Pirate Kingship

Chapter 343: Skinning and Boning: Dragon Crown, the First of the Gods

An invisible aura that no one could see swept across the entire Tayapan in an instant.

Like countless experienced auditors, all the properties owned by this city-state were registered and condensed into a huge golden treasure chest that appeared in front of Byron.

From a small animal bone needle to a large twelve-story pyramid, even the ownership of the No. 1 crystal skull and the god Itsumna itself were all included in it.


The treasure chest opened automatically, and three fishing hooks with bright aura appeared inside, one purple, one gold, and one red.

Seeing them, Byron immediately realized that this was the level of treasures he could extract from Tayapan.

Among the three levels, the purple level is the highest and the red level is the lowest. The overall value added is roughly the same as the stock price that he is about to "clear".

"My greatest contribution to this city-state is the life-saving vaccine I gave them when the smallpox plague was raging, which can be converted into an investment.

Although they paid me a 'monopoly right', the value is not equal to the lives of 70% of the city's population.

At that time, I wanted to give priority to preserving this huge ethnic group with a population of 13 million, to contain the Castilian army, and then slowly plan the benefits, so I offered a friendly price.

In addition, in the actual implementation of the 'monopoly right', the top leaders of Tayapan also had many obstacles, and only a very small number of nobles joined the trade system.

All the overflow is here."

I think even the red fishing hook used for bottoming should not be much less valuable.

But what you can draw at the same level requires a little luck.

Byron rubbed his hands and was about to draw the lottery, but suddenly thought of his deep-rooted "African" attribute since childhood.

As long as it is a game of luck, there is a high probability of a miserable defeat, and he hesitated for a moment.

Others don't know that besides being evil-hearted and evil-handed, he also has a bad face.

In the past, whenever there was a chance to try their luck, it was usually his sister Catherine, who could easily pick up money when she went out, who would take action.

Although Catherine is not here now, Violet should look fair-faced enough.

"Miss, do me a favor"

After explaining a little, Byron gave up his position.

The girl hesitated for a moment before grabbing the red hook with the lowest value and throwing it towards the city.

"Bang" seemed to sound like the fishing line was tightened.

The next moment, the hook was instantly retracted, and before the two could see clearly what they had caught.


A shrill scream suddenly came from the battlefield in the center of the city-state.

It was the magic dragon that had just been under the hail of bullets and the siege of a group of third-level extraordinary people and guardian spirits, and was still showing its might all the way, suddenly covered his chest and staggered back.

Every time he took a step back, his aura weakened and his body shrank.

In just a few breaths, his body shrank by at least a quarter, and his majestic and domineering strength also shrank by a quarter accordingly.

Speed, strength, and defense all declined, and the breath of the five dragon heads became scattered.

Finally, even the body of the dragon began to degenerate significantly, closer to the bloated sub-dragon beast.

The pressure on the indigenous coalition was greatly reduced, and the momentum of the counterattack became more fierce.

"Did you see the red light just now? My prayers came true. This must be the power of the [Father of Medicine]!"

"The [Father of Medicine] who saved the entire Taino tribe is the true god.

When he returns to his position after his death, I will kneel down every day and let his head become the fourteenth crystal skull of the Taya people as soon as possible."

"The dragon is no longer good, kill it with me!"

Under the leadership of [Conqueror] Cortes, nearly twenty third-level beast spirit warriors who transformed into beasts from various city-states rushed forward.

Finally, the dragon began to be injured, the scales were penetrated, the skin was injured, and blood was dripping all over the body.

Byron looked down and saw that Violet was holding a red ball of light in her hands, and a ball of colorful liquid was suspended in it.

The girl's cute big sapphire eyes were wide open:

"Is this the dragon blood in its body?"

And it was the five-color dragon blood purified by the incarnation of [God].

Even if it is still not as good as the real dragon, it is already very precious in this era when real dragons have long been extinct.

Put it in any taboo ritual of a religious group, it must be the first-class extraordinary material.

And the sweet smell of blood also made Byron eager to move, no, it was a big appetite.

The instinct of [Night Demon] told him that if he could drink a sip, it would definitely be a great tonic.

Not only is it beneficial to the Night Demon's power improvement, but even relying on the benefits brought by [Infinite Evolution], it can greatly increase the blue dragon veins in the body and also embark on a path of reversion.

But now is not the time.

Suppressing the surging appetite in his heart, Byron nodded to Violet:

"Put it away first. When we go back, I will use this dragon blood to engrave the fifth curse seal on you. I will drink the rest later."


After following Byron out, the promotion ceremony of "Deep Sea Origin Tracing" was advanced to five-sixths. The girl's eyebrows curved and she smiled like a little fox.

On the other hand, the magic dragon was deeply stripped of its "core assets" that were related to its strength limit and used to pay off debts at a critical moment in the war. It was a hundred times more cruel than the capital market!

The major shareholder suddenly withdrew the investment, and the game was cut off from the bottom. Even if they could have won, they were doomed to fail.

It can be said that the holy relic [First Stock] is a perfect match for Byron, the "number one confidant" and "professional traitor".

As long as you work hard, you will get rewards. No one can expect him to work for nothing.

Even the PUA method of "work hard, and I will marry you a sister-in-law next year" will never fall on Byron.

Even if there is a day when the eldest brother marries a sister-in-law, it is not certain who this beautiful sister-in-law will end up with.

"Try it again."

With the successful experience of the first extraction, the two people were more excited.

Violet also rubbed her hands solemnly, prayed to the "God of the Wild Hunt" Woden, and then threw out the golden fishing hook again.

"Bang!" The fishing line was reeled in again.

However, this time, the dragon on the opposite side did not change too obviously.

It was just that when performing breath or other dragon magic, it seemed to be much slower. He always had to stop and think for a while before he could perform some appropriate magic under instinctive control.

Breathing also became a little bit ineffective, and there was a sense of awkwardness all over his body.

"What's going on?"

While Byron was stunned, Violet had already pierced the golden ball of light in his hand and released a dragon-shaped aura with hundreds of heads.

Byron stretched out his hand and touched it lightly, and the dragon-shaped aura turned into a forbidden book and fell into his heart.

"The Breeding Method of Wyverns, the Breeding Method of Infernal Dragons, the Breeding Method of Crypt Rock Dragons, the Breeding Method of Colorful Dragon Lizards.

This is actually the core part of the black magic "Book of Beast Families" (Volume 1) practiced by [God] Itsumna, the "Crown of the Dragon"?

And it is the closest to the source of knowledge, the most complete original version, and can directly reach the [Bloodline Original] of mythical creatures and even the realm of Gods!"

The Ladder of Glory develops with the times, and the more you go back, the stronger your ability will be; Taboo Knowledge is the opposite, the older it is, the closer it is to the source of knowledge, the stronger it will be.

Although the knowledge in Byron's hand does not carry the corresponding power like the card of the [Pawn Merchant], it is also one of the most powerful black magic books in the entire Bantaan Islands.

After a quick glance at the contents recorded in it, it was just like what [Piercing Prince] Tsepesh said when his bloodline was sublimated:

"The top of the food chain in the human kingdom is originally a feast for dragons and night demons."

The dragon's promotion ceremony and the night demon's ceremony both have the identity of "rentier, exploiter, and bloodthirsty". The higher the status as a human, the purer the bloodline in the dragon vein will be.

Otherwise, you are not qualified to become a dragon.

"Look at the slow look of that demon dragon. When fighting, it is more and more like a vulgar beast. It seems that only the essence of mythical creatures is left, but this piece of knowledge has been forgotten?

It turns out that the extraction of this kind of knowledge category is not copy and paste, but cut and paste?

The strength of intellectual property protection is so strong that I took away this part of the technology as a share, and they can't use it anymore?

This is simply the magic skill of all intellectual property owners!"

While sighing in his heart, Byron has also found the most suitable owner for this taboo book called "Crown of the Dragon".

The entire "Book of Beast Families" (Volume 1) talks about the taboo knowledge of using various beast souls to complete the transformation of one's life essence.

A specific powerful beast soul + corresponding knowledge equals [a certain beast spirit warrior], and both are indispensable.

Leopard spirit warriors, tiger warriors, frog warriors, dragon lizard warriors. They are all products of this knowledge system.

The "Crown of the Dragon" also records many black witchcraft paths that are far more powerful than the five-colored dragon lizards, and there are even real dragon warriors.

But it is because the five-colored dragon lizards in the Bantaan Islands are easier to obtain and can be artificially bred that the [Dragon Lizard Warrior] has flourished.

In other words, although knowledge is valuable, high-quality beast soul resources are even more rare.

If there is no corresponding powerful dragon soul, this "Crown of the Dragon" is a standard dragon-slaying technique.

And the five-colored dragon lizard, the best dragon species in the hands of the natives, is even inferior to Byron's own Night Demon Road, which greatly reduces the value of this book.

But who made sister Catherine's title effect of [Mithril Dragon] called [Mithril Dragon Soul]?

A genuine Mithril Dragon Soul entered her body along with the title.

If nothing unexpected happens, when Catherine's life ends in the future, that Mithril Dragon Soul will also be recovered by the collective subconscious sea.

But now it is different.

Relying on this taboo book "Crown of the Dragon", Catherine can completely keep the "Mithril Dragon Soul" that comes with the title forever!

Let her complete the dream transformation from a human to a real Mithril Dragon from the depths of her blood.

"It's no longer a hard Mithril Dragon to ride, but a fragrant and soft Mithril Dragon Girl. Just thinking about it makes me look forward to it."

A "Dragon Rider" who is determined to turn against Tiangang suppressed his excitement and looked at the treasure chest again.

At this time, there is still a purple fishing hook with the highest value that has not been used.

The first two extractions had already made Byron very satisfied. The dragon blood and the forbidden book had brought him, Violet, and his sister a lot of gains.

On the other hand, the dragon, which had been weakened twice in a row, was now like a trapped beast, and its counterattack was becoming increasingly powerless.

However, now all the extraordinary people in the entire city-state have merged with the incarnation of the [God] Itsumna, and the most valuable wealth in the entire city-state has also been concentrated.

It's not that they want to catch a dragon and pull it out, the key is that there is no place to pull it out.

Byron stood in the air and looked down at the dragon that was under siege and roaring, and whispered to comfort him:

"Although you look miserable, don't scream first, you can scream together when we draw another hand."

Nodding to Violet, the latter immediately threw out the last purple hook.

"Bang!" Another trembling sound of the fishing line being tightened sounded.


In the extremely tragic roar of the dragon, the dragon horns, dragon teeth, dragon scales, and dragon wings on its body quickly degenerated and disappeared.

Only the characteristics of ordinary lizards and humans remained.

The two were stunned when they saw this scene, and they didn't understand what was happening in this scene that looked like skinning, bone removal, and tendon extraction.

Look at the invisible and intangible yet heavy ball of light in Violet's hand.

The spiritual light circulated and gradually condensed into the shape of a golden crown.

It turned out to be the highest position among the guardian gods of the Taya civilization, the natural spirit, the lord of heaven, and the god Itsumna - [Head of the Gods]!

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