Pirate Kingship

Chapter 338: Wait for the destruction of your country, idiot

This dragon lizard warrior is none other than Alvin, the Falcon of the Skinning Cult, one of the three [Wild Hunt Servant] under Byron who still retains self-awareness.

He was also the super spare tire who was licked by [Various Enchantress] Beatrice until he had nothing left.

The reason why he appeared here was not because Byron could predict the future and knew in advance that Tayapan was going to have problems.

It was just a routine matter.

Governor Violet sent him, a skin-wearing man who was very familiar with the indigenous civilization, as an envoy to convey a severe diplomatic note to Tayapan.

When [King of the Crooked Nose] Tiohuacan convened the upper nobles for a meeting, he naturally sneaked in with the black magic "Thousand Faces Ceremony" that was very good at disguise.

The branches of the Pioneer Navigation Colonial Trade Company stationed in various city-states, in addition to trade, originally shouldered the function of intelligence stations.

It is also reasonable to prepare one or two internal identities.

Hearing Teohuacan's brazen declaration of war, Alvin also realized that something unexpected had happened. He immediately had an idea and summoned the consciousness of Byron, the master.

"You want to steal foreign trade swords and munitions without anyone noticing, in order to attack the Torrent Fortress and steal my five crystal skulls?

I didn't expect that Skull No. 1 would have the ability to command the other twelve crystal skulls.

However, the epic that chanted the merits of the holy relics has been lost for hundreds of years, and suddenly this [King of the Curled Nose] found it back. Isn't this too much of a coincidence?"

After receiving Alvin's information, Byron couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Now the reason put forward by the new king is very powerful and impeccable.

According to the King of the Curled Nose.

The dragon-shaped Itsumna is the head of the Taya gods.

As long as he grabs the five skulls in his hand, plus the one in their hands and the one in Uxmal City, there will be a total of seven.

With the power of the No. 1 skull [Commander of the Gods], it is enough to call the wind and rain and summon the dragon. Oh, it is the dragon-shaped [God] Itsumna.

It should not be much worse than the [Lord of Skinning] and [God of Tyranny] Xipetotec of the Azik Empire who swallowed all their gods (Chapter 142).

Taking advantage of the Crown War that has been suppressed for more than half a year, a grand blood sacrifice is enough to push the opponent to an unprecedented strength in one fell swoop!

This plan is perfect.

In addition, Byron looked at the huge light and shadow of the five-color and five-headed on the altar from a close distance, thinking of the legend of the five-color dragon king in the old continent, and he had to pay special attention to it.

"Is there any connection between the two?"

Silently, continue to listen.

Now that the leader has set the tone and strategic goals, then the next step is to find a way to achieve this goal.

The nobles who were rational and sober said with some concern:

"Your Majesty, our senior warriors suffered heavy losses in the Azk Royal City, and most of them died of smallpox.

I also heard from those foreign merchants that the strength of Hettings and the [Sea Hunter] Mr. has grown rapidly, and now they are only second to the Kingdom of Castile.

Even if we raid the Torrent Fortress in the name of apology, we may not be able to successfully conquer the opponent's bastion."

Hearing this, [King of the Curled Nose] Diohuacan laughed loudly, shaking the entire temple.

"Have you forgotten where our extraordinary power and forbidden knowledge come from?

It was indeed not easy to deal with in the past, but is it still a problem for us now?"

The noble who spoke at the beginning hesitated:

"Are you talking about the earliest shaman, emperor and great [God] Itsumna in the imperial era?"

Byron naturally thought of this question as well.

In the mythology of the Taya people, the thirteen gods (natural spirits) living in the crystal skull are one with their ancestors.

Every ancestor who has made outstanding contributions and taught the tribe specific knowledge is usually the emperor at that time.

After death, a skull will be left behind, which will continue to receive blood sacrifices and eventually become a natural spirit living in the crystal skull and gain corresponding powers.

In fact, it is a kind of black witchcraft similar to the life box.

It is just that after death, it will soon lose its humanity and only retain its [divinity] to become a rule god.

For example: Crystal Skull No. 3 comes from an emperor named Yum Kax, who taught the tribe how to grow corn agricultural knowledge during his lifetime.

After death, a skull accepted blood sacrifices and eventually became the [Corn God] living in the crystal skull, with the power of life, prosperity, and abundance.

As for the series of black witchcraft mastered by the Taya Empire, which is also the foundation of their existence, it was given to the Taya city-states by the first emperor and shaman [God] Itzumna.

The Azik Empire, which rose later, also inherited the black witchcraft knowledge of the Taya Empire, so that it could catch up step by step.

Byron's extraordinary knowledge was rich enough at this time. In fact, interpreting the source of black magic from the perspective of an inhuman black wizard was closer to the truth:

"All the forbidden knowledge in the hands of the black wizard cult has a source, which is 100% directly or indirectly pointing to a long-dead old god.

The "beast warriors" prevalent in the entire Bantaan Islands are of course no exception.

The earliest source in the legend is the "Book of Beast Families" (Volume 1) obtained from [Mother of Monsters Echidna] and her series of monster offspring.

It came from the blood sacrifice of Itsumna, who was still a shaman.

Until now, many fallen natives can hear the monsters' mumbling and roaring.

Speaking of blood sacrifice, which black wizard cult can have a longer and larger blood sacrifice than the natives?

After hundreds and thousands of years of uninterrupted wars of glory and blood sacrifice, the city-states have long gathered the [Bloodline Codex] used to transform mythical creatures.

It is a bold guess that the one or even several monsters of the old gods pointed to by those blood sacrifice rituals have recovered to what level? "

【King of the Curly Nose】Tiohuacan could not hear his inner voice, but just waved his hand and uncovered the silk covering the skull, revealing the true appearance of the crystal skull underneath.

It was indeed a fallen half-man, half-dragon, and the half-dragon face had not only scales, but also swollen and disgusting tumors.

The thick evil aura instantly filled the entire temple, and it also transformed into the appearance of a giant five-headed dragon.

It also illuminated the deformed face of the 【King of the Curly Nose】, making it flicker, like a demon.

"Rakamha, you are the first one, come up and accept the gift of the 【God】."

Without waiting for the tribal leader who opened his mouth wide to react.

The white ice dragon with the same attributes as him blew a breath at him fiercely.

"Ah——! "

Rakamha raised his head and wailed, and involuntarily turned into a white dragon lizard. The spiritual light on his body rose steadily, but it also became more and more turbid.

Obviously, the power was indeed enhanced, but it was also inevitable to degenerate into bestiality.

The so-called "blackening is ten times stronger" is just like this.

Someone in the temple saw that the situation was not good and wanted to sneak away, but the heavy temple door suddenly closed with a "boom".

It was the great shaman Karakol who blocked the door with a grim smile.

"No one wants to leave, welcome the great evolution with us! Ha ha ha."

The face of [King of the Curled Nose] Tiohuacan became more and more deformed, and the colorful dragon breath behind him drowned everyone present.



The painful roars came one after another.

"Hahaha, the thirteen crystal skulls and the throne of the emperor will eventually belong to me, Tiohuacan!

The eldest daughter of our Lord Monster Mother [Hundred-Headed Dragon Mother Tiamat] will return first. "

The thirteen crystal skulls have gathered the knowledge contained in countless sacrifices and condensed the essence of the entire Taya civilization because of the long blood sacrifice lasting thousands of years.

A single crystal skull is a [second-level holy relic] whose influence is limited to one city or one place.

But once someone can collect thirteen, they can enhance each other and reach the level of zero-level holy relics.

The last great shaman of the imperial era once left a prophecy:

"If someone can collect the thirteen crystal skulls again in the future, he will become the new emperor of the empire.

The thirteen crystal skulls will reveal to us the secrets of the past and the future through the mouth of the No. 3 skull [Corn God], which symbolizes life and abundance and is the only one who can speak.

Eliminate disputes and reunify the Taya Empire. "

This is also the confidence of [King of the Curly Nose].

But listen to the very unfamiliar name he shouted out.

It is clear that he has been accidentally contaminated by the taboo knowledge in the No. 1 skull and has become a follower of a certain descendant of the mother of monsters behind the knowledge.

Like the original [Nightmare] Jörmungandr, he has become a devout believer of the old god [Tiamat, the Mother of the Hundred Heads Dragon].

Byron, who was possessed by Alvin, looked at the laughing [King of the Curly Nose] and the No. 1 crystal skull, and whispered to himself:

"Why do you want to carve your name on my crystal skull? You have already got the way to die!

In the future, the third brother will only shout: 'Tayaxing, King Byron! '

Wait for the destruction of the country, you fool who overestimates your own abilities! "

The consciousness was instantly withdrawn.

Then, Alvin was also hit by a dragon's breath.

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