Pirate Kingship

Chapter 486 Reverse Balance Hand, Longitude and Latitude Sextant (6300)

"How is it possible that someone is promoted again? And it's the Wild Hunt and the Sea Hunter together?

My Creator, are you kidding me? ! "

[Puppet King] Before Louis could recover from the shock of Catherine's blood sublimation and promotion to a pure-blood mithril dragon, he discovered that Byron had also begun to advance.

I couldn't help but stood up from the chair and subconsciously clenched the wine glass in my hand into powder.

On the forehead where the skin was slightly woody, a blue vein was pulsing.

"[Wild Hunt] Byron Lancaster, [War Witch] Violet; [Sea Hunter] Byron Tudor, [Mithril Dragon] Catherine, have you discussed this in advance?

The four people were promoted as soon as they were promoted, and they were all in pairs. What do you think this place is, and what do you think my script says?

Is it a family-friendly story directed for princes and princesses? "

The Puppet King didn't know what the specific requirements were for the fourth-level promotion ceremony for [War Witch], [Mithril Dragon], [Storm Lord], and [Pirate].

But one or two points can probably be inferred from the names of these professions and races.

There was a vague feeling in my heart that I was being used as a stepping stone, as well as the suffocating feeling of not being able to swallow and spit out.

A mouthful of blood almost spurted out of his chest.

There are already some doubts in the field of prophecy, whether the legendary son of destiny and the enemy in the past life are all real?

This is the case with these two "Byrons" who are not giving in to each other.

The same Bay residents, the same name, similar age, the same excellent female partner, similar profession and rank, only the growth experience and camp are completely different.

Let them kill each other as soon as they meet.

But the outcome guided by [Probability Dice] is to make everyone kill each other until they die together.

One of them was promoted, and the other was also promoted. It seemed that he did not deviate from the established destiny path, but continued to be evenly matched.

With this thought in mind, the Puppet King forcibly suppressed the urge to come to the battlefield in person and take them all away in one wave.

"Wait, wait, wait. If [the puppeteer] wants to continue to grow, he must personally direct one grand puppet show after another.

The earlier you intervene, the less effective the improvement will be.

The totem god in charge of fertility has appeared, and I will never let her slip away again.

Even if there is another accident in the future, at worst, I will go out personally and spend more effort to deal with them one by one.

This is just one small scene in a play of countless times.

My goal is to be the king of kings, to even break the 'fourth wall' of the stage, see the most real side of the world, and then use puppet threads to control everything outside the wall! "

Byron at this time was naturally unaware of the Puppet King's plans and ambitions.


The invisible wind of spirituality blew into his body.

It passes through every blood vessel, nerve, and muscle, connecting the body, soul, and even the storms of the outside world together.

With each breath, the nature of the spiritual glow and his affinity for storms were greatly improved.

In a moment of trance, Byron wondered if he had melted into the wind, and couldn't help shouting:

"From now on, I am the storm!"

"Calling the Gods and Descending the Holy Spirit" opens on its own, and all distracting thoughts disappear instantly.

Instead, there is an agile state of being as ignorant as a baby, but yet possessing self-awareness.

Another new "self" in the body opens its eyes and monitors the status of the two bodies from a third party's perspective.

Byron closed his eyes, all his senses opened up.

The "self" expands infinitely, touching heaven and earth in indescribable ways, and then extracts immeasurable complex information from heaven and earth and feeds it back to his brain.

At this moment, he clearly felt that it was not an illusion. He and the storm above him were indeed no longer separated from each other, and he had all the information about it at his fingertips:

"The cloud base is 512 meters high, the cloud layer is 4293 meters thick, the wind speed is 32.6 meters/second, and the duration is 2 hours, 38 minutes and 13 seconds."

Byron realized that he seemed to have vaguely touched the next realm of spiritual practice [the unity of all things].

In other words, it is the "unity of man and nature" that is integrated with the whole world!

Of course, even just one percent integration with the world is definitely not something that a mere mortal can bear.

Once integrated, the tiny human being will be assimilated by all things in an instant, and his individual essence will completely disappear without a trace.

One must at least reach the fifth level of [False God], the rank that anchors the ladder of immortality, to be eligible to make a preliminary attempt to embark on the path of [All Things Unify].

And if you want to truly achieve 100% "the unity of all things", it is probably only possible to search all over the world for the "bounded Creator" who claims to be omniscient and omnipotent.

The other old gods are probably inferior to the Creator.

If they had this kind of realm, they would not have been drowned by the flood at Ragnarok. As long as all things were brought back together, the entire material world would be their anchor.

Byron is still far, far away from the realm of "all things being unified", but he is very close to the realm of being "unified" with a thing like the storm.

Not only because of the extraordinary profession of [Storm Lord], but also because of the awakened self-god in the body - Narukami.

Born from the divine view of "seeing the heaven and earth, seeing all living beings, and finally seeing yourself".

The "god" born from the self is different for each person and represents one's true nature.

The Pirate King [Whale Hunter] once said:

"If you don't have a distinct personality and a lofty ideal that you have to accomplish even if you risk your life, a person will never be able to become a fifth-level legend."

Achieving this is actually no easier than finding the ladder of immortality that needs to be found to advance to the fifth level of [False God].

In other words, except for the "Sailboat Maniac" Moulton Gray, who was promoted through his unwavering "abnormality", most of the true fifth-level legends have gods of themselves.

To a certain extent, this is the ticket to promotion to the fifth level.

Because Byron suffered from ALS in his previous life, he was determined to be a man as free as the wind in this life, and [Narukami] naturally became the embodiment of this clear will.

Just like the storm elf, it has a natural fit with thunderous and stormy weather.

Therefore, the stronger the wind and waves, the stronger Byron will be!

In this weather, the promotion process went incredibly smoothly.


There was a soft sound in his ears, and the invisible barrier was broken. Byron had successfully promoted to the fourth level [Storm Lord].

The storm that was still very fierce around him immediately turned into a tame little sheep in front of him, and countless translucent storm elves cheered around the two bodies.

The main body [Wild Hunt] and the incarnation [Sea Hunter] opened their eyes at the same time, but there was always a storm rolling in the blue eyes.

Looking down at his hands, detailed information came to mind.

A series of abilities in the wind field: [Command the Storm Spirit], [Storm Halo], [Whisper of the Breeze], [Hand of Wind Element], [Storm Weapon], [Storm Wings]. All have been greatly enhanced.

It has become a large-scale anti-army capability such as [Group Storm Aura] and [Group Storm Weapon].

In addition, based on a series of knowledge he possesses, he has greatly expanded into the field of electricity:

"The [Microwave Hand] that can roast people out of thin air, the [Psychic Radio] that can independently build a communication network in the outside world without the legal network, the [Lightning Throw] that steals a trace of the power of the God of Thunder, etc."

Obviously, the professional name of Storm Lord itself means that Byron will continue to soar on the road of gathering.

As long as it is within a few kilometers of the radius covered by [Shen Jian], it is the natural home ground of the Storm Lord, and it can apply a series of group benefits to the fleet.

The ability in the wind field can rule the age of sails, and the ability in the electric field allows Byron to not be left behind even in the era of whale oil steam battleships that are still being imagined.

From now on, he is one of the best fleet commanders of this era. He can lead a huge fleet to travel long distances and cross level 13 storms without any difficulty.

In addition to these conventional abilities, the most critical thing is the knight's core professional skill - [Dragon Taming].

Since it is not possible to [unify all things] for the time being, let’s first try to unite humans and dragons into one, and humans and machines into one.

Byron's range of choices is much wider than others.

There are mithril dragons in the sky and Leviathans in the sea, and they don't need to be tamed at all. They are already familiar and can't be more familiar. The length and depth are clear.

Excluding the two queens, [Storm Lord] is best at taming things related to wind.

For example, Prince Sauronburg tamed the first-class sailing battleship [Blue Dragon King] and turned it into an extension of his body.

Now that Byron had the "Song of the Gods" that was naturally in perfect harmony with the storm, he chose to directly tame the storm itself without hesitation.

The main body [Wild Hunt] reached out and fished into the air in front of it, and fished out a translucent and delicate horn.


When the first sound is blown.

A more violent storm came, blowing the vanguard of the treasure fleet that was already on the sea to pieces.

On the second blow.

Eight storm djinn, more than five meters tall, floated behind Byron and beat their chests in salute.

Four of them are positively charged, with a "+" sign above their heads; four are negatively charged, with a "-" sign above their heads, and there are electric lights and thunder rumbling in their bodies.

They seem to be four pairs of battery brothers that make people laugh.

When the third sound is played.

Hundreds of wind elemental soldiers, whose lower body is a whirlwind and whose upper body is a gun-wielding humanoid, are arrayed neatly behind the eight storm djinn.

They clustered together behind Byron, making him look like a storm god coming to earth.

With his incomparable accumulation, Byron's strength displayed during the fourth-level qualitative transformation was obviously far superior to other extraordinary beings of the same level.

Exclusive Dragon Taming Technique [Storm Horn] Effect:

"Using your own weak power to leverage the power of atmospheric circulation, you can summon a storm to come, giving buffs to yourself and debuffs to the other party.

And summoned the storm djinn and the wind elemental army to assist in the battle.

The essence is to use the god of self to borrow the power of the storm. The higher the spiritual realm of oneself, the more violent the external storm, the stronger the power of [Storm Horn] will be. "

Byron nodded with satisfaction:

“I have no say in the weather, but my spiritual state can be improved through exercise.

Practicing together with the two queens is still the main means of training in the future. You must persist in practicing three times for a thousand years without wavering. "

Dragon taming is the core ability of fourth-level dragon knights. According to their own spiritual endurance, there are more than one things that can be tamed.

Not only will the two queens Catherine and Violet not take up Byron's load, but they can share the pressure with him with the help of the [Golden Triangle].

In addition to taming the storm, you can also choose a "dragon".

So, in the eyes of the onlookers.

[Wild Hunt] tamed the storm that can be carried around at any time, and [Sea Hunter] tamed his own [Golden Deer] that has great hope of transforming into a legendary warship.


This warship, which is not only the strongest heavy cruiser at present, but also a first-level holy relic, shines with spirituality, as if it has its own spirituality in an instant.

On the basis of powerful hardware, it has added extraordinary versions of the "fire control system", "power system", and "command system".

It is equivalent to an ordinary person suddenly realizing the "flow of mind", and can exert his own strength 100%, and become a fighting master.

At this point, Byron has truly become a "big ship saint" who is one with man and ship. A sword technique that falls from the sky is enough to sweep all sword schools, and he deserves the title of "ship saint".

When Byron just transformed into a mythical creature, he can fight four or five blue hairs. Although he is still at the fourth level now, his spirituality has just reached 16.8, far from the fourth level limit of 20 points.

But whether it is [Night Demon Prince], [Storm Lord], [Ming Shen Descendant], they are all the top existences in their respective fields, equivalent to three fourth-level combined into one.

There is almost no opponent in the fourth level. After firing at full power, it is not a problem to beat seven or eight blue-haired at a time.

The only thing that the fifth-level legend is better than him is that he has stronger spirituality and unreasonable magic. If it is an arm wrestling match, no one can beat him.

"Red Rose Lancaster! Die!"

"The one who deserves to die is you, the running dog of White Rose York!"

[Sea Hunter] and [Wild Hunter] just took advantage of the completion of the promotion and ignored the remaining remnants of Castilian people. They collided with each other like two blue meteors passing through the sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The two waved their spears and shook off the storm. The sound of thunder was endless, and the sharp shock wave blew huge holes in the heavy cumulonimbus clouds.

Byron took out "The Actor's Self-cultivation" and played a pair of sworn enemies to the fullest.

"Is this the unique profession of the Lancaster Dynasty [Storm Lord]? It's so powerful!

I wish I could change my profession too."

"Indeed, these two are worthy of being powerful figures known throughout the Old Continent. I heard that they already had the combat power of the fourth level before the breakthrough.

Now they have just broken through, and immediately left many old fourth-level players behind."

"I think they are not only strong in their profession, but also in themselves.

It is highly likely that both of them have awakened the God of Self. As long as they don't die, they will be eligible to be promoted to the fifth-level legend in the next few years!

It is not impossible for them to become the new [King] with their own huge forces."

The naval battle has been going on for several hours now. The front, middle and back guards, which were not far apart, have long been drifting farther and farther with the ocean currents and storms.

The average distance is at least a dozen nautical miles, but it can't block the sight of those extraordinary people.

Especially the mixed Black Sail Port pirates, who were amazed and dazzled by the battle between the two in the sky.

In their mouths, Byron Tudor's profession also quietly changed from [Pirate] to [Storm Lord].

The third-level core ability of a pirate is [Looting Like Fire].

As the commander-in-chief of the White Rose's anti-bandit campaign, [Sea Hunter] killed so many Lancaster Party members and Storm Knights, and it was natural for him to rob the corresponding professional system and promotion knowledge (Chapter 287).

When he reached the fourth level, he was like [Candy Witch] Ivanka who had been sublimated into a mythical creature.

It was also natural to use this robbed knowledge to "complete his profession" into a more powerful upper-level profession [Storm Lord].

No one doubted that he was a Storm Lord himself.

Byron's original body and incarnation performed a play in front of people for a while, and then rushed into the clouds together, completely blocking the sight of others, just letting the eight Storm Djinn "boom" and fight each other.

After temporarily jumping out of the "stage" set up by the Puppet King, he slightly parted the clouds and re-projected his sight onto the battlefield.

At this time, the battle between the conventional armies had basically ended. The rear guard of the treasure fleet was completely wiped out and fell into the hands of the three pirate warlords of Black Sail Port;

The main force was almost completely wiped out. Except for the [Niucheng], all the treasure ships fell into the hands of the Pioneer Navigation Colonial Trade Company;

The vanguard was almost completely wiped out. Except for the [Numa Nandana] which was still struggling to support, all the treasure ships fell into the hands of the three Wanmin pirates.

After losing the fleet that could gather the crowd, the high-end combat forces of the [Glory Ladder] sequence were insufficient in individual strength, and it was only a matter of time before they were defeated.

Even a fool knew that the best choice at this time was to turn around and run away. Sacrifice was meaningless.

But the [Probability Dice] was still in effect, vibrating every puppet thread on the battlefield, to guide everything to the right track set by the script.

The threads originally tied to the [Niucheng] and [Numa Nand] were also gradually splitting, touching the fourth-level extraordinary people of the fighting parties, trying their best to interfere with their fate.

"The Puppet King is getting anxious."

In Byron's heart, it didn't matter whether the remaining Castilians were alive or dead.

But since the predetermined goal of looting the financial report and the promotion of the whole family had been achieved, the conspiracy of [Puppet King] Louis was gradually understood through decryption.

The remaining Princess Party [Don Quixote] Jeanna; King Party [Green Lady], [Gulf Stream Mother]; Neutral Party Dipo Brothers and Sisters, if they can avoid killing, don't kill.

Now don't look at [Wild Hunt] and [Sea Hunter] showing their might, as if they have already dominated the battlefield, that's because the Puppet King is waiting for the two "Byrons" to continue to kill each other.

Once they retreat halfway and make a move to retreat with the treasure, the other party will definitely not tolerate it anymore and will definitely attack with all their strength immediately.

A move is thunderous.

So if they want to retreat smoothly with the treasure, they must lead out the mastermind when the high-end combat power of the three parties is the most intact!

In this way, the contradiction will be immediately transferred from the contradiction between the treasure fleet and the plunderers to the contradiction between everyone and the traitors and the mastermind.

After all, compared with foreign enemies, traitors are the most hated.

At this time, [Sea Hunter] and [Wild Hunt], as the lords of each side, temporarily put aside their personal grudges for the sake of their followers and collective interests. Not only will they not be suspected, but they will be praised by all parties for being able to accomplish great things.

Just like the great magician and son of the plane who summoned a meteor shower to turn the tide in the previous life, pointing to Luoshui and swearing to let go of the enemy who killed his brother, it was a good story for hundreds of years.

It was not until hundreds of years later that Luoshui became "unclean" because of another Luoshui oath.

"My biggest advantage now is that the Puppet King doesn't know that I already know that he is behind all this.

His plan this time should have been perfect, but he shouldn't have given the Sea Hunter and the Wild Hunt, the two old enemies, a chance to achieve 'intelligence reconciliation'.

As long as the reconciliation is done, it will be like the bald eagle playing tricks between the lion and the camel, and even their underwear will be stripped clean.

Now I'll see if you can hold it in!"

While Byron's mind was racing, the returning oarfish had already fished out the [Navigator] Catalina from the sea, but could not break through the border maze that was further strengthened on the periphery of the [Golden Deer].

A buzzing female voice came from his stomach:

"Didn't your mother tell you that you must never swallow bubble gum when eating it, otherwise it will stick to your intestines?

I'll spin and jump to see if it hurts."

However, the [Candy Witch] was not digested completely, and was transformed into a bubble gum form, turning upside down in the sea monster's stomach.

Wycliffe on the [Cowtown] was alone, but because he was entangled by the thread of fate, he fought to the death with red eyes.

On the [Romainan], Jeanna Don Quixote continued to fight with Violet with a 20-pound "weight".

Influenced by the probability dice, he planned to sacrifice his life for his country and die with the Gulf Princess.

The puppet [Captain Goat] Alex commanded his pirates and goat-headed descendants to besiege [Gulf Stream Mother] Apasuna and [Green Lady] Angelia regardless of casualties.

A sneaky little boy puppet was approaching them quickly, preparing to attack from both sides.

But as Byron snapped his fingers.


A raven hiding on the [Romainan] instantly unfolded the title ability of [Father of Modern Medicine] "Surgical Table".

Using the "transplant" function, conceptually, all the negative fate affecting this ship was transferred to a fish under the water.

Jeanna Don Quixote shuddered and suddenly woke up, shouting:

"The princess is still waiting for us, we can't die here meaninglessly, retreat!"

At the same time, the voice of [Wild Hunt] came from the sky:

"Come and help me take down [Sea Hunter]."

Violet and the Thief Baron let the [Ruma Nada] carry Jeanna, Angelia, and Apasuna, three fourth-level warriors, out of the encirclement.

[Captain Goat] alone was powerless to stop it.

The same was true on the other side.

With the second "transplant" of the Raven, the Dibo brothers and sisters who regained consciousness immediately took the [Bull City] and ran away, and Catherine and the Great Shaman on the Golden Deer didn't care at all.

They didn't care, but some people were anxious.

These people who escaped were ranked higher than the two "Byrons" on the [Puppet King's] must-kill list.

If they were allowed to escape successfully, not only would his efforts to stop the reproduction of the [Incompetent] be in vain, but his image as a good brother that he had been trying to maintain in front of Henry IV would also be shattered on the spot.


In the middle of the warships that had not yet run far away, a golden dot suddenly lit up, turning into an illusory brass sextant.

As a series of formulas: "cos z = sinφ sinδ+ cosφ cosδ cos t" flashed by, the local precise longitude and latitude were obtained.

The movable arm on the sextant began to slide by itself.

Right below the ruler, a huge quasi-legendary warship also grew from small to large, as if it had teleported here from a very far distance in just a moment.

It was the flagship of the [Puppet King] - the Dream Castle!

The man behind the scenes finally couldn't help but step onto the stage himself.

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