Pirate Kingship

Chapter 323 Assassination! The world's first matchlock gun

For [Insect Swarm], as long as it can make itself immortal, what does it matter if it just sacrifices a mere disciple who is a disciple halfway?

Even if it costs the lives of all the disciples under his command, and even the lives of all the members of the Bloodthirsty Order, it is completely worth it.

Subtle rays of light flowed between the mycelium of the mushroom cap, constantly flashing with various dark thoughts.

But he comforted Byron very kindly:

"Byron, although you are taking a different path from us and you cannot experience the wonderful benefits of becoming a mushroom, there is no need to be discouraged.

Whether it is [Heart of the Swarm], [Myconid Colony], [Holy Grail of Blood Feast] or even the second best [Gluttony Monarch], they all have their own strengths.

The Half-Night Demon created by the Blood Feast Holy Grail, even among all the non-human beings in the second ritual stage of the Blood Thirsty Order, is the one closest to Lilith, the mother of creation, the source of knowledge.

Although it takes more effort to achieve a combat power comparable to mine, it is more pure and easier to receive the knowledge released by that super-standard existence.

The fact that you were able to gather all the prerequisites for the second ritual in such a short period of time was beyond my expectations.

If the ceremony is held in the 'Blood Origin Secret Realm' in the Holy Land, not only will the best promotion effect be obtained, but it is also possible to steal additional forbidden knowledge from the Mother of Creation.

The secret realm can only be opened a limited number of times each year, so you must seize this opportunity. "

After hearing his words, Byron immediately put away the "regret" on his face, and promised with tears of gratitude:

"Yes, thank you teacher for giving me the opportunity to enter the secret realm. I will definitely live up to your expectations."

Speaking of the Bloodborne Secret Realm where countless sacrificial rituals have been held, Byron couldn't help but think of the "sleeping god Kraken" who "is still a dream even though he is dead".

The other party can rely on the power of dreams to still have the ability to plan for resurrection after his own death.

If Jormungandr had not chosen the international port as its target, it might have succeeded.

The blood of creation and transformation extended from the power of [Mother of Creation, Lilith] seems to be undertaking the same task.

The more sacrifices are made, the faster Lilith will recover.

But now the focus of all dark wizard organizations has been on the forbidden knowledge that comes with sacrifices, and they seem completely unaware that there may be huge risks hidden behind their constant blood sacrifices.

This is still the old god and dark wizard organization that he knows about, and there are countless others that he doesn't know about.

Each one is a ticking time bomb.

Byron couldn't help but feel a strong sense of urgency in his heart.

It feels like the dark clouds before the storm are gathering in the unknown direction of the distant sea, and there may be earth-shattering changes at any time.

Of course, this kind of sacrifice has been going on for at least hundreds of years, and this "any time" time scale may be longer than an ordinary person's life.

However, since I have received inspiration from the resurrected [Zhi Shen].

This time Byron is going to wait and see the completeness of the face of Lilith, the mother of creation, and perhaps he can roughly deduce the progress of her recovery.

The swarm of insects was very satisfied with Byron's attitude and nodded:

"Very well, it's getting late, let's go now."

The tall black mushroom man and the [Lord God] holding hands looked at each other tenderly, and suddenly exploded together into colorful spores that filled the sky.

The latter disappeared without a trace and reintegrated into the ecological system of the cave, while the former condensed into a normal human form wearing a black robe in front of Byron.

It was the human form of the great wizard insect swarm. He adjusted his wizard robe and headed outside.

Byron was about to lift his heel, but with the help of the prompts from the [Navigation Log], he accidentally noticed a detail.

Some of the extremely fine spore clouds, which were smaller than dust, gradually descended under the cover of the spectacular scene of spores exploding like fireworks in front of them, and fell on the disciples one after another.

Many of them even entered the bodies of these half-human, half-insect dark wizards with their breathing.

But none of them noticed anything unusual.

"This is?"

The hairs on Byron's back suddenly stood up.

Looking at the combination of "bugs" and "fungi" in front of me, I don't know why I suddenly subconsciously thought of a very famous medicinal material, Cordyceps Sinensis.

They are living bugs in winter, and after being parasitized by fungi, they are eaten bit by bit from the inside into empty shells.

In the summer, they will die as bugs, and the hyphae in their bodies will break out from the heads of the bugs and grow into rod-shaped fungal fruiting bodies.

Mature spores are then shed to infect the next wave of bugs.

The range of sixty meters is the range where the [Logbook] ability can be used, and Byron can clearly see the state of the group of insect fellows in front of him.

Maybe he couldn't see the gender of the bugs clearly, but he could clearly see that there was an abnormal status of "fungal parasitism" behind each person's name.

Moreover, the spirituality of each person is vaguely connected to the [Insect Swarm], and the synchronization continues to deepen as time goes by.

After reading the details of the ability that emerged later, Byron almost shuddered on the spot:

‘Parasitic bacteria!

After the fungus successfully parasitizes other flesh-and-blood creatures, it can steal the host's nutrition, flesh, and spirituality to support itself, greatly increasing the spiritual growth rate of the myconid from which the fungus originates.

Become a spiritual exploiter and consumer rather than a decomposer.

Even when the body is completely dead, it can still take away everything from the host with the help of mature fungi and be reborn in the host.

Note: The same extraordinary route works best for hosts who practice the same or homologous forbidden knowledge.

Although the [Insect Swarm] at this time is not as good as the Zhishen, which is equivalent to an ecosystem, it is already extremely difficult to kill. ’

At this point, Byron finally realized why the Insect Swarm was so confident in competing for the position of the contemporary high priest of the Bloodthirsty Cult.

Just as the [Night Demon] can easily suppress the [Ghouls] as servants, the [Mushroom Man] can also easily control and digest those [Insect Man].

Even if there are lucky people who rely on the [Insect Swarm] to transform the original mushroom man into a new mushroom man, it is just the "grass" growing on the tail of the insect.

It has long become the appearance of the [Insect Swarm] from the inside out.

One person forms a group, one person forms a group!

If this great wizard can be ruthless, it is not completely impossible for the entire "Giant Insect Book School" to become his fungal culture dish.

Moreover, Byron's taboo knowledge also has the same origin, so we must be careful.

So as not to be secretly plotted by this old fox who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger.

Well, in the 24 hours before using [Immune Blood] to make Cordyceps vaccine, we must be very, very careful!

"Besides, this thing is too dangerous. It's best to find a way to snatch it when you have a chance.

It's safest only in my hands."

The [Zerg Swarm] walking in front has not yet realized that his biggest trump card after becoming a mushroom man has been quietly exposed to Byron.

The reason why he only parasitized those first and second level disciples and did not immediately attack Byron was not because he didn't want to, but purely because he was not sure.

Even if the Zerg Swarm has obtained a new form, the core spiritual level still cannot exceed the third level.

In addition to the survival ability and strange means far exceeding Byron, the head-on confrontation is still likely to be no match for Byron, the [Storm Admiral].

The risk of planting a hidden hand on him without Byron noticing is too great.

Promotion Ceremony: The Blood Feast Holy Grail has not yet been held, and he still needs to continue to maintain his image as a good teacher.

It is best not to take risks rashly, as it is easy to backfire.

Anyway, the other party is a principled and loyal "fool", and the moral shackles in his heart may be more effective than those in his body.

There is no need to rush.

"The holy land is located in the Bahamas on the edge of the Sea of ​​Monsters.

I will take you there once, and after you complete the promotion ceremony and obtain the right to pass as a third-level great wizard, you can come and go on your own."

Byron nodded. He knew that the Bloodthirsty Cult had a tradition of holding a small ceremony every month and a large ceremony every quarter, and all members would participate at that time.

"Teacher, please, the deep-sea jump of the [Golden Deer] and the fiddler crabs is ready.

The Bahamas, 3,000 kilometers away, will arrive in a flash."

Hearing this very satisfactory arrangement, the insect swarm became more and more satisfied with Byron:

"Yes, I have heard about your deeds of snatching fiddler crabs from the Barbary pirates.

The base of these pirates is also in the Bahamas. In the past, they relied on the support of a [Ocean Throne] and caused trouble to the peripheral forces of the cult.

You can make them suffer, and the title of [Sea Hunter] is well deserved."

The master and apprentice, who seemed to be in harmony, walked out of the mushroom forest talking and laughing.

The remaining dozen insect disciples turned their heads at the same time and saluted in the direction where the two left, and all of them raised a "kind" smile exactly like the [insect swarm].

In the dim cave, it looked particularly creepy.

And this may be the real "insect swarm"!

Soon, the two flew out of the Zhishen Mine Cave one after the other and landed on the pier of the Jiliu Port Pier.

Wearing a gentle white dress, wearing tortoise-shell glasses, holding a contracted conch, Violet, and three large sea monster fiddler crabs had been waiting here for a long time.

Byron's promotion time is not yet determined, and these three "crab bosses" who carry half of the West Wind Express are certainly not going to go with him.

Wasting transportation capacity is a small matter, but delaying making money is a big matter.

Seeing Byron fall in front of her, Violet knew that his progress on the extraordinary road was about to surpass her.

But she didn't care, she was only happy from the bottom of her heart.

Raising her hand to tidy up a strand of silver hair by her ear, she smiled at him playfully:

"It's a deal, when you complete the inhuman transformation, all the blood in your body becomes [Transmutation Blood], you have to use it to engrave a curse seal for me."

Wait until Byron completes the second ritual to achieve the sublimation of blood and the qualitative change of the essence of life.

The blood in the body will completely transform into [Transmutation Blood], and new blood will continue to be produced continuously without killing people.

Not only does he have all kinds of incredible abilities, but even birth, aging, illness and death begin to move away from him.

Transmutation means transformation and replacement, and it is also a magical substance that represents "change" in the extraordinary system of this world.

It is higher in level and more versatile than the blood of those sea monsters, and can fully meet the requirements of "deep sea tracing".

Especially since the blood of the octopus battleship is connected to the dream of the [Sleeping God], it is very necessary to find another existence of the same level to neutralize it.

"Of course, no problem, leave it to me."

Byron immediately nodded and agreed with a smile, and put aside the hidden worries in his heart for the time being.

Worrying about the resurrection of the old gods all day long is like worrying that the sky will collapse one day. It is completely unfounded.

The only thing you can do now is to improve the strength of yourself and your companions, and face all changes with your fists.

Coupled with her own transmutation blood, Violet already has two-thirds of the prerequisites for advancement to Beast Number 666. Becoming a witch is just a matter of steps.

Now I'm already looking forward to the girl's three monster forms.

[Insect Swarm] didn't understand what they were talking about, but they were also happy to see Byron have a stronger will to advance on the inhuman road.

He reached out and patted his shoulder:

"Byron, although you have been with me for the shortest time.

But among all the disciples, you are actually the one I value most. I have always regarded you as my close disciple and successor.

Son, I believe that with your qualifications and unique resources, one day in the future, our master and disciple can live forever together."

The words have not yet finished.


Suddenly, a piercing scream of insects came from the chest of the insect swarm.

All the dark wizards of the "Book of Giant Insects" know that this is a must-have [Dark Witchcraft·Alert Heart] for their own adventures:

"Cultivation of a very special parasite to live in one's own heart.

It has powerful senses and intuition that far exceed those of humans. Especially when encountering life-threatening danger, it can warn its owner in advance.

Sharper than the wild instincts of an adventurer. "

When Byron subconsciously heard the sound, he tilted his head slightly.

A bullet flashing with a strong supernatural aura happened to fly from a hill to the west of the port city, extremely far away from the dock, and arrived in an instant.

Carrying the violent airflow, the general brushed past his ears, tore off a strand of hair at his temples, and exploded the heads of the [insect swarm] beside him!


The head with the encouraging smile on it looked like a big watermelon that had been smashed by a heavy hammer. The brains, broken bones, and scalp were all exploded on the spot.

If Byron had not turned his head just now, this powerful bullet would have hit his head!

"No, there is an assassin, at least a third-level elite sniper!"

Byron immediately realized that the bullet was aimed at him.

It's just that [Insect Swarm], a "teacher" who thinks highly of him in the eyes of others, accidentally hit the passenger car because he was too close to him, causing him to suffer on his behalf.

Byron's first reaction was to set off a gust of wind and push Violet violently towards the [Golden Deer] docked on the shore.

At the same time, the bullet that blasted the swarm's head actually carried a bright orange-red line of fire, turned back at a sharp angle, and hit him again.

With his unrivaled hand speed and honed sword-drawing skills, Byron drew his sword with lightning speed.


Accompanied by the sound of metal explosions like shelling an armored chariot, a silver projectile with red flame patterns was skillfully deflected by Bai Shuang's tilted sword blade.

Even though Byron was in the state of "flow" and tried his best to remove the huge kinetic energy carried by the projectile, he still couldn't stop "thump thump thump" and took several steps back.

It seemed that this was not from a gunshot, but from a close-range shelling from a small-caliber artillery fire.

My heart was suddenly filled with shock and anger, and I looked towards the direction where the bullet came from with a fierce look on my face:

“This assassin is not only a sniper who is at least a third-level [Musketeer], but the musket he uses is definitely not an ordinary one.

Who on earth wants to kill me, and yet they send out an expert of this level as soon as they take action?

Which of the enemies I provoked could not be eradicated?

It's too dangerous. Just wait, I'll kill your whole family! "

The next moment, he had the answer.

The information about the projectile just now appeared automatically in the [Navigation Log].

——The first lead bullet fired from an arquebus in the world!

"It turns out to be him!"

Byron's eyes flashed, and he instantly guessed the identity of the assassin and the mastermind behind it just by looking at his name.

Because that very famous [Holy Relic: The World's First Matchlock Gun] once belonged to the Strait Fleet of the Kingdom of Hattings (Chapter 20).

Even though the location where the opponent is hiding is far beyond the sixty-meter observation limit of the log, Byron has long been familiar with the abilities of that treasure:

"The earliest matchlock gun - [Snake Rod Matchlock Gun].

Before the invention of the flintlock, a smoldering matchlock was used to light a fire, hence the name matchlock.

Usually a linen string or strip of cloth is soaked in saltpeter-dissolved spirits or acid vinegar for 24 hours, and then taken out to dry to serve as a slow-burning match.

The earliest matchlock structure was also very simple, consisting of a barrel, a gun body, a snake rod excitation device, a matchlock and bullets.

The ability is very simple.

1. The first projectile.

When activated for the first time every day, the flying speed is forcibly increased to three times the speed of sound, and the headshot effect will definitely be triggered.

Just like many weapons, there is a rule that blood must be drawn out of the sheath. It is full of ferocity and will never give up until a head is blown.

It can only be recalled after being stained with blood.

2. The first musket.

Only one projectile can be fired at a time, but the fired projectiles can zigzag and dodge in the air as the shooter wishes.

Until at least ten attacks are carried out, or ten targets are attacked separately, the power will gradually decrease and the kinetic energy will eventually be exhausted.

Even though it is not as good as the automatic aiming of [Guaranteed Gun] and requires the gunner's eye aiming, it is still an extremely difficult weapon.

It carries the power of weapon transformation in the historical trend, and is far more powerful than an ordinary third-order middle-sequence extraordinary person. "

At the moment when the York Party inherited all the heritage of the Kingdom of Hastings.

Who would use such a big killer to hit me is already obvious.

"It must be you, [King Maker] Warwick!

This old guy is really insidious. He praised me for my vision in person two days ago, but he turned around and stabbed me in the back.

According to the time calculation, the assassin should have been sent more than a month before I succeeded as the governor.

In addition to killing a ship of your tax inspectors, using you as a shield, and passively becoming a hero of the royal party, you haven't offended you in other places, right? "


With quick eyes and hands, he deflected the incoming bullets again.

Fortunately, Byron clearly knew the destiny and weakness of every holy relic that was officially displayed by Hastings.

Although only the heir to the throne was qualified to know this knowledge, his cousin Edward was completely transparent to him.

As a dog-headed military strategist and the mastermind behind countless troubles, Byron knew more secrets than that straightforward man.

For example, the historical destiny of [the world's first matchlock gun]:

"Starting with the snake-bar matchlock gun, individual hot weapons have completely changed the form of war for thousands of years and realized the hot weapon revolution.

The user will never use swords and any melee cold weapons in his life, otherwise he will definitely die under the sword. "

No matter who uses this musket, the melee ability will be a big weakness.

This is the opportunity to kill him!

Byron shouted decisively:

"This is the assassin sent by [King Maker] Earl of Warwick.

He clearly can't bear to see the great Majesty possibly immortal.

Want to kill us directly, delay or even interrupt the possibility of [Eternal Blood] coming out from the source.

It's time to be loyal to His Majesty.

Teacher, please lend me a hand! I'll contain this most dangerous bullet. "

Byron shouted, while taking a step back, protecting his beloved teacher in front of him.

"Warwick? Yes, it's probably him!"

The [Swarm] that just blocked a shot for him has recovered. When he heard this, he immediately felt that this speculation was completely reasonable.

He is not a fool like Byron, the "loyal king". Being loyal to Edward IV has nothing to do with him, but anyone who prevents him from achieving immortality should die.


The spot exploded into a dark cloud composed of countless black locusts, and rushed towards the direction where the gunman was hiding.

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