Pirate Kingship

Chapter 422 I’m sorry, you can’t be my sister anymore

In the center of Tayapan City, in the huge underground palace under the pyramid of the former [God] Itsumna.

The magnificent building made of heavy rocks enchanted by black magic has stood here for at least a thousand years, but it is still as stable as new.

At this moment, the underground palace is full of gold, mithril, and various jewels. It is so full that there is no place to stand.

Even the royal treasuries of some small countries in the Old World are probably far less rich than here.

In the center of this sea of ​​gold and silver, Catherine, wearing only a red silk dress, is lying there quietly like a sleeping beauty.

Since she merged with the mithril dragon soul in her body, two small golden dragon horns have appeared on her smooth and white forehead.

Her skin is as white as the finest porcelain, almost glowing, and her already extremely perfect figure has become even more popular. It is difficult to describe the perfect beauty of a slender branch with fruit hanging on it.

But even if she lay there motionless, she had a powerful and awe-inspiring aura, which was the might of a giant dragon emanating from her bones!

What was even more amazing was that as she breathed, the gold, silver and jewels around her also flickered, gradually resonating with her breathing.



Her whole body also turned into a brilliant silver light, and the silver light became larger and brighter.

This is exactly the blood sublimation ritual [Dragon's Wealth Feast] recorded in the taboo book "Dragon Crown":

"The promoted must be born in the rentier class who can do nothing every day and live only on land rent and interest.

Things that can be obtained through bloodshed will never be obtained through sweat, and labor is shameful.

A real dragon soul is obtained.

Then, as long as you make enough money, build your own dragon nest, and sleep in it, you can naturally be promoted to a third-level young dragon, or even a fourth-level mythical creature young dragon.

In the subsequent promotion, the wealth you control and the scale of the dragon nest continue to expand, which will naturally promote the bloodline to complete further promotion."

When you reach the fifth and sixth levels, you must master the unique inheritance secret treasures of one or more countries to assist yourself in anchoring.

In disguised form, you are required to conquer at least one country and use the wealth of an entire country to support yourself, just like the [Night Demon] who is also a rentier class.

But the Night Demon wants power, and the dragon wants wealth.

This is also the fundamental reason why there was no serious conflict between the two top forces in the Dragon King's Court in the mythical era.

Today, compared to the international port where all kinds of forces gather, Tayapan has long become the core base camp of the [Lord of Heaven].

Surrounded by the direct city-states of the various Golden Empires, the safety is obviously more guaranteed, and it is natural that it was built into its own dragon nest by the Vice Emperor and Regent Miss Catherine.

There is probably no place more suitable for holding the dragon promotion ceremony than here in the whole world.

The dragon lizard warriors who also practiced the [Dragon Crown] have been entrenched here for at least a thousand years.

Countless dragon lizard warriors and colorful dragon lizards were born and raised here, and their blood and spiritual radiance have greatly transformed the extraordinary environment here over a long period of time.

The promotion effect is at least 30% stronger than other places.

As for where the money for promotion comes from?

In addition to the fixed income, the Pioneer Pilot Colonial Trade Company has recently made a lot of windfalls.

As the moon phase was full and the route was closed, the Mei's Leviathan whale oil that had just been captured and boiled in the Centaur Islands could not be shipped back in time.

Small forces had no choice but to wait until the end of the month, but those large forces with R\u0026D capabilities could not wait that long, and did not hesitate to sell small quantities of goods at a premium through the online mall Financial Street.

Since the craftsmen and naturalists of the Tower Sequence were still arguing about the route of the whale oil power furnace, they should get the whale oil first and start the project research. Who is better or worse will only depend on the final results.

All of them were trying their best to catch up with each other, wanting to be the first to eat the first crab of the whale oil power revolution.

In order to grab this whole month, the premiums of the major forces became more and more outrageous.

Coincidentally, 10% of the shipment share of the whaling farm had been delivered to [Mithril Dragon] Catherine by the first batch of pioneers.

She became one of the largest whale oil suppliers in the Old Continent.

With the messengers of various families blocking her door with mountains of gold and silver, Miss Catherine could only accept the hundred times the payment they sent to her doorstep with tears.

This is just the beginning.

Whale oil futures in the financial street exploded, and the trend was like a rocket.

The stock price of Pioneer Navigation Colonial Trading Company also began to accelerate.

Regardless of whether others can achieve results with whale oil, her boss Catherine has already made a lot of money.

In addition, Byron made a profit of 200,000 pounds from a set of artillery, and sold six sets before and after, which is a huge sum of 1.2 million pounds.

And they are all gold ingots of extremely high purity.

Byron said that he would keep half of his private money, but when he handed it over, he didn't even keep a gold coin.

Just because he knew that his sister needed these things more than him now.

It can be said that the scale of their family's wealth is changing day by day, and the strength of Catherine, a gold yuan sequence and mithril dragon lady, is also changing day by day.

Even with the gold-eating beast of the industrial city Torrent Fortress, she has saved a thick small treasury and wife's money for herself and her brother.

Every day when Catherine woke up and opened her eyes, she could see her family assets that were as big as mountains and as vast as the sea, and gradually became extremely wealthy. It was as if she saw her brother's future wives with big breasts and big buttocks waving to her enthusiastically.

Every time she had to laugh a few times.

She didn't realize that she was the biggest one.

At this time, there was another change in the underground palace.

After the ball of silver light gradually expanded to its limit, it suddenly expanded again and instantly filled the entire underground palace.


Accompanied by a shocking dragon roar that made everyone in the entire Tayapan City tremble, a silver-white dragon suddenly flapped its wings in the brilliant silver light.

The dragon's body seemed to be made of mithril, with a slender and elegant figure. The scales on its body were like a bright mirror that had been polished, reflecting the brilliant silver light, as if a ball of moonlight had fallen from the sky to the earth.

On its head grew golden horns like a circle of crowns, and a pair of upright dragon pupils were also brilliant pure gold.

Majestic! Beautiful! Elegant! Dazzling! Rich!

What is particularly different from the past is that this Mithril Dragon is a living flesh and blood body.

At this time, Catherine has successfully completed the third-level transformation, completely stepped into the ranks of non-humans, and transformed into a genuine teenage Mithril Dragon.

She flew lightly in the spacious underground palace, and then fell back into the gold and silver sea, rolling repeatedly in the pile of money, admiring her claws, tail, and shiny scales.

"I am so beautiful.

These are all real Mithril. Our family will never be short of money in the future, hahaha."

From this point on, the scales that fall off her body will become real Mithril.

When she is promoted to the fourth level and becomes a true mythical creature, her saliva, scales, dragon breath, blood, and spiritual glow will affect the surrounding environment, gradually transforming the nearby minerals, and eventually producing Mithril veins and a variety of associated minerals.

Having a Mithril Dragon is equivalent to having endless wealth.

It is said that in the mythological era, there was such a unique relationship of support between the human countries and the dragons.

"It's a pity that Byron is not at home, woo~"

This beautiful moment has no one to share with her, which reduces Catherine's excitement.

Lying on a cold gold mountain, swinging her tail, looking boredly at the southern hemisphere that can't be seen at all, she once again experienced the simple and boring life of the rich.

Life with nothing but money is too painful and boring.

"Alas, Byron won't be back until the end of the month, so slow.

The days without him are too hard to bear."

When Byron was around, Catherine felt that time passed very quickly, day after day was just like flying.

But this time, she has been gone for only half a month, but she has begun to feel that the days are like years, and she can't even get too excited about "making money", which she usually loves to do.

No matter how much money she makes, it seems difficult for her to experience the excitement she once had.

It probably fits the saying that when money reaches a certain level, it is really just a string of numbers.

With the International Port and the Financial Street, even if she stops working hard in the future, the accumulated wealth can push her all the way to the fourth or even fifth level.

There is no doubt that at this time, [True Mithril Dragon] Catherine is already a real rentier who can just lie down.

The claws unconsciously scratched the pile of gold coins under her body.

"Gus is right. What we really like is not money, but freedom and dignity. It just happens that money can bring freedom and dignity.

If this money is needed to solve the problem, the person who won freedom and dignity is gone.

No matter how much gold and silver, even the power and immortality brought by it, it has no meaning to me."

Catherine's pair of golden dragon pupils seemed a little absent-minded.

Through the spiritual vision, she saw the huge golden anchor chain in her spirituality that was many times thicker than all other anchors combined, extending all the way to the distant south.

Compared to the tens of millions of anchor chains on Byron's body, which firmly anchored half of the world, she had too few.

In this world, there was only one person who could make Catherine worry from beginning to end.

Just look at this anchor chain to know that in her mind, the weight of the whole world added up is not as much as one person, and the birth of "brother-supporting demon" is not without reason.

Not to mention the small treasury that she had accumulated with great effort, as long as Byron asked for it and it happened to be owned by Catherine, she would definitely give it to him without hesitation.

In the past, every time I saw Byron rolling around in the bed, I would let him go, which was purely because of my sister's bad taste.


Recalling the bits and pieces from childhood to adulthood, the corners of Mithril Dragon's mouth could not help but curl up slightly, with a little bit of badness mixed in the gentleness.

Missing is like weeds in the yard. When someone comes in and out, you can't see a single one.

But just a little vacant for a while, the yard is full of weeds without paying attention.

Looking into a person's eyes, it is impossible to hide whether you love him or not.

Ding Ding

At this moment, in the internal network of [The King's Right Hand], Byron's avatar suddenly flashed.

Catherine cheered and clicked it with joy, but saw Byron, who seemed to have just experienced a battle, said to her sadly:

"Sister, I have some unfortunate news to tell you."

Catherine's heart tightened immediately, she turned over, and said with a nervous and concerned face:

"What's wrong, Byron? Are you injured? Is it serious?"

But Byron continued:

"I'm fine, but I'm afraid you can't be the regent of the Holy Golden Empire or my sister in the future."

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