Pirate Kingship

Chapter 366: Breaking through the divine vision, Ming Shen descends to the holy place!

Time moved forward a little.

In fact, when an accident occurred on the [Golden Deer] and his sister was beaten away by a group of [King's Right Hand], the Son of God had already stopped caring about the God's Domain and the clan.

In a hurry, he shouted angrily:

"Stop it, whoever dares to mess around, I will immediately kill all the sacrifices in the fish pond."

In order to prove his determination, a high-speed rotating torrent water ball appeared on the top of the halberd in his hand, and it was about to hit the pool at his feet.

Once the water ball fell, most of the pool had almost returned to its original state. The sailors who had not had time to climb out would be 100% minced on the spot.

Unexpectedly, among a group of deep-sea clans hiding behind him, a young man who had just been transformed in the "Ascension Ceremony" suddenly shot out two colorful lights from his head silently.

They transformed into Byron and Violet and lurked in advance, and had been hiding for a long time.

Byron used his signature skill [Execution in Dream], and a short sword appeared in his hand, stabbing the Son of God who had his back to him.

At this time, who could have thought that sneak attacks could happen again and again?

By the time the Son of God reacted, it was too late.

But he was better than his sister, and was not stabbed in the buttocks, but in the kidneys.

Unfortunately, Byron, the extremely skilled "backstab master", was not his "confidant", and did not issue the critical strike effect of [Entry: Big Trouble with the Heart].

It was just a very normal kidney shot.

On the contrary, [Execution in Dream] attacks the soul, which has nothing to do with the body. This sword stabbed his soul's kidneys firmly, instead of drawing a knife to cut off the water and making it flow more.


Just by hearing the screams of the Son of God, you can know that this injury is not light.

He was about to kill the sailors in the fish pond regardless of anything.

Violet, who had been prepared, had already raised her hand to launch the [Deep Sea Jump] to teleport all the sailors in the pool to the [Jackraven].

Byron did not forget to turn the flesh and blood of several deep-sea families around him into human bombs.


After a few explosions, a large number of cultists hiding here were cleared out.

Then he pulled Violet away in an instant.

"Ah, revenge for the dead brothers!"


Those who dared to go out to sea and take risks in this era were all ruthless people. At this time, the rescued sailors no longer distinguished who was the crew of the Jackraven and who was the crew of the Ironclad Clamp.

After a trip to the gates of hell, they all rushed to the gun position of the [Jackraven] with red eyes.

Without command, they joined the [Golden Deer] and [Ironclad Clamp] in the pincer attack on Kuroshio Town in a free-shooting manner.

Whether it is the divine domain of the fifth-level [False God] or the royal domain of the [King], the foundation is the believers and the people.

If all the people died, no matter how large the territory is, it is just an ordinary dead land.

The believers suffered heavy losses under the bombardment, and the Son of God, who was already alone, was besieged by three strange warships with their own specialties at the same time, and the entire divine domain began to crumble.

To make matters worse, the goddess who kicked the iron plate was also shot to death by Byron at this time.

After a group of pirate officers on the ship freed their hands, they immediately rushed to the shore with the marines.

They knew that ordinary artillery could not kill the Son of God.

The captain's order was to leave no one alive, so no one must be left alive!

They are very familiar with confiscating homes and exterminating families.

The [Death Knight] Andrew was left on the Ironclad Claw, and the Golden Deer only left a gunner Wyandot, whose individual combat power is now the bottom among the [King's Right Hand] and is not good at close combat.

They commanded three strange warships to continue bombarding, bleeding the already small divine domain, making its defense weaker and weaker.

The son of God, who was forced into a desperate situation, had the experience of his sister's death, so he brazenly revealed his trump card and roared:

"Divine mask, the gods descended!"

The [Divine mask] that belonged to him also emerged from his soul and was put on his face.

The overall look was similar to that of the goddess, and it also looked like a piece of golden deer bone, but the runes engraved on the edge were different: "Fertility, Frey."

It symbolizes Frey, the elder brother of [God of Love and Beauty] Freya in the mythology of the Bay People, and the eldest son of [God of Sea] Niold, [God of Fertility].

In charge of: sowing, harvesting, raising and reproduction.

The brilliant golden light poured out from the mask and rushed into the body of the son of God.

As his breathing rhythm quietly changed, it matched a certain frequency and resonated with the mask, and the appearance of his body also changed accordingly.

The left half of the body is a mythical creature [Son of the Abyss], which is a symbol of "beast nature";

The right half of the body is a heroic human male, because the only God Creator is a human, this human form is also regarded as a symbol of "divinity";

A bright golden halo like an angel appears on the head of the middle division.

It symbolizes the godhood of [God of Plenty] Frey, the master of his body at this time.

The image of a god holding a long sword and riding a huge wild boar appeared behind him, which was the spiritual imprint left by Frey in the collective subconscious of the Bay People.

A cold and ruthless breath like the rules of nature instantly spread from him.


At this time, [Blue Hair] took a breath with the amazing recovery ability of the werewolf, and once again rushed to the front like a rampant crab.

He would not admit that he was the "Fourth Order Shame", "Heroic Floor", and a loser who could only show off his power by relying on "my brother the Pirate King".

"Just now I was careless and didn't dodge.

Give me another chance this time, I will definitely be able to seize the opportunity when he thinks I am his brother and sneak attack his right eye with a left thorn clamp, and I will definitely beat him to pieces."

But he had just revealed his head and face that were exactly the same as his brother's, and rushed in front of the Son of God Frey, and saw this terrifying scene, as if the gods had descended to the earth.

When Frey saw his true face, his eyes were like a thousand-year-old iceberg, and there was no fluctuation at all.

He just raised the long-handled halberd in his hand and chopped him from the upper right to the lower left.

Instantly, the blue hair on Hailding's head exploded.

Danger! Danger! Danger!

But he was eager to make a contribution, relying on the strength of the fourth-order floor to be far ahead of others, and no one could block him.


The two claws of the flowing water expanded into a huge hammer like a large water tank, but they collapsed in front of the halberd.

Not only did it fly back like a cannonball again, but even one of the claws was blown up on the spot.

At this time, other people rushed to the battlefield and surrounded the son of God, whose appearance had changed drastically.

"Be careful, this is the second level of swordsmanship - God's vision!

And it is the highest level that has successfully resonated with the God of Self. Such people are invincible at the same level!"

[Blue Hair]'s skills are sparse, but he has been following his brother for many years, and his eyesight is not bad.

At a glance, he can see that this is a powerful move that can only be used when reaching the [God's Vision] level.

"God's Vision?"

Others couldn't help but change their faces.

Most of them awakened the "flow" with the help of Byron, and "God's Vision" is the next peak they are pursuing.

Some people describe [God's Vision] as gaining the senses of God.

It is exactly the same as the professional ability of the Storm Knight [Breathing of All Things]:

"Your spirituality will match the frequency of all things, you can understand the emotions of any creature, and grasp the weaknesses of dead things.

You can easily cut rocks, steel, and even invisible and intangible wind with a wooden stick."

Even after mastering this state, while matching all things, you can also match yourself-the God of the self is born in the deepest part of your heart!

In metaphysical terms, it is: "See the world, see all living things, and see yourself."

It seems that angels and gods have descended into your body, and every move is like divine help.

At this level, it seems that you can really touch the slightest fur of the realm of gods with your humble mortal body.

This frequency that matches yourself is a key that will only open the true God of the self.

Just like fingerprints, everyone has subtle differences.

It may correspond to the [divine] side of oneself, which is as cold and ruthless as a mechanical mind, absolutely calm and focused, and can achieve the best effect at the lowest cost;

It may also correspond to the [animal] side, allowing the instincts that remain in the blood after millions of years of evolution and fighting to completely control oneself, and obtain the strongest wild intuition at the top of the food chain, without weighing, the subconscious is the best;

The side representing [self] is the most difficult, which is absolutely unrestrained free will, unconstrained, can be big or small, short or long, soft or hard, soft or hard.

Some people, even if they are lucky enough to comprehend [God's Vision], will never be able to touch the God of themselves in their lifetime, while some people will find the key to open the secrets of their hearts as soon as they comprehend [God's Vision].

In addition, it is said that if you want to comprehend God's Vision, there is another most direct way - looking directly at God.

Looking directly at the super-standard existence beyond the scope of understanding, if you don't die, you may gain this ability.

Anyway, I haven't heard of success, but there are countless people who have become crazy.

The Son of God himself did not seem to have reached the realm of [God's Vision], but directly took advantage of the [God's Mask] to let the cold and ruthless God of Abundance dominate his body.

Now he is a killing machine without any emotions.

At this time, it seems that the gap is not so big when it is one against ten.

But after this battle, it is a bit hard to say whether he is still himself.

The chaotic "animal nature" is the poison of depravity, and the "divine nature" of absolute rules is not the same?

Just as the Son of God was about to fight his way out of a group of third-level extraordinary people who could not withstand his own attack and rushed out of the Black Tide Town.

Suddenly, a clear voice sounded on the battlefield:

"God's Vision, don't use it like you do.

Storm King Seal, Ming Shen descends to the Holy Land!"

I don't know when, Byron has quietly come to the edge of the battlefield like a ghost.

The breathing method in his mouth also changed quietly, connecting to the storm above his head externally, and instantly matching a certain frequency in his body internally.

A brilliant circle of pure, white light exploded above his head.

A phantom figure with wings seemed to appear behind him, but it was not any other person or god, but Byron himself!

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