Pirate Kingship

Chapter 325: The first thirty years are about the father respecting the son, and the last thirty yea

However, when Byron awakened to the wisdom of his previous life, an obsession came up deep in his heart:

"If I had a chance to do it again.

I want to run, jump, swim, and have free adventures.

Go and see the glaciers, deserts, aurora, vast forests, and endless seas in this world

If I can die in the stormy waves one day, it will be the most perfect salvation for me (Chapter 2)! "

Aspiring to become a free pirate king, he has never been willing to accept this forced arrangement.

He raised the [Thorn and Rose] in his hand and pulled the trigger at the justice standing on the hour hand opposite.

Bang! Bang!

The bullet that was supposed to be a hundred hits instantly passed through the opponent's body like a phantom without causing any harm to him.

It was as if the chief justice did not exist in this world at all.

Fortunately, he had time to adjust his robes, and he dismissed Byron's "dying struggle" and sneered:

"It's no use.

The minute hand and the hour hand respectively represent two parallel timelines. We can see each other, but we cannot touch each other at all, let alone attack each other.

The same goes for the inside of the bell tower and the outside world. There is no room inside or outside. Even if you scream, no one will come to save you.

No matter how much time passes inside the clock tower, only a short moment will pass outside.

Unless the minute hand and hour hand meet, the two time lines will overlap for one minute.

Wait until you pass the test of six milestones and walk step by step in front of me before attacking, if you haven't become a pile of withered bones by then.

Ha ha ha ha"

The information he retrieved showed that Byron Tudor first showed his prominence as the deputy of [Executioner] Bill at Anchor Bay.

Together, they rescued the great pirate [Red Beard] Edward in full view of the public. Since then, they have won consecutive battles and risen all the way up the ranks.

As for his past life history, there is no detailed information except for a biography he filled out when reporting to the Admiralty as a privateer captain.

But one thing is certain:

A civilian who took up a job in the lighthouse sequence [pirate] and managed to survive is obviously very different from "other people's children"!

If you think about it, you will know that in this era of low productivity, most civilians are precarious.

Without even basic social security and compulsory education, most of a boy's key achievements before adulthood depend on his family of origin.

Without the accumulation of the previous generation, of course, too many milestones would be missed.

A mere pirate who is outside the social system will have his time deducted and die in the clock tower without a few milestone trials.

The third-level law mage flashed with vicious thoughts:

"I hope you're lucky enough not to start out as an orphan in infancy and lose at the starting line."

Seeing the ineffective attack in front of him, Byron had to admit that the other party was not lying.

"This is really a sacred relic that can interfere with time.

The killing rules I just saw are probably just the tip of the iceberg. I don’t know how high the specific ability limit is.

If you could stop time on a large scale at a critical moment, wouldn't you be invincible on the spot? "

The three of them were apparently hiding in another timeline from the beginning.

With this ability, not only can he ignore the physical bombardment, but he can also easily avoid the all-round detection of the [Golden Law].

No matter how powerful the legal network is, it cannot touch the realm of time.

At the same time, the first milestone finally started, and the image of Byron when he was just born at the age of 0 slowly emerged.

The source of [Social Clock]'s ability is to look back on the timeline. Even Byron's constant [Cognitive Correction] cannot prevent this extremely high-level power from taking effect:

In the northern part of the Channel Islands, the territory of Prince Salonborg.

A manor that is far more comfortable than the Prince's Castle.

In a luxurious bedroom surrounded by a large number of maids, nuns, and a large number of third- and fourth-level hospital sequence female extraordinarys.

A male baby with blue eyes and black hair was born.

Inheriting the dominant bloodline from both parents, he was not only very healthy, he was also obviously well-nourished when he was in his mother's belly, and even his fetal hair grew very thickly.

With the help of this timeline in his body, Byron also saw the woman on the bed who was a little weak but had a loving face.

Apparently it was her biological mother who had no deep impression on her in this life.

There is no portrait of her in the princely castle, and Byron has never met any maternal relatives of the Tudor family. Even her married surname became Lancaster.

The whole person seemed to have suddenly jumped out of the cracks in the stone, which was completely inconsistent with the normal marriage rules of the great nobles.

Even to Byron, her son, she was full of mystery and mystery.

Whenever he tried to understand before, Edmund Lancaster kept silent, and over time even his memory was completely dimmed.

As for the 0-year-old milestone, it is naturally not difficult for him.

Even because of his birth, his crazy-joyed father waived taxes for the entire Prince of Soronborg territory for the whole year with a wave of his hand.

After receiving the good news, his uncle also exempted the country from taxes for a month and ordered the allocation of supplies from the royal treasury to help the poor everywhere.

In the biting winter of December that year, countless people across the country were lucky enough to survive because of his birth.

It is no exaggeration to say that the day Byron was born, the entire Kingdom of Hastings was calling out his name.

The power of feudal monarchy has exceeded the imagination of many ordinary people.

Even if you look around the world, it seems that there are not many people who are more impressive than him at the age of 0.

"No, you, you are not Byron Tudor!"

The third-level [Lawyer] who also saw this scene, of course, was born in a noble family to be able to work in this extraordinary profession.

Combined with the limited information, he has gradually realized something, and his eyes can't help but widen a little bit.

Staring at Byron, hoping to make sure that he just saw it wrong.

The minute hand went from zero to one, passed one grid, and then opened the next milestone.

The social expectations of the [Social Clock] are different for different ethnic groups, cultures, countries, and genders.

The evaluation criteria for Byron are obviously the growth trajectory of normal boys in the Kingdom of Hastings in the Old Continent.

"At 1 year old, he can actively call people, clearly call out dad and mom, walk independently, and hold simple tableware such as knives and forks by himself."

Although Byron failed to awaken his wisdom, his innate spiritual power is much stronger than that of ordinary children. He will even call people in advance when eating, drinking, defecating or urinating.

"At 3 years old, he can eat by himself and choose food.

He can urinate and defecate independently, take care of himself simply, dress, put on shoes, put on a hat, and organize his toys, etc."

Relying on the unique material conditions, Byron's toys have expanded to special children's versions of rare objects such as muskets and swords.

He has more non-combat rare objects, precious jewelry, manors, company shares, and private servants than many extraordinary people have seen in their lifetime.

"At the age of 7, the most important milestone is to start education.

The descendants of noble families usually start the formal education stage around the age of 7.

Usually, it includes: family education, castle education, palace school education, resident teacher education, church school education, etc."

Byron and his sister Catherine were taught by the kingdom's top teachers and scholars, front-line extraordinary people and knights who had experienced bloody battles.

Served as a tutor for the two siblings.

Starting from simple grammar and mathematics classes, astronomy and geography, history and law, navigation knowledge, swordsmanship and gunmanship, extraordinary knowledge. Everything is included.

No family teacher's rank is lower than the middle sequence, even the fifth-order legend who is beyond the world is not completely unheard of.

His knowledge and vision have long surpassed 99.99% of the world's population, including extraordinary people.

From childhood to adulthood, there has never been a saying of happy education.

Byron recalled the past, and every day he spent since he started studying was far more difficult than the days in his previous life in middle school.

He didn't know about other families, but Lancaster couldn't tolerate dandies anyway.

"16 years old."

When others were still busy pursuing further studies or finding a decent job.

Byron had graduated from the Royal Naval Academy with excellent grades ahead of schedule, and joined the Channel Fleet as a reserve officer to rotate on a first-class battleship.

It is particularly worth mentioning that.

During that period, his uncle Henry VI founded the official preparatory class "Eton College" where aristocratic children gathered, and King's College in the world's second oldest university "St. Bridge University".

Although the principal personally visited Byron and invited him to enroll, he felt that civil service might not be suitable for him, so he didn't go in the end.

At this time, the minute hand had pointed to four, and the hour hand that pointed to five and moved forward a little bit was only one and a half grids away.

Byron's life experience before adulthood was even more standard than the standard answer, and even most of those "other people's children" could only look up to him.

But it doesn't mean that Byron is such an outstanding genius, it's just because his father in this life is called Edmund Lancaster.

With the superior material conditions and educational resources that are counted among the best in the whole continent, even if he is a fool, he can become the stupid son of a landlord.

He can still ring the bell of the "social clock" on time, and his resume is better than everyone else.

Just like what a neighboring country in Byron's previous life said about its own general:

"The general is a real genius. He learned to shoot at the age of 3 and could shoot moving targets at the age of 9.

He learned to drive at the age of 3. When he was less than 8 years old, he drove 120 kilometers on a winding and sloping dirt road and arrived at his destination safely.

There is no sport that the general can't do, especially basketball, which is better than ordinary professional players.

He learned to ride a horse at the age of 6, and his riding skills are better than those of riders."

This kind of "genius" is not fundamentally different from Byron.

At this time, the chief justice on the opposite side swallowed hard and had completely confirmed Byron's true identity.

His body was trembling subconsciously, and his voice was as dry as the friction of iron sheets:

"You are not the civilian pirate Byron Tudor, you are Byron Lancaster!

You actually got back into the kingdom system, what do you want to do?"

A top rebel wanted by the York Party actually took the position of governor, quietly controlled the entire colony of the kingdom, and was responsible for the suppression of bandits.

It is obvious what he wants to do.

Just thinking about this situation is enough to scare every York Party member.

Byron did not respond to him. The last 18 years of adulthood, one of the most important life nodes for men in the Old World, has opened a milestone.

"At 18, adulthood.

Men enter society and social circles, have a respectable job of their own, and earn more than their peers, or at least enough to support themselves.

After assuming the corresponding professional responsibilities and understanding the essence of professional mottos, the extraordinary people began to awaken spiritually one after another.

Many young people who do not have to worry about material things have been engaged or entered the palace of marriage, and even have children."

After the stormy night that destroyed the country, all the advantages of the Lancaster Dynasty instantly left him, the prince.

But even so, Byron still successfully awakened his spirituality at the age of 17 and was promoted to [Storm Knight].

Immediately launched a rebellion on the pirate ship [Man-eating Shark], killed the captain "Blood Eye" Salman with the help of the pursuer, and successfully sat on the throne of the pirate captain.

He also took advantage of the riot in Anchor Bay to achieve the achievement of destroying the first fleet of the Strait Fleet of the Kingdom of Hattings.

Established the [Ten Commandments of Pirates] to build a core team.

Joined Catherine and came to the Bantaan Islands. Based on her Earldom of Greenville, he successively established the Pioneer Navigation Colonial Trade Company, Pioneer Bank, International Port, Rapid Port, West Wind Express, and Financial Street.

After rapidly advancing to the third level, he immediately seized the Newman family's industry and status, and jumped to the throne of the colonial governor.

The Newman family and the Velasquez family have spent several generations to achieve this achievement.

For Byron and anyone else, there is no doubt that they have achieved success.

Secretly, he quietly obtained the ownership of the [Golden Code], gathered the remnants of the Lancaster Party, and began to rebuild his own administrative system.

He has long left behind almost all his peers in the world.

At this time, the minute hand has passed most of the 18 years old, and it is only a little bit away from coinciding with the hour hand.

The chief justice standing on the hour hand couldn't help sweating profusely, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

He had been pampered for a long time. If he was really confident of killing Byron head-on, he would not have borrowed the power of the holy relic.

Just when there was only one step left, Byron's trial suddenly encountered an accident.

Everything was perfect, except for one thing that greatly reduced the score.

That is marriage!

Among the nobles who had long been free from material wealth, 6% of them were married before the age of 15. The median age of marriage for women was 20, and that for men was 22.

As "other people's children", at the age of 18, even if they were not married, they would at least start looking for a partner and prepare for engagement.

But what about Byron?

The wives that his sister had saved for him were almost unfathomable, but he didn't even have a wife!

So far, apart from holding hands and hugging waists with just two girls, he even had his first kiss.

He was not like many other noble children on the mainland, who became frequent visitors to the red-light district in their teens.

At this moment, even the images of Catherine and Violet, two perfect beauties, appeared behind him on the left and right like a pair of wings.

Still failed to prevent the punishment mechanism of the "social clock" from lagging behind at this stage from being activated.

It was his long-term cleanliness (love) and self-touch (hands) that ruined him!

"Rebellion! Rebellion!"

Harsh voices echoed throughout the clock tower.

Black arms dropped from the top of his head, pulling off ethereal and invisible things from Byron one by one.

That was exactly the rest of his life.

However, only a small section of the last scale failed, which was not enough to kill him.

Those arms had just pulled twice, and the minute hand and the hour hand completely overlapped, and the trial reached the end!

Except for a few white hairs on Byron's temples, there was no change in other places. At most, two or three years of time were taken away.

The spirituality that takes time to accumulate has even increased a lot.

Youth is his greatest asset!

The javelin-like waist became more and more upright, and he stepped forward:

"To put it bluntly, [Social Clock] is nothing more than following a relatively certain path step by step, which can eliminate the insecurity in your heart to the greatest extent.

The productivity of this world is low, and ordinary people cannot withstand any risks. Being alive is a victory.

All anxiety comes from the uncertainty of the future, which is essentially no different from the end of the universe being a system.

But the son of the richest man never has this kind of anxiety, and even boasts: I never care whether my friends have money or not, anyway, they are not as rich as me.

If you have already obtained wealth and power above the baseline, you can naturally arrange the life of your descendants.

If not, it is just the least bad path."

Looking at the uncle, father, mother, cousin, sister, Violet, and the retainers who have helped him on his growth path behind him.

Woo woo woo.

The wind whistled in the bell tower, and two hideous storm axes appeared in Byron's hands.

"From birth to death, every human being is in the cycle of life, unable to escape or run away.

However, the first thirty years are for the father to respect the son, and the last thirty years are for the son to respect the father.

Before adulthood, you protected me. Now, it is my turn to take the lead and protect you, giving you a worry-free future, and you can freely choose the life you want."

The Chief Justice saw the fierce posture of the "Last Lancaster" and knew that it would be difficult to let him off easily after he had discovered his secret, so he immediately decided to take the initiative.

Holding the code in his hand, he shouted:

"The King's order, the Lancaster Party is a traitor.

Law: Behead!"

A line of black light shot out from his fingertips, turning into an illusory guillotine, and chopped down Byron fiercely.

Facing this full-strength attack from the third-level extraordinary, Byron just tilted his head casually, and the sharp blade smashed into pieces on his neck.

"What? This is impossible!"

Looking at the Chief Justice whose face suddenly turned into despair, "Outlaw" Byron smiled coldly:

"[Social Clock] may attack civilians, but now, it's my turn to attack the Inquisition sequence."

Holding two storm axes in his hands, he rushed forward and chopped the [Law Master], who was not much stronger than an ordinary person after leaving the power of the law, into pieces from head to toe.


Before he died, Byron did not forget to use his finger to press a bloody handprint on the "Faust Contract" and "traded" away his signature ability [Law].

Just like the spiritual load limit when contracting a sea monster, Byron could not receive unlimited abilities of the same level.

He already had [Dream Execution], which was just right for his sister, the regent who often sat in the base camp and managed the entire territory.

[Law] and her [Supreme Art] that could kill a country just complement each other.

The third-level flesh and soul of the Grand Justice also became Byron's trophies.

Unfortunately, after his death, [Level 1 Holy Relic·Social Clock] dissipated on the spot.

After a moment of shock, Byron immediately realized that this was similar to the original [Domination Scale], but it was just a projection of a holy relic sealed in the [Pawn Merchant] card, not the holy relic itself.

The disappointment on his face flashed away:

"I failed to ring the 'social clock' perfectly and did not get its recognition. Even if the main body is here, I can't use this treasure.

Look at the bright side. Since it is just a projection of ability, there is no need to worry about my identity secret being exposed. This result is barely acceptable.

But I will accept the [world's first matchlock rifle] without hesitation."

The clock tower collapsed, and the musketeers and gourmets who were hiding in another space at the bottom of the building were immediately exposed.

The Golden Law instantly opened the border maze and surrounded them.

The recovered great wizard [insect swarm] acted as the vanguard.

Violet, [Chameleon] Jacqueline, [Blood Red Whiskey] Alfred, [Honest Man] Eight Fingers, [Phantom Blade] Gus led the mighty "Death Wing" to rush in.

"You, the Baron of Stromgarde, can't kill us. We are the Kingdom's Army Department."

"Ah!" "Ah!"

After two screams, there was no sound.

[The world's first matchlock gun] also fell into Violet's hands. The master craftsman's alchemical enchantment and the witch's "disaster spell" are also a perfect match for the gun.

Just as the chief justice said, the intelligence error turned the original special attack killer into a scraping knife.

He also generously offered treasures, souls, flesh and blood, and extraordinary abilities, allowing Byron, who was fighting to survive, to gain weight again.

A chaotic situation started and ended.

Byron called the [Zerg] who looked unhappy to re-board the ship.

Violet was afraid that he would get into trouble again, so she followed him.

Looking at the few white hairs that suddenly appeared on his temples, tears of heartache almost fell.

And Byron's state of mind was completely different after experiencing this assassination. It seemed that there was still an invisible pointer following him closely.

That pointer was called: years!

[Social Clock] did not hurt him much on the surface, but the psychological spring was tightened several times.

He originally thought that he was very young and was not anxious about the cup of "eternal blood".

But now he wished that he could skip the second ritual [Blood Feast Holy Grail] and immediately complete the third ritual [Scarlet Holy Grail].

"Only humans with a short life span are subject to the 'social clock'.

Once you become an immortal species like [Night Demon], you will immediately jump out of the life cycle of the short-lived species.

You can live for thousands of years, so how can you be bound by a mere time?

I'm determined to take over this bloodthirsty cult!"

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