Pirate Kingship

Chapter 442 Shocking news, the death of the gods (core setting must be read)!

The winter in the southern hemisphere is the opposite of that in the northern hemisphere. June to August is the coldest time of the year.

The Golden Deer left the warm climate of Chintsasuyu near the equatorial celestial circulation belt. The further south it went, the colder the weather became.

Moreover, the ocean current close to the west coast of the southern continent is a strong cold current coming from the south. The cold water originating from the polar regions is slightly blue, which makes people shiver at a glance.

Byron and his party had just walked two-thirds of the way when a blizzard started in the sky.

Woo woo woo.

The sea was surging with huge waves, and snowflakes as big as fists fell on their heads. The temperature also dropped to minus 20 degrees.

Countless ice elemental elves visible to the naked eye were holding hands in the sky and cheering, and they melted away the moment they came into contact with the sea water.

Fortunately, the northwest wind blew on the west coast in July, and the Golden Deer at least had the most suitable right rear wind for sailing, so it didn't have to go against the current and the wind in such a ghost weather.

Moreover, the ship was well-stocked. Under the command of officers such as Bruch, Gus, and Bazhi, who were born in the Bay, the crew also changed into thick winter clothes in time.

At the bow, Violet returned to her original appearance. In addition to a well-cut cashmere lady's dress, she also wore a white deerskin cloak given by Princess Aya, which made her look particularly pretty and lovely.

The Bay princess spread her white and tender palms to catch the snowflakes in the sky, watching them gradually melted by her body temperature.

There were stars in her sapphire-like eyes. It was obvious that she was more adapted to this weather similar to that of her hometown Anchor Bay than the tropics. Not only did she not feel cold, but she was also very excited.

"Byron, in our hometown, the further north you go, the colder it gets, but in the southern hemisphere, the further south you go, the colder it gets.

This coastal cold current is also extremely strong, 400 kilometers wide and thousands of kilometers long. No wonder Kuroshio Island can pickle stinky shark jerky like Anchor Bay.

It allows many cold-zone creatures on the Sparrow Islands to thrive.

This world is really amazing."

Every Bay resident has a restless blood factor in their body. Adventure all the way to the end of the world is also what Violet likes to do most besides studying explosives.

Byron stood beside the girl and naturally put her pair of tender little hands into his pocket to warm them up again.

At this moment, in the waves in front of the two of them, a huge school of fish jumped out of the sea one after another to avoid natural enemies.

This west coast coastal cold current is larger than the first circulation belt, and the nutrients it stirs up have even created a huge super fishing ground.

Sardines, bonito, and cod, which are many times larger than their counterparts in other places, are everywhere.

Even if there are no special products such as whale oil, rubber, tung oil, gold and silver, just coming here to fish can definitely make fishermen earn a lot of money.

In addition, this huge cold current not only brings a large school of fish, but also brings some unusual things from the south.

Byron, who was accompanying Violet to enjoy the scenery, was actually searching the sea surface seriously. Suddenly, his eyes lit up:

"Found it, there is another one here."

Raising his hand, the swirling hand of the wind element picked up a glass wine bottle from the sea and fell into Byron's hand.

It can be clearly seen that the wine bottle is tightly corked with a wooden cork, and there is a rolled parchment note in the bottle belly, which is a standard drift bottle.

Looking down, at this time, there are already five or six empty wine bottles under their feet, all of which are their harvest on the road when they went south.

Obviously, there are far more drift bottles distributed in this cold current belt than they imagined at the beginning.

However, after opening them, all the notes in the drifting bottles only had the same coordinates and the same sentence written in red ink and runes:

"The edge of the world, 57.3 degrees south latitude, 66 degrees west longitude.

Remember, the flood has never receded!"

Even the wine bottle that was just fished out was no exception.

But Byron knew at a smell that the parchment was not written in red ink, but in human blood!

The handwriting and blood sources in each drifting bottle were not exactly the same. It seemed that many people wrote many drifting bottle letters with their own blood.

Obviously, this matter was weird from the beginning.

As the [Golden Deer] got closer and closer to the destination marked on the note, the handwriting in the drifting bottles found became more and more messy and distorted, and the words were gradually filled with a frenzy that was difficult to ignore.

When the seventh drifting bottle was fished out, the handwriting on it had reached a point where it was almost indistinguishable, and there were suspicious dried water stains.

It no longer looked like a work of human hands, but more like it was written by a wet alien limb.

And just by looking at it, it seems that the madness that has condensed into substance has turned into a parasite, and it is about to drill into the brain from the eyes.

This level of pollution certainly cannot do anything to Byron, a fourth-level mythical creature, and its lethality is not as good as a wisp of cold wind.

He handed the note to Violet beside him:

"The situation there is obviously getting worse and worse, and the memetic pollution is getting more and more serious."

He turned his head and asked Gus who was walking to his side:

"How is Nitnam?"

"Captain, he just accidentally looked at the first one, the pollution is not serious, and he has just woken up."

Gus was also a little scared.

At first, their group of crew members on duty did not find anything wrong with the drifting bottle, and a native crew member from the Azik Empire was accidentally infected.

The symptoms are also very bizarre, that is, he involuntarily picks up a quill pen, copies this message with various writing materials around him, and then puts it into an empty rum bottle and throws it into the sea.

He had never learned the rune characters, but he could write them with style. He did not need to dip in ink, the blood in the human body would automatically flow into the pen tip for him to write.

The more times you copy, the crazier your spirit will become.

This is undoubtedly a special kind of meme: “mental contamination through imitation, particularly good at spreading information.”

Byron did not let his crew's condition deteriorate, and saved them with just a drop of [Transmutation Blood].

Theoretically, as long as enough people eat it, even a being of the size of an old god can regain consciousness. Using the blood of transmutation to solve such a small problem will be easy.

However, the messages they unconsciously spread under the influence of memes made Byron particularly concerned.

The coordinate "edge of the world" marked by the coordinates is exactly the glacial archipelago that Byron and Violet saw in the notes of "Father of the Sharks"!

Pohnpei, the father of sharks, recorded in his notes:

“The entire southern continent is in the shape of a radish, and its area is about half of the Old World. There is a glacier archipelago at the southernmost tip of the southern continent, which is also the starting point of the second circulation zone.

There seems to be someone above who worships a fifth-level pseudo-god [Tide Hunter]. "

Pohnpei suspected that there might be people from other branches of the Rift Monastery bypassing them and quietly establishing a stronghold in the southern continent.

But Byron and Violet felt that there was another possibility.

That is this [false god] who is worshiped by others, perhaps it is [Whale Hunter] Jack Harold who also practices the curse of disaster.

The two people's initial destination was here, wanting to explore whether the [Whale Hunter] had left any clues for their descendants, and where they had gone.

Now it seems that there may be something serious wrong with the group that may have been established by the whale hunters themselves to worship themselves.

What concerned Byron even more was the second half of the sentence.

"The flood has never receded!"

He looked up at his logbook and saw exactly the same words written on it, but it was slightly longer than what was on the bottle.

"Remember! The great flood of this world has never receded, so be sure to tighten your [anchor] (Chapter 33)!"

The text is in the same rune characters, and even the urgent tone between the lines is almost exactly the same.

The moment I saw this passage, [Secret: Prophecy, Kingship and Wild Hunt God Woden's Prophecy of Racial Revival, Historical Influence 69] the decryption density also increased from 51% to 52%.

The last time this secret appeared and the solution density was promoted, it was because of a piece of information accidentally revealed during the exchange between [Father of the Sharks] and Dagon:

"They, the deep-sea dependents, took advantage of the tide of the world's source material and the sea level to continue to rise. They had just climbed out of the sea not many years ago.

In the old gods' dreams, the tide of source material will become more and more intense, and the next 'Snail Annihilation Era' that will eventually wash them and all the deep-sea dependents ashore again is about to come. "

After correlating the two pieces of information, it is not difficult to judge that the "Great Flood" is obviously not an ordinary flood. It is most likely a tide of source material from outside the sky, and it is an extremely terrifying tide!

It is a very coincidence that there are legends about the great flood whether in the ancient books of the Old World, the Bantaan Islands, or the Empire of the Sun.

The last time it happened was right around the turn of the "Mythic Era" and the "Silver Age".

“The ‘Snail Annihilation Era’ spoken by those family members is obviously not alarmist.

Is it possible that a supernatural disaster like the Great Flood is a precursor to the turn of the era?

Did those [Whale Hunter] believers on the Glacier Islands encounter some unusual accident and had to warn the outside world in this way? "

Byron thought of this and summoned the succubus Therese who put on a tight black leather jacket and open-toed high heels, showing no fear of the cold.

He roughly explained the information he currently had, and then asked her:

"Miss Teris, you should have the blood of the Old World in your body.

Where did the old gods' dependents who landed in the Paradise of Beasts come from? How much information do you know about the Great Flood and the Luoannian Period? "

Therese obviously knows more than Freya, the [Goddess of Love and Beauty] from the Deep Diving Church.

After a brief pause, he explained to Byron:

“The vast and dangerous sea separated several continents, completely severing contact between human groups since the disaster at the end of the mythical age.

But there is one natural phenomenon that cannot be stopped: blue holes.

Blue holes that appear randomly from time to time connect the entire sea and bring things that do not belong to a certain sea area to it.

And there is a rule, just like water flowing to lower places, blue holes usually send things from higher places to lower places, not the other way around, unless there is external interference.

In terms of mysticism, it means sending all kinds of things from the Old Continent, which has the calmest tidal activity and the highest terrain, to the Southern Continent, the Eastern Continent across the sea, and even the Sea of ​​Origin!

Therefore, many Old World people in various eras encountered blue holes and disappeared into the world. In fact, they were passive immigrants.

For example, the succubi of our "Feast of Joy Sisterhood" were originally sent to a mirror island in the Sea of ​​Sesame.

In order to adapt to the high concentration of source material, a black mass ceremony was held to desecrate the church's holy relics, and the group was collectively transformed from mortals into a naturally extraordinary clan.

But there are too few male succubi, and the clan can only continue by relying on the reproductive worship of our Lord Lilith.

It was not until a few years ago that the concentration of source material in the material world and the water level in mysticism continued to rise, and we were able to climb ashore from the source material sea through the world cracks, and the number of people increased.

As far as I know, a series of religious groups on the east coast of the southern continent:

The Deep Dive Church, the Rift Monastery, the Sisterhood of Joy Feast, the Blind Church, the Blood Beast Lair, the Blade of Vengeance, Voodoo, etc. are mostly in this situation. "

Byron nodded silently. He could see that Therese was not lying.

The ancestors of those "Bay exiles" also came to the South Continent after being swallowed by an inexplicable blue hole when they strayed into the Calm Belt.

The notes show that the main members of the Rift Monastery are also immigrants from the Old World.

Even though the old gods have been dead for many years, they still seem to have a special liking for the believers of the Old World when choosing their followers, and they are extremely hostile to the church, or the [Bound Creator]!

It seems very reasonable that a group of dead old gods are naturally hostile to the only great being who is still alive.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the Creator has done something to them.

Byron thought of this and continued to ask:

"What about the Great Flood?

Do the followers who crawled out of the Sea of ​​​​Source know what happened during the Ragnarok? "

The succubus Therese touched the incomplete zero-level holy relic [Blood Cup] in her hand, and her eyes showed a look of reminiscence:

"The information we have is only the mumbling from the corpse of the god, which is fragmented and unsystematic.

As we all know, a sudden but extremely tragic war of gods ended the mythological era ruled by gods.

After that, the Silver Age ruled by the so-called only god [Creator] gradually began.

From the fact that almost all the zero-level holy relics left in the world were broken into pieces, we can see the cruelty of the war of gods. "

When she said this, Therese's face also showed a trace of unbelievable hesitation:

"However, although the war of gods was tragic.

We, the followers of the gods, discovered during the communication that the reason why the gods served by each family fell into eternal sleep was not because they were killed by other great beings.

From the fragmentary mumblings of the gods' corpses, we learned that their causes of death were very similar. They were all drowned by a flood that followed! "

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