Pirate Kingship

Chapter 367 Storm King Seal: The bigger the wind and waves, the stronger I am!

As early as the first day when the [Golden Deer] set sail from the base camp.

Byron, who was at the helm himself, had already reached the limit of the "flow" state with the help of his control over familiar things such as sailors, sky, sea, ship, and sails.

The distance to the [divine vision] state, which is approximately equal to "the breathing of all things", is only a thin line away.

And if you want to avoid the crooked path of "looking directly at the gods" and truly take this key step purely by your own efforts, there is only one trick:

"Empty your cup before you can fill it again, and be empty in order to seek perfection."

That is the extraordinary state of getting moves and forgetting moves after abandoning all distractions and extreme concentration.

When Byron was fighting the goddess Freya just now, the concentrated and unreserved shot accidentally broke the barrier that blocked countless swordsmen and extraordinary people.

Let him finally break through the shackles and see another world.

Byron did not notice the abnormality in his body at first.

It was not until he used the spiritual glow to perform the [Blood Altar and Flesh Urn] that he realized that the third-level witchcraft that was only barely usable at first was now incredibly smooth to use.

And just like the genius swordsmen rumored in various sword schools, he had just broken through and instantly grasped the frequency of the self-god!

Even though Byron was not a very flamboyant person, he could not help but feel proud at this time:

"The realm that I have gained step by step by myself is indeed quite different from the extraordinary ability bestowed by the Silver Law by relying on [Storm Knight] to advance.

Fortunately, I did not covet convenience and speed at the beginning, and chose another promotion route.

Just look at [Enemy Preemption] Beretania, and you will know that when you are promoted to the second level, you will immediately awaken the heart flow, and when you are promoted to the third level, you will immediately awaken the divine vision, but many years have passed, and you still cannot communicate with the self-god."

As the "Ming Shen De Sheng" state gradually opens, all thoughts and distractions gradually fade away.

Instead, it is a kind of spiritual state that is like a baby who is ignorant but has self-awareness.

It was as if another new self in his body was gradually waking up.

Byron closed his eyes, and the wonderful feeling continued in his body, as if thousands of years had passed, and as if only a very short moment had passed.

The new "self" expanded infinitely, and in an indescribable way, it contacted the surrounding world, and then extracted countless complex information from the world and fed it back to his brain.

At this moment, all senses were opened up.

It seemed that he could use his ears to "see" the colorful world, use his eyes to "hear" sound waves that exceeded the limit of human ear reception, and use his skin to "smell" the smell of a blade of grass hundreds of meters away

He accurately predicted that the discharge in the cumulonimbus cloud would be in a few minutes and seconds, and even as long as he wanted, he could count the number of raindrops falling within a radius of ten meters.

Not only his own body, but everything around him seemed to be under control.

This wonderful taste of controlling everything made him admire in his heart:

"Good swordsmanship!"

When he opened his eyes again, one eye was still blue, and the other turned red.

A halo exploded above his head, and behind him, one on each side, a [Storm Wing] from the Storm Admiral and a black bat wing from the Night Demon Prince unfolded.

Apart from that, there was no trace of animality on the rest of his body.

Mysterious and majestic.

Just looking at his appearance, he was much stronger than the Son of God.


Byron looked at the Son of God who took the initiative to rush over, and knew that the edge of the long sword would not be able to gain an advantage in the fight with the halberd.

He did not use the half-sword [White Frost], which was only a first-level wonder, but shook the battle axe that had not been returned to Freya, turning it into a thick spear with a brilliant aura.

The power started from the feet, and every bone, muscle, fascia in the body, and even the power of the wind and rain above the head were twisted into a strand in an instant.

The clumsy and sluggish power in the past flowed in the body like water, exerting force with the fingertips, infusing the gun barrel, and turning into the most violent alchemical gunpowder, pushing the gun to explode.


As fast as lightning and thunder, the rain curtain within a radius of ten meters was blown back by the fierce wind, and turned into a water dragon to pounce on the son of God first, and a large empty hole appeared in the air.

The tip of the spear followed closely, pointing directly at his half-man, half-octopus head.

[Secret: Finger Gun]

Storm Knight is a superior profession of pirates and knights.

[Storm Sword] covers a series of combat techniques: water battles, land battles, swordsmanship, riding and slashing, knight charge, etc., and the exquisiteness of spearmanship is by no means inferior to swordmanship.


The golden divine light in the eyes of the son of God Frey subconsciously fluctuated.

In theory, the thrust is the most powerful of all basic moves, but it is also the easiest to defend and dodge.

As long as you avoid the strongest front point, there is no lethality in other places.

But this shot from the fingertips was so fast that it was far faster than the speed of the son of God to dodge or even block, and he suddenly turned his head under the control of an absolutely calm mechanical mind.

The tip of the gun flashed across his face, taking away two tentacles.

But this time, the two tentacles not only did not turn into water elements to repair the body, but instead burst into blood like a mortal body, and there was no movement after falling to the ground.

But Byron was in the state of [God Vision], and he could directly see the essence of all things and match the frequency of all things.

There was no need for additional enchantment to harm the elemental body.

When the limbs were cut off, the spiritual connection between it and the body was also cut off.

That part of the tentacle was dead the moment it left the body.

To use a slightly exaggerated statement, that is, you can "see" a person's "death thread" from a god's perspective!

"Flow" can cut steel, and reaching the state of "divine vision" can cut off waterfalls.

Seeing the offensive and defensive battle clearly between the electric light and flint, the fourth-level shame [blue hair] Haildin's mouth opened slightly:

"Captain, you are so strong!

I have heard that those whose self-gods tend toward [divine nature] are usually called ‘gods descending into saints’, and those who tend towards [animal nature] are usually called ‘mad gods descending into saints’.

If you can always maintain your own control over your body, each person will have their own name and characteristics, and no two people will be alike.

Is the captain’s ego god called ‘Narukami’?

It looks like a storm spirit, and is naturally compatible with thunderous stormy weather.

And his control over his body is incredible.

Lift a heavy weight as if it were light, lift a light weight as if it were heavy.

My brother definitely did not reach this level when he was this age! "

When I said this, it seemed that the day when I would escape from the sea of ​​suffering was far away, and a little man named "Freedom" was waving goodbye to me.

"That is a fourth-level man who has activated the God's Descending Saint. Although the captain relies on his special secrets and surprises, he can accomplish great feats with one blow. He is obviously at the same level of combat power as the fourth-level one.

If a normal fourth-level person came here and faced the captain, it was hard to say who would win. "

[Blood Red Whiskey] Alfred fought all the way up from the bottom and was well-informed. After saying this, he subconsciously glanced at [Blue Hair].

Obviously, for an abnormal fourth level like Haildin, there would be no suspense at all once he faced Byron at this time.

As much as the Son of God can beat him, Byron can also beat him as hard as he can.

Byron naturally heard their admiration in his ears, but it was like rain hitting a lotus leaf, leaving no trace in his heart.

[Shen Jian] The main ability is to control oneself and control the world.

The stronger your own capital, the stronger your ability will naturally be after being amplified by [God's Vision].

A being like Byron who walks on two legs and has an inhuman body is far more powerful than those sword masters who only follow the path of the ladder of glory.

No, they should be walking on three legs now, and the middle leg is as long and thick as the two sides!

The triangular structure is the most stable and absolutely stable.

At this point, he has truly perfectly integrated the power of [Divinity] and [Beast Nature], the Ladder of Glory and the Forbidden Knowledge.

It has reached the most perfect balanced state for a third-level transcendent, and it is also the strongest state without any flaws.

There are three balances: id, superego, ego; body, spirit, and state of mind; none of them have any shortcomings.

It is equivalent to a third-level [Storm Admiral], a third-level non-human wizard, and a sword master all in one.

Since the beginning of the Age of Discovery, there have been few who have a solid foundation that can compare with him.

This is truly all-around powerful!

Alfred was right, and Byron also felt that it wouldn't be a big problem for him to fight a Tier 4 hero who had been promoted step by step.

If we use the "Fourth Level Shame" [Blue Hair] Helding to quantify it, it is roughly equivalent to 2.1 blue.

As for the Son of the Abyss opposite, his strengths are changing. He is not as full of strength, speed, and physique as the Night Demon Prince's perfect body.

In terms of physical fitness alone, although there is still a gap between Byron and this fourth-level mythical creature, the gap is not so big that a quantitative change will lead to a qualitative change.

The Son of God in the state of "God Descends to Saint" is probably 2.8 blue.

Even if Shenzi goes all out, he will never be able to crush him within ten moves.

In the flash of lightning, Byron's thoughts did not affect his body's instinctive reaction at all.

Holding the gun in his left hand and holding the tail of the gun in his right hand, a strong wind suddenly rose around him. It was unclear whether it was the strong wind brought by the gun body or the storm spirit he summoned who was having fun.

The surrounding rainwater was wrapped up, turning into a white water dragon scales that exploded, cutting deep scars on the stone slabs of the square below.


The barrel of a gun that was as thick as an average adult's wrist flicked and flicked. At the same time as the gun was retracted, the high-speed rotating gun head hit Shenzi's chest hard.

[Mystery: Battering Ram]

It is said that when heavy knights were still very popular in various countries in the mainland, the storm knights could even use this trick with mounts with monster blood to penetrate the walls of small towns with one shot.

After taking three steps back in a row, Frey, the Son of God, who had a layer of flesh and blood slashed off his chest, also reacted.

Although everyone is in the same realm of [divine vision], they all understand the breath of all things.

But in terms of tactics, skills, and control of the storm above his head, he was completely unable to compare with a storm admiral like Byron, so he immediately changed his tactics.

He raised his halberd and rushed forward to close the distance with an expressionless expression.

With the help of his more powerful fourth-level body, he danced the halberd in his hand into a ball of brilliant silver light, trying to involve Byron's entire body in it.

The heavy halberd, which could cut a man in half with his sword, was like a straw in his hand.


The majestic heavy rain was the first to suffer, and each raindrop was cut into two, four, or eight petals by the sharp blade light, and turned into a vast mist and rose away.

The bluestone floor tiles laid in Kuroshio Town below were damaged. They were obviously hard rocks but were easily shredded like cheese.

[Secret Sword Technique·Iron Blade Tide] matched with Bay Folk Battle Ax Technique.

But Byron was not cut into pieces on the spot by the absolute power explosion as he thought.


Instead, the breath in his mouth suddenly changed again, and his body became flat like a fallen leaf, and suddenly rose up with the wind, and his whole body lightly merged into this storm.

This is the core secret of Storm Sword Art that can only be used after it is promoted to the realm of Divine Vision [Breathing Method·Storm King Seal].

Or it can also be called "Wind Breathing" which best fits the natural phenomenon of storm.

Whether it is heart flow or Divine Vision, it must start with focusing on breathing.

Each sword art school has a bottom-of-the-box breathing method.

Breathing is the anchor of consciousness and the key to open heart flow and Divine Vision. When the wind and waves gradually rise, as long as the anchor is still there, the boat will not drift away.

No matter what distracting thoughts try to blow his heart, if he firmly grasps his breathing, there will be no problem.

When Byron only had the second-level [Son of the Storm], he could use the wind power of the opponent's weapon to dodge like a piece of paper, and now it is no problem.

At this moment, he was like a small boat fighting the wind and waves in the sea. He did not go head-on with the power of the sea, but relied on his own experience to control the storm.

Moreover, as the first [Storm Knight] who could balance the Glory Ladder and Taboo Knowledge since the Silver Age, this move was also used to the extreme in his hands.

With breathing as an anchor, the spiritual light penetrated the heaven and earth, the body and the soul, and every bit of power was not wasted.

It was simply a magical skill.

With the Storm King Seal in hand, the bigger the wind and waves, the stronger I am!

Especially in stormy weather, he is the real Storm King!

Byron's dodge looks extremely dangerous, and he may be torn into pieces if he is not careful, but in fact it is perfect.

Moreover, he has the extra power of the Night Demon. This breathing method should be able to be improved again, such as the Bloodthirsty Seal? Ahem.

It is rare to meet an opponent like the Son of God. Byron's swordsmanship realm and spirituality are simply increasing every moment.

If he hadn't thought it was too childish, he would have wanted to shout, "Let the storm come even harder."

Seeing that the Son of God, who had just been a match for no one, was finally restrained by Byron, the others looked at each other and activated the most powerful universal hero skill of the fourth-level extraordinary without hesitation - shoulder to shoulder.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Afterimages flickered, and a series of shrill sounds of breaking through the air came whistling.


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