Pirate Kingship

Chapter 477 Launching! The long-awaited heavy cruiser!

In the blink of an eye, more than a month passed, and it was the end of September in the year 1472 of the Silver Age.

Byron took some time out from his busy schedule of playing two roles and “professionally pretending to fight” everywhere, and returned to the Torrent Fortress in the image of [Sea Hunter] Byron Tudor with Catherine, who was also busy.

He didn’t go anywhere else, and went straight into the shipyard.

“How is the situation with the pirates? It’s really tiring to run around all the time by yourself. It’s okay to take a few days off.”

Catherine felt particularly sorry for Byron, who had been working non-stop. Even the three cultivations that were most effective in improving the spiritual realm had not been able to gather people for a long time.

Recently, he used the identity of [Wild Hunt] to rob the cargo ships of the royalist nobles, break into their territory on the colony of Arawak Island, and loot cash, jewelry, spices, and food;

Then he used the identity of [Sea Hunter] to recover the lost land, and tearfully transferred various immovable properties that had lost their owners to his own name.

It's too tiring to be a pirate or a navy man.

Look how tired he is. He has gained at least three pounds.

Hearing this, Byron waved his hand generously:

"We are all serving the public. If you take their money, you have to show off. I can only suffer for myself first.

Actors should at least have professionalism. It is too unprofessional to just show a face and say 1, 2, 3, 4 at most.

There is [Eight-legged Pegasus] and Sword Saint Herman, the [Wild Hunt Servant]. The two identities have appeared many times at the same time and have fought each other in person. No one will doubt that they are the same person."

For more than a month, the royal party and the earl party have fought each other, but their support for the two "Byrons" has increased day by day.

Under Byron's superb acting skills, the sunk costs of both sides have become higher and higher, and gradually it has become true that the one who owes money is the boss.

The royal party and the earl party are afraid that their investment objects will not be able to bear it, so that all their investments will go down the drain, and even cause a chain collapse of the situation.

Not only did they not dare to urge them, but they even spoke softly.

Expectations were lowered again and again. Even if they just restrained each other and did not let the other party have time to interfere with the mainland, it would be worth the money.

At this time, even if the two Byrons each said "Don't scream at me," they would have to smile and continue to pay.

Raising an enemy to protect oneself is so confident!

At this time, Catherine seemed to suddenly think of something funny. She gently scratched her delicate face and teased Byron:

"With the opening of the southern continent, there are more and more new things. The Lighthouse Weekly has recently been upgraded to the Lighthouse Daily.

I saw that the deeds of [Wild Hunt] and [Sea Hunter] have dominated the front page of the newspaper for a long time.

After the serious things were said, all kinds of gossip began to fly all over the sky.

Today's title is the most interesting-"Exclusive news: Shocking! The real reason for the fight between the two strong men is jealousy!"

I learned from the newspaper that Mr. [Wild Hunt] and Mr. [Sea Hunter] have been fighting in groups throughout Bantaan, and it turns out that they are fighting for wives.

I don't know who will win in the end.

Weak little girls like us can only be manipulated by others. Whoever wins will have children, sob sob sob"


Byron slapped his sister's round buttocks in a bad mood, making the "wife" who was robbed in the gossip news burst into tears.

"Well, you dare to abuse me?

I'm going to find the [Wild Hunt] and marry him as a concubine with the Princess of the Bay."

Catherine also raised her long legs like a jade pillar and kicked Byron on the buttocks.

"Shame on you, little train, dirty, dirty, sister, you have also learned bad things."

Byron grabbed Catherine's ankle and was about to fight back, but Violet's voice suddenly rang in their ears:

"Why are you two so slow? The last coat of tung oil on the cruiser has been brushed. If you don't come, you will miss the launching ceremony of the new ship."

They were immediately refreshed, stopped playing, and rushed into Dock No. 1 hand in hand.

When they saw the golden behemoth in the dry dock, they narrowed their eyes slightly.

The real thing is obviously much more shocking than the drawings.

This warship was built with nearly two thousand teak trees. It has a low hull, smooth lines, and a soft golden glow.

Especially the bottom of the ship, which was covered with a layer of copper skin that was also golden and shiny, which was specially used to restrain marine parasites such as barnacles.

Just looking at it from a distance, it looks like a dazzling work of art.

Catherine, who had only visited it a few times during the construction period, couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Is this the heavy cruiser known as "invincible in single combat"? It's so beautiful."

She doesn't know how to build ships, but she is a typical appearance party. As long as she looks good, her strength must be good.

At this time, little Hans was leading a group of [shipbuilders] to brush the tung oil that had just been shipped back from the Sun Empire up and down the inside and outside of the hull.

Taking advantage of the window period in late September and early October.

The "Indigenous Empire Alliance" Holy Golden Empire and the [Hand of Wealth] Atahualpa led the Sun Empire to complete another happy transaction.

To be honest, the trade volume is already enough to match two or three Castilian treasure ships, and it will definitely get higher and higher in the future. I am afraid that one day it will transform into the second "treasure fleet".

And this newly built heavily armored cruiser was also very lucky to be the first sail warship to be maintained with tung oil.

The service life can be doubled based on the already strong teak wood.

Soon after the craftsmen finished applying the tung oil, a burst of spiritual wind from [Alchemy] blew through. The tung oil dried immediately and was firmly combined with the wood, forming a waterproof layer that seemed to be integrated.

Violet, who served as the chief engineer, waved her hand and ordered:

"Open the gate and release the water!"

As seawater poured into the dock, the new ship began to gradually rise and return to normal.

After carefully checking that there were no leaks, keel deformation or other problems, Violet immediately led the outfitting team.

Among a large group of people, those who were qualified to get started were at least second-level [craftsmen]. With the cooperation of elite sailors, they were extremely fast. It only took two hours to complete the final internal and external outfitting.

"It's done."

Byron immediately pulled his sister and jumped onto the deck, stretched out his hand to hold the steering wheel that felt great, and seemed to be able to feel the pulsating vitality in the battleship.

The detailed parameters of [Heavy Cruiser (Unnamed)] also appeared in front of him.

"[Specifications]: The total length of the ship is 62.2 meters, the width is 13.6 meters, the molded depth is 6.85 meters, the displacement is 2,200 tons, the design speed is 14 knots, the crew capacity is 450 people, the bow and stern buildings are completely eliminated, and the flat deck design is adopted.

[Armament]: Double-layered artillery deck, with 30 32-pound cannons on the lower deck and 26 42-pound caron cannons on the upper deck, capable of both long-range and close combat.

The one-time projection mass can reach 2052 pounds!

Because of the mature technology of the carronage gun, the artillery configuration of this battleship has exceeded the common sense of many people.

The normal configuration should be 32 pounds for the lower layer and 24 pounds for the upper layer, but the caliber of the upper layer of artillery is actually larger than the caliber of the lower layer of heavy artillery.

And it's a 42-pounder gun, a monster comparable to the main gun of a first-class battleship.

In fact, thanks to the fact that the carronade's weight is only half that of a long-barreled cannon of the same caliber, this configuration is relatively moderate and will not cause the center of gravity to be too high and cause rollover.

The only drawback is that the range is not as good as the cannon.

[Sail rigging]: Full sail rigging (three masts and full horizontal sail), bow gaffed jib, stern gaffed jib, sail area 3969 square meters. "

Compared with those third-level and above battleships of the same era that have powerful firepower but poor self-sustainability, the advantages of this enhanced super cruiser are obviously extremely prominent:

First, heavy cruisers with a lower center of gravity can deploy more heavy artillery than third-tier battleships, and can even adopt a full-heavy artillery configuration, so they have firepower that is almost as good as that of third-tier battleships in naval battles.

You know, the firepower configuration of a 74-gun third-class ship is usually: twenty-eight 32-pound guns, thirty 24-pound guns, sixteen 9-pound guns, and the one-time projection mass is only 1,760 pounds.

It is still a long way from the 2,052 pounds of this cruiser. It is about the distance of nine 32-pound guns, which is simply too exaggerated.

Second, under the same tonnage, the bow and stern towers are eliminated, allowing the ship to be equipped with a thicker hull and greatly increasing its defense power.

The multi-layered teak hull, which is nearly one meter thick, is already better than an ironclad ship, even if it is not an ironclad ship.

Third, the height is lowered and close to the water surface, and the aspect ratio is increased, close to 6:1, which reduces the wave-making resistance and makes the speed faster.

Unlike Yan Dang’s sister, Byron knows the meaning of this battleship best:

"The configuration of the heavy cruiser has reached the pinnacle of sailing battleship design performance, at least 200 years ahead of the current Galenic sailing ship.

The design concept is that no matter what kind of opponent it faces, one side will always have the advantage in terms of firepower and speed.

Those who can defeat it cannot outrun it, and those who can outrun it cannot defeat it.

You can move forward and retreat freely on the sea without any disadvantages.

With its powerful firepower and excellent speed, the heavy-armed cruiser, which is a mortal creature, dares to compete with any non-monstrous warship.

Even many exotic warships may not be its opponents.

Combining the superior design, excellent materials, and the black witchcraft ritual of "The Mystery of the Ship Spirit of Theseus", it is definitely expected to be promoted to a [Legendary Battleship] that births a ship spirit, comparable to a fifth-level extraordinary person!

What’s more important is”

Byron looked down at the entire Stromgarde Industrial Center outside the shipyard.

“What I got was not just a boat, but an entire industrial system built around it.

Originally this land was just a barren land.

But now through the construction of this battleship, ironmaking, steelmaking, gunpowder, artillery shells, milling machines, boring machines, artillery, muskets, wood processing, tar chemicals, shipbuilding and other industries are all available.

Basic industrial systems such as metallurgy, shipbuilding, coal chemical industry, and military manufacturing have taken shape in the territory.

Now all it takes is the construction of a whale oil-powered steam engine as a catalyst, and the Fortress will be able to unleash a terrifying industrial strength that makes the whole world tremble.

I’m not afraid of starting a new season at all.

Will an industrial power with the entire industry chain lose?

Never heard of it.

Even if we don't die personally, we can only serve as arms suppliers to both sides of the war, and we have the hope of becoming the world's most powerful country. No one knows how to cross the river by feeling the bald eagle better than me.

Today is not only the launch of a brand new battleship, but also the launch of an industrial monster!

When I am crowned [Sun King], I will be worthy of the name of the sun rising in the east. I am the only one who is undefeated, bah bah. "

Full of ambition, Byron tapped the steering wheel, and the name of the "Golden Deer", the "fastest three-masted ship in the world," was transferred to the new ship.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The [Silver Law] manifested, and a huge golden beam of light broke through the air, dyeing the [New Golden Deer] into pure gold.

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