Pirate Kingship

Chapter 370: Ship fetish, Theseus's ship spirit mystery

At the same time, the quasi-legendary battleship [Phantom in the Bottle] was in the unusually large and huge captain’s room.

Along the wooden walls are large and small golden teak display racks.

What is placed on the shelf is not the swords, muskets, and crafts that normal captains like to collect, but transparent glass bottles.

And each of these hundreds of glass wine bottles contains a sailing battleship.

If you look at them with a magnifying glass, you will find that these sailing ships are all extremely detailed, with masts, decks, cannons, cables, etc. all looking like real ones.

It's hard to imagine what kind of technology and ingenuity it takes to produce such a "wonderfully crafted" lifelike model.

There is no doubt that if they were enlarged to the same proportion, they would be real sail warships that could sail across the seven seas. No, they should be a huge fleet!

Moreover, no two "models" here are similar, especially judging from the long flag hanging on the top of the mast, the captain's flag on the bowsprit, and the noble flag. Each ship has its own unique identity and history.

[Throne of the Ocean] After Barbarossa Hayreddin accepted the invitation of the captain of this ship and projected his own iron law of royal power, he saw exactly this shocking scene.

And he knew very well that absolutely none of the collections of fifth-level legendary shipwright [Sailboat Collector] Moulton Gray were toy-like models.

"Sure enough, there are only wrong names in the world, but never wrong titles.

A collector of sailboats, he certainly deserves his reputation.

Holy Silver Empire, Castile, Hettings, Iris, Kalmar Union, Netherlands, Rhine League. The main battleships of the naval fleets of various countries are all available.

Having robbed so many warships by you, the marshals of each of their navy are probably so angry that they will vomit blood. "

This pirate king looks exactly like his younger brother [blue-haired] Barbarossa Haldin, except that he has a gold crown on his head.

It would be difficult to tell if they were met alone, but if they were put together, the Pirate King's kingly temperament from the inside out would be as clear as a blazing bonfire in the dark.

What is fake will always be fake.

As for the "models" in front of him, they were obviously all real ones equipped with at least dozens of cannons.

It was just put into a wine bottle by [Sailboat Collector] Moulton Gray using his extraordinary abilities.

As long as he wants, he can wave and release a main fleet.

As soon as the Pirate King finished speaking, a somewhat excited voice sounded in the huge captain's room:

"Barbarossa, don't you think that sailing battleships, the most exquisite creations in the world, should belong to those who can appreciate them best?

Material science, shipbuilding industry, military technology, mechanics. No matter how powerful the extraordinary technology is, it is all based on the physical properties of the sail warship.

This is the most powerful war machine created by concentrating all wisdom, experience, and creativity in our age of great navigation.

If we fragile humans can be integrated with the most powerful war machine, it must be the most wonderful thing in the world.

Just thinking about it makes me so excited that I can't help myself! "

The Pirate King turned around and saw a strange figure quietly appearing behind him.

The visitor was a middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed glasses, with messy hair and a haggard face. He looked like a top-notch expert in professional skills.

Wearing a formal dress with a wooden board pattern, a white canvas cape, and a steering wheel pendant hanging around his neck.

At his waist was a row of at least ten strange-looking muskets.

The most exaggerated thing is that there is a glass cover on his head that looks like a wine bottle.

Obviously, this [Sailboat Collector] not only thinks so, but has also begun to put it into practice, and it is his collection that makes a guest appearance.

The visitor walked up to the projection of the Pirate King, stretched out his hand and gently touched each piece of his collection of sailboats like a lover's tender skin.

It's like a COS collector who collects a lot of COS.

"It's so beautiful, so beautiful. As long as I gather the advantages of all known ship types and complete the final transformation of [Phantom in a Bottle].

I can get the most perfect body and complete the breakthrough from a mortal to a legendary ship spirit.

Barbarossa, you must understand how I feel, right? "

"Ahem, um, yes."

Although the Pirate King couldn't imagine what was so wonderful about turning from a human into a ship, he wouldn't sing the opposite.

Because he knows that there is actually no reason to argue with every fifth-level transcendent who has lofty ideals and is stubborn to the point of paranoia. If they can be persuaded by others, they will not be the fifth-level legends.

[Whale Hunter] once told Violet the key prerequisites for advancing to the fifth level:

"Without a distinct self-personality and a lofty ideal that must be achieved even at the risk of one's life, a person cannot become a fifth-level legend (Chapter 179)."

Each living legend may have different strengths, but they must all be very individual.

Especially this [Sailboat Collector] Moulton Gray.

Not only is he a fifth-level legendary level [Shipbuilder], he is the world's leading shipbuilder, and he has also studied the forbidden book "The Mystery of the Ship Spirit of Theseus".

A side effect called "fetishism" naturally appeared on my body.

He gradually became crazy about sailing warships. Not only did he build ships by himself, he also tried every means to steal and rob other forces' advanced blueprints and warships.

Then integrate the advantages into your own [Phantom in a Bottle].

Let this strange warship, born from the combination of master craftsman alchemy and black magic "The Mystery of the Ship Spirit of Theseus", gradually transform into a legendary warship.

Finally, if you take out your soul and inject it into this quasi-legendary battleship, you and the battleship can completely transform and become a new and eternal legend on this sea.

Each legendary warship is the ultimate weapon of a country, possessing the power to suppress an entire sea with just one ship.

In addition to having the special ability to crush all other warships, its most iconic feature is the "ship spirit" that symbolizes the soul of a living creature.

This is the pinnacle of creation and the lifelong dream of every craftsman.

As long as you take one more step forward, you will have the supreme authority of the Creator to create souls!

There are rumors that the creation of the first legendary warship in the hands of human craftsmen was based on the naturally occurring ghost ships on the sea.

The Forbidden Book [The Mystery of the Ship Spirit of Theseus] takes such a route.

The name comes from the famous Theseus paradox:

“A ship that can sail the seas for hundreds of years thanks to constant repairs and replacement parts.

Whenever a board rots, it is replaced.

Question: If all the wood in the ship of Theseus were replaced until all the wood was no longer the original wood, would the ship still be the same ship?

Another question: If old parts removed from the ship of Theseus are used to build a new ship, which of the two ships is the real ship of Theseus? "

The essence is to replace the old with the new.

As long as he masters such a witchcraft, [Sailboat Collector] Moulton Gray can gain immortality as a ship spirit and in the body of a legendary battleship.

Touching his collection, Moulton chanted affectionately in the glass cover:

"Wait until I become the ship spirit of the legendary battleship [Phantom in the Bottle].

You must go on a romantic date with every legendary battleship in the world that has produced a ship spirit!

Ah, beauties, every detail of your wide rudder, soft sail, and thick and straight mast attracts me deeply.

If legendary ship spirits can reproduce like elemental creatures, then I must become the new god of this world - [Father of Ship Spirits]! "

Hearing this guy talking nonsense again, the Pirate King felt the veins on his forehead pulsing, and thought to himself:

"Fortunately, the 'fetish' he developed was for sailing warships, and not the stockings, clothes, and sanitary napkins that a normal person would subconsciously react to.

If it's the latter, no matter how strong this guy is, I will seriously consider whether to draw a clear line with this guy. "

Feeling that he could not continue to have a seizure, he coughed lightly:

"Well, Moulton, it's time to get down to business.

This time I tried to get rid of all the other five levels in the first echelon, but I found you alone just to make a deal with you.

Haven't you always wanted to get a real legendary battleship for research? "


Hearing the words "Legendary Battleship", the aura of this [Sailboat Collector] who was a bit crazy in the eyes of ordinary people exploded.

In one step, he rushed to the front of the Pirate King, and the shadow of a continuous white sail appeared faintly behind him.

The heavy momentum is enough to crush a third-level transcendent on the spot.

Then he solemnly corrected:

"It's not about research, it's about letting her be my first bride! Husband and wife should understand each other's physical condition."

Hayredin had no doubt that once he could not tell anything of high enough value, he would have to fight this guy before starting a fight with the fifth-level [false god] from the Deep Diving Church.

But the confidence in his heart allowed him to continue speaking unhurriedly:

"In the past few years, in order to achieve your goals, you hunted and killed the most advanced warships and adventure ships in various countries on the sea.

It has offended almost all the maritime powers, and had no choice but to escape to the celestial circulation zone.

I hope to start over in the ‘wild’ new world.

But what I want to tell you is that there is actually another legendary battleship in this new sea that is not controlled by civilized countries.

That is the legendary battleship that was famous throughout the Old Continent hundreds of years ago - the Bay People's Leading Ship! "

Upon hearing this, Moulton Gray's eyes suddenly lit up in a frightening way, and he said straightforwardly:

"Time, place.

I just want the boat, everything else is yours! "


The two palms came together and made a crisp sound.

“A pleasure to work with.”

As for the interests of the other adventurers here?

They are just consumables for the next battle, so why should you care?

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