Pirate Kingship

Chapter 344 The old god abdicates and the new god is crowned (Happy Lantern Festival!)

"I see."

Seeing this invisible and intangible but extremely precious status in his hand, Byron immediately understood what happened to the dragon.

The promotion rituals of dragons and night demons all have the identity of "rentier, exploiter, and bloodthirsty" as the prerequisite. The higher the status, the purer the bloodline in the dragon vein.

Just like Byron relied on the identities of multiple "crown princes" to successfully exchange for a racial template of [Night Demon Prince] in the ritual, it must be the same for the imperial emperor Itsumna back then.

With the decline of his own status, a crucial link in the ritual witchcraft was also lost.

As a result, this [God] incarnation, which had already lost half of the dragon blood and the corresponding taboo knowledge, could no longer continue.

It completely degenerated into a lizard monster.

Of course, if this ancient emperor of the Taya Empire was still alive, his contribution would definitely be far from being comparable to Byron.

It is also impossible to easily extract the other party's status.

Unfortunately, now, thousands of years after Itsumna's death, it only has a guardian spirit equivalent to a holy relic.

In essence, it is just a more advanced spirit that has left the animal form and is close to abstract concepts.

It must be inclined to the ordered divinity to protect the tribe like the [Silver Law], which is closer to an object than a life.

It is no longer the supreme emperor, but a part of the empire's property.

Byron said in his previous life: "Only the instrument and the title cannot be delegated to others, and the monarch is in charge."

Only the service and the title cannot be delegated to others, and the monarch should be in charge.

It describes everything that just happened just right.

Losing the "name instrument" means losing identity and authority.

With the loss of Itsumna's identity as the [Head of the Gods], the half-human, half-dragon crystal skull No. 1 at the top of the pyramid was instantly covered with a layer of shadow.

Then it quickly lost the texture of the crystal and turned back into an ordinary skull.

As the wind blew, the thousand-year-old remains suddenly turned into ashes.

At this time, Byron suddenly thought of a key question:


His status is gone, what about the collection task of collecting thirteen crystal skulls, swearing the prophecy of the empire's successor, and forming a [Level Zero Holy Relic]?!"

If one of the thirteen skulls is missing, won't this task be completed forever?

Just when he couldn't help beating his chest and stamping his feet because he lost a "Level Zero Holy Relic" in vain.

The status that formed the crown of God has quietly merged into his body.

The next moment.

Violet suddenly covered her mouth in surprise, pointed at his head and exclaimed:

"Byron, your head."

Byron was startled, and quickly took out a mirror from the snakeskin bag to look at himself.

But he found that his whole head was actually shining like a light bulb.

To be more precise, it was the head bones under the skin that emitted a bright white light, and some profound essential transformation was taking place in the white light.

And in the logbook, behind the line with the exclusive title [Father of Immunology], the words Lord of Heaven, Lord of Night and Day and so on appeared one after another.

When Byron saw this change in himself, his heart was shocked:

"Now I have completely replaced the status of Itsumna and Crystal Skull No. 1 in the Taya civilization?"

The dragon-shaped [God] Itsumna has the highest status among the gods believed by the Taya people and is the head of the Taya gods.

He is also the Lord of Heaven, the Lord of Night and Day, the patron saint of priests, and the creator of writing, science, and medicine.

Now, Byron not only took away the status of [Head of Gods], but also completely took over the other party's historical status through the relevant power in medical care.

In other words, Byron is no longer the self-proclaimed [Father of Medical Care], but the real thing, more real than the original.

It really fulfilled the saying: "He can replace him!"

That is why Byron's own head did not become the fourteenth crystal skull in the hands of the Taya people.

On the contrary, without offering or blood sacrifice, and still alive, he replaced the No. 1 skull among the thirteen crystal skulls and became the ruler of all the crystal skulls.

More importantly, the faith of the entire Taino people ushered in a major change that has not happened in a thousand years this year.

A series of gods in the Azik Empire: "Sun God Tonatiuh, Moon Goddess Maisli, Galaxy Goddess Sikenlelek, God of War Huitzilopochtli"

They were all killed cleanly by themselves at the God Killing Feast, and their faith was just in a vacuum period.

Even the [God of Tyranny], who should have been the core of the law network like the [Creator], was eaten by the descending old god Thousand-Faced Snake.

As a result, the Golden Law has never been complete because it lacks a core like the [Creator].

As for the Taya Empire, which was already in a state of fragmentation in terms of territory and faith, it was looking forward to the thirteen main gods being united to restore the glory of the empire.

Tracing back to the source, the entire supernatural power system of the current Bantaan Islands came from the original [God] Itsumna.

Byron got his status today, and he is fully qualified to be called a god in the entire Taino tribe.

The two lacked a core and the other lacked an extension, so they just hit it off!

Just as Byron expected.

The [Golden Law] that has integrated the entire Taino tribe has automatically emerged in mountains, rivers, city-states, forests, believers, and other things.

And from all directions, they were connected to Byron.

The founding oath of the Golden Law when it was born sounded again over Tayapan.

This time it was Byron's own voice:

"God grants the kingship! The emperor is my son of God, and I will make you the monarch and king of every part of the world!"

This oath symbolizes that he has the power of heaven.

"The army is my scepter! I will give the nobles and priests the power to manage cities, armies, and wilderness!"

This symbolizes the power to manage people.

"I am the head of the gods, and I will rule the heavens, the earth, and the underworld. I have the power to communicate and comfort the dead and give them the afterlife!"

This symbolizes the power over the land.

God's will represents the legitimacy of the imperial kingship; military strength is the cornerstone of the kingship; the power to communicate with ancestors to rule the dead makes the people tame.

The three together constitute the foundation of this law.

Finally, the founding ceremony that [Conqueror] Cortes and [Variety] Beatrice did not complete was truly completed.

At this moment, in theory, Byron has become the only racial "god" worshipped by all Taino people.

He is the king of gods, the emperor, the bond of faith for all people, and the core of the Golden Law.

Although he only has an empty position and is far from having the power that matches his position, from the outside, he looks like he is powerful enough to scare others.


A huge golden light broke through the air and enveloped Byron, as if he was covered with a brilliant golden crown and golden robe.

The figures of the natives around him emerged, shouting:

"Lord of Heaven!"

"Lord of Night and Day!"

"Guardian of Priests!"

"God of Medicine."

That represents the recognition of Byron by the collective subconscious of the natives.

He was not even given the opportunity to decline three times, and he had already completed the "yellow robe".

Of course, as the holder of the [Great Good Man Halo], Byron did not forget to finish the lines he had prepared for a long time in the slightly contemptuous eyes of Violet:

"Since this is God's will, then things have come to this point, I can only accept it reluctantly.

But I am only a temporary substitute. Once there is a virtuous person who can match this position in the future, I will definitely abdicate and let the virtuous person go. I will never break my promise, hahahaha."

Well, even if he agrees to abdicate, no one knows whether his fanatical believers and loyal supporters agree or not.

The movement here has long attracted the attention of countless natives inside and outside the city.

There is a spiritual connection and anchor between believers and the objects of faith. Just a glance over, and they suddenly realized that it was the [Father of Medical Care] who had come.

Thinking of the three streams of light that had just deprived the dragon of its power, their faces became more fanatical, and they shouted:

"Lord of Heaven! Lord of Heaven!"

The "name of God" in their mouths was naturally upgraded.

From the father of medicine who sounded a little soft, he became the more majestic and domineering Lord of Heaven.

Combined with the [halo of a great good man] that can automatically make people imagine.

The natives believed from the bottom of their hearts that the father of medicine was the real [God of Heaven], and the big lizard in front of them was just a monster who stole the throne of God.

The shouts were like a tsunami, which also symbolized the majestic will of "change", almost condensed into substance.

It's a pity that as a living person, Byron has not learned how to use this power that can be called the origin of the world.

It's a rare opportunity to show miracles, but he won't miss it.


Violet flashed to the side with the golden light in the sky, and he himself jumped to the sky above the battlefield.

When the brilliant golden light on his body dissipated, Byron also changed into another look with the natural human transformation of [Night Devil].

The tall stature and black hair on his head have not changed. His deep facial features have become softer like the Taino people, and his skin has turned into a bronze color with a golden glow.

He looks like a pure native.

He is 50% similar to his previous life.

But he has an exquisite golden crown on his head.

Byron looked down at the battlefield. Although the "demon dragon" is still at the fourth level, it has degenerated into a most ordinary lizard monster. The race bonus of the dragon vein has completely dissipated.

Under the siege of a group of more than a dozen natural spirits and more than 20 third-level sieges, the five half-human, half-lizard heads have been vomiting blood.

The [King of the Curly Nose] Tiohuacan on the neck of the blue lizard tried to raise his head and roared at him crazily:

"Impossible, absolutely impossible.

The Era of Luoyan is about to come.

My Lord has clearly told me that I am the future emperor of the Taya Empire and all Taino people, and the savior who will lead the Taino people to usher in evolution.

It's not you, definitely not you.

Thief, give me the crown back!"

Byron knew that this guy was just a polluted madman and puppet, and he didn't have the mood to say a few more sarcastic words. He raised his hand and summoned [Guaranteed Gungnir].

Most of the spirituality injected into his body, the perfect muscles like a god bulged.

The air circle in front of him exploded, the sky and the earth were white, and a spear of divine punishment suddenly fell from the sky with golden divine light, as if splitting the last night, and penetrated from the back of the lizard monster into the chest and out.

It also blew a heart into pieces on the spot.


The huge five-headed lizard fell to the ground like a golden pillar, and the dust flew. An era belonging to [God] Itsumna came to an end.

At this moment, the first golden dawn in the sky just lit up from behind Byron, which seemed to symbolize that a new era in the indigenous civilization that belonged to him was slowly opening.

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