Pirate Kingship

Chapter 326 Blasphemy! Forbidden Book: Gospel of Heaven

Hattings proper, the royal capital of Kingston, and the Earl of Warwick's palace.


A desk in the luxurious study room exploded with a bang, and the explosion scattered into countless broken wood shavings, which fell down one after another.

"My elite assassination team is gone?

Byron Tudor, I must kill you! "

A low roar caused the legal network covering the entire royal capital to reveal its form in the Earl's Mansion.

A heavy sense of oppression fell on the hearts of everyone in the mansion, making them feel as if they were standing in front of an angry dragon, two forces fighting, and they were horrified to death.

Many timid maids even had sore limbs and collapsed on the ground.

[Kingmaker] Warwick's face was so cold that it looked as if he could scrape a layer of white frost off it with a knife.

"The elite assassination team of three people just reported that they had arrived at the destination of their mission, but all of them died within half a day.

What happened?

According to the intelligence of the untouchable and the action plan reported by the team, the assassination operation should be foolproof. Why not only did the mission fail, but no one escaped? "

He couldn't figure it out even after thinking about it, but it made him even more angry.

"Byron Tudor, I lost three precious third-level elites all at once. I will make your death miserable!"

This time, it was intended to scare the monkeys and demonstrate to the royal party, which had been enjoying the recent success.

But he didn't expect that in the end, he would lose everything. Not only did he lose three elites, but he also lost the "world's first matchlock gun". Warwick was so heartbroken that he almost vomited blood on the spot.

Buzz buzz.

In the corner of the study room, a broken bronze sword blade placed on the weapon rack made a clanging sound.

It seems that he sensed his master's murderous intention, and he jumped around trying to kill someone in the air.

It is a pity that this fragment of [Zero-Level Holy Relic: Sword of Damocles] is only for internal use but not for external use. It must comply with the laws of the kingdom to be effective (Chapter 193).

Only when someone breaks the law can the sword be put to the other person's neck and kill him or her as he pleases.

It may be a great weapon to the subjects within its own ruling system, but it has almost no lethality to the outside world.

Only by recasting the divine sword can one gain the supreme power to kill any king in the world.

Until there is no way to obtain evidence of the guilt of Governor Byron, no matter how powerful this sword is, it will not be able to hurt him even a hair.

Just like the last tax inspection team's action ended in an anticlimax.

"Father, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing the noise in the study, a pretty and cute girl in a pink skirt hurried in and expressed concern to him.

At this time, only the Earl's apple dared to get close to Warwick when he was angry.

When Warwick saw his beloved daughter, he suppressed his anger and forced a smile to the girl:

"Baby, I'm fine. It's just because of an insignificant person.

Soon he will disappear from this world. "

Sanity returned, and Warwick began to re-weigh the pros and cons.

As the romance between his daughter Isabel and George, Duke of Clarence became public, even the engagement ceremony was tightly scheduled.

The middle and lower-level officials, gentry, big landowners, big businessmen, etc. in the kingdom thought that reconciliation between the royal party and the earl party was finally beginning.

Only some of the [Prophets] in the tower sequence and the old foxes in politics were vaguely aware of the undercurrents in the royal capital and that a storm was coming.

Warwick, who was at the center of the whirlpool, was already short of manpower.

There was really no more energy and manpower, so just to vent his anger, he wasted a month and traveled thousands of miles to the Bantaan Islands to carry out the assassination.

And he had to admit that the colony ruled by Byron was already monolithic and could not be easily pried by a few assassins.

He reached out and pressed down the [Sword of Damocles] that was about to move, and snorted in his heart:

"Byron Tudor, I'm going to let you go for now.

My greatest rivals now were Edward IV, the Privy Council, and his father-in-law, Richard Woodville, who fought for him.

When I borrow the hand of George, one of the Three Magic Suns, to gain control of the [King Power Orb], I will immediately send the [Executioner] to chop off your head in your dream! "

The northeast corner of the Bantaan Islands, the end of the first circulation zone, is the edge of the Bahamas Islands, which consists of more than 700 islands and more than 2,400 reefs.

There is a medium-sized island that has somewhat protruded into the sea of ​​monsters - Shampoo Island.

This island is named after the magical fruit "Chambord" which is native to the island.

The pulp of this fruit combines the sweetness of pineapple and the mellow aroma of mango, making it extremely delicious.

And regardless of men and women, as long as they eat champagne fruit, their bodies will emit bursts of fragrance soon after eating it, smelling as fragrant and rich as violets.

Even if you don't take a shower for ten years, even body odor that has been accumulated for many years can be easily covered up.

It is said that different people will have different feelings when they smell this smell, but it will definitely be one of their favorite smells.

According to people who have eaten it, not only does the body produce a strange aroma, but even farts and even pooped out cakes are filled with a charming aroma.

After eating the champagne fruit, she immediately transformed into an enhanced version of the super "Xiang Fei"!

Shampoo fruit also has a secret magical effect, that is, it can be a perfect contraceptive without any side effects within a few days after taking it.

It is simply the chosen one prepared by the fruit world for lovers' trysts.

It naturally attracts the crazy pursuit of noble ladies and dignitaries from all over the continent.

Especially those strange fruits that never take a bath in their lives, they regard it as a sacred object given by the Creator.

Usually it is first captured by [Herb Hunters] and then preserved by [Famine Hunters] before it can be transported back to the old road thousands of miles away.

The price of shampoo fruit has been rising year by year. Fruit merchants only need to use three egg-sized shampoo fruits to exchange for a gold coin from the dignitaries.

You should know that a farmer's annual income is less than 10 pounds, and it is crazy to buy three fruits with more than one month's salary.

But even if it is hyped like this, shampoo fruit is still unsalable.

In addition to the fact that it has strict requirements for the growth environment, the yield is rare, and the environment it is in is extremely dangerous.

Few people know that the origin of this magical fruit, Shampoo Island, has actually been quietly occupied by a black wizard organization "Thirsty Blood Cult".

Hidden under the halo of the origin of the shampoo fruit is the location of the "Blood Origin Secret Realm", the holy land of the cult!

On a hidden pier on the side of the monster sea near the Echidna Great Triangle, the [Golden Deer] slowly approached the shore and dropped anchor.

The great wizard [Insect Swarm] got off the ship first, followed by Byron.

His spirituality has grown from the original 12.5 to 13.6. Even among all the third-level people, he is a senior person with a sharper vision.

Behind him followed Violet, Jacqueline, and sixty Deathwing Marines led by [Honest Man] Eight Fingers and [Blood Red Whiskey] Alfred.

They gathered around Byron to prevent any more accidents.

Especially Alfred, who was originally a member of the "Bloody Mary Faction" of the Thirsty Blood Cult and lived on this island for a long time.

Even though the corresponding blood holy grail ceremony has not been held due to the taboo that [Gourmets] cannot eat the same kind, he is still very familiar with every plant and tree here.

If Byron hadn't come here to ascend in the secret realm in an open and aboveboard manner, it would have been easy for him to lead the way and sneak in.

Stuart, a third-level great wizard [Mosquito Mage], whose robes faintly emitted the buzzing sound of mosquitoes, had been waiting for them at the dock for a long time.

After the greetings, he smiled and nodded to Byron, and finally confirmed in a shrill voice:

"Buzz buzz buzz, Your Excellency the Governor, the High Priest [Ms. Leech] has ordered that you and your people can enter the Blood Source Secret Realm to hold the ceremony.

But before entering, a contract must be signed, and all the taboo knowledge obtained in the blood sublimation ceremony must be copied to the cult.

This is also the original intention of us like-minded people to unite together to form a cult, there should be no problem, right? Buzz buzz buzz"

When he looked at Byron, the deepest part of his pair of scarlet eyes also revealed greed like the [Insect Swarm].

After seizing power, the trainers of the "Giant Insect Book School" acted more radically than the gourmets of the "Bloody Mary School".

They would not hesitate to use some extreme methods to facilitate the extraction of knowledge from Lilith's body.

In order to obtain the next step of the [Scarlet Holy Grail], they would pay any price.

And the price is anyone except them!

Byron nodded:

"The teacher has already told me about this matter, so there is no problem."

This kind of knowledge sharing was expected, and even within his plan.

No matter what kind of forbidden knowledge he could get from Lilith, he would cram all the genetics courses he had prepared in advance into it:

"Molecular Genetics, Developmental Biology, Neurobiology, Evolutionary Genetics, Gene Expression."

"Isn't the source of the Bloodthirsty Cult's series of forbidden knowledge the [Mother of Creation Lilith] who claims to have created all kinds of creatures in the world?

The myriad creatures in the world may not be created by her, but with the status, knowledge and power of the old gods, it is not impossible to really create them.

The core part is naturally biological genetics.

When I take out this set of customized theories, how should you respond?

This set of knowledge is enough to establish a school and lay the theoretical foundation for biotechnology in the next few hundred years.

I want to say that it is the true scripture. Who can refute me except Lilith herself?"

In his previous life, Byron became a doctor due to a long-term illness. He had no money and wanted to save himself, so he read quite a lot of medical books.

It's similar to the medical textbooks that he was going to give to the Skinning Church.

In his opinion, the forbidden knowledge of the two families has something in common, and he, the [Father of Medicine], can completely integrate them.

It is natural to transform them into his own church.

Byron even thought of his three-part honorific name.

With the [Golden Law] and the theoretical title of Azik God King in hand, how could his plan of "backdoor listing" let go of the faith field of the colony?

He wants both the body and the soul!

Relying on the "buy" effect of [the first stock], it is not his turn to suffer losses anyway.

As a good man who "serves the public wholeheartedly and selflessly dedicates himself", he throws out this epoch-making knowledge and invests in the technology of the two cults.

It should not take long before he can call himself the "Bloodthirsty Cult" and the "Skinning Cult" and the orthodox are all in Stromgarde.

[Mosquito Master] was very satisfied with his attitude and praised him in his unique shrill voice:

"Very good, please follow me."

The mosquitoes in his robe made loud noises, and his feet slowly floated off the ground to lead the way.

Byron and his party immediately followed.

[Mosquito Mage] floated and introduced the current situation of the cult to them:

"Buzz buzz buzz, there are currently eight great wizards in the cult, each leading their own apprentice team to conduct research on taboo knowledge in different directions.

At least three of them are usually stationed in the holy land.

When opening the ritual "Heart of the Swarm", most of us chose various blood-sucking insects, mosquitoes, ticks, leeches, tsetse flies, etc.

The high priest [Ms. Leech] is the strongest. After you are promoted, the lady should meet you."

The cult had just experienced a civil strife last year. After they used the "Touch of the Kraken" to wipe out the Bloody Mary faction, the remaining third-level great wizards could be counted on one hand.

There is no fourth-level among them, but the high priest [Ms. Leech] is a third-level animal trainer and third-level great wizard, with the strongest strength, and naturally sits on the position of leader.

And from the title, it sounds like her self-awareness in terms of gender is also very normal.

When he heard this, Byron glanced at the [Insect Swarm] who wanted to compete for the position of the High Priest after his "divine power was perfected".

But he found that tiny spores had begun to spread on his body.

These black wizards' own animality was greater than their divinity, and they were more easily dominated by the desires of the "self". They could not wait even a moment to start poisoning the Holy Saint.

Byron didn't care about him.

Anyway, as long as he couldn't hurt himself, when the equity was more than 50%, the ownership would immediately fall into his hands, and it would not be transferred by personal will.

"By the way. There are two ladies here who can't tell the difference between beauty and ugliness. I'm sorry, please try the shampoo fruit on the island."

The [Mosquito Mage] who led the way in front did not notice the little action of his old friend [Insect Swarm].

He stretched out his hand and a whirlwind rolled up several shampoo fruits growing on the trees on the roadside and sent them to Violet and Jacqueline.

Byron glanced at it with the [Ship Logbook], confirmed that there was no problem, and nodded to them.

The two girls thanked the wizard and took a bite.

Just like the legendary effect, the physical changes came quickly.

The already pleasant light body fragrance of the two girls became more fragrant, and each added a unique fragrance with its own characteristics, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

Several butterflies flew from nowhere and danced around them.

As for Byron, he could not help but smell the smell of grilled squid.

Fragrant! Really fragrant!

Because he was 18 years old and not married, he suffered a big loss from the [Social Clock], but he didn't let this guy learn a lesson. It was a waste.

The small episode didn't waste too much time.

When the group was about to enter the cave entrance of the "Blood Source Secret Realm", Byron suddenly found a group of gray-robed apprentices coming out of the cave.

"Hey, what is that?"

He was just used to using the [Ship Log] to read the history of each of them, so that he could call each other's name at once when they met next time.

It was with this skill that Byron was very considerate and "remembered" the intelligence of nearly 10,000 privateers, Lancaster remnants, colonial officials, and naval soldiers under his command.

Including: name, birthday, children, family relationship, time of joining the team, outstanding deeds, etc.

When he occasionally chatted in a friendly occasion, he would inadvertently point it out, and immediately make the most heartless subordinates' eyes red and their blood surge.

Subconsciously, he felt that he was the special one in the mind of the captain/governor/general.

Even the loyalty soared.

It is more useful than money to buy people's hearts, and it has been tried and tested.

"Rose, 20 years old, first-level trainer in the wilderness sequence, forbidden knowledge: Book of Giant Insects"

"Rider, 19 years old, first-level trainer in the wilderness sequence, forbidden knowledge: Book of Giant Insects"

"Who is the last one?"

When he saw the last person in this team of apprentices, he suddenly exclaimed in his heart.

Although the last young man was wearing the same wizard grey robe as the others, the information read out was completely different from the others:

"Martin Griffith, 17 years old, St. Peter's Cathedral, Temple Sequence First Level [Twilight Deacon]."

The huge gap between the two ranks allowed Byron to see the information on him clearly.

This young man was not a common animal trainer of the "Giant Insect Book School" nor a common gourmet of the "Bloody Mary School", but a clergyman of the church!

"Could it be?"

Byron was immediately refreshed, and realized that this young man might be the contact link sent by one or some big figures of the church.

And the information that continued to emerge later made him almost unable to control his expression management.

"Knowledge: The forbidden book "Gospel of Heaven".

It comes from the daily meditation and prayer of some people who are closest to God. It is pieced together from scattered fragments over a long period of time.

The words are full of positive energy. All those who have read this book claim to have received revelation and have a detailed conversation with an angel in heaven.

However, the names of the angels they describe have never been repeated.

The core ritual [Angel Advent] can lead the power of angels to descend into your body and slowly change your body.

It can better adapt to the divine power and greatly increase the promotion speed of a series of professions in the Temple Sequence.

Even after three rituals, you can gradually transform yourself into a celestial creature living in heaven."


Seeing the description of this forbidden knowledge, Byron's brain started to shut down.

"Church? Black magic? Blasphemy!"

"The Gospel of the Kingdom" is definitely the taboo among all taboos. Is this actually taboo knowledge from the [Creator]?

You established your own Inquisition, launched one witch hunt after another, and hunted down dark wizards all day long. In the end, I am the one who plays dark wizard with us, right?

What's the difference between this and the Bald Eagle DEA selling drugs themselves?

You people with thick eyebrows and big eyes have actually betrayed your faith? !

When I saw the last reminder on Deacon Twilight: "Experimental subject of the 'Immortality Project', No. 16."

[Secret: The Shadow Behind the Red and White Rose War, Influence 31] The solution density also jumped from 82% to 89%!

It seems that there is only one last line left to connect all the current clues.

"However, even clergy have begun to study witchcraft and immortality. This is really crazy!"

At this time, Byron, who was dizzy, couldn't help but be curious about the state of the [Creator].

All extraordinary people know that except through the church, the only god of the seventh level [the Bound Creator] has never directly performed any miracles in the human world.

Since those "old gods" have lost most of their divinity, they have turned into a decaying corpse soaked in the sea of ​​semen.

It is used by many dark wizards as a knowledge extraction machine to merge the castrated ladder of glory and forbidden knowledge in order to merge them into one, touch the realm of God, and achieve eternal life.

What about the [Creator]?

Did he still stay in the world, or was he excluded from the world like the old gods?

Why is it that no devout believer, except the Pope, the spokesman of the Creator, has ever heard His voice in prayer?

Does the Pope know that some people are studying black magic, and what is his attitude?

Why is it that even though there are big figures at least at the level of the Cardinals who have begun to steal God's authority, no divine punishment comes to kill them?


Not only were the questions in Byron's mind not solved, but they became more and more confusing.

So, when [Mage Mosquito] said something to start, he immediately led his troops into the "Secret Realm of Blood Origin".

He believes that he can definitely find the answers to some of the questions here!

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