdomen, and two clusters of colorful mushrooms similar to Ganoderma lucidum grew on the forehead, like two huge reindeer horns.

The body surface was covered with green, black, white, yellow, and red molds

Surrounded by a dark cloud of flying insects, every breath was swallowed by insect clouds and spores

This is exactly the symbol of the underground mine ecosystem, the natural will of the cave world [Zhi Shen] that is higher than the single species of [Insect Swarm]!

Byron had seen it when he first explored the mine.

It has no clear self-awareness and can only kill people according to the rules. It is similar to the old gods in the sea, and is a "dead" grotesque.

But beyond Byron's expectation, the changes of Zhishen did not stop there.

Suddenly, colorful auras bloomed on its body. It was just barely put together, but each had its own ideas. The extremely chaotic thousands of insects gradually merged into one.

In Byron's surprised eyes, it kept twisting and stretching and finally turned into a weird "girl" in a green tights, full of red hair, and a hot body.

And in her pair of green eyes, there was a flash of human light, no longer as chaotic as the original pan-consciousness.

Although only one face became a complete human appearance, the humanoid body below the neck still looked like a tree stump hollowed out by insects, moss, and mushrooms.

It seemed that it had only changed from one kind of curiosity to another, but Byron knew that there was an essential difference between the two.

"Has the beast in its body been partially balanced? It has returned to its original natural spirit state?

For humans, it is...resurrection from the dead? Hiss——!"

Byron took a breath of cold air when he saw that the other party was half human and half beast, but could still maintain his rationality.

An idea suddenly flashed in his brain, as if there was a line connecting many scattered memories and clues together.

He couldn't help but think of all the weird things he had seen before.

Most of them are composed of human souls and beasts. Because of the imbalance between [beast] and [divinity] in their bodies, they will eventually appear like half human and half beast.

The proportions of divinity and beast are different, and the proportions of human form and beast form are also different. The beast part is usually much larger than the divinity part.

Even those old gods who fell into eternal sleep are the same. For some reason, they lost most of their divinity, leaving only the super-sized beast.

All the old gods that Byron had seen had a similar human head without exception.

[Hydra, the Thousand-Faced Serpent] has a half-human, half-snake triangular corrupted human head on his neck; [Mammon, the Worm of Greed] has a human-shaped golden mask; [Kraken, the Sleeping God] has a fleshless skull.

Referring to the current state of this Zhi God, Byron feels that the grotesque or old gods with human heads should be the closest to returning to balance.

As long as there is a human head, the beast in the body can be controlled and gradually regain sanity.

Even in the myths of Byron's previous life, there are many half-human, half-beast monsters, among which those with human faces and beast bodies are often revered as gods or auspicious beasts.

Especially the Zhi God in front of him has personally proved that the state of depravity is completely reversible, and the dead old gods can also be resurrected!

And the method is also very simple, that is - eating people!

"For those old gods who are out of the norm.

Once they recover their human heads and faces like [Zhi Shen], they may no longer be a rule monster that can be easily exploited, but come back to life.

Then wouldn't the Greedy Bug and the Sleeping God that I have offended be...?"

This unexpected but reasonable discovery immediately shocked Byron.

And the decryption density of [Secret: The Shadow Behind the Red and White Rose War, Influence 31] also increased from 78% to 82%.

At this time, a familiar burst of laughter sounded in the mushroom forest again:

"Hahaha, transformation, replacement, the refined [Transmutation Blood] is obviously better than eating a living person.

It's worth it that I fed most of the Transmutation Blood I accumulated to [Zhi God·Nora].

It took five months before and after, and my beautiful Nora finally recovered from the state of death after losing herself.

And the knowledge she gave me also allowed me to take a crucial step."

Byron quickly put down his thoughts and looked up, and found that there were many huge black locusts lying on the body of the Zhi God.

The great wizard [Insect Swarm] itself is composed of thousands of palm-sized locusts, and it is not difficult to guess the identity of these black locusts.

At this time, as the voice of the insect swarm fell, the locusts actually split again.

The air was scattered into extremely fine black spores, and then rolled in the air, gathering into a thick spore cloud.

Then the mycelium gradually gathered together, and the Zhi God transformed into a huge mushroom man who was not shorter than her.

Under the huge mushroom cap was a strong giant body, and the proud face of the insect swarm appeared on the top.

This great wizard actually gained a second form - the mushroom man - through the knowledge he learned from the Zhi God.

Just like the Bloody Mary faction has another simplified version of the ghoul route, the Lord of Gluttony, in addition to the Night Devil.

In the future, this kind of mushroom man may also be an important branch of the Giant Insect Book faction.

At least from the appearance, mushroom men are much easier to accept than insect men.

At the same time, the voice of the swarm sounded in the hearts of all the apprentices, including Byron:

"My disciples, as early as the dark millennium, we used various Lilith followers that invaded from the cracks in the old world to analyze the forbidden knowledge.

But we have been offering sacrifices to [Mother of Creation·Lilith] for so many years, and we are still a little short of the third ritual [Scarlet Holy Grail] that can brew a cup of "Eternal Blood".

The Goddess of Zombies Rola has proved that without relying on Lilith, we can also summarize and complete the corresponding knowledge from other beings with similar paths.

At this moment, I have completed all the rituals of [Ritual·Mushroom Colony].

I have obtained a series of abilities such as spore poison cloud, telepathy, colony regeneration, etc.

In the future, you will also have more choices, you can customize your own race and gender at will, and even create a race by yourself in a group or one person!"

This kind of large-scale telepathy is obviously achieved by telepathy with the help of spore cloud.

"The teacher is too strong."

"Long live the teacher! From now on, I am myself and will never be defined by others."

"Teacher Swarm will eventually become the high priest of the Bloodthirsty Cult!"


The dark wizards who are still at the correct gender level are jubilant.

Only the [Insect Swarm] looked at Byron silently with a new sense, and the spore network echoed with an almost uncontrollable extreme greed:

"Whether it is the 'Mushroom Colony' or the 'Heart of the Insect Swarm', there is actually no difference in essence.

The blood of immortality! Only the blood of immortality can make people truly immortal, and even compensate for the price that needs to be paid when the blood sublimation ceremony of the world is promoted.

Even the saints of the church are in urgent need of this treasure to complete their own essential transformation.

The 'Eternal Life Plan' of the church has lasted for hundreds of years, but it has not yet achieved any results.

Now that the 'Bloody Mary Sect' has been destroyed and replaced by our 'Giant Insect Book Sect', it is time to be more radical.

Starting with this extremely talented test subject in front of you, follow me to the holy land to face [Mother of Creation Lilith] directly, and become a living follower who listens to the whispers of the old gods at all times."

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