Pirate Kingship

Chapter 371: Three Commandments of the Ship Spirit

A seagull hunting nearby happened to fly over the milky white mist belt in the waters at the edge of the celestial circulation belt.

After a gust of sea breeze blew, it accidentally discovered a faint golden light in the hazy white mist, and couldn't help but tilt its head.

Driven by instinct, it subconsciously flew towards the subtle light.

But it felt close at hand, but it seemed to have lost its way. The route was crooked and it couldn't fly there no matter how it flapped its wings.

Fluttering -

Until a frigate bird nicknamed "Pirate Bird", which liked to rob prey with its flying speed and was regarded as a "bad guy" in the eyes of all aquatic birds, suddenly flew out of the mist.

It turned around and ran away in shock.

As the sea breeze stopped, the faint golden light disappeared without a trace, and there was no abnormality here anymore.

Under the cover of the border maze launched by the [First Overseas Development Order], the holy relic warship [Golden Deer] stopped on the water surface by using the sailboat brake.

When it does not move, others will only think that the design concept of this sailboat is a little special.

No one can see that this is the "world's fastest ship" with a special effect: "See the ship faster", which is fast enough to crush all sailboats in the world, including legendary warships!

In the captain's room with a bright whale oil lamp.

"It's a close call! Fortunately, our [Golden Deer] did not go to the bridgehead to gather.

If we are seen by the [Sailboat Collector], a well-known "sailboat pervert", even if we can escape with the world's fastest ship speed, we will get into trouble.

Even if this guy just looks at me, I think my baby [Golden Deer] will be dirty."

Sitting in his chair behind the desk, Byron withdrew his eyes from the two "servants" and subconsciously wiped the non-existent cold sweat from his forehead.

The reason why I decided not to join them was mainly because the situation was unclear and I wanted to prevent the pirate king from breaking the rules.

After seeing that he was a handsome kidnapper who had kidnapped his own brother, I had a dangerous thought in my mind: "This boy is so terrifying at such a young age, I must not let him stay."

Unexpectedly, by chance, I not only avoided this mine that might explode or not, but also avoided another mine that was bound to explode!

"Molton Gray? The guy who was determined to marry a ship also went to the bridgehead?"

Violet blinked her big eyes curiously, took out a handkerchief with a faint body fragrance, and attracted a stream of water to wet Byron's face.

"Yes, who else deserves the title of sailboat collector besides him?"

Byron shook his head, and the series of great achievements of the [sailboat collector] Morton Gray also emerged in his mind.

"Molton Gray, now 45 years old, is a fifth-level legendary [craftsman] of the Tower Sequence, and a shipbuilder who specializes in shipbuilding technology like little Hans.

He was born into a shipbuilding family in the Kingdom of Castile.

His ancestor was even an excellent shipbuilder who had served the Kingdom of Castile when the pioneer Prince Henry opened the Age of Exploration.

He has been working in the Royal Shipyard of Castile since he became an adult, enjoying special allowances, equivalent to the national alchemist in ancient times.

Before he defected, he was already one of the highest-ranking shipbuilding masters at the time.

Since he was extremely obsessed with shipbuilding technology since he was a child, he was determined to build a legendary warship with soul by himself.

During his career, he did a lot of research on rare warships, holy relic warships, especially the four-deck, 140-gun, world's largest sailing warship of the Kingdom of Castile - [Legendary Warship Holy Trinity].

He also created a lot of related patented technologies for Castile through hard research. ”

But just like every ups and downs story starts with an accident that breaks the peaceful life, this [sailboat collector] is no exception.

"He wasn't actually that crazy when he was young.

At first, his life trajectory was even very consistent with the ideal [social clock]. He married his childhood sweetheart next door when he was 18 years old.

He had a successful career and a happy family. He lived a happy life for a long time until his wife got a serious illness that no one could cure.

Morton Gray, who was desperate, had no choice but to try his best and used his seriously ill wife to conduct an immature ship spirit stimulation experiment.

He wanted him to live in another way of existence.

In the end, it was obviously unsuccessful. He only got a bunch of evil and grotesque things made of flesh, wood, and canvas, and barely one or two female human forms.

Even so, Morton still did not give up. Relying on the strength of a superhuman, he personally hunted civilians to feed his weird wife.

It was not until a few months later that the matter was exposed. In view of his talent and the identity of a mid-sequence superhuman, the Inquisition did not execute him.

He was only deprived of his various honorary titles and placed under the surveillance of the Inquisition, and allowed to continue working for the Royal Shipyard. "

"A few years later, until the situation gradually calmed down and the supervision was relaxed.

Morton took the opportunity to build a second-class warship [Phantom] for the navy, and under the pretext of sea trials with the ship, he suddenly attacked in public waters and killed all the Castilian navy on the ship.

He completely rebelled against the Kingdom of Castile and fled with the ship.

In the next ten years, he gradually replaced the materials of this not-so-special second-level rare warship bit by bit, and gradually built it into the current quasi-legendary warship [Phantom in the Bottle].

It only needs to awaken the ship spirit to become a true legendary warship.

Before being promoted to the fifth level, Morton Gray had always been a dangerous person ranked high on the Castile wanted list.

It was not until he successfully promoted to the fifth level a few years ago that he became more dangerous and more crazy, and was removed from the wanted list.

But he still did his own thing.

When robbing a ship, as long as the sailors ran fast enough, he would not take the initiative to kill.

The simple loss of property is not worth any country sending out a kingdom guardian-level figure to surround and kill a fifth-level legend of the same level.

However, the reputation of this "sailing pervert" became more and more famous. "

However, Byron also knew that even if countless people questioned Morton's character and integrity, no one would question his strength.

Not only did he possess the unique and powerful [Magic] that all extraordinary people who reached the fifth-level legend in the Glory Ladder Path would obtain.

The title of [Sailboat Collector] should not be underestimated. The outside world speculated that the more sailboats he collected, the stronger his own power would be.

Just smashing out the hundreds of warships he collected can form an army by himself!

Although he is not a king, his combat effectiveness is not much different.

At present, even if it is not clear about the content of the cooperation between the two fifth-levels, just looking at the form, we know that they must have reached a unified front.

After Byron shared the information he had obtained with Violet, he was slightly relieved:

"It is not a bad thing for us to have [Sailboat Collector] join the colonists.

In the information from the goddess Freya, the Deep Dive Church relies on the trap formed by the two old mysterious realms, just waiting for the pirate king's team to fall into the trap.

Although they are not our friends, one is a traitor and thief among the Bay People, and the other is a pervert who is thinking about our [Legendary Battleship] and the Big Whaling Farm.

But if the colonists are too weak, we have to find a way to fight hard.

Now it seems that this battle can be fought back and forth, and we can handle it with ease.

By the way, Miss, [Legendary Battleship·Wanmin Dragon Head Ship] is a heritage treasure of Iron Anchor Bay. Don’t you have any keys or something like that as a countermeasure? "

Byron looked up at the beautiful silver-haired girl bathed in the whale oil light.

Today, the princess of the Bay wore a light blue lady's dress with white lace, tortoise-shell glasses on her small nose, and her silver hair was tied into a neat ponytail, leaving only a playful strand of silver hair in front of her forehead.

When she was listening to the perverted story just now, she sat directly on the desk in front of Byron in a somewhat unladylike manner.

The petite and cute appearance, coupled with the unrestrained and generous inner self, made the girl exude a unique charm.

With two white jade-like The smooth white calves swayed, and two pairs of golden butterfly wings on the toes of the translucent crystal high heels kept flickering.

As a result, it was a little unclear which light source was brighter in the captain's room lit by the whale oil lamp, and Byron instinctively lost his concentration.

Hearing his words, the girl shook her head and analyzed for him from the professional perspective of a third-level peak master craftsman:

"There is a living 'ship spirit' on every legendary warship, and stealing a ship is no easier than stealing a person.

It is unknown what happened in Iron Anchor Bay hundreds of years ago, but the gang must have held the warship key in their hands at that time.

And the ancestor of the head of the family passed away, the throne was vacant, and no successor was selected in time to hold the command handover ceremony of the legendary warship.

This allowed the exiles to take advantage of the secondary authority and control key.

If I had chased him then, there might have been hope. Now, hundreds of years later, even if I went aboard as the legitimate heir, it’s not certain whether the ship spirit would recognize me. ”

Seeing the slight disappointment on Byron’s face, the girl twisted her hair with her fingers and changed the subject:

“But it’s not to say that there is no way to interfere.

Because every ‘ship spirit’ born from humans must strictly abide by the three constant precepts of the [Silver Law]:

First: Do not harm the master, or cause the master to be harmed by inaction;

Second: Must obey the master’s orders unless these orders conflict with the first precept;

Third: Without violating the first and second precepts, the ship spirit must protect its own existence.

The direct bloodline of our Iron Anchor Bay branch must firmly occupy the lowest level of authority of the ship spirit, which is something that cannot be changed by any means.

It is unlikely to directly order it to do things, but it should not be a problem to avoid being attacked by that legendary battleship. "

The Lancaster family does not have a legendary warship, and the "Ship Spirit" with the greatest hope of promotion now is only Byron's father, Prince Sollenberg.

Byron's eyes flickered when he heard this information, and he felt that the three major rules of the Ship Spirit might play an unexpected role.

In addition, the "Theseus Ship Spirit Mysteries" in the hands of the [Sailboat Collector] is also of great value, and it fits Edmund Lancaster much better than the [Book of the Dead].

It's just that the situation is not clear for the time being, and we will take it one step at a time when we see the warship with our own eyes.

Then he picked up a pile of documents looted from the Black Tide Town on the table and continued to ask:

"What about whale oil technology? Have you found anything that can be converted into immediate combat power in a short period of time?"

When this was mentioned, Violet became excited, and her big sapphire eyes were sparkling:

"The source-rich Mei's Leviathan whale oil is also a kind of flesh and blood tissue, and it has a very good compatibility with the Kiss of Flame.

I used a small amount of whale oil for the experiment, and the power of [Blood and Fire Song] is at least three times that of ordinary flesh and blood!

And as long as a small amount of Kiss of Flame is used as a catalyst, the explosion can be triggered, and the cost is reduced by a large margin.

The disadvantage is that it is extremely unstable and must be prepared immediately and cannot be prepared in advance.

But as long as it is used, it can give the enemy a big surprise."

The core part of whale oil technology must be some primitive whale oil power furnaces.

But Violet's favorite is the whale oil itself, which can act as a perfect explosive.

Today, I spent the whole day working on this thing without sleep and food, and I also produced initial results.

Besides being happy, Byron also quietly put the "artificial whale oil project" on the agenda.

He has the "Bloodline Tour" on him, so he can turn himself into a fathead whale on the spot.

If he doesn't try to industrialize the production of whale oil, it would be a shame to this taboo knowledge.

At that time, there is no need to make any plans, nor to ask who the enemy is. Just ask where the enemy is, and then throw the "Blood and Fire Song" directly over.

Outside the door of the captain's room.

[Navigator] Delia is practicing singing with her "good sister" Jacqueline.

The third-level promotion ceremony for singers requires writing a good song that is popular and has a certain degree of popularity.

The song that Byron gave her had already been published through the Law Network before they set off, and all the extraordinary people in the Hall Sequence can learn and sing it.

They have enough confidence in this song, and they just need to wait for time to ferment.

In the words of Xiao Ba, the octopus man who is a cattle and sheep trainer and warehouse manager:

"Although the lyrics sound like a love song, they are completely different from the love songs of the past.

The first time I heard this song, I was feeding the cow.

The cow stopped chewing when it heard the song, and I put down my hand holding the grass. The cow and I looked at each other for a few seconds. From its eyes, I could see that it wanted to ride on me to fight Xiao Snail for three hundred rounds."

It won't take long for the popularity to reach the critical value, allowing Jacqueline to be promoted on the spot, and as a creator, she will exert a huge power that others cannot match.

In addition, before leaving, the goddess Freya also helped [Honest Man] Eight Fingers and Phantom Blade Gus to trick two third-level people who stayed behind from the nearby Deep Dive Church town.

Helped them to complete the last step of the promotion ceremony.

After the battle in Kuroshio Town, the combat power of [Golden Deer] was fully raised again.

This gave them more confidence in their action to intervene in the fifth-level battle this time.

Byron thought of the goddess Freya, and his heart moved again. His senses instantly connected with the new [Wild Hunt Servant].

He saw everything she felt.

The scene inside the [Dragon Head Battleship] also appeared in front of him.

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