Pirate Kingship

Chapter 445 Wait, why is your last name Tudor too?

Under the pollution of the secret realm, the clothes of these people have changed automatically. Some of them are farmers, some are hunters, guards, nobles, and ministers.

Their bodies began to quietly transform into various marine creatures, which were almost the same as the symptoms of "coral disease", and their sanity was almost lost.

However, no matter what their identities were, they did not really take their roles at this time.

Instead, driven by the obsession of warning others before alienation, they were busy finding various writing tools and making drifting bottles.

After writing, they threw them into the moat, went downstream into the sea, floated to the surface from the bottom of the sea, and then went to the far north under the push of the ocean current.

Although their eyes had long been turbid, they did not realize that they had become weird and the letters they wrote had become the medium for meme killings.

He was still mumbling incoherently:

"Oracle! Oracle!

We are the whistleblowers of human civilization, shouldering a great responsibility, and we must quickly pass on the oracle of our Lord [Whale Hunter].

The big trouble for mankind is coming, and every time one more person receives our warning, one more person can live."

As time went by, the pollution level deepened, and many people gradually spoke with other voices:

"His Royal Highness's ball is about to begin, and I should go to greet the guests. No, I have to write a letter!"

"I should polish the silver plates and gold cups, and urge the kitchen to prepare the food for the banquet. No, I have to write a letter!"

"I have to prepare the dresses and shoes for the ball. No, I have to write a letter."

Obviously, each of them has a moral level and noble sentiments above the standard line.

At this point, the will is still pulling between the "superego" and the "self", the "divine" and the "animal", and has not completely fallen.

Seeing this, Violet, who shared senses with Byron, subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

There are no small tribes with less than a thousand people in the dangerous Beast Paradise.

There are only a few dozen people here, which means that most of the people in this settlement should have fled the dangerous area before the disaster and were not drowned by the rising flood.

But in a blink of an eye, I was worried about these believers, priests, and my father who was deeply bound to them.

"There are many worshippers of my father in Anchor Bay and Glacier Islands.

The biggest difference between the two is that the scale of Glacier Islands is much smaller than that of Anchor Bay, and the anchoring is weaker.

My father has been struggling to find the secret of the prophecy of revival, probably because the location of Anchor Bay is there, and he has to find a way to save himself in advance.

Assuming that my father has already gone to the most dangerous Eastern Continent, the abnormality here may come from the tidal aftermath on the Eastern Continent.

The believers here were affected together with my father, and they were the first to suffer because the anchoring was too weak. "

All the details show that the situation of [Whale Hunter] may not be too good, and may be experiencing the same tug-of-war as these believers.

Violet bit her lower lip, but she felt that she had strength but nowhere to use it.

She realized that the reason why her father didn't tell her anything, and didn't even let her take up a position in the Lighthouse Order, was that he didn't want her to be in danger when she encountered such a situation.

But didn't Violet think so too?

If she had a choice, she didn't want her father, who always had great ambitions, to be a selfless hero.

She would rather he be a little more selfish like Byron, at least to fatten himself up before protecting others.

Byron immediately launched the [Echo of History] on these people and read their history.

It was discovered that their mixed tribe actually had more than 2,000 people, and they had been living in this land in an orderly manner before encountering the disaster.

Their life was very closed, and they had almost no external communication. Ten years ago, they accidentally obtained the protection of the [Whale Hunter], and then they began to believe in this fifth-level false god devoutly.

This was also their only channel for external communication.

Over the years, they could occasionally receive oracles.

Until last year, a blue hole suddenly appeared on the seashore outside the Glacier Islands, spitting out a young man who also wore the whale holy emblem.

They believed that this was an envoy sent by the Whale Hunter from the Eastern Continent, so they nominated him as the bishop of the Whale Hunter Church.

The "Great Flood" warning was also the first to hear the oracle of the Whale Hunter, and other believers heard the news of varying degrees of completeness one after another.

So, after evacuating most of the residents on the island as soon as possible, they did not forget to warn the humans on the entire continent according to Jack Harold's instructions.

But they didn't know what went wrong, and the priests and believers who heard the oracle in person began to alienate one after another.

In the end, the young bishop from the Eastern Continent ordered all the alienated priests and believers to stay in the Glacier Islands and continue to complete the tasks assigned by the Whale Hunter.

This is what they saw.

"Visitors from the Eastern Continent? Messenger of the Whale Hunter?"

Byron and Violet's eyes suddenly lit up when they accidentally discovered the highlight.

According to Therese, if there is no external interference, the blue hole will usually only transmit things with higher terrain to lower terrain.

Since this messenger of God came from the lower-lying Eastern Continent to the relatively higher-lying Southern Continent, there must have been help from external forces.

[Whale Hunter] Since he was sent back in a serious manner, perhaps it was because he discovered some secrets during the subsequent exploration.

After getting the key clue, Byron immediately controlled the black mermaid death squad and walked towards the castle not far away.

He guessed that the role played by the angel was most likely the "prince", one of the two most important protagonists in this fairy tale.


However, the black mermaid found that every step she took was like walking on a knife edge. The skin on her feet was not injured, but blood was flowing out.

Leaving bloody footprints on the ground.

You should know that if a person loses one-third of his blood, he will fall into a dying state. If this continues, he will bleed to death before finding the key person.

But just as he walked to the gate of the castle, Byron found that the black mermaid did not need to worry about bleeding too much for the time being.

"Who is it?"

The two guards who were wearing heavy knight armor and holding axes and guns and guarding the gate shouted angrily, swung their axes and guns and chopped at her.


There was no blood splashing, but it turned into a pile of colorful foam on the spot, and disappeared instantly when the sun shone on it.

The devout believers were still busy writing letters. All the loyal people in this secret realm were obviously NPCs created by the secret realm itself.

They attacked outsiders without hesitation.

The logbook was updated again:

"The little mermaid has to pay a price for every step forward.

Sacrifice your beautiful long hair to get an indestructible dagger, and no one can be an obstacle for you to see the prince."

Soon, the fourth black mermaid with a shiny bald head, holding a dagger in hand, chopped down all the guards, and strode into the interior of the castle that looked like Thorenberg.

Byron followed the black mermaid's vision, but he felt more and more strange as he walked.

Drawbridge, city wall, watchtower, front fort field, circular wall tower, middle fort field, until entering the majestic main building of the castle.

He found that his initial feeling was correct. Except for some slight differences in details, this place was exactly the same as the Sorenburg where he grew up!

He even found a few seemingly similar red rose emblems.

The biggest difference was that it looked much newer than the real Sorenburg. According to the growth and size of the vegetation, it seemed to be from Sorenburg 20 years ago, when he was not yet born.

It is said that the author himself said that the fairy tale of the Little Mermaid was inspired by his collective subconscious, and it is very likely to correspond to a real history.

"But no matter how real the history is, it can't correspond to my home, right?

Is there a little mermaid in Sorenburg? How could I not know?

Moreover, what is the relationship between the 'protagonist' of the story and the envoy of God? Why does the secret realm correspond to this fairy tale?

Shouldn't they be attracted to each other when there is a strong correlation between ethnicity and history?"

Byron was more and more confused as he thought about it, and drove the black beauty to speed up.

Instead of running around in the huge castle like a headless fly, wasting precious steps and blood, he rushed straight to the room of the "prince" 20 years ago.

In fact, it was the room that his father, Prince Sorenburg, and he shared with his mother after they got married.

When he walked to the door this time, he opened [Echoes of History] again in advance and read the corresponding information:

"Little Mermaid, only if the prince falls in love with you can you take him away from here and return to the sea.

Otherwise, you will turn into foam and disappear from this world the next morning when the sun rises."

"Fall in love?"

With the help of the black mermaid's perspective and the smooth floor, Byron saw the "black mermaid's" dark skin, strong biceps, shiny bald head, tongueless mouth, cold dagger in hand, and a string of bloody footprints.

He thought to himself: "If the prince can fall in love with such a 'mermaid', he must be blind!"

Thinking of this, Byron controlled the black mermaid to kick the door open without hesitation.

He saw a figure who was also writing a letter at the desk. He just finished writing a letter and put it in a drift bottle and threw it into the moat through the window.

Hearing the loud noise, he subconsciously turned his head to look at the door.


"Hiss! What the hell is this?"

Byron immediately saw the true appearance of the "Prince" and was stunned.

There was a huge fish head on top, and two human legs were connected below, and the legs were covered with leg hair.

Everyone in the secret realm was alienated, and the "Prince" was a half-man, half-fish curious image, which was also within his expectations.

But the name that [Ship Log] read from the other party later made Byron's pupils shrink suddenly.

Salant Tudor!

He couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Aren't you from the Eastern Continent? Why do you have the same surname as my mother, Tudor?!"

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