Pirate Kingship

Chapter 441: The new king attains enlightenment, and the succubus joins the group (6600 two-in-one)

"Your Majesty, Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven, and Your Majesty the Queen, why are you two leaving so soon?!

You haven’t even visited the royal city of Cusco and my new palace! "

After Atahualpa, the 15th generation king of the Sun Empire, held a sacrificial ceremony to Inti, the [Sun God], in front of everyone, he was about to invite the two great heroes who helped him ascend to the throne. No, they were great benefactors to visit the palace and enjoy The highest level of state guest treatment.

Unexpectedly, Byron didn't even want to stay in the empire for one more day and wanted to say goodbye to him on the spot. He couldn't help but feel anxious. He took Byron's hand and said with utmost sincerity:

"Your Majesty, Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven, if it weren't for you and Your Majesty the Queen, not to mention this throne, even my life would have been ruined in the trial to become the king.

Now you are my closest relative and you deserve to enjoy the glory, power and wealth with me.

Please give me a chance to thank you both.

My sister Aya has just gone to the palace to prepare for the banquet. My mother, Queen Koya, my father's most beloved wife during his lifetime, also wants to thank you in person for your help.

I am also planning to hold a canonization ceremony for my sister Aya after the banquet. Without your witness, no matter how grand the ceremony is, it will lose its luster in an instant. "

When he said this, he patted his chest:

"Besides, haven't my father's matters been settled?

I have the final say in this country now. You are the most distinguished guests of the empire. Anyone who dares to disrespect you is disrespecting me.

When you have enough fun, when you go back, I will fill your boat with gold and various jewelry and crafts, and take them back to your sister. I will ensure you have face. "

Byron could tell that although Atahualpa was too simple and far from being a qualified king, he was definitely an honest man.

Not only did he not mean to burn bridges, but he was sincerely trying to save himself.

Not only can we share hardships, but we can also share wealth and honor. We are really willing to give good things, which is very rare compared to many emperors in history.

Look at this enthusiasm, if this Sun Empire didn't essentially belong to him, it would be possible for him to be crowned King of Side by Side.

But the real reason for Byron's departure obviously couldn't be told to this simple good brother, for fear that he wouldn't be able to bear it, so he just found another excuse:

"Your Majesty, thank you for your kindness. But today is already July 21, and there is not much time left between the three days at the end of the month and the three days at the beginning of the month.

It has been a month since the [Golden Deer] left the Bantaan Islands. Even if my sister is at home, we must take advantage of this window to rush back.

Besides, we have other things to do before going back, and we really can’t stay any longer.

Although I really want to see Cusco, the thousand-year capital, I can only wait until I have the chance.

Definitely next time! "

But he made up his mind that after leaving this time, he would never set foot in the Sun Empire again until he reached the fifth level.

Especially this King City of Cusco with a group of fifth-level [false gods] floating above its head.

I don't want to think about anything now, I just want to run away as soon as possible.

After Byron saved his life from the portal of heaven in a thrilling way, he realized that the Sun Empire was worthy of being an indigenous country in the same line as the Azik and Taya Empires.

In the first two empires, thousands of blood priests were commonplace, and the priests could peel off the bride's skin and dance around it.

Behind the seemingly radiant Sun Empire, there is also an unknown shadow hidden behind it. It is not only cruel to others, but also cruel to one's own people!

Combining a series of information he saw in the voyage log, he gradually pieced together a reasonable inference:

“The old king’s conspiracy is most likely not just his own idea.

The beginning of this incident was probably that [Dark Sun of Death] Supai wanted to use the lives of his ambitious son and grandchildren to gather his own power in the underworld.

Otherwise, it cannot be explained how the old king could cause trouble under the eyes of a group of gods.

If you listen to the name of the god "Dark Sun of Death", you will know that he may have been secretly planning today's human tragedy before he became a god.

In the solar system, [Shadow] and [Dusk] are the two gender powers closest to death, and they have obviously been paving the way to seize the power of Hades.

The old king Wayna Capac and Crystal Skull No. 13 [Suicide Goddess] are just props for his use.

If I hadn't barged in midway and disrupted the plan of the [Civilized Salary Collector], the Dark Sun of Death, who was pinching the lower realm, most likely wouldn't have just sat back and watched the old king successfully ascend to God.

How could a ruthless man who could kill all his brothers care about the lives of future generations?

It was a great drama of "brothers, friends, brothers, respect" and "father is kind and son is filial".

Could it be that the aloof [Sun God] Inti doesn’t know about this?

I'm afraid it's because no matter how those sun god descendants fight among themselves and eat each other, the meat will eventually rot in his ancestor's pot, right?

He could certainly sit back and watch the tide ebb and flow.

Anyway, the living gods are anchors, and the dead ones become the fuel for the entire pantheon, pushing them forward on the road to godhood.

If they see my walking 'panacea', something will really go wrong. "

Seeing that Byron was determined to leave, Atahualpa stopped trying to persuade him.

He just ordered his attendants to seize the time to carry "local specialties" such as gold and jewelry to the "Golden Deer".

Please be sure to fill them all up.

Just like in some places, wine must be filled to the brim, this is also the traditional etiquette of the Empire of the Sun.

He did not forget to remind Byron that they had not received their due compensation:

"Your Majesty, I don't even know what is in the treasury of the Empire. How can you be satisfied if you don't pick it yourself?"

When Atahualpa invited Byron to join his team, he promised him that he could choose three treasures from the treasury of the Empire at will.

With Violet replacing the captain of the guard, Sinchiroka, the hiring fee doubled again, and a total of six items could be selected.

But Byron was not in a hurry.

Skull No. 13 had been taken as a trophy, and the remaining treasures were not urgent.

Even Atahualpa's life was saved by Byron. The more he invested, the deeper the interest was bound. Anyway, he could not lose money.

After thinking for a while, he responded:

"I have an online mall that can deliver goods even across the ocean. It doesn't matter if you wait two days to pick it.

I just need a replica of the [Sun Crown] now."

"No problem, it's a piece of work."

Atahuallpa didn't even ask, and took out a piece of holy gold without saying a word, and personally made him an identical one, and even used the king's authority to bless it.

Byron happily took the crown and put it away.

Edward IV had never seen the real thing, but only the image sent back by the [Beagle] at the time. How could he tell the real thing from the fake?

This thing was in Atahualpa's hands, and even if it was fake, he could order the country to be handed over to me.

Even if it was real in the hands of others, it could only be regarded as a collection with symbolic meaning at best.

In addition to serving as the "mandate of heaven" that Edward IV desperately wanted, it was of little use to others.

At this time, a palace housekeeper hurried over and respectfully handed a thick golden book to Atahualpa:

"Your Majesty, here is the list of imperial products and tributes from the major totem tribes you requested."

The latter handed it to Byron without even looking at it, and proudly asked for credit with his chest held high:

"Your Majesty, take a look at what you like here.

Last time when you were looking for rubber trees, you said you wanted to find a list of materials for the Zoo, and wanted to see if there were any treasures that could support the commodity trade.

I thought, where can the categories be compared with the Royal City of Cusco?

I was going to give you a surprise, but now that you are leaving, I can only give you the things in advance."

Byron felt warm in his heart. Atahualpa obviously took his words to heart.

He flipped it open and took a look. The images, places of origin, properties, etc. of various products on the golden book were clearly marked.

A casual flip through the pages and you will find a lot of treasures, including rubber, high-quality fur and teeth from various giant animals, wild boar bristles that can be used as cannon brushes, and extremely rich gold, silver, and various metal minerals.

In addition, a treasure that is not inferior to rubber was unexpectedly discovered, that is: tung oil.

The significance of tung oil to the shipbuilding industry is no less than that of rubber to steam engines.

When the hull is caulked, tung oil and anti-corrosion oil are applied to the inside and outside of the hull several times to allow the oil to fully penetrate into the wood fiber and form a solidified oil film protective layer on the surface.

This not only makes the hull waterproof, moisture-proof, anti-moth, and anti-corrosion, but also increases the overall strength and rigidity of the wooden boat and improves the stability of the ship.

It is said that the service life of two ships of the same size can be twice as long as that of those without tung oil!

However, Byron remembered that this treasure was a specialty of his hometown in his previous life. In ancient times, it served as the main force of foreign trade together with porcelain, tea, silk, etc., and was sold all over the world.

I didn't expect to find something similar in the Beast Paradise. It is indeed a natural treasure house of species.

Atahualpa was also very happy to see the joy on Byron's face:

"Your Majesty, I have sent people to receive the imperial army, and I am going to use the earth vein seal plugs and artillery you traded to me to expand the territory.

Now that our two brother countries are, it is time to expand the scale of arms trade.

You can pay with gold, silver or specialty goods at that time.

Whatever goods you want, I will prepare them all for you in the next month, and your cargo ship can take them away directly as soon as it arrives at the port."

When it comes to arms trade, the young king's eyes are shining.

The territory of the Sun Empire is not large compared to the vast southern continent, and it has always been suffering from the dense totem gods that are difficult to completely remove.

With this set of earth vein seal plugs and artillery washing, it is bound to expand its territory in a short time.

Only fourth-level mythical creatures have the conditions to actively cultivate believers and collect thoughts and wishes.

Human willpower is countless tiny "variables" and the "anchoring" of mythical creatures in the material world.

When you reach the fifth level, you can extract the unique immortal ladder, and achieve immortality in one fell swoop with the help of these thoughts and wishes!

These are hard conditions. The previous king also completed his supplementary ceremony by committing suicide after all of them were met, preparing to take the most important [Underworld] authority.

In the future, the more people you harvest from the Apu and totem gods that occupy the nodes of the earth veins, the more thoughts and wishes Atahualpa, the ruling king, will share.

At this moment, the young king is full of confidence and firmly believes that with this set of combined punches, he will never follow the old path of his father.

Byron admires his action ability very much:

"Very good, I will leave the trade agent to establish a branch and be fully responsible for trade affairs.

My queen, Violet, is personally responsible for the arms deal, and I guarantee there will be no problems. "

When the war machine of the Sun Empire slowly starts up, the unlimited external expansion will naturally promote the unlimited demand for arms.

It won't take long for a positive cycle of industrial products, gold, silver, and raw materials to form between the two empires.

In essence, this is the "military-industrial complex" composed of arms dealers, the military, and politicians in Byron's imagination.

If you want to be a qualified arms dealer, you must sell wars as well as arms.

War is equivalent to a steady stream of wealth!

In fact, at first Byron thought that since the lava giants were very good at dealing with flames.

So as long as [Son of the Sun] who is good at forging takes action, he is fully capable of creating an alchemical artillery that is stronger than ordinary artillery.

But facts have proven that their cutting-edge exotic equipment may not be inferior to that of the Old World, but their large-scale industrial production level is weak.

The tolerance alone is an insurmountable barrier for hand forging, and in the end, the arms have to be imported from their own sacred golden empire.

When the arsenal presided over by Violet relies on its R\u0026D advantages and massive funds to upgrade its technology from generation to generation and expand its industrial scale, the gap between industrial countries and agricultural countries will only widen.

As his mind was spinning, the smile on Byron's face became brighter and brighter:

"By the way, Your Majesty Atahualpa, I have a good thing to give you before I leave.

For you, it may be another insurance policy. "

As he spoke, he took out a pile of paper textbooks from his pocket, including "Economics", "Finance", "Mathematics", etc. and a series of prerequisite knowledge of the gold and dollar sequence.

There is also the most critical sequence motto: "Money speaks, but truth remains silent!"

He actually gave Atahuallpa a promotion sequence [Ladder of Glory].

Before being promoted to the fifth level [False God], Atahualpa could not be his own master and had no power to resist when facing his ancestors.

The sequence anchoring from [Ladder of Glory] can help him greatly alleviate this problem.

As long as you have prepared a good preliminary knowledge reserve, you will be able to get promoted as soon as the legal network expands.

Byron hoped that if something happened in the future, this insurance would be able to help him again.

Perhaps anchoring the [Silver Law] requires a considerable number of people in the tribe to believe in the Creator; but anchoring the [Golden Law] does not require it, it only requires belief in Him, the Lord of Heaven.

With the level of trust Atahualpa had in him, there was absolutely no problem.

And Byron had a premonition that when his [Golden Law] extended along the sea of ​​collective subconscious from the same source.

Sooner or later, you will meet Supay, the [Dark Sun of Death] who is digesting the power of the underworld.

Finally, Byron thought of the general environment of the Empire of the Sun where fathers were kind and sons were filial, and he planned to give Atahualpa a piece of advice. He originally wanted to say:

“Listen less, talk less, make more money, have more children.”

But seeing his innocent eyes, I swallowed my words again, and finally solemnly changed them to:

"Well, for you, as long as you show your true colors and be yourself."

Patting him on the shoulder, he turned and left.

The logbook begins: “Some say we live on a peaceful island called Ignorance, surrounded by an endless black ocean.

Maybe you shouldn’t have set sail in the first place! "

Sometimes ignorance is also a kind of happiness, at least you won't be in panic all day long.

Even if the group of [false gods] at the top of the pyramid are cold-blooded, who would think that he is a threat when they see such a simple junior?

Atahualpa looked at Byron's majestic back gradually receding under the setting sun, chewing on Byron's advice:

"Be yourself?

His Majesty, the Lord of Heaven, first gave me this path of gold and yuan sequence, and what he said next must have profound meaning. "

With this thought in mind, I casually opened the textbook, and the passive effect of [Hand of Wealth] flashed above my head, triggering wealth.

I saw this page in the textbook that said:

“Ponzi schemes, also known as: pyramid schemes, also known as pyramid schemes, can turn many people’s money into their own money.

The ultimate winners are only the scammers at the top of the pyramid."

A pair of eyes suddenly lit up little by little:

"Pyramid? Fund raising?

Your Majesty, I understand! This is my ladder to immortality! "


The sea breeze mixed with snowflakes roared by.

Loaded with gold and jewelry, the [Golden Deer], which was riding the wind and waves, did not return to the "Rip Trench" after leaving the Empire of the Sun. Instead, it continued southward at full power as if running for its life.

Ammonite Snail took them for more than a thousand kilometers in one breath. Byron and Violet breathed a sigh of relief until they were far away from the territory of the Sun Empire.

"It should be safe now."

It's a terrible feeling to have your life depended on other people's attitudes.

But they didn't meet any pursuers even when they got here. The [Dark Sun of Death] must have been busy digesting his power and had indeed given up on killing them.

Byron finally let go of the [Lionheart Broken Arrow] he was holding tightly, and summoned the [Blue Dragon King] for help.

Nowadays, their group of gangsters, whose strength has increased rapidly, are not so easy to mess with. If a fifth-level false god dares to come, they will kill him!

"However, this time the trip to the Empire of the Sun was unexpectedly involved in shady undercurrents. The risks far exceeded expectations, but the rewards were worthy of the risks."

Byron showed a sincere joy on his face.

During this trip to the Sun Empire, Violet successfully promoted to the fourth-level gunsmith, once again vigorously promoted the revolution of weapons and equipment.

Obtained rubber, a key raw material for large-scale steam engines.

Byron himself also successfully promoted to the fourth-level mythical creature, and obtained the eternal life that countless people dream of!

In addition, he obtained the most critical crystal skull No. 13, which finally brought his inventory to the ten-point mark.

Only the last three are left to complete the card collection, summon the dragon, and get a zero-level holy relic!

In addition, [Lionheart Broken Arrow] is a new trump card that can make the fifth-level afraid of the rat. Even if it is not played, it can make people stand up straight.

Not to mention the huge value of the Sun God Blood and the incomplete [Sun King] status.

Compared with these gains, the ship full of gold and jewelry has become the most inconspicuous thing.

"In addition, there are these two powerful fourth-level extraordinary people."

In the captain's room, [Oath Knight] August Habsburg and the succubus Therese Ashbell sat respectfully on the chairs in front of Byron.

August, who has become a servant of the Wild Hunt, needs no further explanation, and his loyalty is already full.

As long as he brings back the news that he can lift the curse of the "demon possessed" in his family, the [Father of Medicine] will immediately become a guest of honor of the Habsburg dynasty and gain huge political benefits.

Although Therese has more autonomy, she is only equivalent to Byron's collaborator.

But it has been agreed before that the throne will be given to the second prince [Playboy] in exchange for her wholehearted service for ten years.

Although the second prince failed to accept this overwhelming wealth, you can tell me whether he gave it up or not, right?

Therese felt bitter in her heart, but she had to admit it.

After counting the harvest, Byron was in a very good mood. He shook the cup of blood wine in his hand and persuaded her:

"Miss Therese, the water of the Sun Empire is so deep. It may not be a bad thing for you not to be deeply involved with those sons of the sun.

The most important thing for a person is to be happy. Come on, smile."

The succubus squeezed out a somewhat forced smile:

"Your Highness is right. But after this failure, I don't know when my fifth-level promotion ceremony will be postponed."

Byron looked her up and down, and said meaningfully:

"Then have you ever thought about supporting another crown prince to compete for the throne of another country?"

The succubus's face became more bitter:

"The human beings on this continent of the Beast Paradise The power is too weak, only one Sun Empire is strong enough.

Those totem god tribes are too small, even the supreme power cannot support my status.

Even if there are many countries in the old continent, the inheritance of each country is orderly under the rule of the king's iron law. Even if there is a throne war, it is not easy to find excellent partners.

In addition, the [Silver Law] covers the entire continent, which is extremely unfriendly to our clans. Once we land, it will be exposed in a short time.

How can there be so many crown princes who have lost their thrones and are wandering outside, and I just happened to run into them? "

But Byron suddenly smiled mysteriously:

"What do you think of me?"

He had already thought of the use of this succubus partner.

Perhaps the succubus's frontal combat power under the jungle rules is not strong, and it is only slightly stronger than the blue hair in the same level, and can only rely on the stronger.

But in the so-called "civilized society", succubus can truly stand at the top of the food chain!

The palace is their backyard, and the ball is their hunting ground.

If Therese came to the Kingdom of Hastings, she would definitely be the first socialite.

With a little packaging, she can immediately become a hot "star".

"The nobles of the York Party believe that she is a fate that they will never meet again in this life, and she is an incomparable treasure.

Willing to protect her, cherish her, and save her.

Willing to risk their lives for her, even if they face the sword and the sea of ​​fire, with only her figure in their hearts and eyes, and only the oath of love for her in their hearts.

Even before death, they still feel satisfied.

Just because they think they have met true love!"

As for whether they will not respect a powerful mythical creature of half a step to the fifth level?

Succubus will only think that there is such a good thing?

"Pleasure Feast" was born for this.

Only Byron knows how much the nobles of various countries on the continent play and how corrupt their private lives are.

In terms of playing, it depends on the people in the castle.

There are even those masked balls that are specifically looking for excitement, except for a mask, the kind of people who have nothing on their bodies.

Of course, Byron had only heard of it, but had never seen it in person.


Therese's eyes suddenly began to light up again, and she shouted without hesitation:

"I voted for this coup!"

The succubus who had seen Byron's performance felt that after being unlucky for so long, it might be her turn this time. She won without any effort!

She almost couldn't help but put her hands on her hips and laughed three times, and didn't care which crown Byron was going to grab, anyway, in her eyes, it didn't make much difference.

Her enthusiasm had been re-mobilized.

She urged excitedly:

"Which one are we going to destroy? Let's start now!"

Byron took out the sun crown and played with it for a while.

[Sun Crown] + [Emperor's New Clothes] (Effect: He is running naked) + [Happy and Worry-free] (Safety first, no "chicken" to take advantage of) plus a big lie that all Yorkists have to believe.

Stack all the debuffs.

Then he nodded to her with satisfaction:

"No hurry, come back to the Kingdom of Hastings with me at the end of the month, this good show has just begun."

At this time, Gus, the voice of [Phantom Blade] suddenly came into the captain's room:

"Captain, we found several drifting bottles in the sea, and it seems that something is wrong. You'd better take a look yourself."

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