Pirate Kingship

Chapter 423: You can’t finish sucking out the burps. You can’t finish sucking out the burps at all!

Perhaps because the succubus Therese Ashbel was confident enough in the power of the fragment of the [Level Zero Holy Relic·Blood Cup], she was not worried about others taking away this knowledge of eternal life.

Thanks to this, Byron got a very complete [Bloodline Codex] from Princess Perta's mind.

The ritual requirements of the [Scarlet Holy Grail] first required the right hands of thirteen loyal servants and the skulls or ribs of six relatives to be cast into a bone holy cup.

In the mysticism of the old world, neither thirteen nor six are positive numbers, and the cast finished holy cup also looks particularly evil.

It is required to inject all the [Transmutation Blood] in one's body into the bone holy cup, and at the same time suck the blood of the loved one to make up for the deficiency.

The more you suck in this process, the better the effect of the second half of the promotion ceremony will be.

In order to meet these ritual requirements, the previous generation of night demons racked their brains and thought of many ways.

The "Sisterhood of Joyful Feast" even added a note on it, providing a "shortcut" for 80% of the sisterhood's fourth-level succubi to be promoted.

It is mainly used to promote female midnight demons, but men can also refer to it:

"Close your own memory, rely on the instinctive charm ability of the third-level half-succubus, find a "beloved" who can entrust your life, build a family with him, live together for ten years, and have children during this period.

With enough "raw materials", other members of the sisterhood will assist you in completing the ceremony."

Even Byron, who started out as a pirate and killed people as if it were commonplace, couldn't help but shudder after reading this lightly described "little trick" for promotion.

It's hard to believe that there are "relatives" in this world who are so cruel and cold-blooded.

All love and family affection are just stepping stones to the ladder of immortality and seasonings for brewing the blood of immortality.

It was all fake from the beginning.

The entire seemingly warm family is destined to become a tragic sacrifice!

In the novels I read in my previous life, those ruthless people who "killed their wives to prove their truth" were not even worthy of carrying shoes compared to these people.

Byron immediately made up his mind to ban this knowledge. Since he was an "orphan" who was born with the corresponding conditions, no one else under his command was allowed to take this path.

At most, he would wait until he was promoted to a high sequence, like the [Sun God] Inti, to redistribute the blood quota through the first embrace.

Then, in the form of a "Magic Banquet Council", absorb the black wizards of the same path into his own [Iron Law of Kingship] ruling system.

Those who worship me will have eternal life!

At the end of the [Scarlet Holy Grail] ceremony, when the promoted person has made the preliminary preparations, he will eventually achieve blood sublimation in a bloody palace coup or a usurpation of power.

Kill political enemies or other power contenders, and the Scarlet Holy Grail will automatically absorb their blood, soul, and status, and mix them with the original transmuted blood in the cup, and finally brew a cup of [Eternal Blood]!

The amount of blood of political enemies required is not fixed. The higher the status of the promoted person, the more noble the identity of the political enemy, and the stronger the strength, the faster the blood of immortality will be brewed.

It is not necessary to wait until the final victory is reaped. It is possible to successfully brew it when a staged victory is achieved in the middle.

Similarly, if the status of the political enemy is lower and the strength is weaker, the speed will be slower accordingly.

Once the usurped power is not enough, the blood is not enough, and the minimum requirement of the blood of immortality cannot be met, the blood promotion ceremony will fail immediately and can only start from the beginning.

Specifically, at least a powerful earl must be completely usurped, or the power of a higher-level noble must be partially usurped.

In the subsequent promotion, the Night Demon's title will be upgraded by one level every time the power is usurped.

"So that's what Triss Ashbel was planning. A fifth-level false god can only achieve this by usurping the king's authority.

Apart from the Sun Empire, it's really hard to find other suitable targets nearby.

At the coronation ceremony, we may have to face the real body of this succubus, and it would be inappropriate to let the captain of the guard, Sinchiroka, go into battle."

In the Night Demon Kingdom of the Mythological Era, the third level is baron and viscount; the fourth level is earl and marquis; the fifth level is duke and prince.

This is also the most taboo route with the [Ladder of Glory] extraordinary system.

The current title system from [King Title] down is essentially derived from those Night Demon nobles in the Mythological Era.

After being promoted to the fourth-level mythical creature, it is the Night Demon Earl, who is not a small figure even in the Mythological Era.

At the same time, "Earl" is also the earliest title to appear in the countries of the Silver Age, and other titles at all levels have been gradually improved since then.

One cannot help but wonder what kind of secret connection the [Creator] who created the Silver Law and the current supernatural system has with the [Mother of Creation Lilith] back then.

Byron reviewed the promotion ceremony several times, memorized all the details, and decided to start the promotion immediately without hesitation.

It just so happened that in the Sun Empire, a large empire with a population of over 20 million, there was a power struggle for the throne, which was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The arrow had to be shot. If we missed this opportunity and waited to go back to prepare again, it would take at least one or two more years.

Since they got a part of the incomplete ritual in the "Blood Source Secret Realm", they have been preparing, and it is not hasty to start now.

The only difficulty is the one that "sucks the blood of the beloved to replace blood for yourself".

And the difficulties they face are completely different from others.

After Byron and Violet read the ritual requirements, they were only shocked for a moment, and then returned to normal.

Violet, who was theoretically about to be "sucked to death", shrugged nonchalantly and raised her hand to move the thick anchor chain between the two.

He also deliberately tilted his head towards Byron, revealing a fair and soft swan neck, blinking his big eyes, and a delicate face full of eagerness to try.

That moving look was full of temptation to Byron.

A confident girl, she had no hesitation in resisting either her identity as Byron's "beloved" or being sucked out of her blood.

However, Byron did not speak immediately.

He turned on his spiritual vision and looked at the two extraordinarily thick golden anchor chains that met the conditions in his spirituality through the use of black magic.

After a moment of relief, a trace of distress gradually appeared on his face.

“For others, this moment is destined to be a heart-wrenching parting of life and death.

But for me, the most worrying issue is not accidentally sucking my ‘beloved’ to death, but which one I should suck!

It’s really difficult to choose. "

He could think of more than one way to solve the problem of his beloved.

The abilities of other ordinary half-night demons are far inferior to his, the prince of night demons.

Byron even dared to cut off more than half of his body and turn into a seven or eight-year-old boy again. Although it would lead to congenital deficiencies after promotion, it could greatly reduce the required blood volume.

Not only that, in this world of intrigues, if others can find a lover to whom they can entrust their lives, it is already a blessing from the gods.

More people are just having fun, or living together, not to mention true love, not even love. They are only interested in beauty, money, and houses, but not the person himself.

He is different, he not only has a true love, but also two others!

At this juncture, Byron could no longer say anything like "It's too familiar, brothers, and I can't keep it in my mouth."

Maybe when I'm with Catherine, I don't feel as fresh as Violet, but it's just because the two of them are already so familiar with each other that they can't tell each other apart.

The process of his own "humanity" growing bit by bit from flow of mind and divine vision is also a process that allows him to gradually eliminate the constraints of "id" and "superego" and gradually understand his true heart.

“I don’t understand what it means to ride on one boat or two boats. I only know that a catamaran is the most stable on the sea.

Good people are rewarded with good rewards, and it is normal for me, a ‘great good person’, to have double rewards.

Facing this advancement with two loved ones, the room for maneuver suddenly becomes much larger.

To put it another way, even if the loved one is just an ordinary human girl, once two people share the burden, each can survive the loss of one-third of the blood.

But if this distribution problem is not solved well and Catherine is left behind at the critical moment, even if I gain eternal life, I will definitely die miserably under the iron fist of my sister’s love. "

After hesitating again and again, when even Violet began to urge him to call Catherine with him, he finally stopped avoiding the key issue and mustered up the courage to make the final decision:

"It's a knife to extend your head, and it's a knife to shrink your head. Only children make choices, of course adults want them all!

From now on, the countries of the Old World will usher in the era of one king and two queens. This is a small step for me, but a giant step for the times. "

Then he opened the [Golden Law], pretending to be distressed, and called his sister who had just transformed into a teenage mithril dragon.

At the same time, in the northern part of Yucatan Island, there was the former Royal City of Azik.

He is sending his army to fight a religious war, trying his best to expand the territory of the Holy Golden Empire, and strives to become the Azik Emperor [Conqueror] Cortes, Byron's number one loser.

After receiving the order from his master, he cut off his right arm without even frowning.

Shirley, the head maid who called the Lord, sent him across the ocean to the Southern Continent through the channels of the Financial Street.

He looked at the three full bottles of [Blood Brew Cinderella] that had been replaced in front of him, which could regenerate after a broken arm, and his face was overjoyed.

"Exchanging a mere arm for two extra bottles of life-saving trump cards is a huge profit."

Even though Byron clearly rewards and punishes servants like him whose life is firmly in his hands, Cortes is even more convinced that following the [Sea Hunter] will have a bright future.

[Dubler Epee] Herman, who was stationed at Jamestown Port Royal with Sister Teresa, did not hesitate and cut down cleanly with one sword.

Byron's core right hand of the king and the servants of the Wild Hunt are the most suitable candidates for the ceremony.

Prime Minister [Dead Knight] Andrew; Chariot [Guardian Knight] Bruch; Knight [Blood-Red Whiskey] Alfred;

Guards: [Phantom Blade] Gus, [Candide] Eight Fingers, [Shipmaker] Little Hans, [Gunner] Wyandotte, [Chameleon] Jacqueline.

There are also four [Wild Hunt Servants]: [Conqueror] Cortes, [Dubler Heavy Swordsman] Herman, Barbary Pirate [Fat Dragon], and [Goddess of Love and Beauty] Freya.

Among them, only the hands of the second-level transcendent [Fat Dragon] are not needed. The servants support the person. Naturally, the higher the status and the stronger the servant, the better the effect.

Everyone else gave him a right arm each, totaling eleven.

The twelfth one comes from Byron's cheap disciple King Mictka of Uxmal City, and the thirteenth one comes from Beretania, the Lancastrian party's "advantage to the enemy".

This is also the core representative of all the forces under Byron.

There is no problem with "Bones of Relatives". Every ship on the "Blue Dragon King" is Lancaster.

This gang of Lancasters were killed in October last year, less than a year ago, which fully meets the requirements of three years. Not to mention just six, ten or sixteen can be taken out.

Among them are fourth-level extraordinary beings such as his uncle [Mad King] Henry VI and his father Prince Sauron.

They each died as kings and princes. They had wielded huge power during their lifetimes, which fit the ritual very well.


The blood-red flames burned blazingly, and Byron chanted a mantra:

"The bird of Hermes is my name, eating my own wings to control my heart. The sea of ​​blood, the sun of blood, the elixir of blood."

The general idea is that when you encounter the eternal intention of Hermes, you have to eat his bird wings (wings of wing shoes), and you can gain the ability to control your own heart, realize your own personality, and create all kinds of things. elixir

This is black magic and the top alchemy of immortality in the age of mythology!

The collected thirteen arms and six ribs were reshaped in the ball of blood flames, and quickly turned into a slightly illusory white bone Holy Grail with wings.

This is the object of the [Scarlet Holy Grail] ritual.

The next most critical part is to inject the transformed blood in your body into the cup, and then complete yourself with the blood of your loved one to complete the preliminaries of the ceremony.

Most of the other paths can achieve immortality at the fifth level, but the [Night Demon], a mythical creature that is almost the only exception, is actually in a state of half-life and half-death.

Even historians and naturalists who have gradually begun to study the major races in the Mythic Era in recent years as the church lifted its ban have found it difficult to accurately classify the [Night Demon].

Some classify them as a type of undead creature, alongside suture monsters and reanimated zombies;

Some people think that they are demonized demi-humans with abundant vitality. They are not much different from werewolves, except that one is more wolf-like and the other is more bat-like.

This peculiar quality of being unable to distinguish between life and death comes from this exchange of blood with his beloved.

Regardless of whether the person being promoted is a man or a woman, since at least two-thirds of the blood in the body is replaced at one time, the opponent theoretically cannot survive.

And there is also a note that once you start sucking blood, the temptation brought by blood sublimation will make people addicted to blood.

He can't help but suck up the blood and all the essence of his beloved until he can no longer suck it out. In the end, there is a high probability that only a mummy will be left.

At this point, everyone else retreated far away under Byron's order, leaving only Byron himself and the legal projections of the two queens: Violet and Catherine.

As soon as Byron saw everyone walking away, he immediately covered his butt and "hissed".

It was obvious that he had just been beaten!

The person who beat him was none other than Catherine who came from a projection and donated blood from thousands of miles away.

In fact, Violet herself is a fourth-level whale girl. With Byron's small body, even if she is sucked to the point of fullness, it is not much different from a normal person being sucked by a mosquito.

And [Mithril Dragon] Catherine is bigger.

It stands to reason that only one whale girl is enough, and there is no need for Catherine, a giant dragon girl, to take action.

But Byron knew very well that if he dared to exclude his sister this time, he would definitely be in bad luck in the future.

It was not the blood that was repelled, but her status.

Byron just thought about it for a moment and decided to take this opportunity to decisively give away the position of the other queen.

It's all his fault that before he said, "Ask your former good 'brother' to give me a child," he gasped for breath in order to lighten the atmosphere and paused slightly when he was relieved of his duties as regent and sister.

After hearing this, Catherine was not afraid at all. The only consequence was that her sister's fist became hard!

He frowned on the spot and activated the legal projection of [Golden Law] to kill him.

He picked up the mithril dragon's fist, which was bigger than a millstone, and gave Byron a fat punch on the spot.

This has been the exclusive power of Catherine, the sister, since she was a child.

Even the uncle, father, and cousin acted as if they hadn't seen it, and sailed away in a very unloyal manner by using the "Blue Dragon King".

Looking across the entire known world, the political beings entrenched in the ruling class at all levels can no longer be considered human beings.

If the emperor or king of any country says to dismiss the regent, even if the latter are mostly biological brothers, no one will be able to feel calm.

It must be accompanied by countless undercurrents, factional disputes, reoccupation of the team, and the bloodshed of the "noble ones" are all very likely.

But compared to those political creatures, their "royal family", which does not even have a normal human being, is more like a group of "people" in the conventional sense.

It wasn't until Byron, who had been beaten in vain, that he respectfully offered his sister a second crown belonging to the queen, that he saved his life.

Next to them, two beautiful girls with indistinguishable beauty, lifted up their skirts and walked hand in hand along the beach. Their bare feet left two lines of small footprints on the ravaged beach.

The change of each other's identities did not change the relationship between the best friends. They were talking and laughing, and they were not nervous at all about the upcoming ceremony.

"Violet, I always thought that this useless thing Byron didn't realize anything and wouldn't take the initiative to chase girls.

He planned to use the money he had saved for his wife to go to the Old World and win over a dozen or twenty lovers of noble blood to help Lancaster spread his business.

Now that you are helping me, I can save all the money. "

Catherine adapted to her new identity of "Queen" very quickly, and the transition was seamless.

There was no sense of disharmony at all, "I treat you as a brother, but you ask me to give birth to your children". Anyway, it's just a bunch of children, not borrowing money, so what's the big deal?

And this time, not only do I not have to borrow money, but I can also make money.

The jumping beautiful girl in the red dress gently bumped the shoulder of her best friend, sister-in-law, and future good sister, and said with a beaming face:

"Hey, as for Byron's wife money that he has been saving for a long time.

Since there is probably no other sisters in our family, why don't we split it in half. "

In Catherine's opinion, all the money she had prepared for her brother's wife would eventually be spent, but she didn't expect that she could get back half of it in the end. Isn't it a big profit?

Exporting to domestic sales, this business is really worth it.

Violet, who was also short of money because of alchemy research, couldn't help but shine when she heard this, and gave her good sister a thumbs up:

"Catherine, you are generous!

My suggestion is to continue saving and make targeted expenditures for the Golden Empire.

I heard that the management secret of black-hearted capitalists is: use the salary of three people to hire two people to do the work of four people.

Since the two of us have taken care of the work of Byron's group of wives, we are not just doing the work of four people. Is it reasonable to take more money from the wife? Too beaver!"

"I seconded. When you first came to the International Port, I said that this brother would give you half.

The same will be done in the future. "

The two smiled at each other, feeling that their feelings had never been so in sync.

At the same time, the light crowns on their heads, representing the status of "queen", also echoed each other, like two delicate roses, one red and one white.

Looking at them, nine out of ten people would probably think of this sentence in their minds:

"Perhaps every man has had two such women, at least two.

Marrying a red rose, over time, the red becomes a smear of mosquito blood on the wall, and the white is still the bright moonlight in front of the bed;

Marrying a white rose, the white is a grain of rice stuck on the clothes, and the red is a cinnabar mole on the heart. "

Byron obviously didn't have such a dilemma.

Under the [Golden Law] system, there are not only two queen crowns, but also financial trade and military industries that have been divided into two parts in advance, and there are two kingdoms overseas and domestic that are being planned.

From the beginning, Byron subconsciously avoided conflicts between the two girls.

Fortunately, the two best friends of similar age in the past period of time, one in research and development, the other in trade; one military officer, the other civil servant, complemented each other in work and had a very good relationship.

Catherine, who wanted to find a group of wives for Byron, was surprised to see that her first sister-in-law was Violet.

Although Violet is two years older than Catherine, she has always seen the actions of this "brother-supporting demon" and is very convinced of her.

As a result, the first family meeting in Byron's family was very harmonious.

Soon, the last and most important distribution was announced.

They did not shy away from what should have been the most private whispers:

"From now on, the first, third and fifth days belong to you, and the second, fourth and sixth days belong to me. "

"Okay, what about Sunday? Let Byron have a day off?"

"How is that possible? Of course we should do it together! Hehehe"

The two girls finished the most important assigned task, hugged each other and laughed, and finally remembered to look back at Byron who was following them with a bone chalice.

"Okay, what are you waiting for? Let's get started!"

"Quick battle, quick decision. "

The two queens were full of energy, and their bodies were shining brightly.

The next moment, two huge figures like small mountains came over, making Byron look even smaller.

Originally, Violet's whale girl form at the third level was only five meters. As her spiritual level was promoted to the fourth level, her body size also increased, growing to eight meters in one fell swoop.

The mithril dragon transformed by Catherine was more than ten meters long. With the help of the head maid Shirley, she was not afraid that the blood of the body would not reach here.

Although it was not as good as the old man who drove the earthquake dragon in the Atahualpa family, it was only slightly inferior, and it was only temporarily inferior.

Once they become complete fourth-level mythical creatures, they may not be much different from the earthquake dragon.

So, there was no erotic scene as imagined.

Byron was pulled by Catherine's dragon claw by the collar and pressed against her neck.

"Gudong gudong.

Gudong. Almost there. "

Catherine was very dissatisfied:

"What do you mean it's almost done? I don't even feel it yet. You must be not working hard enough. Haven't you eaten yet? Push harder!"

"Gulp, gulp.

This time it's really almost done."

"This is just the beginning. You can suck Violet for a while to change your taste, and then come back to suck me again!

If you don't suck until you are full, people will think that our family can't afford it!"

In this way, Byron took turns on Catherine and Violet, and his body almost gained weight.

"Burp~, two good sisters, let me go, I'm really full."

Pain and happiness all the way.

Which midnight demon in the past could have such conditions as him? He held such a rich ceremony?

There are not only two beloveds who meet the conditions, but also two dragon girls and whale girls who are famous for their large size.

Let alone replacing his blood 100%, even if he replaced it eight or ten times, it wouldn't be much more serious than a mosquito bite.

"Burp~ I can't suck it all, I can't suck it all! Gulp gulp"

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