Pirate Kingship

Chapter 339 Wild Arsenal: A cloud-piercing arrow, revenge never waits!

Northern Yucatan Island.

The bright moonlight shines down, illuminating the Azk royal city, Tenochtitlan, which has suffered from both war and plague.

The largest city on the island with a population of 250,000, known as the Golden City, looks much more depressed than before, with collapsed temples, broken buildings, and burned statues everywhere.

In the cracks of many broken stone slabs on the ground, there are still black and red bloodstains that cannot be washed away even by the rainy season storms.

All of them bear witness to the cruelty of the catastrophe.

The plague and the looting of colonists from major forces failed to kill all the natives of this royal city, Texcoco on the east coast, and Tlacopan on the west coast.

But the death rate of 70% in these three core allied cities easily destroyed all the political systems and production orders here.

Even today, half a year later, it still looks bleak and dilapidated.

Only the core area around the palace and the Great Pyramid was barely repaired and gradually regained some vitality.

The garrison composed of a group of [Tiger Warriors] was also reorganized.

However, what they held in their hands was no longer the flashy golden guns of the honor guard, but the export version of flintlock rifles and fine steel swords produced by the arsenal of the Torrent Fortress.

"Your Majesty!"

At this time, a figure walked in front of the palace door in the moonlight. The officers and guards in charge of the guard saw the visitor clearly with the light, and stood at attention and saluted with respect.

The visitor was a strong and heroic young man, about twenty years old, with long legs and a thin waist, broad shoulders and a firm face.

However, the many pockmarks on his face slightly destroyed his heroic spirit.

However, it did not prevent the survivors in the city, especially the soldiers who worshipped heroes, from respecting him from the bottom of their hearts.

Because this was the new emperor of the Azk Empire, the [Avenger] Quitlahuac, who had made outstanding contributions.

Except for a golden crown on his head, the emperor did not have any traditional turquoise or gold nose or earrings of the indigenous people. Instead, he wore a proper foreigner's outfit.

The white shirt with the slim military pants and black military boots of the Kingdom of Castile was more in line with the aesthetics of the colonists than the indigenous people.

However, in the Azik Empire, which had a tradition of skinning, there was nothing wrong with wearing the enemy's clothes.

On the contrary, it was believed that wearing the enemy's skin and clothes could gain the enemy's strength, especially when defeating a strong enemy, this kind of costume from the enemy could gain more respect from the warriors.

The leading guard officer stepped forward and saluted again respectfully:

"Your Majesty, the two imperial concubines are enjoying the moon in the garden.

The grape trellis you specifically requested has long been built, and even the grape vines have grown to the thickness of a child's wrist under the shaman's witchcraft.

Two swings and the portrait of the former Havana Governor Velasquez have also been carved and placed opposite the grape trellis."

Hearing this, Emperor Cuitlahuac nodded to him with dignity:

"I know, you did a good job.

Tightly guard, no one is allowed to enter or leave the bedroom, and no one is allowed to come in when hearing any sound."

Just being praised a little, the officer on duty was refreshed and said excitedly:

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Watching their own emperor disappear in the palace, the respect in the eyes of the guards remained unchanged.

Some even murmured to themselves:

"Your Majesty is truly the Lord of Destiny for our Azk people!"

It is clear that although the new emperor has only been crowned for half a year, his prestige in the city-state is already very high.

When the empire was hit by a catastrophe, at the critical moment, Montezuma II's nephew, Cuitlahuac, who had finally survived, hastily ascended the throne and was crowned.

In addition to the fact that the previous emperor and Queen Beatrice had no children, he was already the closest blood relative in the royal family.

The most important reason was that he had immunity after contracting smallpox.

In order to stabilize people's hearts, he was already the most reliable successor at the time, without a doubt.

At first, the old and young did not have too strong expectations for this young man who had never experienced the wind and rain.

Unexpectedly, the new emperor's later performance was beyond everyone's expectations.

First, he used the [Book of the Beast Family] to start the blood sublimation ceremony, and quickly promoted from the original second-level [Tiger Warrior] to the third level, and also awakened the powerful "Flow".

Even among all the third-level [Tiger Warriors] in the city-state, he was hard to beat.

After that, he strongly suppressed all the survivors of the three core city-states, integrated the armed forces and civilians to retreat to the most easily defended and difficult to attack Azik King City.

The city's population has returned to a scale of 100,000, and all of them are young and strong, with a very healthy population ratio.

The city-state also began to gradually recover.

At the same time, the tradition of skinning blood sacrifice that has been followed for hundreds of years was completely abolished, and the statue of the [Father of Medicine] was welcomed to settle in the original skinning temple, and the faith that was in danger after the destruction of the gods was reorganized.

The power of faith was used to unite the citizens of different origins.

Externally, it made friends with the Torrent Fortress and the Vanguard Pilot Colonial Trade Company, and was the first to invite their branches to settle in.

By using agricultural technology and fertilizers to reform agricultural production, an unprecedented bumper harvest was achieved.

With the support of the other side's weapons and the training manuals of the outstanding Kingdom Army officers, a hot weapon garrison corps that was at the top level in all of Bantaan was quickly established.

There was also an Azik Tiger Pirate Corps that served as the Imperial Navy.

Especially in early April, taking advantage of the Treasure Island incident, he personally led a team to plunder the Royal Port of Havana in Castile.

He even robbed two beautiful women with skin as white as milk in the Governor's Palace, who were much better than most of the survivors who had pockmarked faces.

In this revenge war, the new emperor won a hearty victory and reunited some of the Azk city-states that were deeply harmed by Castile.

He stabilized the power of Tenochtitlan and made the tribesmen, who were depressed, see the future and hope again.

But their emperor never took credit for himself.

He always told others that he was inspired by the [Father of Medicine] to achieve insignificant achievements.

And as he said, the glory of the [Golden Law] really covered the entire royal city with the temple as the origin, and extended to other city-states, resisting the endless weirdness and evil spirits.

Let them safely pass the vacuum period when the guardian god was completely destroyed.

Gradually, under his leadership, the Azk people's belief in the "Father of Medicine" was no weaker than that of the city of Uxmal.

Although it was still a city-state system on the surface, it was becoming more and more like a whole with a common belief.

Countless people regarded the new emperor as a hero of the Azk people.

Unfortunately, no one knew that the emperor was still the body of Cuitlahuac on the surface, but a different soul had long been in charge inside.

It was the culprit who destroyed the glorious past of the empire - "Conqueror" Cortes!

"Emperor, what a beautiful word.

This is the beauty of power, and it is also what I pursue all my life.

Although the real Cortes is dead, my dream has been realized in another way.

As long as my performance can satisfy the master, I will be the existence of one person and ten thousand people, and the precious quota of [Wild Hunt Servant] will not be replaced casually.

It is much safer than Alvin and Feilong who are only at the second level.

And I have changed into a younger and more energetic inhuman body. This feeling is simply great."

As if he could hear the voice of the guards behind him, Cortes, who had already walked to the gate of the garden, clenched his fist lightly, as if he had grasped the supreme authority given to him by the master.

This kind of beauty deeply fascinated this guy who was full of power.

As early as the night of the new emperor's coronation, he, the second [Weird Wild Hunt Servant], quietly possessed the body of Quitlahuac and replaced the new emperor.

In mysticism, there is Byron's inheritance in the Golden Code, and in reality, there is the body of Quitlahuac. The combination of the two is the real Emperor Azk.

Cortes was a third-level knight commander during his lifetime, and he can only be a third-level knight after his death. Unless he transforms his own race like the lich Edward, he can never go any further.

But with the help of the body of the indigenous emperor, it is no problem to restore his third-level strength.

The combination of fame, power, and influence, plus the outstanding ability of this conqueror himself, can be called Byron's number one confidant general besides the pair of wings!

Cortes stood at the entrance of the garden, looking at a pair of beautiful sisters chatting and admiring the moon on the swing in the garden, and his smile became even more cheerful:

"The city-state is in ruins, and the taste of life and death is hard to extricate oneself.

After being busy for so long, I finally waited for the day to enjoy the fruits of victory, beauties, here I come!"

One of them is his former wife, Selena, who is as pitiful as a little white flower, and the other is his wife's sister, who is also the wife of Velasquez, the aura of Teresa.

All the maids have left, and only the two sisters are whispering.

Looking at the newly added grape trellis, swing, and Velasquez's portrait in the garden, the cheeks of these two ladies who have accepted the title of indigenous imperial concubines are slightly red.

It seems that they have foreseen everything that is about to happen, but they are not very resistant.

It's just a little strange, how can the taste of this indigenous emperor be so similar to that of his late husband (brother-in-law)?

Neither of the two sisters knew that they, who depended on the strong to survive like dodder, would usher in another cycle.

"The royal family is dwindling. From today on, I will set an example and work day and night to create a great Azk royal family."

[Conqueror] Cortes was about to walk towards the two beauties.

Prepare to create a large group of mixed-bloods and contribute to the great cause of the fusion of the two ethnic groups' collective subconscious sea.

As if hearing something, his face suddenly changed:

"Tayapan? So brave!"

No longer caring about the lofty cause of creating people.

Scarlet tiger stripes appeared on his cheeks, and a whistling fishy wind suddenly broke out around him, enveloping his strong body like a tiger and leaping dozens of meters, rushing out of his bedroom.

At the same time, through the golden seal ring on his hand, he conveyed the order, and the city-state's rotating garrison and tiger pirate group "clattered" and quickly assembled.

Tap, tap, tap.

The palace under the night sky instantly turned into a hedgehog on the verge of a fight.

Cortes's best skill was obviously the fleet's deployment of troops, plus the invincible marines' fighting style.

It took no more than twenty minutes.

The team of thousands of people raised the flag of the "Father of Medicine" and disappeared collectively in the whirlpool that suddenly appeared in Lake Texcoco outside the city.

At the same time.

Chichen Itza City.

The scene that took place in the Temple of the God of Heaven in Tayapan was played through the Golden Law that had already been extended to this point.


The new king Geronimo smashed the stone table beside him with a palm, and said angrily:

"The bastard [King of the Crooked Nose] Tiohuacan is looking for death!"

The white-haired shaman Iekotel beside him was also furious:

"Repaying kindness with enmity! What's the difference between these ungrateful people and the treacherous and cunning Remit people in the Old World?"

They are one of the few people who know that Byron is the Father of Medicine.

Moreover, it was Iekotel who personally gave the No. 8 crystal skull that he kept to Byron, and determined that he was the son of prophecy who would revitalize the empire.

"Gather troops! The fallen are not qualified to be emperors, and they are no longer worthy of being Taya people. I will cancel his Taya nationality on behalf of the thirteen main gods."

Uxmal City.

See the news that the intelligence personnel "accidentally" got.

Byron's cheap disciple King Mictekka and his aunt, the female shaman Xihuatl, were as angry as Chichen Itza.

"The teacher is the kindest person and can't stand these sinister villains.

Let us, the [Bear Spirit Warriors] of Uxmal City, clean up the door for the teacher.

Isn't Tayapan known as the orthodox? It's just right to use this city-state as the fiefdom of the teacher, the son of prophecy.

We will witness the teacher's coronation as king here!"

Some friendly small city-states nearby that "accidentally" got the news also moved.

The big guys are living a good life with the support of [Father of Medical] and Pioneer Pilot Colonial Trade Company.

[King of Curled Nose] You only know that there are five crystal skulls in the Torrent Fortress, but do you know how much water we and Torrent Fortress have in a month?

Want to cut off everyone's wealth?

This is the irreconcilable hatred of killing my father!

It is unrealistic to follow Byron to conquer the world, but at this time when everyone is pushing down the wall, it is a pleasure to adjust the target of the Crown War.

"Where are you going?"

"No one will be killed in this year's Crown War. If anyone is to be killed, only Tayapan will be killed!"

"Let's go together!"

When they were halfway there, each faction had an unexpected surprise.

"Hey, how come there are wild 'deck cleaners' here, wild field guns there, and there seem to be a few wild artillerymen there.

It's strange, why are there so many good things in this jungle? It's simply a wild arsenal.

Thanks to the gift of nature.

Take it, take it all!"

"Look, there is a wild fleet ahead, and it is flying the banner of [Father of Medical Care]. Let's get on the boat together."

"Take the things, kill, kill, kill!"

Byron's good reputation is already famous throughout Bantaan. Under the cover of the term [Great Good Man Halo], everything he does is right.

Those who go against him must be wrong.

He doesn't need to do it himself. A group of forces that are united around him because of power, gratitude, interests, and ideals will connect with each other.

Determined to work together to raise Tayapan!

The most vivid description is probably:

"Song Gongming is the timely rain, what does it have to do with me, the black whirlwind?

Dare to disrespect my brother, eat two big fathers first!"

"Your king is a dragon vein, and my master is also a dragon vein. He can be the king, so why can't my master?

Let's kill Tayapan together and seize the throne, and let my master be the king for a while."

When the time comes, when a group of people clean up Tayapan and invite Byron, the "great good man", to be the emperor, he will have to pretend to refuse three times.

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