Pirate Kingship

Chapter 444 Secret Realm: The Little Mermaid's Foamy Dream

"We have entered the intertidal zone? Does it mean that the entire material world has entered the intertidal zone of the Sea of ​​Origin?"

A crooked word on the note immediately attracted Byron's attention.

No one in the world truly understands the nature of the Sefirah Sea.

Its form of existence is unknowable, indescribable, and unpredictable. It may be an eternal natural phenomenon, a creature, or just a concept.

In short, any exploration of the Sea of ​​Origin will only lead to extremely tragic accidents.

Even if the explorer does not die on the spot, he will definitely be burned to pieces in the subsequent siege by the Inquisition and the Inquisition.

But at least all extraordinary beings know one thing. All extraordinary powers in the material world originate from this sea of ​​source matter, also known as the "deep sea".

The other side also has all the characteristics of the sea, which is roughly divided into land, coast, intertidal zone, offshore sea, and open sea.

The so-called "intertidal zone" refers to a specific coast located between the average highest and lowest tide levels.

When the tide is high, this area will be submerged by the sea water, and when the tide is low, this area will be exposed to the water.

Above the intertidal zone, the coast where waves can reach is called the supratidal zone; below the intertidal zone, the area extending seaward to a depth of about thirty meters is called the subtidal zone.

“‘We have entered the intertidal zone’ means that the power of the source material tide has begun to truly affect the world, and the material world has gradually slipped into the intertidal zone.

It might be fine when the tide goes out, but it might be enough to swallow up part of the physical world when the tide comes in.

For example, the Glacier Islands were flooded on the full moon nights two days ago! "

As a fourth-level [Craftsman] in the tower sequence and the most knowledgeable among the crew, Violet immediately understood the meaning of this sentence and murmured:

"Is it not only a mystical drowning, but also a practical drowning?

So since even the Glacier Islands, which are the starting point of the second circulation zone, have been submerged, what does the lowest-lying Eastern Continent look like now?

Could it be that it has become an underwater world?

What happened to my father who most likely set sail from here many years ago and passed through the second circulation belt to the Eastern Continent?

Also, since Iron Anchor Bay and Glacier Islands, which face the circulation zone, are both canaries, will the present of Glacier Islands be the future of Iron Anchor Bay? "

The few people and things Violet cared about most in the world were all in danger because of this news, and her heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a little.

Feeling the little hand suddenly tightening around him in his pocket, Byron knew that he obviously couldn't escape from this vortex.

Moreover, behind Violet's Anchor Bay is the North Sea, the Channel Islands Kingdom of Hattings, which is also an island country, and his base camp.

You can hide for a while, but you can't hide for a lifetime.

He quickly comforted the girl and said:

"When the last era changed, the time span from the appearance of the omen to the war of the gods to the actual arrival of the great flood was at least tens to hundreds of years.

It's just the beginning now, don't get carried away.

Although the ultimate source of the information is unclear, who is using the bottles to warn other humans on land.

But since the opponent was still spreading drift bottles just now, it means that the main body is still on the submerged glacier islands and failed to escape in time.

As long as we find the other party, it should be able to help us solve many questions.

Judging from the writing on the drift bottle, we can tell that they were submerged not long ago, probably on the full moon night a few days ago. "

As he spoke, he activated [Divine Vision], and combined with [Weather Intuition], he could clearly see the details of the sea area in front of him.

It was discovered that the space in this sea area has actually been distorted.

Obviously, the overall sea level has not risen at all, whether it is the Tempest Ocean to the west or the Sea of ​​Monsters to the east, but only this place has been completely submerged.

It was obviously not that the sea water was rising, but that the island was passively sinking and sliding silently to the bottom of the sea.

Just like the saying in the drift bottle "Welcome the eternal fall", starting from this glacial archipelago, perhaps the entire world will be swept into the sea in the future.

Deep under the water, a wide crack in the world looms, wrapping an archipelago, forming a huge secret realm like colorful foam.

Byron has been in and out of the Sea of ​​Origin many times and knows that this dangerous area exists in the spiritual world. Every time a soul or foreign creature is captured, there is a digestion process.

Some will be eaten by the endless aboriginal grotesques and evil spirits, and some will turn into new grotesques and evil spirits after being rapidly contaminated.

The same is true when swallowing an island. It first evolves into a secret realm based on the memories and origins of the residents on it, and then digests it into a part of itself bit by bit.

Falling towards the animalistic side all the way into the boundless deep sea.

Order is the exception, only chaos is eternal!

It's not clear what's in that bubble secret realm from the outside. If you don't go in, it's difficult to read the details of the killing rules in the [Logbook].

But this did not trouble Byron.

Instead of recalling Fujin and Wuni who had fled to the frozen continent, they spread out their palms and squirmed with flesh, spitting out a crystal clear "panacea".

As the scarlet alchemical formation flashed away, the panacea suddenly turned into a spherical ruby ​​the size of a thumb and fell into his palm.

But it was transformed into a "philosopher's stone" by him.

Byron nodded with satisfaction:

"As expected of me, I succeeded in using [Life Alchemy] for the first time.

The Night Demon Prince really has a bonus for this kind of taboo knowledge on a similar path. After being promoted to the fourth level and eliminating the side effects of other taboo knowledge, it can be compatible immediately. ”

When Byron held the third-level "Pirate Treasure Chest" promotion ceremony, he inherited the taboo book "Life Alchemy" from the great pirate Flint.

The other treasure hunters in the same group only got the inferior version with huge side effects. Only by turning into a grotesque cicada man can they harvest a little bit of the byproduct of the Philosopher's Stone.

Flint's "Life Alchemy" is the black witchcraft version that can be learned by people.

Similar to the knowledge of the "Blood Holy Grail", the root is the "change" of human beings.

Using people who symbolize "change" or [Transmutation Blood] as raw materials, you can brew the panacea of ​​eternal blood, or you can synthesize the Philosopher's Stone.

The Philosopher's Stone of [Greedy Worm·Mammon] focuses on material changes, and the panacea of ​​[Mother of Creation·Lilith] focuses on physical changes.

And the famous "Human Body Transmutation" is compatible with both paths.

Now Byron has no burden to use this black witchcraft as a mythical creature.

No longer have to worry about being accidentally like before. All of them may become the raw materials of the Philosopher's Stone.

Byron threw the Philosopher's Stone casually and activated the black magic version of cloning [Blood Altar and Flesh Urn].


Four identical burly figures fell on the deck in the flash of spiritual light.

Two meters tall, with bronze skin, they had the strength of a second-level extraordinary person as soon as they were born.

Byron did not use the [Blood River] that was closely related to himself, and randomly disrupted the gene sequence in their bodies, so that even if there was a problem, it would not affect him at all, ensuring absolute safety.

Since it was known that this might be a precursor to the flood that drowned the gods, of course, it would not be too careful.

Byron sent four undead servants from the Wild Hunt Corps to possess them, and a death squad was immediately freshly formed.

They looked exactly like normal living people, but they could be mass-produced, and they would not feel sorry even if they died.

Byron waved his hand and ordered:

"Clone Corps, come on!"

"Yes, Master! "

The clone at the front obeyed the order and jumped into the freezing cold water without hesitation, swimming gracefully towards the colorful foam barrier.

Then, his body suddenly froze.

He sank with a "gulp".

His limbs were flailing, his face was purple and blue, and he was drowned alive.

A group of officers:

It was rare to see their captain miscalculate, they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh out loud, and they felt particularly uncomfortable.

Byron raised his hand to retrieve the undead that had left his body, but his face gradually became solemn:

"The body is strong and the soul is an old sea dog that has been dealing with the sea for a lifetime. It stands to reason that holding your breath for ten minutes is not a problem at all.

Now he's drowned just five seconds after entering the water?

This kind of drowning seems to come from the rules, and has nothing to do with whether you are good at swimming.

Although it's just a precursor, it already has a little taste of the gods being drowned. "

Fortunately, the death of this cloned suicide squad member was not in vain.

With Byron's promotion to the fourth level, the observation distance of the [Logbook] was further enhanced, and secrets can be read as long as the senses can reach.

Just now, a key piece of information in the secret realm was read through this suicide squad member.

"Secret realm: The Little Mermaid's Foam Dream.

Now you are a little mermaid. If you want to see the handsome prince you have been thinking about day and night, how can you not pay a little bit of "insignificant" price?

The first rule: Only mermaids and marine creatures will not be drowned by the sea water here. "

The secret realm that descended here seems to be a fairy tale that is widely circulated in the North Sea.

It was created by a Hall Sequence [Writer] of the Kingdom of Aalborg in the Kalmar Union of the Bay People a few years ago.

It is said that he was inspired by chance when he was traveling in the collective subconscious sea of ​​the Bay People with the extraordinary spirituality of the [Writer], and then adapted it into a fairy tale based on a real event, which was widely praised.

"Can I see a little mermaid here? "


Byron snapped his fingers, and when the second suicide squad member jumped into the sea, he not only changed his race, but also his gender.

The upper body is a dark-skinned woman, and the lower body is a blue fish tail.

The reason for this shape is purely because Byron is reluctant to let the orthodox mermaid die, but if it is this one, he will feel much better.

This "mermaid" who looks particularly strong finally succeeded in approaching the colorful foam and jumped in.

Through her eyes, Byron finally saw the inside of this secret place.

The Glacier Islands are still frozen land, with an extremely vast area of ​​at least 50,000 square kilometers, equivalent to one-fifth of the territory of the Kingdom of Hastings.

After being affected by the rules of the secret realm, a wealthy country appeared here, with magnificent castles built on the seashore, large and small villages, and snow-capped mountains.

It is very similar to the Bay People's Country in the northern border of the Old Continent, but the prototype cannot be locked.

However, before Byron could see clearly whether there was anyone, the "Black Mermaid" fell to the ground with a snap, and the fish tail bounced twice, and it quickly dried into a black salted fish.

The ink on the logbook is updated in time:

"The little mermaid has to pay a price for every step forward.

Sacrificing her beautiful singing voice (tongue) can gain the ability to walk freely on land."

So, the third black mermaid stretched out her tongue in advance when approaching the colorful bubble.

As her tongue disappeared in a puff of green smoke, she also regained her legs that could walk on land with the help of the secret rules.

She landed lightly on the ground and finally got a close look at this secret country with a strong Bay People style.

I don't know why, but Byron felt at first glance that the fairy tale castle built on the seashore was very similar to his own Sorenburg.

The people living here include both bronze-skinned natives of the South Continent and white-skinned immigrants from the Old Continent, but the total number is far less than expected.

There are only about forty or fifty people.

Everyone has a silver holy emblem on his body.

-In the stormy waves, the Bay People warriors on the boat held a sharp harpoon and pierced a giant whale that jumped up from the waves.

Looking at this image, you can see that this is obviously the emblem representing the fifth-level false god [Whale Hunter].

These people are most likely his devout believers and priests.

"Found it, but the situation is not good."

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