Pirate Kingship

Chapter 341 Hot weapons vs. stone tools: Rifled guns, hammer of punishment!

"It's finally started."

Byron and Violet sat up subconsciously, and a huge strategic map like a God's perspective slowly unfolded in front of them.

The entire battlefield in the fierce battle was presented in front of them in a three-dimensional image.

Relying on its own numerous devout believers to act as law nodes, every detail of Tayapan was clearly visible.

Even the panicked faces of the defenders on the top of the city were clearly seen.

"Enemy attack--!"

The city-states of the two indigenous empires are one city and one country. In addition, the city-states have been fighting for years for sacrifices, so city defense is naturally always the top priority.

Before a round of saturation bombing from all directions, on the ground and on the water, began.

Those guards who grew scales, fangs, and even deformed tails and wings on their bodies after being polluted had already noticed the movement outside the city in advance and had already climbed up the heavy rock walls to garrison.

Moreover, unlike the knowledge of the Book of Beasts (Volume 1) inherited by other city-states, whether it is cheetahs, tigers, brown bears, etc., the beast spirits need to be hunted by the indigenous warriors in the mountains and forests at the coming-of-age ceremony.

The taboo knowledge [Crown of the Dragon] inherited by Tayapan also comes with methods for breeding sub-dragon species colorful dragon lizards and a series of other dragon veins.

Artificial breeding of "beast souls" is naturally much more convenient than hunting wild animals.

Some of the higher-quality colorful dragon lizards will become their contracted dragon souls, and the other part will become beasts in the city-state.

It is said that living with colorful dragon lizards for a long time can also reduce the difficulty of practicing the corresponding black witchcraft, and even reduce the side effect called "greed".

Greed for money, greed, lust, greed for power. Anyway, they have to suffer from one of the problems that the dragons in the legend of the "Dragon King's Court" in the old continent should have.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss"

"Ah, ah, ah"

The red dragon lizards with fire attributes, the blue dragon lizards with water attributes, the white dragon lizards with ice attributes, the black dragon lizards with dark attributes, and the green dragon lizards with wind attributes roared and rushed to the top of the city with the guards.

A majestic style of strong soldiers and horses, clustered in the east and west, colorful and bright.

But in front of the "patients with insufficient firepower phobia", all of them are "real fancy"!

Boom boom boom boom

The shells fell, and blood and flesh flew everywhere!

The main target of the original city wall defense is manpower siege, and the defense against artillery is too weak, far from being as targeted as a large bastion.

Especially the wooden city gate, although it has been enchanted by the shaman wizard's black magic, it is responsible for material support, counterattack out of the city, and life passage, etc., and it is impossible to block it completely with stones.

Just one round of artillery bombardment was instantly torn into millions of pieces of exploding fragments.

The coalition forces did not take the opportunity to attack the city, but immediately launched the second, third, and fourth rounds of concentrated fire.

The symptoms of "fear of insufficient firepower" are like this.

Things that can be solved with saturated firepower will never be solved with manpower.

In Byron's words:

"In the future battlefield, we must vent steel and flames, not soldiers.

We will leave countless craters on the enemy's positions, the kind of terrifying density that can make people jump from one crater to another.

In other words, it can also be called "oversaturated bombing", which is the great art of changing geography with artillery fire.

Adequate logistical support plus unethical firepower coverage, without saying a word, is one sentence: bomb me!

With every additional enemy, I will face a new overwhelming disease.

Studying medicine can't save me, but bigger and more powerful artillery and my dearest "gunpowder artist" Miss Violet can."

If one concentrated fire can't solve it, then try again.

Hundreds of cast iron shells whizzed across the sky and fell into the city of Tayapan.

Even though most of them were blocked by the city walls, there were too many of them, and there were still a large number of shells that kept bouncing and crushing the city walls guarded by the fallen guards.

"Ahhh, save me, my legs"

"My stomach."

Some of them were blown into a bloody mist together with the dragon lizards, and it was normal to lose arms and legs. Many were cut in half on the spot.

But after they fell, they seemed to have inherited some of the dragon lizard's abilities.

As long as the limbs are not too severe, they can grow back, which is obviously much stronger than the recovery ability of normal people.

If it were still the era of cold weapons, they would definitely have the upper hand.

Although what grew back were already lizard limbs, it also proved that they were gradually on the road of depravity and could not return.

At the same time, the ancient city walls that had always stood firm in countless cold weapon wars were also rumbled by the artillery fire.

If they just take the beating without fighting back, no matter how strong the city defense is, it will eventually collapse.

"Counterattack, counterattack, [Green Dragon Lizard Warrior] and Green Dragon Lizard Knight, take off, and destroy their artillery positions for me."

[Crooked Nose King] Teohuacan roared while wielding a rare obsidian saw sword.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The wind attribute is also the only flying species among the five-colored dragon lizards, and they all took off into the air.

Gunpowder and bombs are not their strong points, but the various potions refined by shamans are not inferior to bombs in power.

Especially the "Strong Voodoo Potion", as long as it comes into contact with humid air, it will turn into a sticky poisonous mist, which can corrode steel swords into slag in just a few breaths.

It is also enough to turn heavy artillery into a pile of unusable scrap metal.

Seeing this scene, Byron and Violet were not worried at all, but were looking forward to the next battle.

In this world, air power is far less dominant than in a world without demons.

[Singer]'s Song of Forbidden Sky, Lawyer's Order, and Holy Prayer of the Temple sequence can all cause low-level sky knights who violate their own airspace and have low magic resistance to suffer heavy losses.

Although the gathered indigenous coalition forces are not equipped with this capability, they do have a larger air force than Tayapan.


A continuous high-pitched eagle cry sounded from all directions.

There are less than a hundred green dragon lizard warriors and knights at best, but the number of [Eagle Spirit Warriors] around them who come from multiple city-states and transform into golden eagles, eagles, horned eagles, and other raptors is several times their number.

The vibrating wings pounced forward without showing any signs of weakness.

However, as soon as the two sides engaged in battle, the latter immediately suffered a big loss.

Although they already know from the intelligence that these seemingly deformed dragon lizard warriors have received the gift of power from [God] Itsumna.

But they still underestimated the intensity of their power increase.

Anyone who dared to rely on their own strength to engage in close combat with these dragon lizard warriors had their wings ripped off on the spot, and their blood was shed into the sky with howls.

After seeing the blood, those degenerates with mouths full of fangs even bit it on the spot and feasted on it in mid-air.

It seems that after transforming into a beast, all the "greedy" qualities of the dragon were instantly gathered together.

This also explains why Tiohuacan, [King of Crooked Nose], was so out of his wits that he prepared to attack his powerful savior just for the sake of five crystal skulls and the position of emperor.

"Back off, don't fight melee."

"They're no longer human, use 'deck sweepers.'"

At the same time, a ten-man air force team affiliated with the Riptide Fortress, led by Wyandot, had already climbed to the top of the green dragon lizard warriors in advance, with a straight-line distance of about two hundred meters.

They are members of the "Wild Guides".

Transforming into half-human and half-eagle, they each unhooked a firearm from their back that looked no different from an ordinary flintlock musket.

But if you look inside from the muzzle, you will find that the inside of the barrel is different from an ordinary smoothbore gun. There is a circle of thread-like rifling.

This is not an ordinary musket, but a batch of well-made flintlock rifles!

——The new "Haul of Punishment 1472 Flintlock Rifled Gun" launched by the Torrent Fortress Arsenal.

This was long before Byron developed a phobia of fire.

"Each unit chooses the target closest to itself and fires freely."

After [Gunnery Expert] Wyandotte gave the order, he aimed his crosshair at a dragon lizard warrior with his head and face covered in human blood.

"Three two one, fire!"

After eleven consecutive gunshots were fired in the night sky, eight dragon lizard warriors' heads exploded on the spot, falling straight to the ground and turning into a puddle of meat.

The medicine bottle on his body shattered, and the highly corrosive green mist rose, turning the corpse into a pool of blood.

The remaining three were also severely injured. They tried to flap their wings, but still spun and fell from the sky.


After a shot was fired, the group of Eagle Spirit warriors who were part-time [Gunnery Experts] or [Musketeers] immediately reloaded.

But they saw that the rifled gun projectiles in their hands were different from the round projectiles of normal smoothbore guns, but modern pistol projectiles that were very close to conical shapes.

In fact, some of the "craftsmen" with amazing hands-on abilities had already invented the "rifled flintlock gun".

It is the so-called "rifle" or "rifle". The original meaning of the word "rifle" is the rifling in the barrel.

There are many types of rifles. It can be considered that any gun with rifling can be called a rifle.

The history of Byron's previous life has proved that "rifling" is the soul of a gun barrel!

Because rifling gives the warhead the ability to "spin", rifled guns tend to rely on warhead rotation to achieve longer range and higher accuracy.

However, compared with its advantages, its series of disadvantages have prevented it from shaking the dominance of the musket for the time being.

First of all, spiral rifling makes it more demanding on the manufacturing process, both in terms of time cost and labor cost.

The cost is naturally more expensive than that of a musket.

In addition, because of the rifling, the projectiles it uses are bound to be larger than the original ones, making loading difficult and the shooting frequency significantly reduced.

In addition, projectiles made of lead will deform when loaded with force, and may even get directly stuck in the grooves of the rifling, increasing the risk of blasting the chamber.

In large-scale queuing and shooting operations, the benefits of accuracy are far outweighed by the disadvantages.

However, although Violet failed to become the inventor of [Holy Relic: The First Rifled Gun], she actually brought it to the battlefield by improving a small projectile.

It will eventually become the first choice for all musketeers and gunnery experts.

That was a new type of bullet inspired by Byron and named "rifled bullets" by her.

The appearance is infinitely close to the round-nose bullets of modern pistols. The difference is that there is still no reliable and stable primer invented, only the bullet without gunpowder.

However, the characteristic of "rifled ammunition" is that the caliber of the projectile is slightly smaller than that of a rifled gun, and it is easy to load, not inferior to a smoothbore gun.

Behind the bullet, there is a cone-like groove, which is also matched with a small oak stopper.

After the trigger is pulled, the instantaneous pressure generated by the gunpowder and the impact of the oak will cause the groove to expand outward, thus matching the rifling on the barrel to a suitable shape.

It is precisely because of the improvement of projectiles that the "Punishment Hammer 1472 Flintlock Rifled Gun" equipped with rifled bullets has achieved a maximum range of 918 meters and the dream performance of accurately hitting within 500 meters!

You must know that the firing range of ordinary muskets at this time is still within a hundred meters.

Violet also relied on this seemingly inconspicuous little invention to make great strides on the road of "using knowledge to expel ignorance."

Not only did he obtain the [Holy Relic: The First Rifled Bullet], which has the ability to "pierce spiral armor" and "100% sure hit within five thousand meters", he also pushed his own spirituality to the fourth level threshold in one fell swoop.

After all, Byron didn't let himself be left behind anymore, and closely followed his footsteps.

At this moment, the Wyandotte and his party holding such advanced weapons are not at the same level as the ordinary natives holding foreign trade weapons.

Not to mention those Tayapans who are still mainly in the Neolithic Age because they resist large-scale trade.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Each bullet kills an enemy.

Seeing that most of the air force withered away before they could reach the artillery positions and the pirate fleet, [King of Crooked Nose] Tiohuacan was already furious, roaring angrily again and again.

But it's so sad that until now, I still haven't figured out why I was besieged by so many people.

"Bastard, bastard, I'm going to sacrifice you all to my lord!"

That is to say, the effort was delayed for such a while.

With a loud noise, a large section of the city wall, which was already the dampest and weakest on the side near the river bank, collapsed.

After losing the city defense, the pirate fleet only came with a few more rounds of metal storm-like shotguns to clean the ground, and completely wiped out the defenders on this section of the city wall.

Since the air power in other directions had already gained the upper hand, they dropped piles of "wild explosive packets" from a high position.

The gorgeous fireworks bloomed, causing the city-state to break defenses in all directions.

Both the contaminated ordinary guards and the dragon lizard warriors suffered heavy losses immediately.

Such is the consequence of committing public outrage.

It was not until they discovered that the range of ordinary artillery could no longer reach the temple in the center that various groups of people finally sent ground troops to pounce on the hedgehog, which had its thorns removed.

The mountains and plains are densely covered with human heads everywhere.

There are so many people coming, it’s almost making people’s scalp numb!

The surviving dragon lizard warriors could not help but look desperate.

"Damn it! I just want a few skulls to be your emperor, why are you forcing me?

[God] Itsumna will send you all to hell! "

Tiohuacan's eyes were cold, he cut his wrist and dripped blood on the crystal skull.

The turbid multi-colored spiritual light swarmed out like a flood and turned into the five-headed demon dragon again.

It did not attack the enemy directly, but sucked hard at the entire city.

The dead, injured, and intact [Dragon Lizard Warriors] all turned into mummies without any resistance.

The soul of the dragon lizard and the extraordinary bloodline in his body were all swept away by the demonic dragon.

Including the most powerful [King Curled Nose] and the Great Shaman are no exception.

But the five-headed demon dragon, which was originally a natural spirit, regained flesh and blood and truly came to this indigenous city.


The terrifying five-colored aura exploded, and the violent dragon's power swept through the entire city-state like a storm, instantly stunning most of the civilians.

It also made all the coalition forces who entered the city change their expressions.

Even Violet in front of the image couldn't help but stand up suddenly and exclaimed:


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