Pirate Kingship

Chapter 478 Trimaran: Warship in Superposition State (6600)

Now it happens to be the "trap door" window period in the southern continent at the end of September and early October, and sailing ships of all sizes are coming and going on the entire long north-south route.

Viewed from a high altitude, you can see fleets of ships traveling together probably every few dozen nautical miles, mainly consisting of various single-masted and double-masted cargo ships.

On the way there, the first half is from the Bantaan Islands to the Big Bear Islands occupied by the West Wind Express, and the second half is from the Big Bear Islands via the Broken Islands and Trap Door to the Southern Continent or the Sagittarius Islands, and finally breaks into a new world like the mythical era.

When returning, the first half of the journey starts from the major colonies in the southern continent or the Sagittarius Islands, passing through the trap door and the Broken Islands to the Big Bear Islands. The second half is from the Big Bear Islands to Bantaan, or re-entering the first circulation zone and returning to the Old Continent. .

However, due to the different sizes and design functions of the ships, few ships choose to complete the entire route independently. Instead, different ships perform their own duties and are only responsible for a section of the route.

For example, whaling ships are responsible for hunting whales near the Rift Trench, and at most stop at the Sagittarius Islands. They will never waste time on ocean voyages that can be done by cargo ships;

The fastest small sloops take on the work of short-distance freight, mainly communicating between the Big Bear Islands and the Sagittarius Islands, and can travel at least twice in one window period;

Ocean-going cargo ships reach the Big Bear Islands at most and are responsible for transporting various goods from the Southern Continent back to the Old Continent through the "First Circulation Zone";

As for the large battleships?

Until the colonies break through the local technological blockade and the royal ban and build their own, there will be no war machines of this level in this sea area.

However, today will obviously be a very special exception.

Several cargo ships flying the flag of the Rhine League were traveling on the Sapphire Sea at a speed of four knots. The ships were loaded with various development tools, gunpowder and living supplies.

Their destination is the Big Bear Islands. They transport supplies on the way there and bring back whale oil and other specialties from the Southern Continent on the way back. They will never waste transportation capacity with an empty ship.

Suddenly, the lookout standing on the mainmast exclaimed:

"Captain, something seems to be catching up with me. What is it? It's so fast!"

The crew members who were busy on the ship rushed to the stern of the ship and saw a golden bright spot suddenly appeared on the sea in the north, which grew rapidly as time went by.

But in the eyes of the captain of the cargo ship, the only transcendent person on the ship, that thing was not a bright spot, but an extremely brilliant and blazing sun.

It was traveling in the same direction as its own fleet, and its speed was getting faster and faster. It came to their side in the blink of an eye, and then suddenly went away and turned into a small dot again.

Compared with it, this cargo fleet is simply a tortoise in front of a hare.

After a long time, someone among the stunned crew members on the ship murmured:

"There seems to be a sloop in the golden light. How can it be so fast?"

A companion next to him immediately retorted:

"Nonsense, that's obviously a large Galen merchant ship. Can't you even count how many masts it has?"

However, what is even more bizarre is that other people have completely different opinions:

"Are you two okay? That is obviously a huge battleship of level three or above. Can such a big ship and such a big gun port be mistaken?"

"No, no, you saw it wrong too, it's obviously a cruise ship!"

"Wrong, it's a two-masted whaler."

The scorching sun had long since disappeared from sight, but the crew members on the cargo ship were making a scene.

Because none of the sailboats they saw were the same, and everyone firmly believed that what they saw was the truth.

Just like a group of blind people touching an elephant, normal cognition is confused by inexplicable forces, and they can only see one side, neither left nor right nor in the middle.

When a group of people angrily approached the most authoritative and powerful extraordinary captain in their minds for judgment, they did not expect him to spread his hands with a wry smile on his face:

“I saw nothing but a dazzling golden light, and I only knew that what just passed by was indeed a ship.

I guess it should be a strange object or weirdness that is at least equivalent to the medium sequence.

You should be lucky that it has no ill intentions. If it had wanted to kill us, our entire transport fleet would have sunk to the bottom of the sea by now. "

Seeing the crew members' faces full of disbelief and wanting to argue further, he simply put on a straight face:

"Order, all return to their respective posts, private discussions are strictly prohibited, and any abnormalities will be reported immediately.

By the way, let me supervise each other to recite the taboos on ocean voyages ten times. "

At this time, on the "Xinxin Golden Deer" that was out for sea trials, Byron and his party had not yet realized that their new ship had been regarded as a monster by others, and a new and bizarre legend on the sea was gradually brewing.

Even if you hear their conversation, it will not hinder your good mood today at all.

Because the abnormal effects observed by outsiders come from the extraordinary capabilities of the new ship.


The sea breeze blew across my cheeks, and the Golden Deer rode the wind and waves.

[Level 1 Holy Relic·Heavy Cruiser] is just like the [Level 2 Holy Relic·The First Tudor Mixed Sailboat] which was also built using teak. The originally brand-new teak wood has quietly reached the most perfect oxidation state.

It was gleaming with gold from beginning to end, as if it were a golden ship made entirely of gold.

Even the gaps in the joints of the wooden boards are almost invisible, as if all the wooden structures have grown back into a perfect whole.

In the spiritual vision of an extraordinary being, it shines as brightly as a sun.

And compared to the Tudor mixed sailing ship, which is just an ordinary privateer, it is larger and the higher-level heavy cruiser is obviously more dazzling.

The huge sail with a total area of ​​3969 square meters, which is equivalent to forty houses, has also undergone qualitative changes under the baptism of human collective subconsciousness, and turned into white clouds.

The luxurious hull and holy sails make people wonder whether such a warship can only be born in the legendary kingdom of heaven.

Byron's logbook also shows the information of this [First-class Holy Relic·Heavy Cruiser]:

“In the Age of Discovery, sail warships could travel hundreds of kilometers a day with dozens or hundreds of two- to three-ton cannons, pouring extremely ferocious firepower on specific targets.

They are the well-deserved ‘Kings of War’ of this era, and no man-made weapon can match them.

But the emergence of heavily armed cruisers has rewritten this history.

It has reached a certain exquisite balance and peak combat power in terms of speed, firepower, self-sustainability, etc., and represents the inevitable development trend of sail warships in the future.

As the strongest mass-produced mortal weapon, it has acquired the extraordinary nature of a first-level holy relic. "

Core capabilities [superposition of battleships] (Schrödinger-style battleships):

"Heavy cruisers have the advantages of both cruisers and battleships. They are like the boundary between the sky and the sea that connects the sea and the sky. People can't tell whether it is the sky or the sea.

It is in a subtle superposition state, and others cannot identify the true appearance of this battleship through observation.

If you subjectively think it is a battleship, it is a battleship, if you think it is a cruiser, it is a cruiser, or you may mistake it for any other type of sailing ship.

A battleship with a unique appearance like a heavy cruiser will not leave any special impression on others.

At the same time, in addition to facing the enemy in its normal form, the captain can switch it between cruiser and battleship as long as he wants, maximizing the performance of the two forms! "

Byron held the steering wheel in his hand, his eyes penetrated the sea surface, and with the authority of the captain, he saw two other warships in the reflection of the heavily armored cruiser.

They are somewhat similar to the [Xinxin Golden Deer], except that one of them is a reduced version of the cruiser, and the other is an enhanced version of the battleship.

This is no illusion.

Violet and Catherine were wandering hand in hand on two empty battleships, showing a state that was completely opposite to the material world.

Obviously, they are exactly the same as real battleships in terms of presence and function.

As long as Byron gives the order as captain, the battleship under his feet can automatically "collapse" into any of these forms at any time.

"Miss, how are you?"

Fourth-level craftsman Violet checked the projections of the cruiser and the battleship respectively, and said with some surprise:

“Not just a superposition state, but a constant trimaran mode.

The added space alone is equivalent to twice the original heavy cruiser, which is equivalent to carrying a large warehouse with you.

In this superposition state, the stored materials will never deteriorate.

With this kind of strong self-sustainability, not to mention clearing the 'Echidna Triangle Gyre' in the future, even sailing around the world along the 'Celestial Gyre Belt' will be enough.

Coupled with the fact that each form comes with a powerful supernatural ability, we made a lot of money this time. "

Byron's heart moved, and the battleship at his feet suddenly switched to the form of a fast cruiser.

There was no change in the wind around him. It was always a normal northeasterly force five wind. However, the sails were filled with invisible things in an instant, and the ship's speed suddenly increased a lot.

14 knots, 16 knots, 18 knots, 20 knots!

It was clearly a sailing battleship, but it felt like it was running at full speed.

This is exactly the ability in [Cruiser Mode] - [Blessing of the Deep Sea]:

“Energy is neither created nor destroyed; it is only converted from one form to another, or transferred from one object to another, while the total amount of energy remains the same.

However, the Luoyan Era is gradually approaching, and the tide of source material is rising every moment, and subtle water potential differences will occur at any time.

The transformed sails of the battleship can not only rely on wind power, but also ocean currents and source material tides, making full use of every ounce of energy flowing around them. "

In this state, the [Xinxin Golden Deer] can reach a speed of 20 knots within the Bantaan Islands, and after entering the Broken Islands and the windless zone, the speed even soars to 25 knots.

Theoretically, the higher the water level of the source material tide, the faster it will move.

It is reasonable to infer that if one sets foot on the "Second Circulation Zone" to go to the Eastern Continent with the highest water level, it is simply unimaginable what terrifying speed a sail warship can run regardless of the wind.

Moreover, in cruiser mode, it can easily travel through even the smallest cracks in the world.

Using the "optimal home field" of the Sea of ​​Origin as a springboard, it can maneuver quickly throughout the material world.

Byron turned on his "divine vision" and "weather intuition" to easily capture the cracks in the world, turned his head and drove the Golden Deer into it.

Other ships on the route saw a golden warship flickering in and out of the material world, disappearing in an instant.

In just half an hour, he crossed the Broken Islands and Windless Zone, which spanned ten latitudes, and entered the new world of the southern hemisphere.

In front of this battleship, space and distance are no longer obstacles.

While galloping all the way, I unknowingly arrived at the east coast of the Southern Continent, which was occupied by families of old gods.

The last time I helped [Navigator] Delia get promoted, she had to use the [First Overseas Development Order] to cover her figure before she dared to come here.

Now he was doing it openly and openly, immediately attracting the siege of the old gods' dependents in the nearby sea area.

The Old God Familiar Clan had not seen such an arrogant outsider for several months, and their reaction speed was exceptionally fast.

Suddenly a hazy mist rose from the sea, mixed with the smell of rotting fish, rotten shrimps and human corpses, which made people want to vomit.

"It stinks."

Catherine, who was least accustomed to the sea environment, couldn't help but cover her nose with a handkerchief. Most of the others turned blue and looked at Byron.

I wonder if the first opponent chosen for this audition was too random.

This is a new boat without even a scratch, Captain!

Of course Byron would not admit that he didn't pick at all, he just caught the nearest unlucky guy.

He felt that he no longer needed to ask who the enemy was or how many there were, he only needed to ask where they were.

Then he calmly ordered:

"Level 1 combat readiness! Switch the battleship status, enter their respective combat positions, open the gun doors, and load each gun assembly."

After the form switch, the [Golden Deer] immediately "collapsed" from the 56-gun heavy cruiser state into the 74-gun battleship form. The artillery deck was increased by one layer out of thin air, and the firepower was instantly increased by one-half.

"Dang Dang Dang" the alarm bell sounded.

Although Byron's voice instantly spread throughout the three artillery decks.

But Gunnery Commander Wyandotte, who had also been promoted to the third level, still repeated his orders loudly on the lower deck in accordance with the combat rules:

"Order, all artillery groups load!"

Seven or eight whale oil-powered sailing ships appeared vaguely in the fog in the distance. They seemed very primitive, but in the eyes of the colonists, they were science fiction enough. There were also turbid water lines approaching quickly under the water.

"Captain, it's the Coast Guard of Voodoo!"

[Phantom Blade] Gus, who was watching on the mainmast, immediately confirmed the opponent's identity.

Voodoo worships the old god [Samadi, the Undead Eel King] who is in charge of death, the undead, and corpses.

According to the description in "Voodoo Ritual", it was an eel-shaped super-sized existence composed of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of human corpses.

His relatives are best at using "pufferfish poison" to drive various resurrected corpses.

Just like now, on the whale oil-powered sailboat are the pale-skinned old gods' dependents, and underwater are many corrupt sharks and human corpses.

It is obviously intended to use its own advantages to attack the bottom of the ship from underwater.

Before they could get close, Byron decisively ordered:

"The field is unfolding, and we are united!"


With the battleship as the center, a circular field with a diameter of one hundred meters suddenly spread out, pushing away all the fog in this space.

Ability [United as One]:

“The teak used in the [Heavy Cruiser] shipbuilding comes from the Tayman Islands International Port; the steel and bronze come from the Rapids Fortress; the coal comes from the city-states along the Candelaria River;

The cotton and flax used to make canvas ropes come from all over Yucatan; the twisting material comes from the Channel Islands; and the tung oil comes from the southern continent.

It can be said that the raw materials for shipbuilding came from the entire Holy Golden Empire ruled under Byron, and even the entire known world of mankind. Among the builders were the labor of the Old World people, Tainos, and even the Quechua people.

After concentrating the manpower and material resources of all ethnic groups from all over the world, this war machine, which represents the pinnacle of mankind, was built. It naturally condensed the thoughts and wishes of all living beings and became the precursor of "United Will United".

It can expand a royal domain similar to the [King] within a hundred meters of the ship and its surroundings. The spherical space within this range is equivalent to your core city-state.

Obtain a series of powers that a ruler should have, such as [Border Mystery Lock] and [Customized Laws].

When others attack this battleship, it is like attacking your royal city. The more powerful the collective will is, the stronger the effect of [United Will] will be! "

Before the opponent attacked, Byron decisively issued a series of orders:

"Legal order: Diving is prohibited here!"

The nearby zombie sharks and humans were all pushed up to the surface by invisible forces.

"Legal Order: All ships here except the Golden Deer must slow down by 30%!"

The whale oil sailboats that were rushing around suddenly dropped in speed, like a turtle crawling.

"Legal Order: The barrage density of this ship will be increased by an additional 30%!"

"Target: The old god's dependents and resurrected corpses within a hundred meters, shoot with double bombs, focus the fire on the battleship, and open fire!"

Wyandotte repeated the order:


boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The orange-red gun flames bursting out from the three-story gun ports suddenly illuminated the entire sea area, and the waves of the sea suddenly retreated in front of the [Golden Deer]'s gun ports.

74 artillery pieces equivalent to the main guns of a second-level or above battleship fired in unison, and on this basis, 30% more blazing fireballs were added. Nearly two hundred artillery shells instantly formed a metal storm covering everything.

All obstacles along the way were instantly torn apart and exploded into a foul-smelling blood mist. The ships exploded and exploded, and the charred human bodies and equipped artillery flew high into the sky.

Even the nearby sea surface was cut into pieces by heavy artillery, and fiery shock waves rippled in circles.

"Go on, three rounds of rapid fire!"

"As ordered, three rounds of rapid fire!"

It took only a minute, and when the three rounds of volleys were over, there was no intact object on the nearby sea.

Then the [Golden Deer] immediately restored its heavy cruiser form, turned the bow and ran away.

The sticky roar from the far sea was thrown farther and farther away.

Apparently, there was also a fifth-level [false god] hidden in the core ruling area of ​​​​Voodoo. Before he could react, he was ridden on the neck and urinated.

But before he could react, the other party had already run away.

Although it is a bit unethical to run away after poking the hornet's nest, it is exciting!

It also proves the superior performance of the [New Golden Deer] from the side. It can fight and run, which is enough to crush the secular forces below the divine domain of all parties.

Although Byron was a little unsatisfied, he roughly estimated the power limit of [United as One]:

"The strength of the border maze is the same as that of the base camp, and it can be opened all the time, which is equivalent to putting an extra layer of armor on the warship.

The custom law can be used about 4-5 times a day, and the strength is about the same as the fourth-level [Law Master], which is enough to fight a big battle.

As for the ability [Hand of Balance] in the intermediate state heavy cruiser mode, it can adjust the proportion of the two states and play various combinations to adapt to different battlefield states.

Even in high sea conditions, there will be no dilemma of the bottom gun door not being able to open."

At the same time, Byron also realized that the three states and three abilities of this ship are the perfect embodiment of the extraordinary concept.

"Divinity" is the anchor, "animal nature" is the sail, and "human nature" is the rudder. If you want to go fast and steady, these three are indispensable.

The [United as One] of the "Battleship Form" is the anchor, the [Deep Sea Blessing] of the "Cruiser Form" is the sail, and the [Balanced Hand] of the "Heavy Cruiser Form" is the rudder, corresponding to the power from the collective, the source sea, and oneself respectively.

The tailor-made battleship is in perfect harmony with Byron's own power system, implicitly carrying his extraordinary path.

If he can truly set foot in the divine realm one day, it may become the most powerful artifact!

Byron shook his head and shook off the too-distant dream:

"The artifact is too far away, but the legendary warship is not far away.

The "Mysteries of Theseus Ship Spirit" records a promotion ceremony that allows a quasi-legendary warship to transform into a legend step by step-[Challenge the Impossible].

Defeat the powerful enemy that is invincible in the eyes of others, open up the forbidden area that is impossible to open up in the eyes of others, and challenge the feat that is impossible to accomplish in the eyes of others.

If one thing doesn't work, then two things, if two things don't work, then three things, there will eventually be a qualitative change, and the day when the ship spirit is born.

Now the basic ability of [New New Golden Deer] is so strong, I don't know what kind of powerful legendary ability will be obtained after the birth of my own ship spirit in the future."

At this time, the officers on the ship were also full of excitement.

"Too strong."

"The new ship is simply a dream warship. Who can resist it if it forms a fleet?"

Traveling thousands of kilometers in an hour, three rounds of salvos destroyed the Voodoo Coast Guard, and left after the matter was done, even the unprepared [False God] had to follow behind to eat the wake.

They already have the supreme style of conquering the known world within an hour.

With this warship, where can they not go?

Clap, clap.

Byron clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, looked at each of them, and said loudly:

"Everyone, the first heavy cruiser has been built, and the second and third will not be far away.

Even if there is no extraordinary ability, the basic performance of the warship itself is already the best in the Age of Exploration.

Everyone will have the opportunity to graduate from the [Golden Deer] and become the captain of the new heavy cruiser in the future!

You can think of a name for your warship now, and I will grant the naming right to the first captain of the new ship."

The eyes of the pirate officers all lit up.


The air on the ship was a little hotter.

[Blood Red Whiskey] Alfred asked excitedly:

"Captain, how many heavy cruisers are we going to build in total? Are there enough for everyone to share?"

Hearing this, Byron's voice suddenly became high-pitched:

"Everyone, when we have a heavy cruiser, we will be qualified to intervene in any route in the world to collect protection fees;

When we have three heavy cruisers, we will become the destroyers of regional order in the mouths of the maritime hegemons;

When we have ten or eight heavy cruisers, we will be the powerful defenders of regional order;

At this time, the Pioneer Navigation Colonial Trade Company is no longer a privateering fleet or a pirate group, and this ship cannot be called a pirate ship, but it is enough to destroy the enemy's shipping. Roads and [destroyers] that block sea traffic lines!

When we have dozens of heavy cruisers, we can occupy key waterways. Dominating the sea lifeline means dominating the islands and colonies, and even relying on these "sea walls" to seize the crown of a maritime power;

And when we have a fleet consisting of hundreds of heavy cruisers.

We can openly take out the navigation chart of the North Sea Empire of the Bay People, and use our claim rights to say: Since ancient times!

At that time, the state has more Canadian ships, and the ships have more California, all of which are not a problem.

I wonder who dares to speak loudly to us? ! "

Unlike the brainwashing speech of the [dung eater] one-eyed owl with many loopholes.

Byron has always been steady and steady, and has painted a beautiful future within reach for his core generals.

Not to mention the ordinary pirate sailors and officers, even the Bay Princess Violet and Catherine who put everything on Byron were so excited that their cheeks turned red.

They cheered together:

"Force is better than hard work!"

"More states mean more ships, more ships mean more California!"

"Long live! Long live! Long live the captain!"

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