Pirate Kingship

Chapter 342 The first

In the vision of a transcendent being.

Surrounded by the turbid spiritual light, a huge mountain-like creature, with messy and deformed dragon wings spread out, sat at the top of the pyramid.

Each of the five heads is larger than a wheel, just like the deteriorated Crystal Skull No. 1, with a face that is half human and half dragon.

The most powerful [Crook-nosed King] Tiohuacan and the great shaman Karakol each occupy their corresponding blue dragon heads and green dragon heads.

His eyes were half clear and half crazy.

The demon dragon's body was also covered with disgusting scales that looked like lumps and tumors. Every dragon lizard warrior it swallowed and every dragon lizard soul struggled and wailed in it.

The strength of the resistance is getting weaker and weaker, and it seems that it is being quickly digested by the dragon.

"Longwei, this is the real Longwei!

Even though it is still essentially a kind of sub-dragon, it has obviously been purified by some kind of black magic, and the blood of the dragon is already very rich.

Is Itsumner's bloodline back to his ancestors? "

As a direct branch of the people of the North Bay, Violet and Byron both have the same ancestor - the original [Dragon Blood Bather] and [Blue Dragon King] Reinhardt.

And unlike Byron's father, Edmund Lancaster, Prince of Sorenberg, who went against tradition and married a mysterious woman of unknown origin.

Both Violet's parents have pure blood and are descendants of the Blue Dragon King. The blood of the Blue Dragon in their bodies is even richer than Byron's.

Even though there was a layer of golden law, he made an accurate judgment immediately.

“The class corresponds to at least a fourth-level hero on the ladder of glory.

But there are differences between people, between dragons and dragons, and between dragons and people.

The huge size far exceeds that of humans, so this thing is not an object that a fourth-level hero can attack independently. It is a powerful enemy at the legion level.

Even though it still belongs to the sub-dragon species, its combat power is not much different from that of an adult dragon. "

Even though there was a layer of Golden Law, Violet felt a little worried when she saw it, let alone the indigenous coalition forces who were at the scene.

"Increase the range of the artillery and fire again!"

Cortes, the most powerful [Conqueror] in the coalition, waved his hand, and the warships of the Azik Tiger Pirates launched another volley.

In particular, some of the wild [gunnery experts] supported by the Vanguard Colonial Trading Company used their full strength to enchant the cannonballs.

In an instant, the most powerful salvo fired so far was fired. Its range and armor-piercing ability were far beyond those of ordinary artillery.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Carbon-based creatures have their own family sentiments here. There is no carbon-based being in this world that can withstand artillery fire purely by relying on flesh and blood.


The five-color magic dragon immediately vibrated its wings, whipped up a gust of wind, and rose into the sky. Even scattered shells falling on it were harmless.

As the flesh and blood squirmed, the broken scales immediately returned to their original state.

Even if these very few artillery can break through the defense, it is no more than scraping. Unless you can turn on "manual gear guidance" like Byron, it will have little effect on it.

"Hand over your treasures!" "Hand over your flesh and blood!" "Hand over your women!" "All countries regard me as their king!" "Ho ho."

Every ferocious head is roaring, spitting out its own greedy desires.

At the same time, the demonic dragon opened its mouth and blew out a fiery breath towards the crowd. The indigenous coalition forces immediately cried for their fathers and mothers and fled for their lives.

"I'll resist it. Others can attack it from a distance. Each of them can drown it with just one bullet!"

[Conqueror] Cortez roared angrily, raised his sword high and activated his third-level knight commander's core professional ability [Knight Commander].


A red halo of light exploded, instantly uniting the garrison regiments under his command who had followed him into the city into one whole.

At the same time, he also transformed into a three-meter-tall tiger-man with a tail like a steel whip. He stood at the front of the team and swung his sword suddenly with the [Supreme Art].

A red sword light was like the sharp blade of the God of War, not only cutting a white frost breath in half vertically.

It even rushed back and left a long cut mark on the dragon's chest.

It also firmly attracts the other person's attention to himself.

Effect of Knight Commander: “You can gather the power of the knights under your command. The stronger the power and the more people there are, the better the effect will be.

And it can give various halo abilities to its subordinates, allowing them to exert a combat effectiveness of one plus one that is far greater than two. "

War after war for countless years has proven that human beings are individually weak, and only by relying on the power of the crowd can they compete with the endless monsters in this world.

Cortez's great display of power finally saved the morale of the coalition forces from collapse.

"Push over the field artillery and siege crossbows, counterattack, counterattack!"

"Three-stage shot, open fire, saturation attack!"

A large number of natives held muskets and lined up in a crooked staircase. Some could shoot in three steps, while others could only shoot without accidentally injuring their own people.

But the hot bullets like raindrops still poured out towards the magic dragon.

Even if there are too many mosquitoes and ants, they can eat people, let alone bullets?

At the same time, halos of light exploded in the crowd.

The shamans accompanying the army beat the sacrificial drums for them, sang sacrificial songs, and blessed them with various buffs.

[Inspiration], [Bear Power], [Cat’s Grace], [Eagle’s Vision].

Some directly summoned their ancestors and guardian spirits to come. There were at least a dozen city-states who came, and the guardian spirits were naturally all kinds of strange.

The area near the Great Pyramid suddenly became a battlefield for monsters.

Sand and rocks flew, the sky was dark.

Byron, who was far away in the Torrent Fortress, looked at this "pseudo dragon" and thought more:

"When the god Itsumna was a shaman and the emperor of the Taya Empire.

It was because he inherited the knowledge of [The Hundred-Headed Dragon Mother Tiamat, the 'Dragon Crown', that he pioneered the road of the dragon lizard warriors who suppressed the archipelago.

As the first dragon lizard warrior, he might have achieved a similar status to my Night Demon Prince.

But because there was not enough anchor, the seeds of disaster were gradually planted.

Whether it was the use of thirteen crystal skulls to unite the empire, but ultimately failed and led to the collapse of the empire.

Or today, [King of the Curled Nose] Tiohuacan and Itsumna, who has become a guardian spirit, suddenly fell, there will be no reason."

Byron has reason to suspect that the [Hundred-Headed Dragon Mother] who has been submerged in history was the main god of the dragons on the old continent.

Now it has also become a corpse soaked in the sea.

The root of everything may be this old god!

Moreover, according to the principle that the farther away from the old continent, the more cracks there are in the world, and the more chaotic the source tides are.

He had a strong premonition that there was definitely more than one Luoyan City of [Sleeping God Kraken] on the new continent opposite.

It is very likely that it has become a paradise for many followers of the old gods to wreak havoc.

Among them, there is probably the [Hundred-Headed Dragon Mother] Tiamat.

Since there is an "upper volume" in the "Book of Beast Families", there must be a "lower volume". Perhaps when arriving in the new continent, you can see another completely different extraordinary system.

Watching the increasing casualties of the coalition forces hunting the dragon in the opposite city-state, some believers have begun to silently call for the [Father of Medical Treatment].

Byron, who did not want to see these devout believers suffer too many casualties, decided to take a slight action and shouted to Violet beside him:


The latter had a telepathic connection, pulled up his hand and pounced forward, and the [Abyss] curse seal on the instep of her right foot bloomed, and a circle of dark blue water rings exploded in the air.

When the two reappeared, they had already arrived at the broad river outside the city of Tayapan, holding hands and slowly flying into the air.

Byron waved his hand, and a golden piece of paper appeared in his palm.

The company name was printed on it: "Pioneer Navigation Colonial Trade Co., Ltd."; Year of establishment: Silver Age 1471; Total number of shares: one million shares.

It was the [Holy Relic·First Stock] obtained after the establishment of the stock market!

Looking at the irritable dragon that clearly had a part of his "shares" on it, Byron casually ejected the stock and grinned:

"Now I demand to sell the shares, force the separation, and completely clear the warehouse!"

Reaching out and grabbing the other party fiercely.

Instantly activated the ability of the holy relic "Sell":

"When parting ways, you can ask for a dividend settlement to form a mystical treasure chest, and forcibly extract the wealth, knowledge, power, and treasures within the organization to offset the dividends.

The more equity, the higher the value of the extracted things!"

Some people help in times of need, some people add icing on the cake, but Byron is now pushing the wall down and stepping on it with ten thousand feet.

Panic selling in the stock market may cause the stock price to plummet or even collapse on the spot.

In reality, especially when the "listed entity" faces a fierce battle, it is not just as simple as a collapse, but it is life-threatening!

"But what does this have to do with me? I am a shareholder, I just want my money, give it to me!"

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